
Chapter 148: Is it time for something?


Lin Jingheng put his finger on his personal terminal. He thought he was fearless all his life. At that moment, what he thought was not to kick the door and break in, but to turn off the bug and erase Zhan Lu's record. , jumped out of the window and pretended not to hear anything.

Lu Bixing continued in a very soft voice, "I don't want him to feel that he made me feel insecure."

Lin Jingheng's breathing stagnated.

"He accommodated me too much, and the pressure has always been great," Lu Bixing said. "People are very bored, and no matter how much they worry, they won't let go."

Dr. Harden: ""

When the old man remembered what Lin Jingheng had done on the asteroid, his heart trembled, feeling that he and Lu Bixing might not know the same person.

When Lu Bixing saw the little expression on the doctor's face about to petition, he knew that this bitter old gentleman was afraid that Lin Jingheng would have a psychological shadow and ran to him to complain.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this complaint.

Lu Bixing had no choice but to smile at him with a hint of apology, and at the same time, he felt a little uncomfortable - everyone thought that Lin Jingheng was a jerk, and if he had a breath, he would be able to stir up a world upside down, even if he was bombed. The fragments of the opened ecological capsule pierced through the air, and he turned around and resurrected full of blood, as if he would not feel pain, not afraid, and not a mortal body.

"I always want to run away, Dr. Harden," Lu Bixing said, "I used to like to play that kind of muddy role, handing over decision-making power to others, fantasizing about making suggestions with one mouth, and making everyone happy, forever Don't make choices that might hurt some people, always want to be a good person. Later I found out that this is not a humanist spirit, it's just me passing the pressure on - I'm just talking about closing the eighth galaxy, just take us With the current level of technology, even a stable communication signal cannot be achieved, how can it be possible to destroy the natural wormhole area?"

Dr. Harden sighed: "Yes, and you belong to General Lu Xin after all."

"I am the son of the eighth galaxy, and I have only one guardian. He is in the cemetery," Lu Bixing interrupted Old Harden flatly, and then, as if aware of the harshness of his tone, Lu Bixing smiled at him again After a moment, "I personally admire General Lu Xin and his declaration of freedom, but you also know that I am only a part of my body that retains a little bit of his genes, and the blood relationship is not deep, let alone inherited. It's okay, let's play emotional cards to fool outsiders."

Lin Jingheng looked in the direction of the living room in disbelief, as if his eyes were about to penetrate the thick stairwell and the soundproof door.

For so long, he hadn't figured out how to discuss Lu Xin with Lu Bixing. Because Lu Xin is also a part of the past, the last time they talked about General Lu Xin, the two of them were trapped by the rainbow virus together, desperately going to the nest outside the Anti-Ukraine Association halfway. General Lu's "masterpiece".

Lin Jingheng thought about it a lot, and he even secretly worried whether Lu Bixing would blame him for his long concealment, or think that his approach had other intentions.

But no, Lu Bixing has maintained his state after the injection of the soothing agent No. 6 - calm and withdrawn from this matter.

It turns out that his indifference is not because the layout is big and he can think about it

Lu Bixing politely said to Dr. Harden, "I'm sorry to bother you with these confusions."

"No," Dr. Harden shook his head, "if Jingshu is willing to be like you, willing to sit down with me and have a good talk, instead of forcing me to give her experimental data, probably"

"Ms. Lin's idea is not necessarily unreasonable," Lu Bixing said. "If the world becomes what she envisioned, at least it won't repeat the mistakes of the Garden of Eden."

"Mr. Lu," Dr. Harden suddenly turned serious, the bitter gourd-like old face was covered with a layer of indescribable due to this strange solemnity, "Actually, no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you think, you want to find a way for the future. A new way out, no matter what kind of new relationship and new system the alliance and the Eighth Galaxy will be in the future, they will eventually repeat the mistakes of the alliance and perish once again. This is destined—this is me Having lived for more than 300 years, made countless mistakes, and took countless detours, the only experience I can tell you."

Lu Bixing was stunned.

"Back then, the Eden Management Committee covered the sky with one hand. I, Laura, Woolf, Lin Jingshu, and even Jingheng all pushed the alliance more or less. On the surface, it was the struggles of our people that broke the alliance apart." Dr Harden said, "But the last census before the war actually showed that within the Union, the birth rate of null-encephalic infants had been rising rapidly at a rate of 0.4% per year in the past decade, and at the same time, in the Eden environment, the consumption of emotional drugs It’s also going up year by year, which means that, at this rate, within a generation, there’s bound to be chaos in the league, and at best we’re just speeding up the process.”

"I don't know if President Lu has heard of a classic horror conjecture in the ancient earth era." Dr. Harden said, "Someone asked, 'In our future, will we die of Orwellian or dead? Huxley' (Note 1)?"

"Well, I've heard a little, AD, the 20th century," Lu Bixing said. "The budding of interstellar civilization, historians believe, is the beginning of the countdown to the 'Earth Age'."

"Yes, these two great prophets, one describing a society driven by repressive tyranny, driven by never-ending hatred and despotism, the other a society of dolls entertained to death, voluntarily brainwashed, set; An era of eternal but inexorable war, another era of war disappearing, humanity being united, and all being immersed in psychedelics." Dr. Harden said in a hoarse, soothing voice, "But four An epoch has passed, and the reality is that we often swing between these two prophecies—like the old ephemeris era that the Alliance overthrew, like the Garden of Eden, which has become so dangerous.”

Lu Bixing asked, "And the Freedom Legion?"

- -

"The Freedom Legion The Freedom Legion dares to think a little bit more. Lin Jingshu's ambition has a meaning of destruction. She tries to combine two seemingly opposite traps into one, and the biochip rises through the east wind after the broken Garden of Eden to lure those suffering and fragile. People voluntarily fall into traps, undergo transformation, use technology to interfere with the social fabric, which is what Huxley did - and then govern her empire with terror, irresistible coercion, and hierarchical tyranny, which is Orwell's The world." Dr. Harden smiled bitterly, "She is efficient and fast to make money, and she kills a bloody path with a knife."

Lu Bixing thought for a while: "In some respects, it's very remarkable. From a contemporary point of view, we think she may be cruel and inhuman, but what if she really succeeds? A few years later, everyone will learn from the history books. When I read about that chaotic alliance, I would despise it very much, because in them, everyone follows the steps and performs their own duties, and has a fixed promotion path. Everyone is not confused and is very happy. There's no oppression either - the chip's hierarchical oppression allows them to obey from the heart without feeling oppressed or the need to resist"

"There will be no more 'survivors' in this world," Harden said, "because they will have no more calamities. If she doesn't succeed, she's an intergalactic pirate who kills and sells drugs. If she succeeds, she's the saint of the future."

Lu Bixing glanced at him half-jokingly: "I almost agree with it. I said Dr. Harden, you are not a spy sent by the Freedom Legion, are you?"

Dr. Harden: "But I don't agree that the long-term 'stability' of these two prophecies has not been realized, from the Earth era to the current new ephemeris era, spanning four epochs of human civilization, hundreds of thousands of years. In the great and short era of great voyages, we always faced sharp social contradictions after a period of calm, and then went to chaos or war. After a blast, we survived devastated, and then went to a new cycle— Over and over again, like being cursed."

Lu Bixing stopped laughing. After a long time, he carefully said, "Are you saying that this is the price of freedom? Do you still believe in the declaration of freedom?"

"That's the price of pursuing freedom," Dr. Harden corrected, "because the so-called 'freedom' has never been achieved by the elites or the masses. Commander, you know, someone even said, 'The people do not need freedom', because the higher the degree of 'freedom', the heavier the responsibility will be. If it is too heavy to bear, you will be willing to put it in prison. Even the chief, you admit that you always want to give the right to choose. Others, become a 'compelled to obey orders', not to mention us ordinary ordinary people."

Lu Bixing felt the same, and felt even more dejected.

"At such a high price, it turns out that everyone is just shouting slogans, and no one knows what freedom is. The declaration of freedom is more like a joke." Dr. Harden said, "Why don't we learn from Orwell and Huxley's Choose one of the two paths at random and go on forever and ever?"

Lu Bixing's color flickered slightly, he lowered his head, and looked into Dr. Harden's turbid old eyes.

"Some people say that Orwell and Huxley are describing opposite worlds when they are both depicting the same thing," Dr Harden said. "No, I'm not talking about the so-called 'sarcastic political despotism' - what they are depicting It's the 'claustrophobia' of society as a whole."

"We are like the legendary bird without feet (Note 2), which can never stop. When it stops, it will be deactivated and then perish. We must expand, and we must constantly open up new worlds. The concept of claustrophobia also follows the movement. The scope is getting wider and wider. I remember that Jingheng and I discussed this issue on asteroids. In ancient times, billions of people were crowded on an asteroid, and no one felt that they were locked up because in the On a natural planet with good conditions, all natural resources can be self-sufficient. But now, the commander wants to cut off the communication between the eight galaxies and the alliance, and your word is still 'closed'."

Anger, anxiety, pain, and ignorance are the body of free will.

"The declaration of freedom is high-sounding, false and illogical, but the reason why it can stand there is because it conforms to the nature of human beings. People are still obsessed with love that is useless and will bring pain?" Dr. Harden asked the robot to lift the instrument and make it look like he was about to say goodbye, "Unless one day this kind of nature disappears, but human beings of that day may be the same as they are now. We are not a species, Mr. Lu, since you finally gave up the road of human evolution, you should be mentally prepared at any time."

Lu Bixing helped him pick up his coat.

"Get ready," Lu Bixing said in a low voice, "yes, having said that, we opened the natural wormhole channel by ourselves. It's really our own fault. But I still have to thank you on behalf of the expedition team. The expedition has benefited a lot from you. Dr. Harden, as an expert in human-computer interaction, you actually have a lot of experience in communication technology. It seems that you are imprisoned in a space prison. Practice makes perfect."

Dr. Harden gave an unsuspecting wry smile: "No, there are only primitive tools in hand, fighting against the most sophisticated space prison for more than ten years, don't talk about me, even that one spends all day in school. Violent madmen who skip school have become half-experts."

Lu Bixing said casually, "He said he couldn't remember how many times he failed."

Dr. Harden naturally thought that Lin Jingheng had said this, and he said, "As I recall, it failed to send more than 2,000 times. If you change to someone who is not so hard-hearted, you may have gone crazy."

Lin Jingheng: ""

How a wise old expert across multiple fields fell into the trap of health care products fraud.

Simply invisible.

Lu Bixing's hand holding the back of Harden's wheelchair trembled.

More than two thousand times.

So every time you get the message of failure, climb to the roof and watch the stars alone

Isn't that dark

But I was no longer the young man who dragged him to the market and made him laugh with an orange. I could no longer promise without hesitation, "Wherever you go, I'll go with you."

"Doctor," Lu Bixing blurted out, "if in a relationship, you find that you can no longer bring happiness to the other party, but you have been forcing him and dragging him, right?"

Before he said a word, the door of the living room was violently slammed open, banging against the wall, and a scream was heard from the door shaft and the wall at the same time.

Dr. Harden was old and frail, and nearly fell out of his wheelchair by the movement.

The manipulator Zhan Lu hurriedly slid down the ceiling: "The door shaft is damaged and the wall is sunken, please turn on the home inspection function - sir, I need to remind you that this is a very uncivilized act of violence"

Lin Jingheng: "Go away."

Zhan Lu closed his mouth, slid down from the ceiling, turned into a man with short flaxen hair, and quickly stepped forward to take Dr. Harden's wheelchair: "I'll take you home."

Just now, Dr. Harden, who was still pointing out the history and the future at the height of human beings, didn't dare to fart. He decisively pinched his tail and followed Zhan Lu to dodge.

Lin Jingheng stood stiffly in place, pinned to Lu Bixing's body as if his eyes were on fire, motionless.

After all, when there are outsiders, I have to save face for the chief, so Lin Jingheng waited until the door rang and knew that Dr. Harden was gone, and then picked up Lu Bixing's collar and pressed him against the wall: " Come here and talk."

Before Lu Bixing came back, he said in a panic, "When did you come back, why didn't Zhan Lu?"

Lin Jingheng interrupted him and squeezed a sentence out of his teeth: "What did you tell the old man just now, tell me again."

Lu Bixing - Mr. Chief, who was also looking into the distance at the height of human beings just now, and has not had time to step down from the high platform - absolutely did not have the courage, and wished he could go back a minute and put his ghostly words back into his throat, The legs are a little soft.

Lin Jingheng pressed step by step: "'Should it be' something?"

Lu Bixing's lips parted: "I"

His flustered virtue was like a handful of hot oil poured into Lin Jingheng's burning heart, which exploded into lava, and his limbs were boiling. Lin Jingheng felt that he had never made such a big fire in his life, thinking of Lu Bixing The chip on his body is difficult to distinguish between good and bad, and Zhan Lu's medical record in his complaint. He pinched his knuckles and made a "cluck" sound.

Of course, the miser was crazy and didn't want to smash the jade bottle. Lin Jingheng's heart exploded three times, his thoracic vertebrae were burned, and he didn't want to move a long hair. He was deadlocked for a moment and slammed a fist on the wall. , turned around and left, planning to find a place to put out the fire, but was grabbed by Lu Bixing by the waist.

"You said you weren't injured, you said you were just taken back by the Freedom Corps and locked up for a few years, what's with the brain damage? What do you mean by 'Lin Jingshu wants you to be a vegetative person all the time'?" Lu Bixing's voice pressed in his throat Inside, he grabbed the hem of Lin Jingheng's shirt, Lin Jingheng slammed it hard, but didn't break free - that animal had a biochip cheating, Lu Bixing couldn't help but put his fingers into his clothes and pressed it on the scar on his lower abdomen, "This is again. what happened?"

The author has something to say: Note 1: Orwell: author of 1984; author of Huxley's Brave New World

Note 2: "The Legless Bird" - from The True Story of Ah Fei

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