
Chapter 150: I only have you


The email from the Beijing β-star anti-missile experimental base has always been marked as "important content". Lu Bixing stared at the first paragraph of this "important content" for five minutes, but did not understand it. The indoor temperature has been lowered by five degrees, and I really want to bring the people in charge over and poke a row of them and scolded them, so that they can reflect on the correct posture to report to their superiors.

"Zhan Lu," Lu Bixing said, "no one has been to the attic for a long time. How is the indoor environment? Report me the parameters."

The manipulator hung down from the roof like a hanged ghost, and answered him: "Principal Lu, all rooms, including the basement, are managed in a unified manner. If there is any abnormality, I will report it here for repair."

Lu Bixing's hand holding the teacup paused, and silently turned back the temperature that he had just lowered.

"Has he eaten?"

This is their tacit understanding - Lin Jingheng will only change nutrition cream or nutrition injections for convenience when he needs to go to aliens. On Venus, he eats normally, not greedy, because using a dining table together is more like A kind of ceremony, even without saying a word to each other, just silently dividing the last piece of sausage into two, one person taking half, it seems that the day is spent together.

The manipulator Zhan Lu disappeared on the roof, and reappeared a minute later, reporting, "Half of the dinner I sent over was left, and my husband said that he didn't want to eat it, so let me take the rest."

Lu Bixing nodded hastily, was stunned for a while, and then turned around and asked Zhan Lu as if awake from a dream: "By the way, where does he sleep?"

Before Zhan Lu could answer, Lu Bixing said again, "Bring my pillow to the study, and let him go back to his room to sleep."

Zhan Lu went away like a worm. After a while, the manipulator held a pillow and came back from the door of the study to report: "Sir replied, 'don't bother me, get out'."

Lu Bixing took his pillow and sighed: "Then go to the attic to help him clean up, send a quilt and the clothes he will wear tomorrow."

Zhan Lu, the recovering mecha core, should give his middle finger to the long-winded master if he still has a bit of dignity as a murder weapon.

Fortunately, Zhan Lu has no dignity.

He worked hard and turned into a human figure, packed his clothes and bedding, and ran up to the attic to send him warmth.

After returning, Lu Bixing asked him, "How is it?"

Zhan Lu said in a calm voice, "Ignored me and blocked me in the attic. Sorry, Principal Lu, I have been banned from going upstairs. Would you like to try hacking into the home system?"

Lu Bixing: ""

"Oh," Zhan Lu said suddenly, "I can go up now."

Lu Bixing raised his head suddenly, a pair of subtle lights in his eyes.

Zhan Lu said: "Important military information came from the duty room of the headquarters, '3s' level, and the priority of reporting overwhelmed the home shielding mechanism."

The light in Lu Bixing's eyes was like two small sparks under the storm, and it suddenly dimmed again.

Zhan Lu: "Synchronously CC the chief."

Lu Bixing lost his soul. "

"Outside the Heart of the Rose, the second batch of additional troops of the Alliance has all been in place. The preliminary news is that more than 300 large-scale corps of super-space-time heavy armors are leading a huge artificial space, with a medium fortress size, and are preparing to launch. Du General Ke sent a message saying that the fortress had not been approved by the Central Army of a galaxy guard. He went to the theory that the Central Union used the border defense method to stop him. He felt very sorry and explained to us that the current border military The arrangement is not based on the intention of the central military."

The half-dead Lu Bixing's eyes sank, and the soul floating above his head forcibly returned to his place, and asked in a deep voice, "Our communication request for dialogue with the alliance has been sent for six days, and there has been no response yet?"


Lu Bixing said slowly: "And we can't tell whether it was the Central Alliance who refused to talk, or the so-called 'border guards' of the First Galaxy who intercepted the news."

From the point of view of the chief executive, Lu Bixing believed that the refusal of the Alliance Central Committee to have a dialogue with the Eighth Galaxy—especially privately, was not very reasonable. After all, in terms of size, the Eighth Galaxy is not comparable to the huge alliance, and the most pressing problem of the alliance is not them.

Then Order 306 is really intriguing.

At present, most of the news they have heard is Duke's one-sided words. Duke has a very positive relationship with the Eighth Galaxy. Although he looks enthusiastic and cheerful, and is full of affection for Lu Xin, Anklu is still popular in front of Lu Xin's stone statue. Eye circles.

"Go," Lu Bixing said to Zhan Lu, "by the way, tell him that I will convene a meeting on this matter tomorrow morning, and ask the commander-in-chief to attend on time."

Zhan Lu was about to pass through the wall when Lu Bixing stopped him again: "Hey, wait a minute"

"He needs a glass of water before going to bed, don't let him get cold."

first galaxy.

An interstellar cruise ship came from Votto and landed on the supply at the edge of the first system. The cruise ship stopped to supply, and the passengers filed out to the supply restaurant.

The woman looked around for a while in the restaurant, and finally chose a small private room. There was already someone in the private room. She bent down and talked to the other party, as if to make a table, then sat in and pulled up the small room next to the seat. bezel.

"This is the video of Marshal Woolf's interview," the woman glanced around, put the personal terminals of the two people together, and the transmission was completed in a second. clip."

The man across from her asked, "Are you sure it's a human? Are you sure he's sober? Are you sure no one was threatened during the whole process?"

"At least I didn't see anything unusual when I visited the Marshal's Mansion."

This woman is the female reporter who interviewed Woolf.

The Votto Daily has always been a loyal mouthpiece of the Alliance Central. Before the war, the Alliance Central Management Committee had the final say, and they would act for the Management Committee Street. Now, the armed members of the Alliance Central Committee are the bosses, and they have become the military. propagandist.

As one of the pillars of the Wotto Daily, the female reporter logically obtained Woolf's exclusive interview rights and made a wonderful questionnaire on the controversial Order No. 306. In the interview video, Marshal Woolf's speech was clear and his face was as usual. Once it was announced, the rumor that "Wolfe has become a puppet" was put to rest.

So people's attention was naturally directed to the 306th Order Body.

"The 306th order is obviously aimed at the eighth galaxy. The order of the Military Commission has now brought a lot of speculation. Some people say that the independence of the eighth galaxy has given a very bad start to the central army of each galaxy. If the alliance center actually acquiesced to them Existence, in the future this must be independent, and the other must be independent, I am afraid it will not end well. Some people say that the transition point path of the eight galaxies has been interrupted for more than ten years, the problem of the eight galaxies is not urgent now, the surface of '306' is In response to the Heart of the Rose, it is actually the Alliance's sword pointing at the Central Army, which is another game between the Alliance Central and the Central Army that has grown in the war, and Marshal Woolf wants to take back his military power as an example."

"There's no basis," the man said. "Although it's 'the birds do not end up in the bow', are the birds all gone now? The Free Legion is eyeing them, and drug crimes are emerging one after another.

The female reporter hesitated for a moment: "There is also a rumor, they say that Woolf is forced to, because the Eighth Galaxy has already conquered all natural wormholes, and the Eighth Galaxy has established a huge military empire outside the territory over the years, and it is ambitious Sharpen the knife to the Alliance."

The man frowned.

"But as soon as this statement emerged, it was immediately criticized by public opinion."

"Well, why?"

"The Ten Silver Guards, have you forgotten?" The female reporter sighed and lowered her voice, "We were misled by people's calculations, and the main force was almost folded in Lin Jingheng's hands. If it weren't for the Prophet Harris, the organization would have been like that. The capricious thing is because of this, and Lin Jingheng is highly praised. Heaven knows that they thought he was the culprit of conspiring to subvert the alliance. Also, in the most chaotic years of the alliance, the Freedom Legion used force to force opium chips. It is said that the alliance did not care about it. Wherever they went, the Ten Silver Guards were rescuing them. Although they did not listen to the alliance's orders, they were also the backbone of the opium resistance. On the day the Eighth Galaxy declared its independence, the Silver Ten Guards appeared with a high profile and followed Lin Jingheng back to the Eighth Galaxy. The commander who didn't know where he came from and slyly erected Lu Xin at the door of his house is a natural emotional shield. Whether the Eighth Galaxy is really eyeing the Alliance, I don't know, but there are many idiots who have been favored and easily incited. They don't believe it."

The man asked, "What else?"

"There is also important news. They said that the Nuwa plan has probably been successful in the eighth galaxy, and they have created a real super-armed," the female reporter said, "who is the commander of the eighth galaxy? 's son, we don't know, but he is immune to the rainbow virus."

"Where did the news come from?"

"A high-ranking person in the Military Commission is my friend and overheard it," the female reporter said. "They are discussing this matter. The source of the information is unknown. You go back and tell Prophet Harris to let him be mentally prepared. The prophet will naturally judge."

The two exchanged information in a hurry, and a prompt message popped up on the dining table, showing the number of the interstellar cruise ship that had been prepared, and passengers were invited to board the ship.

"I'm leaving," the man gave his companion a deep look, "for life and nature."

"Life and Nature."

The man hurriedly left the dining room, not noticing a short, unremarkable figure rising from the adjacent private room and quietly following him.


Wang Ailun poured himself a glass of red wine and raised his glass to the ethereal place: "The woman has already passed the information to Harris. We still got the news from Harris about Lu Bixing's immunity to the rainbow virus. As soon as you hear it, you can understand. Harris is afraid of war, and has always been biased towards the Eighth Galaxy. He will definitely try to get in touch with the Eighth Galaxy. I will cooperate with him a little when the time comes. Only one thing, you are sure that the Eighth Galaxy will Cut off the connection and seal the wormhole area? What if they feel they are threatened and want to strike first?"

Lin Jingshu's phantom floated beside his wrist, a three-dimensional portrait the size of a slap. At first glance, it looked like a fine work of art.

"No, the Ten Silver Guards can't turn their guns on the Alliance, and it's not the first day you met that ill-timed fool, Lin Jingheng." She said lightly, "Besides, there is a 'Zhuyu' like Anklu here. In the past, did they dare to trust the Central Army? One side was the hostility of the Alliance Central, and the other was the Central Army's 'virtuousness and servility', and a mere ten years was not enough to change the ideology of a generation. There are a large number of Alliance immigrants in the Eighth Galaxy. As long as the chief has a brain, he knows how to avoid getting into this mess of the alliance."

"By your good words," Wang Ailun said, "it's better that these useless technologies of theirs can be developed a little more and completely blow up the wormhole area. Without the variable of the eighth galaxy, I believe our future will be much smoother - Cheers."

Galaxy City, home of General Lin and Engineer 001.

Lu Bixing curled up on the small couch in the corner of the study, unable to fall asleep, there was not enough space in the couch, his legs could not straighten, and he went out as soon as he stretched it out. It's strange to say that when Lin Jingheng didn't come back, he slept in the study every day, and never cared about the problem that his limbs could not be turned over - anyway, when he needed to turn over, it was almost time to get up, and he moved back to the bedroom for more than half a year. , the problem has increased.

The starlight spread a layer and slanted into the room, and the clock had already pointed to the second half of the night. This night was like a year, he was like a drug addict with no cure for it, probably only until the next morning meeting to catch his breath.

Lu Bixing lay down and got up again. After tossing back and forth four or five times, he was sure that he was insomnia. He couldn't help but opened his personal terminal and opened an album.

A three-dimensional phantom as big as a real person floated up, Lin Jingheng turned on his side, half of his face was buried in the pillow, his palms were relaxed to one side, and the quilt was only placed around his waist—it was taken secretly by Lu Bixing in the middle of the night when he couldn't sleep.

Lu Bixing looked at the image in the personal terminal and stretched out a hand. In the image, a hand also entered the screen, overlapping beautifully with other people's hands. He touched Lin Jingheng's open palm, which was one of the places where body temperature was most exposed. One, it is hidden under a thin cocoon, and when you touch it, it has an indescribable meaning. In the video, Lin Jingheng suddenly put his five fingers together and caught the harassing thief in the middle of the night. He grabbed his hand and pulled him into his arms. He lowered his head and pecked, without opening his eyes, and said vaguely, "Be honest."

Lu Bixing draped his smashed coat in his arms, holding this candidly photographed phantom in his arms, raised the corner of his mouth, and soon couldn't smile again, he closed his eyes and put the coat on the tip of his nose , took a deep breath and thought, "What should I tell him at the meeting tomorrow morning?"

The Alliance, the Eighth Galaxy, the 306th troop increase order, the Central Army whose position is a mystery

According to the default settings, the album in the personal terminal turned to the last one, and then started from the beginning.

Lu Bixing didn't care, let it play automatically, and saw the little boy entering the room with his head lowered, his facial features vaguely the same as it is now, but his temperament was more gloomy and closed, like an aggrieved little animal, he pushed open the door listlessly. , followed by a soft sound, the boy was startled, took a step back at the door, and then, a man-height artificial mecha floated out of the room. It looked like a big duck egg, and the "duck egg" was also painted The cartoon facial features were removed, and the emerald green net was spread out, and the boy was covered with brilliance. A man's voice sounded: "Surprise! Happy birthday!"

The boy grew up little by little, gradually taking the appearance of a teenager, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and reading a book, as if he casually said to the person outside the camera: "By the way, Ulan College asked me to go to the early next month. Why are you reporting? Are you adults so restless? No, when you saw the admissions brochure and filled out a form, it’s not a big deal. Go, just mix up a military rank, and you'll still be paid anyway."

The teenager wore the uniform of Wulan Academy with an impatient face: "I don't want you to give it away, is it shameful?"

The teenager put the medal issued with the scholarship between his fingertips, flicked it up, and with a soft "ding" sound, it turned to the sky, and the teenager Lin Jingheng showed a malicious smile, stretched out his hand to touch his mouth, and did A movement of zipping the mouth.

Lu Bixing smiled subconsciously.

Then, the video recording accompanying the growth of the teenager was suddenly interrupted for a period of time, and the next photo was recorded two or three years later. The teenager grew up like a reborn, half his head taller, and his thin shoulders widened. , The student uniform was replaced by a military uniform and appeared at the graduation ceremony of Ulan College. As an honorary graduate, he was awarded the title directly. His face showed no joy or anger. A little bit colder.

He was bloody and bloody, rising step by step, and he entered the Silver Fortress with mixed reputation and high profile.

Lu Bixing didn't know when he fell asleep. Maybe he watched a lot of these images before going to bed. He was half asleep and half awake. With frosty gray eyes, he followed him on patrol in the lonely interstellar space for a while, and then followed him back to the graduation ceremony of Wulan Academy. Lu Bixing chased him desperately behind him, calling his name, and he was so angry When he was about to break, he took the young officer's shoulder.

In the dream, Lin Jingheng turned his head and squeezed his wrist tightly, looking so familiar, and said to him, "I only have you."

Lu Bixing's leg fell off the couch and directly hit the floor with the pestle. He woke up with a start, and the coat that he had been holding in his hand also rolled to the ground.

The clock on the personal terminal showed that it was less than half an hour before dawn, and the sky of Galaxy City had already seen fish maw white.

Lu Bixing sat on the small couch for two seconds, suddenly turned over like sleepwalking, dragged a leg that was crushed by himself, rushed out and ran up to the attic.

The locked attic rejected him, but ordinary home door locks are actually very easy to break. Any student from the School of Information can hack in within five minutes and open it. Engineer 001 seems to have forgotten to bring his brain. Unwillingly, he kicked open the door of the attic with brute force.

The electronic housekeeper is weak: "Principal Lu, this is also an act of violence"

Lin Jingheng was sitting on the window sill of the attic with a cigarette in his mouth.

The small door clucked, the electronic lock was short-circuited and scrapped, and the door panel staggered down. The next moment, he was pulled from the windowsill.

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