
Chapter 147: Don't tell Jingheng


Zhan Lu came back with Lin Jingheng.

There are actually a lot of sycophants in the eighth galaxy. In the past, no one dared to touch the bad head of the chief. Later, when General Lin came back, "Repair the first mecha of the alliance" was naturally put on the agenda under the active promotion of some sycophants. How to keep Zhan Lu On the basis of the original function, the cost was reduced, and it became a carnival for the technical experts of the engineering department.

Today's Zhan Lu is the No. 4 experiment. He is still the image of a soldier with short flaxen hair. Following behind Lin Jingheng, "No. 4" is not very stable except for the fine net. Whether it is appearance or behavior, it is basically the same as before. No difference.

The two of them went home a little earlier, because according to the Votto calendar, it was Lu Xin's death anniversary, so Lin Jingheng left a few hours early, detoured to the central square, and sat under the stone statue for ten minutes.

As the core of the eighth galaxy, Galaxy City is used to seeing political dignitaries, so it doesn't seem strange, and Lin Jingheng is notoriously difficult to speak, so when he sees it from a distance, no one bothers him. On the surrounding streets, people and vehicles were diverted, hurrying, and bland as usual. Lin Jingheng realized that no one knew what the day meant.

First, it was not officially advertised by the Eighth Galaxy. Second, there were too many differences between the two calendars, the "Votto Calendar" and the "Independent Calendar". For several years, none of the residents here have been able to count the Union time. Maybe some old men of the Liberty Alliance who had been with Lu Xin in the early years still remember, but these people are now the backbone of the eighth galaxy, scattered on the major planets to perform important tasks, and they are not able to do anything, and they are unlikely to come to Galaxy City to pay their respects.

Lin Jingheng has always had a hard time getting used to the independent calendar. When he first came back, he had to rely on the personal terminal to remind him of the time, and the year, month, and day were often confused. If someone mentioned the independent year x year x month x day, he could quickly convert it in his heart. For a moment, I was most afraid of hearing words like "last year" and "x years ago", and I couldn't find Bei.

If someone came to ask him "Gui Geng", the commander might have to give him a shot.

There is no resistance to the implementation of the new calendar among the inhabitants of the earth, because those who live on the natural planet have long been accustomed to having two sets of timekeeping methods—the official one, and the other according to the rotation and revolution period of the earth and planet.

The former is just a ruler, similar to the common language, and daily life still has to follow the latter, like the dialect spoken in daily life.

Only people who have been in space all year round will get used to the official calendar.

Lin Jingheng has always kept two sets of calendars in his personal terminal. Until today, his first reaction is always Votto time.

How a person uses the calendar, like which foot he likes to put on his shoes first, is really a trivial matter, but the hidden things behind this trivial matter are much more complicated than two calendar systems.

Lin Jingheng never told Lu Bixing about Vottoli. At first, he was afraid that he would think too much, and later he was afraid that it would affect his position as the chief.

The eighth galaxy and the alliance are separated by a huge gap, and Lin Jingheng always thinks that the two sides will be in a state of equilibrium for a long time in the future.

But he didn't expect that things would change so quickly, and it was almost time that he hadn't had time to let Lu Bixing get used to him, and he hadn't had time to destroy the nightmare beast when the man returned from his midnight dream.

All of a sudden, all the issues he had been delaying thinking about before came to the fore.

What kind of relationship will the Eighth Galaxy and the Alliance have in the future

How should he and the Silver Ten Guardians face the alliance

What is the attitude of the 800 million refugees from the Alliance

What are the attitudes of the residents of the eighth star system

If there is a conflict of interest one day, who should compromise

Will the alliance and the eighth galaxy meet one day, as if both sides are fighting for their own positions and their compatriots

At that time, how will those people who secretly use Vottoli deal with themselves

Lin Jingheng lit a cigarette and froze for a while. When he came back and stuffed it in his mouth, the cigarette butt had already burned.

Due to the silence and laissez-faire of the chief, there was still a fabricated movie about Lu Xin on the three-dimensional screen of the shopping mall opposite the square, and the plot made the insider see it with laughter. Lin Jingheng raised his head and looked at Lu Xin's tall stone statue, and suddenly felt that Lu Xin was here, like the eighth sun, everyone sang praises, and the halo was too much to see, but few people could approach him.

Lin Jingheng threw the cigarette butt into the cleaning robot with its mouth open, turned to go home, felt a little lonely for no reason, and was silent all the way.

"Sir," Zhan Lu told him when he was approaching the door, "Dr. Harden is here."

Lin Jingheng knew, and said "um" without looking back.

Zhan Lu added: "Principal Lu and Dr. Harden were talking in the living room, but now the living room blocks me."

Although Zhan Lu acts as an electronic housekeeper, because he is too smart and likes to participate in the master's life, he will be blocked by the master at some times and in some areas, especially at night.

But in the clear sky, blocking Zhan Lu in the living room

Isn't Mr. Lu going to bring tea and water to the guests by himself

Besides, the people who are received at home are all personal friends, and no one will talk about military and political secrets. Why do you block Zhan Lu

As long as the guest today is not the old Harden with dentures, Lin Jingheng almost feels that the color of the hat is wrong.

When Lin Jingheng was about to push the door, he instructed Zhan Lu, "Don't say I'm back."

Afterwards, Mr. Shuai of the Eighth Star System turned around his own house for half a circle, picked the side with the backlight, and nimbly grabbed the window lattice and pushed it up, as if walking on the ground, with three strikes, five divisions, two from Climbed outside to the second floor terrace.

He is actually a skilled worker who breaks through the door!

Zhan Lu: "Quite elegant, sir."

Lin Jingheng: "Stop talking nonsense, come and open the door for me."

The humanoid Zhan Lu stretched out his hand and pressed it against the wall, merged with the wall, and disappeared quickly. Then, the door lock on the terrace automatically bounced with a "click", and Lin Jingheng walked in quietly, who was basking in the sun. Popcorn was caught off guard and met him head-on, and was so frightened that he wished he could grow a thousand legs, and was about to run against the floor, but was caught seven inches by the mechanical hand that emerged from the floor and fixed in place.

In order to save space, the angle of the stairs is relatively large, and there is just a place above it to block people.

Just below is the meeting room.

Blocking artificial intelligence is very simple and has permission. As long as the master says a word, Zhan Lu will not eavesdrop 100%. But if there are people here, separated by a row of stairs and a door, only a very simple volume amplifier is needed to hear what people are saying inside, and personal terminals can be implemented.

When Lin Jingheng sat down, he happened to hear Dr. Harden's words: "Someone proposed to try it with a biochip, but Jingshu insisted."

Lin Jingheng: ""

As long as Lu Bixing wanted to know, Dr. Harden really couldn't keep any secrets, but he really didn't expect the "Haden card answering machine" to cooperate so happily.

Before Lu Bixing's cliché, although he was mentally prepared, there was still a "hum" in his mind after hearing the sentence "irreversible damage".

Seeing his straight eyes, Dr. Harden thought he didn't know how to evaluate Lin Jingshu, and continued: "But her thoughts are probably not the same as Mr. Lu's. She didn't refuse to use the chip because it was dangerous. On Jingheng, she didn't know which level of chip to use for him, and she didn't know how to face him. She preferred to let Jingheng lie down in a vegetative state. At that time, Jingshu should have admitted that she didn't understand. The twins are older, so she is afraid. The relationship between the twins is more complicated. They have grown up with each other since childhood. I think she sometimes regards Jingheng as part of her personality. He can die, and he can be a There is no sign of consciousness, but she and the past cannot be denied."

Lu Bixing's ears roared, and Dr. Harden's words seemed to sound far away.

When talking about the Freedom Legion occasionally, Lin Jingheng actually didn't hide anything deliberately. After all, the Freedom Legion is now the number one terrorist organization in the alliance, and it is likely to be their enemy in the future. But his words are always lacking in emotion, restrained and objective, and what he says most is the hierarchical suppression of "opium chips" and the expansion of the Free Legion.

The Silver Ten Guardians, who knew the inside story, kept their mouths shut, so that many people listened, leaving only the general impression that "the dictator and commander of the Free Legion are old acquaintances".

Lin Jingheng didn't like to mention his past before, but if someone asked, he would say something. Lu Bixing vaguely remembered that Lin once talked to him about his sister, saying that she was quiet and well-behaved, she was quiet when she was happy or not, she liked to give gifts secretly, but was embarrassed to admit it.

Since when did he deliberately avoid these topics

Lu Bixing struggled to find his voice: "Zhan Luke, all the information about Lin in Zhan Luli is after he was adopted."

"Yeah," Dr. Harden sighed, "I heard that you captured Laura Geddon's message to the Anti-Ukrainian Society, and you probably know the relationship between the two of them. Xiao Lin Wei has never known how to deal with him and the two. Children - you don't have this experience, I don't know if you can understand, political marriage, husband and wife are separated all the year round, the child is cultured in vitro by collecting cells, and it is the same as the knot on the tree. In fact, the general breeding center will require parents to visit the child regularly during the breeding process. Establishing a parent-child relationship through some activities and experiences is a mandatory rule, and parents who do not sign in on time may be deprived of custody. But those two, one is the senior military committee, the other is the master of the White Tower, no one can offend the training center. , one sent personal soldiers, the other sent researchers, and they just didn’t meet.”

Lu Bixing's heart seemed to be clamped with tweezers, and he squeezed a little bit of skin, but it didn't count, and he twisted it fiercely—

"Fortunately, it was popular in Wotto's breeding center for a while. The two children can still depend on each other. If there is only one, I don't know what it will look like." Dr. Harden sighed, "Laura is My best student, but I still think it's not right for the two of them."

On the stairs, the chameleon climbed down one step at a time and approached Lin Jingheng.

Lin Jingheng gave it a cold look and motioned it to go away, but the stupid thing couldn't understand the face, and the two stubby front claws were attached to the commander's legs, and soon became the same color as his pants. . Lin Jingheng grabbed it by the neck, picked it up and pulled it aside, the chameleon slumped down the stairs aggrievedly, and turned wood-colored again.

"This is Lin Wei." Dr. Harden took a pair of eyes that were not very useful, and finally pulled out a photo from his personal terminal. Lu Bixing looked down at it. The Lin Wei in the photo was very young, and he talked to Lin who was one of the best. The commander-in-chief is different, Lieutenant General Lin Wei looks much gentler, his face is very calm, and there is a calmness in his eyebrows. At first glance, Lin Jingheng does not look like him, only a rare smile, "The Management Committee and the Military Commission A secret agreement was reached to conceal the betrayal of the alliance by Laura Gdon, who was in charge of the White Tower at the time. The condition was that General Lin Wei personally sent troops to clean up their remnants. He forcibly fell off the fine net in a battle and was seriously injured. Rejecting the Garden of Eden, abusing drugs and hallucinogens, and dying young?"

Lu Bixing asked softly, "Don't you mean political marriage?"

"Political marriage was proposed by the management committee, but if you wanted Laura, it was Lin Wei who took the initiative to speak up. Laura Laura was deeply influenced by me, and some issues were extreme. She probably felt that marrying him would also be good for the management. It was one of the compromises the committee had to make. I don't think even Laura knew that Lin Wei had such a deep affection for her. Now that I think about it, Lin Wei's death actually changed a lot of things."

The cold and estranged shelter is also a shelter. The twins who lost their father were forcibly separated, one held a sharp weapon with no direction, and the other pulled the devil's hand. Marshal Woolf, who was about to retire, lost his last sustenance, and since then he has completely lost his sustenance. The management committee broke down, and Lu Xin was involved because of the "forbidden fruit". He taught himself a lesson before, but he was still unwilling to protect himself, causing the alliance to self-destruct the Great Wall. Submerged eight galaxies.

The two were silent with each other for a while, and Lu Bixing said, "So she locked you both on an asteroid, similar to Dr. Space Prison, you mean, did she want to kill Lin in the first place?"

Dr. Harden opened his mouth, and he finally remembered what Lin Jingheng asked him to keep secret, and temporarily changed his words bluntly: "General Lin won't let me tell you the specific situation, he's back anyway, you can ask him."

Lu Bixing smiled palely and patiently changed the subject: "Okay, let's not talk about this - I have read those books in ancient times, the ancient earth people are very interesting, people living on an asteroid, just rely on appearance and language Different ethnic groups and groups can be distinguished, and it is easy to identify who is a compatriot and who is an enemy. Protecting compatriots and fighting against enemies is 'righteousness'. It is as clear as engraved in genes and enviable. Doctor, you have lived for three hundred and twenty years, and you have been searching for an answer all your life, can you tell me for reference, have you found an answer? Where should I take the eighth galaxy, the Heart of the Rose Wormhole On the day of the experiment, at the peak, there were 760 million people online at the same time, where should I take these 760 million people?"

Today's alliance is built on the ruins of false lies, and the Free Legion is built on graves full of bones.

And what about the eighth galaxy

A distant stone statue, and an even more distant declaration of freedom

Dr. Harden was silent.

"Don't tell me about the unification of the alliance, I don't have this feeling, and I have no such thing," Lu Bixing said, "A small eighth galaxy will let me manage it like this, and we have all seen the fate of the unification of the alliance, even if I really How can you not repeat the same mistakes once you have lost your shit luck?"

"And the connection we established with the First Galaxy Border Guard through Heart of Roses," Lu Bixing said, "To tell you the truth, I have wanted people to secretly destroy this communication platform every day for more than ten days. I even thought Find a way to destroy the natural wormhole area like blowing up the transition point."

Dr. Harden sighed.

Lu Bixing whispered: "Please keep these words confidential, don't tell Jingheng."

Lin Jingheng, who had already heard it, clenched the fist hanging on his side gently.

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