
Chapter 145: Flirt with him every now and then



The female reporter of the Votto Daily looked at the old man in front of her. Although she believed in the Prophet, she couldn't help but feel a little shaken. Not only did Woolf not turn into an involuntary humanoid puppet as in the legends outside, he looked pretty good, with a rare bit of blood on his shriveled face, and bright eyes, as if something good had happened, enthusiastically. Greet her to sit.

There was a special floral fragrance in the reception room, and the female reporter casually flattered: "Your indoor incense is really special, what is it?"

"Black tulip, also known as the Queen of the Night." Woolf laughed, "I still have a lot of seeds there, if you like it, you can take a few with you."

When the female reporter noticed his smile, she couldn't help but froze for a moment. It was not a polite social smile. His eyes were wide open, and the light reflected in them was like a handful of broken gold, jumping slightly, just like many years. His long-cherished wish was fulfilled, and suddenly he felt a sense of joy. For some reason, when people saw it, they couldn't help but be happy with him.

The female reporter couldn't help but blurted out an unplanned question: "Marshal, is there any good news recently? You seem to be in a good mood."

Woolf smiled without saying a word, and calmly brought the topic out. The two chatted for a while without pain. The female reporter glanced down at her wrist. A green light flashed on the inside of her wrist. There is a genetic detector installed in the terminal, which can avoid the security inspection of the Marshal's House. This thing starts from the contact between the two people, and it is analyzing the genes of the person in front of him - it is indeed Mrs. Wool.

Not a fake, nor a deadly genetic disease.

"Marshal, let's talk about Order No. 306. I heard that many people don't understand your decision recently. In particular, there are many Central Army troops who resisted No. 306 by delaying. Some people sarcastically said, You are a 'living person', and you know that poor relatives in the countryside are more terrible than robbers, so leave the pirates alone, and if the heart of the rose is a little troublesome, you must strictly guard against it."

Woolf replied without changing his face: "If you notice, the increase of Rose Heart's troops is not uncontrolled, our basis is the 'border guard' standard, because of the unexpected passage of Rose Heart, it is so It is an undisputed frontier land, you have to admit it? The Heart of the Rose and the Outer Territory are frontiers, and we just treat them equally."

"You mean, it is equivalent to acknowledging the independence of the Eighth Galaxy."

"There is still controversy in the Parliament," Woolf said cautiously, "but the Eighth Galaxy is geographically speaking, and the alliance is time-spaced, the center of the alliance is uncontrollable, and it has no connection with the alliance for sixteen years, and it has constituted an independent essence; In terms of internal affairs, they have a well-prepared government and army, and their own legal system. They are not interstellar pirates who live by robbery and plunder, and they have even accepted a large number of refugees from other galaxies. Their existence is just, and even Jingheng is willing to admit it. They. Then according to the Declaration of Freedom, as long as it is the will of the people, the Eighth Galaxy has the right to withdraw from the Star Alliance. In our actual deployment, it is also justified to treat the Heart of the Rose as a 'frontier'"

Wang Ailun looked away from the monitor, and said to the contact person in his personal terminal: "The Queen of the Night is really amazing. First of all, it makes people's memory confusing, and then unclear. I followed your guide step by step and immersed myself in a beautiful dream, being you. The key to what he wants to do is that in this process, he can also spontaneously complete the logic in it, and explain his own anomalies by himself, which is more calm than biochips that are easily detected by instruments. Great new ephemeris Times, even puppets are fully automatic."

The secret contact person in the personal terminal took off the big hood covering the entire upper body, revealing Lin Jingshu's face: "Then there must be someone who has stayed by his side for nearly two hundred years and knows everything about him."

As she said this, she turned her eyes and smiled a little weirdly: "But then again, the 'Queen of the Night' can make some people swell into monarchs, make some people richer than the galaxy, and make some people get revenge. Thinking of first love? What kind of thing, it sounds too stupid, I can't associate this kind of thing with the marshal, this is really a black humor that can make me laugh for half a year."

"Ma'am," Wang Ailun said sternly, "you take power, money, and bloodshed for granted. Only true love is a stupid joke. This is too unpolitically correct."

The two looked at each other for a moment across the personal terminal, and laughed at the same time.

Lin Jingshu wiped the tears from her laughter: "Be careful of that woman from the Wotto Daily, she's not just a pole."

"I know that the anti-Ukraine will be the little bastard under Harris." Wang Ailun said indifferently, "Harris was exiled in the eighth galaxy, and when he came back to power in the anti-Ukraine, I was the contact throughout the whole process. In my eyes, he is a transparent person, and he can't find any flowers."

"The secretary-general said so, I'll just believe it." Lin Jingshu said softly, "But if the partner is unreliable, he will be abandoned."

Wang Ailun seemed to have been licked by a poisonous snake, and the smile on his face that had not had time to dissipate suddenly became unbearable.

"It's just a reminder, nothing else." Lin Jingshu showed her face again, "A few small bugs crawled out of the wormhole that had reacted abnormally for half a month. Now I should have a good talk with the people from Duke. Have you reported to the Military Commission yet for a veteran?"

Wang Ailun's jaw tightened.

Those who belonged to the Central Army looked down on him. Wang Ailun knew that he had no military exploits, had never led a team, and had never fought a battle. Even if he became the secretary-general of the Alliance Council, they were respectful on the surface, but in private they still felt that he was a man. Woolf's servant girl.

As soon as Wang Ailun graduated, he worked as a private secretary beside Woolf. He worked in artificial intelligence for nearly two hundred years, and did his best in trivial matters, but even Lu Xin, who was heartless, knew how to help the people around him and pave the way for them. Give them a chance, won't Woolf understand

After so many years, he has really taken him as an artificial intelligence without his own ideas!

As long as Woolf is dead, the current Alliance Council is not considered a fart. Wang Ailun can now deeply understand why the Eden Management Committee refused to delegate military autonomy when he died.

Wang Ailun said word by word: "I will let them know that Woolf is old, and even if Lu Xin's stone tablet is rebuilt, it is only made of stone, and I will let them know whose era this is."

"Okay, Uncle Allen, I'll wait and see," Lin Jingshu said. "Fortunately, there are people from me in the Border Guard Army of the First Galaxy. I have sent a few people to sow discord for you. You're welcome."

The interview has come to an end, and Woolf has not revealed any flaws, and the female reporter of the Votto Daily seems to have not noticed any clues. Wang Ailun whispered to his subordinates: "Keep an eye on her, all weather, if there is any change, immediately silence."

The eighth galaxy, the morning star.

"I don't believe it, what is General Lu Xin's old department - I don't think General Lu Xin's eyes are very good." Turan was the first to say, "Isn't Ankru a lesson from the past? Why is it so coincidental, ours just arrived, Rose. Zhixin was ambushed by pirates before he even went out? What did the Border Guards of the First Galaxy do? They stepped up patrols and let them in? Was Duke stupid or intentional? , Commander, rub your eyes and see for yourself, does this little white-faced, pointed-mouthed monkey-cheek look like our chief executive?"

Lin Jingheng: ""

Who are the chiefs

Lu Bixing hurriedly coughed: "If other pirates crossed the border guards to sneak in, it would be impossible, but the Free Legion is hard to say, the secret users of opium are everywhere, on the day of the Glorious Corps' surrender, asteroids are in the alliance and central It's not like Lin was kidnapped under the eyes of the army, is this Lord credible?"

. .

"Lord?" Lin Jingheng frowned slowly and said carefully, "I have indeed been my chief guard."

Lu Bixing asked, "What exactly is the position of the chief guard?"

"Chief Guard" Lu Bixing knew a little from Zhan Lu, but currently the Eighth Galaxy does not have this position.

If Lin Jingheng travels with the mecha, the guards usually only use people from the ten silver guards, and the others are not enough to be disturbed by him. At this time, after sorting out the military defense of the entire eighth galaxy, everything started. Lin Jingheng had very little personal time, and occasionally had leisure, and only stayed at home to accompany the landing. The place where the dignitaries of the independent government of the Eighth Galaxy live together has strict unified security, and there is no need to hire a private bodyguard team for the time being.

Thomas Yang answered quickly: "'Pro-Guard'? That's for show. The Alliance Central will assign a group of people who don't know what to do to each general, what kind of guards, secretaries, etc. Some people were followed by a dozen adjutants. After we left, the admiral Li who took over the Silver Fortress was said to have eighteen adjutants alone."

"Isn't it true, you have to bring your family with you," Turan sneered and licked the corner of his mouth, "It's a particularly big goal to kill."

A group of people collectively shivered, only the Bayer Guard Captain of Silver Ten showed envy, jealousy and hatred, and he still broods over Turan for robbing him of his "business".

"Lord is nominally the captain of the guard, but in fact, he is only responsible for the public mailbox of the Silver Fortress. Occasionally, he makes a statement to the outside world, or goes back to Votto to run an errand. The background of these young masters and soldiers is very complicated. Just stepping on the thunder, the commander doesn't like to use them." Poisson Yang said, "Thomas and I were ordered to follow Woolf to the Fortress of Angel City and stayed in the first star system for the longest time. As far as I know, Lord guards After the commander-in-chief left the Silver Fortress, he took the initiative to resign and left, returned to Votto, and became a low-level officer in the Capital Star Guard Army, and later withdrew to Angel City with the army."

"That's weird," Lin Jingheng said, "I don't like to use them. Ares Lee didn't say that he didn't like to use them. Lorde is an honorary graduate of Ulan College, the son of the current principal of Ulan College, and Li that flatterer. Do you still wear the young master's shoes?"

After Lin Jingheng left the alliance with a fake death, the Ten Silver Guards left the alliance, and the Silver Fortress was shaken. After a while, General Li will be replaced. With the background and qualifications of the former chief guard Lord, he will undoubtedly be a popular candidate, and his future in the Silver Fortress is limitless.

Just resigning like this and returning to Votto to be a little-known security captain doesn't seem like a normal person's choice.

"At the beginning, Poisson and I felt it was a pity when we heard the news. At that time, I also said that the personal cult of the personal guard led to the obsession, and we might plan to go back to Votto to register as a 'General Bailin'," Thomas Yang said. After the seriousness turned down, he said meaningfully, "But who knows that five years later, fortunes and misfortunes will be unpredictable, the Silver Fortress will be accidentally attacked, and the entire First Galaxy will fall. Only the guards of Votto are the first group to follow the escort of the dignitaries to the angels. The city fortress—this kind of luck will not be blessed by our family commander, right?"

As we all know, if you worship another religion, you might actually be able to worship an obvious spirit.

General Bailin, most of them can only worship blood three feet.

So Lord's personal guard, is it a miracle? Or is there someone behind it

"Tell the interstellar expedition team to build a temporary communication platform over there," Lin Jingheng said, "I'll tell them."

The temporary communication platform is very simple. It only needs a relay device that can communicate with both sides. Mint skillfully directs the artificial intelligence on several starships to become a communication platform, and the signals cannot be transmitted in real time, so Lin Jingheng is not in a hurry to speak.

The moment his image appeared on the communication screen, Lord seemed to hold his breath, and his eyes became very complicated. After a long time, his throat trembled slightly, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Long time no see, General, can I pour you another glass? Rum with ice would be fine."

Lin Jingheng's brows moved, and at the same time, the Yang brothers also looked at each other.

Thomas Yang explained to Lu Bixing in a low voice: "Generals don't drink rum without ice, Commander, do you know?"

Lu Bixing: ""

I really do not know this one.

In front of him, Lin Jingheng is a model of the standard behavior of adults. He is clean, tidy and organized. Although he can't help smoking and drinking, he is very restrained. He is extremely self-disciplined in his work and rest. No more beer.

It turned out that he wasn't born like this, Lu Bixing couldn't help but swayed, and vaguely remembered that a long time ago, he had made up life goals for himself and Lin Jingheng. where I grew up.

That day, Lu Bixing was in the hotel room of Galaxy City, and he said indiscriminately that he "can't give back the person he likes a little bit", Lin Jingheng seemed to realize something, and then gradually stopped trying to remind them of the past. How to get along, every day is grinding to adapt to new relationships.

The past six months have passed peacefully and tacitly, but for some reason, those things that seemed like a lifetime have not disappeared because they were ignored. Recently, they have been like the weeds swept by the spring breeze, quietly growing new shoots, and occasionally teasing him.

"I didn't drink it when I was in the Silver Fortress before," Poisson Yang, the EQ responsible for the third guard of Silver, immediately remedied, "It's like this, when the commander doesn't want Lord to know about something, he will Send him out to find ice, and after a long time, he will become 'no ice, no ice' - that's not the point, the point is that Lord deliberately said something wrong, trying to imply something?"

Bayer shrugged: "It seems that Lord has not made much progress for so many years. He will say such low-level code words, just like a minor who is trapped in a cult."

The former head of the bodyguard who "was trapped in a cult" said to Lin Jingheng word by word: "Old Marshal Woolf is still very strong, and he has to go out for morning exercises every day. When he appeared in the media two days ago, he also expressed that he was very Miss you."

If every sentence is ironic, what he means is that Woolf is dying, barely showing his face, and being restricted from freedom.

Lin Jingheng asked calmly: "Thank you for worrying, the old marshal is old and has no relatives by his side. Who will take care of him?"

Lord said: "Of course it is Secretary General Wang Ailun."

Alan Wang has served as the chief secretary of the Union Parliament, restricting Woolf's freedom.

Lin Jingheng lowered his eyes slightly: "The old coach is over three hundred and twenty, hasn't he retired yet?"

"The trivial matters are almost ignored, and the main thing is to sign some important orders," Lord said meaningfully. "The situation in the alliance has just stabilized, and the central armies in various places have just taken their places. You can't do it without him."

It means that the Central Army in various places relies on Woolf, the supreme commander, to suppress it. If they know that Woolf is dead in name only, then the alliance may be in chaos.

Lord is now Duke's subordinate, and if what he said is true, these words cannot be known to colleagues and superiors, so they can only be conveyed in this veiled way.

The wormhole dragged the conversation between the two sides for a long time. One party said that the other party would have to wait for a long time to reply, and a cold sweat broke out in Lord's palm.

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