
Chapter 15: Am I sick


White was the first to wake up, he got up in a daze, first touched himself from head to toe, made sure that he had no missing parts, and his brain was not scattered everywhere, then he let out a breath, turned his back, belly up, lie down.

I feel like I'm taking back a dog's life.

White's family has a little money. When he was a child, he also participated in a tour group of the seventh galaxy. After sitting on a starship for half a month, he thought he could travel in space casually, but in a passenger starship, more than 80% of its own weight They all come from service devices. People in the most high-end starships can hardly feel any difference from the ground, which is completely different from the combat weapon mecha.

He lay there, thinking about life and death for a while, thinking about life and death in the space, thinking that he was about to achieve a positive result, and then there was some movement next to him, Mint and Huang Jingshu woke up one after another.

Huang Jingshu lay on the ground and retched for five minutes, pointed at Mint and said, "You slut who owes money."

Mint felt that she was wrong, and it was rare to receive this scolding generously. She struggled to get up, swaying from side to side and unable to walk in a straight line: "Where is this?"

Huang Jingshu said in a wicked voice, "Who should I ask?"

"There is a record of itinerary," White didn't dare to touch anything on the mecha now, his hands were close to the seam of his trousers, he stood on tiptoe in an upright posture, and looked up at the dashboard, "I'll wait, who of you will look at the interstellar coordinates? "

The two girls looked at each other.

White grinned heartlessly: "We don't even know the interstellar coordinates, so we just drove out the mecha like this?"


"There are two lights on the hatch that are green," Mint ignored him, stumbled towards the door, and said, "I see that the pressure is wrong, it is the outdoor pressure, and the other may be the air quality. President Lu seems to have said, Advanced mechas have their own core intelligence, and this kind of relatively basic only has a simple communication signal such as an indicator light. Generally, except for a hat, green is a good thing, right?"

White asked: "Will we still be on the Beijing star? Fly around and fall back into the atmosphere?"

"I don't know, first find a way to go down, and fly again, I'm going to die in it," Huang Jingshu got up. At this time, she seemed to remember something and asked suspiciously, "Wait a minute, are we missing someone?"

After a while, they found a cockfighting classmate in a corner. The cockfighting cock had foamed up, and the image was very miserable. Huang Jingshu stretched out and kicked his calf: "Is this guy still alive?"

There was actually medical equipment on the mech, but the three of them had a brief meeting, thinking that cockfighting was a life anyway, so it was better not to use him for such a mortal experiment. White was in charge of carrying it and went out to find someone for help.

The cockfighting man is tall and big. If he took out the flesh, the skin would be big enough to stuff White into it, and it would press him half-deadly, pressing the No. 1 technical house of Xinghai Academy like an overwhelmed donkey. White was gasping for breath and sweating, and his face was red as he listened to the quarrel between his two female classmates with their mouths full of genitals.

"Since he fainted, Jingwang should be disconnected from the driver. We are on the autopilot route. Now that we have reached our destination, we should be able to go down at any time." Mint explained, while tentatively reaching out and pulling The cabin door, "I just don't know how this cabin door should be"

Before the word "open" was spoken, the mecha let out another creepy sigh.

The three of them turned pale, thinking that this second kick was going to go on the road again. Just when White was about to faint automatically, a wind with a special smell blew in, and the hatch slid open.

I don't know how long it took before Mint moved her neck with difficulty: "Where is this?"

In front of them are rows of mechas, glowing with continuous cold light, parked side by side in a huge warehouse. Each of the mechas was equipped with ferocious weapons, and a black muzzle was facing them, killing intent.

The sound of the wind came from the other end of the warehouse where the head could not be seen at a glance, wiping out a whispering voice.

White shivered slightly.

This is by no means Beijing Beta Star.

Suddenly, Huang Jingshu grabbed Mint's arm, shoved her behind the door, and covered her mouth at the same time.

The next moment, footsteps sounded, from far to near, the three teenagers did not dare to come out, they huddled together, peeked out from the gap in the hatch, and saw a rail car driving slowly, with poisonous insects tattooed on their faces. The people carrying guns walked beside the railcar, on which was a string of motionless children, whether they were dead or alive.

One of them said: "Those pirates are getting more and more appetite, and now they detain all the people who can be named in the entire eighth galaxy, is it really going to be the opposite?"

Another replied: "Haven't you heard that the Capital Star has succeeded? Others have already eaten meat. If we don't hurry up, we won't even have soup. Speaking of which, we have been in the alliance for more than a hundred years. But has the alliance managed us? This ghost place is not like a bird in the past? It's the opposite."

The first person was silent for a moment: "But even though the alliance has never cared about us, it doesn't treat people like people."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense."

The two fell silent, and the repressed footsteps and the rail car gradually drifted away.

After a while, Huang Jingshu released her hand covering Mint's mouth and whispered, "I've seen them."

White and Mint looked at her together, and Huang Jingshu told her in a few words what happened that day when she went to Xinghai Academy to report.

White was taken aback: "You you are empty"

Huang Jingshu glanced at him coldly: "empty brain syndrome, what's wrong? Is it taking up your memory?"

White shrank his neck and didn't dare to say a word.

Mint thought for a while: "In this way, I understand a little bit, this mecha may be the person you met, the fourth brother dealt with the person, and the mecha was given to our school. I may have accidentally activated the automatic Back to Hangzhou, it has now brought us to those people's lair!"

White is carrying a "heavy burden" fighting cock, and his calf turns a little bit: "Then let's call the police!"

Huang Jingshu and Mint listened to his remarks and said in unison, "Go away!"

White: ""

Mint glanced at the unconscious fighting cock and said frankly: "It's impossible to drive this thing back, what should we do now?"

The four of them are like travelers trapped in the desert. No matter which direction they turn, it seems that they are all dead ends. Now they have to choose the method of death - being trapped in the same place and starving to death, forcibly turning on the mecha again to die or being discovered. Silence and die.

Huang Jingshu thought for a while: "Wait, did you hear what those two people said just now?"

White: "To subvert the alliance or something?"

"Yes, what does it mean when someone said 'people who can be named in the eighth galaxy are detained here'? Does fourth brother count as 'people who can be named'?"

"There are other people without the fourth brother. Since they are 'locked' here, it is definitely not voluntary." Mint said, "It's the same as us, we go to them, whether we can leave this place is another matter, it's better than us. It's reliable."

Three sober, two people reached an unanimous opinion. Whether White was for or against, the minority had to obey the majority. He simply shut up wisely and took up the cockfight with a heavy heart. This place was filled with terrifying mechas, and they didn't dare to walk around, so they had to follow the track of the railcar just now, groping forward with hunger and cold.

On the Beijing Star, as soon as Lu Bixing was released, he immediately went to Lin Jingheng. Unexpectedly, I fluttered and was told by Penny that the fourth brother has left Beijing Star!

Lin is a bit of a housekeeper. He hasn't left the atmosphere for half a step in five years, but he has gone far today.

This can no longer be explained by the word "unlucky", and Lu Bixing's eyelids began to jump wildly.

"Sister Penny," Lu Bixing said, "can you lend me a mecha?"

Penny said seriously, "Mr. Lu, what are you talking about, mechas are illegal weapons."

Lu Bixing: ""

Twenty minutes later, the people at Black Hole were shocked to find that the fourth brother who had left Beijing Star was back!

Penny rubbed her eyes and thought she was dazzled, when she saw this "fourth brother" with a watery face, and his words were as brief as usual: "Get ready, I want to go out."

Penny was inexplicable, but looking at his expression, she didn't dare to ask, and hurriedly followed: "Where are you going? Do you need a starship or a fourth mecha, where are you going?"

"Mecha." "Fourth Brother" took a step, then turned a right angle casually, pushed the door and entered the bathroom.

Since fourth brother Lin usually has the same kind of virtue, although Penny was full of doubts, she didn't dare to ask, and turned around to prepare.

In the bathroom, Lu Bixing, who used the secret chip to disguise himself as Lin, supported the sink with both hands and let out a long breath. Then he raised his head, looked into the dark gray eyes in the mirror for a moment, raised his chin, and turned his face from left to right. He turned around and smiled at himself.

Lin's smile is very rare, Lu Bixing made his own clothes and food, and changed the angle to see enough at one time, but in the end it was not enough, he stretched out two fingers and flew a kiss to the mirror.

Fei himself startled himself.

"Am I sick?" Lu Bixing thought, "Let him see that he has to kill me."

He hurriedly took it as soon as he saw it, and did not dare to toss Lin's face any more. He tricked the mecha with technology and acting skills and set off immediately. .


Lu Bixing looked at the destination on the tracker, frowned, and issued an order in a deep voice: "Detect the defense system and weapon reserves of the mecha."

At this time, the guests in the poison nest space were taken to the "VIP area" of the interstellar pirates. There were no bizarre human experiments and cold researchers in the VIP area. The people who came in and out were all robot waiters, and a small bar held public activities. The area is surrounded by a circle of luxury suites, and the treatment is very good.

But no one was in the mood to enjoy fine wine and steak, the bar was empty, and everyone in the room was closely watching the battle of the seven galaxies of the Alliance.

Pirates have special sources, in the eighth system, much faster than official sources.

The hardest hit area of this large-scale extraterritorial pirate invasion was in the first galaxy, through the Silver Fortress, and it was said that the dignitaries of the alliance had already withdrawn from Votto.

Lin Jingheng paced the room repeatedly, with his thumb on the palm of his hand, and the other four fingers tapped on it regularly. Although there was no restlessness on his face, he had already walked dozens of times under his feet.

Finally, Zhan Lu, who was in meditation next to him, opened his eyes: "Sir, I got the specific news of the capital star."

Lin Jingheng raised his head sharply.

"Secretary General was assassinated on his way home with his wife after the dance."

Lin Jingheng's breathing stopped involuntarily.

Fortunately, Zhan Lu added: "Mrs. Gordon was rescued by bodyguards and was not injured. Three hours later, the first star system was in emergency, and important figures from the capital star began to evacuate to the 'Angel City' fortress. sent away."

Hearing this, Lin Jingheng was silent for a while, then he leaned sideways on the TV cabinet next to him, with one leg on the ground and the other on the ground, his toes touched the ground casually: "It's strange, the Geddon family treats her this way. Ok? What, the Eden Management Committee plans to transform into the Widows Rights Protection Association?"

The capital star Votto is the political game field represented by the seven galaxies, and above the administrative system of the seven galaxies are the Legislative Council and the Eden Management Committee. , Over the years, with the continuous growth of the Eden system, the Management Committee has vaguely surpassed the Legislative Council and has become the ultimate authority of human civilization.

The Secretary-General is a man of gold and jade, and the reason why he can hold an important position in the parliament is because his grandfather is one of the seven permanent directors of the "Management Committee".

"The news I got so far is this," Zhan Lu said, "After the assassination, Ms. Lin was asked to open the Garden of Eden and open the medical system for authorization—she has blocked the Garden of Eden since you left, and this is the first time it has been opened, It turned out she was uninjured, but was pregnant and was taken away by Director Gordon Sr. himself."

Lin Jingheng's toes froze when he touched the ground. At that moment, his cheeks tensed, as if dazed and angry. However, before all the emotions were revealed, they all disappeared again. He lowered his eyes. , said indifferently "Oh", and stopped talking.

At this moment, someone knocked on his door.

Before Zhan Lu could fully open the door, the one-eyed eagle rushed in.

Zhan Lu greeted politely: "Mr. Lu, good evening."

"What a shit!" The mandarin duck-eyed Mr. Lu replied rudely, and then he seemed to see something from Zhan Lu's abnormally pale face, "Wait, you are not Zhan Lu, are you?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu." The artificial intelligence quickly analyzed his expression, and then said seriously, "Your micro-expression shows that you are very dissatisfied with me, thinking that I 'recognize a thief as a father'. You may have misunderstood, I There is no setting in the current identity to recognize who is the father."

Cyclops: ""

The one-eyed eagle did not wear a coat, revealing a body that belonged to an arms dealer—extensible protective armor on his shoulders, a gun on his left and right waists, a laser knife in his boots, and two loops on his wrists The particle whip launcher, fully armed, is almost qualified to be a human bomb. He was too lazy to deal with Zhanlu, and closed the door with his hand: "Lin, why are you still not dead?!"

Lin Jingheng: "Thank you, brother."

"Stop your fucking nonsense," the one-eyed eagle stared at him and lowered his voice, "what are you doing in the eighth galaxy?"

"Refuge," Lin Jingheng spread his hands, "there are too many people who want my life."

"Ha," the one-eyed eagle showed his fangs, "you have today too?"

Lin Jingheng didn't have the same knowledge as him: "Sit down, why? Did I make you so nervous?"

Lin Jingheng is still alive, that's fine, the scourge has been around for thousands of years since ancient times, and the one-eyed eagle will be astonished and alert for a while. But then he heard people called "Fourth Brother", and then realized that Lin Jingheng was the secret "Fourth Brother Lin" on Beijing Beta Star.

Five years ago, because he heard that Lin Jingheng was finally dead, the one-eyed eagle let Lu Bixing play with one eye closed. What is he doing every day, just know his coordinates and health status at any time.

The one-eyed eagle always knew that his precious son was in Beijing β-star!

"I told you fifteen years ago," Cyclops whispered quickly, "she's dead, she's dead! When I fucking fished her out of the hatch, she died. Even with that kid! I gave you the chip back then, why are you still haunted?"

Lin Jingheng glanced at him: "I have no malice."

One-eyed eagle squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "You better not!"

"Lu Xin is my teacher," Lin Jingheng said calmly, "I want to find that child to take care of him."

The one-eyed eagle smiled bitterly: "You take care of him? Then I have to say, fortunately he died before he was born."

Lin Jingheng didn't say a word, turned around and poured him a glass of wine. The clear wine and clear glass gently slid along the table to the one-eyed eagle. He gestured like a professional bartender, and not a drop of the wine was spilled.

"You're right," Lin Jingheng said. "The Capital Star is really not that safe, and it's been blown away now."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge line of fonts flashed on the screen in the corner, for fear that others would not see it: "Friends have entered the hall of the Union Parliament!"

A short video followed. The forest park in Votto was billowing with thick smoke. Half of the parliament building, which was still singing and dancing a day ago, was scorched black. The forest of monuments was devastated. The screeching ground mecha car ran over and turned into dust, and a few disheveled interstellar pirates got on and off the mecha car, laughing and urinating at the wreckage of the Forest of Steles.

"Fuck." The one-eyed eagle let out a succinct sigh. Although he hated Lin Jingheng and the Alliance, he didn't want to let these madmen who couldn't tell the difference between humans and animals rule the eight galaxies. "Is your silver fortress made of paper?"

"There is a rebellion at the top of the capital star," Lin Jingheng glanced out the window, "The seven major galaxies have no military autonomy, the first galaxy was caught off guard, and other places were too late to react. The interstellar pirates have been silent for a hundred years. Long time - Zhan Lu, scan the space for me."

Cyclops: "What are you doing?"

"Find the bottom first." Lin Jingheng said in a deep voice, "They should have more than one card like 'The Hell Project'."

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