
Chapter 155: Go ahead, I won


Eighth Galaxy Standard Time, exactly 10:00 am.

18:25 PM Votto Standard Time.

Turan only brought thirty mechas, but they were not small mechas, they were super-space heavy armors produced by the Eighth Galaxy.

For the most elite vanguard, "Thirty" is an odd number. No matter how small the firepower is, no matter how high the firepower is, it will sacrifice a certain degree of mobility. Thirty mechas in Turan's hands can be like Ghosts can also be like sharp knives. She listened to the busy communication sound coming from the opposite side of the Heart of Rose, the preheated muzzle was hanging, like a peerless swordsman with a sword lying on his knees, his expression was very calm - it was almost like a beetle.

"General Turan, the expedition experimenter is reporting to you."

"Well, come." Turan nodded, watching Mint in the researcher's white lab coat walking towards her.

"General, I have been ordered to send equipment support. Sixteen experimental starships with amplifiers have been prepared." Mint raised his hand, and the personal terminal automatically popped up. The detailed and complicated anatomy of the equipment was spread from the ceiling to the ceiling. The ground, "simply put, natural wormholes are very easy to collapse. What we did before was to prevent this collapse so that we could pass through safely. Now, the interference waves on the sixteen starships will have the opposite effect, causing natural wormholes to collapse. The energy in the cave area is disordered, which can block the wormhole area for a certain period of time.”

Turan asked: "How big is the 'mesh' after the blockade, and how big is the bug that could get into it?"

Mint: "Even if a mecha the size of a beetle flies into the opposite side, it will cause the wormhole to collapse and be involved in the turbulent flow of time and space."

"Okay, stand by and wait for the command center's instructions."

Mint breathed a sigh of relief, everything was ready, waiting for the results of the meeting in the command center.

Mint suddenly said: "I don't know what result the command center will give you. General, are you also a Votto?"

"Huh? How?" Turan laughed. "Do I look like a rich girl?"

Mint blinked, Turan's hands were very rough, caused by years of rigorous training, and the long military career made the military temperament cover everything.

"I was born in the fifth galaxy," Turan said. "The in-vitro baby breeding management law had not been introduced yet. Private baby breeding centers were just emerging, and the management was chaotic. Help the newlyweds to participate in the activity, the first prize is to collect cells from both sides for free to grow a baby - I was the one who played the game and gave it away. Before I was 'born', my parents broke up and left me to the nursery center. The nursery center later It was illegally banned, and we were taken away by the government. Later, because of our outstanding energy, we were picked up by the Silver Ten Guards as a reserve army. I was almost the last batch of the reserve army. Later, we stopped recruiting people. It is said that Lu General Xin’s suggestion is to let the Ten Silver Guards slowly integrate into the alliance, and in the future, they will start recruiting people from the major military academies like ordinary teams. Unfortunately, it has not been realized.”

Mint asked: "Then do you miss home, General? If one day we go head-to-head with the Alliance, what will you do?"

Turan very briefly avoided the important points: "Me? There is a commander, of course I will obey the order unconditionally."

Mint asked: "Then do you still believe in the Declaration of Freedom?"

"Yes," Turan replied without hesitation, but she paused before adding, "But to tell you the truth, little girl, it feels really good to be able to obey orders and not be responsible for everything."


Turan himself took the lead in violating the rules against open flames on the mecha, and lowered his head and lit a cigarette: "Ye Gong loves dragons, but he will still fight for dragons, people, tsk-here, take me to the Galaxy City command center, I will suck some beautiful men Replenish it."

Galaxy City Command Center—

"We have been sending the call request, and it has been sinking into the sea." Li Fulan's face was sinking, "We have reason to believe that the alliance is very opinionated about the independence of the eighth galaxy, yes, Director Lu, just before the communication was disconnected. , the intelligence department of our First Guard managed to enter the alliance intranet, and found a report on the voice of the Eighth Galaxy in the Votto Daily not long ago. 'call'."

Anakin shrugged and said, "This at least proves that Duke didn't intercept our message to the Union Center."

Thomas Yang was afraid that Lu Bixing didn't know about the Wotto Daily, so he hurriedly explained: "The Wotto Daily is the pug of the Union Central. Whoever the Union Central refers to, and who it yells at, is notoriously shameless. As soon as sales dropped, they would Drag the commander out and scold him, my commander is their parents and market guarantee."

Poisson Yang saw that his brother was starting to run around with mechas unreliably, fearing that he would anger the commander again, so he kicked Thomas under the table: "His point is that the attitude of the Votto Daily represents the attitude of the Alliance Central Committee. "

Said, glanced at Lin Jingheng carefully, but to his surprise, although Lin Jingheng looked a little inexplicably tired, his face was fine, and he was very peaceful, and he didn't mean to lose his temper: "Continue."

"We have also collected some unofficial discussions. Many folk theories have never been groundless, and some information has been extracted from it," Li Furan said. "First, the alliance is worried that the Central Army will not obey the leadership; second, the galaxies are also worried about The Alliance returned to the pre-war period and became such citizens again; thirdly, there are rumors that Director Lu's rainbow virus experiment was successful, and there is a super-armed force ready to invade the Alliance at all times - I think this rumor reflects the Alliance's concern for 'extraterritorial pirates' It just shows that the military cannot give the people enough confidence.”

Lin Jingheng frowned and quickly exchanged glances with Lu Bixing.

Li Furan didn't know that this so-called "rumor" was not all fabricated. The case of the successful rainbow virus experiment was in this conference room, but he gave up and went further.

But Lu Bixing's experiments were all carried out in secret, and the Eighth Galaxy has been closed for so many years, why are there such rumors

Lu Bixing smiled and touched Lin Jingheng's shoe toe under the table: "That's all right, General Li, it's not a rumor, I do have a super weapon that looks unparalleled, aren't you all here?"

. .

Turan said faintly on the remote communication terminal: "A gay guy poured ecstasy soup for a group of men, and the morale of the 'Paihuazi' scene, commander, whoever blushed, I'll remember it for you."

Li Fulan coughed dryly, glared at Turan, and continued to say seriously: "Only from the content of Order 306 and the magnitude and location of the alliance's second troop increase, the alliance is hostile to us. , that's weird."

The First Guard stood up, opened his personal terminal, and spread the huge data stream on the conference table: "This is all the data about the Central Army and the Alliance collected by the First Guard more than two hundred days ago, including the compilation, Combat power, armament, and order of magnitude - after comprehensive sorting, we believe that if this trend continues, the military strength of both sides will remain relatively balanced within two to three years. exploded."

"At the time in the Heart of the Rose, because of the Central Army's protection, the Alliance was forced by the situation and let us leave, and did not express an opinion on the independence of the Eighth Galaxy. According to your inference, it was only more than 200 days, between the Alliance and the Central Army. It is unlikely that the game situation will be one-sided. Then there are two situations, either, the 306th Order has another meaning, the alliance is not targeting the eighth galaxy, but uses this attitude to cover up something; or the Central Army and the alliance are in We have reached an agreement on the issue of the eighth galaxy, and they all think that we are a threat, and my emotional card is invalid." When Lu Bixing said this, he turned to Lin Jingheng meaningfully, "It seems that there is no contract in black and white, and the emotional card is not reliable. Commander."

Lin Jingheng didn't realize the implication in his words at all, and nodded quite seriously: "I prefer the former - I don't know if it is difficult for the Alliance and the Central Army to reach an agreement, but it is really critical to destroy them. The alliance is very simple, after all, there is a list of forbidden fruits in Zhanlu. I didn't say anything in the Heart of the Rose for what, and Woolf should know it well."

He said that the entire conference table, including Turan, who was far away from the wormhole, were all silent, and all the people were staring at him. Lin Jingheng raised his eyebrows inexplicably: "What's the problem?"

The generals of the Ten Silver Guards bowed their heads collectively like quails, saying that there was absolutely nothing, and the commander-in-chief was right.

The commander-in-chief was discerning, and he was not slow at all. It must be because the commander's proposal was too obscure.

Lu Bixing looked at him with a bit of helplessness and half a smile.

Lin Jingheng: "So Order 306 may have another effect - to intimidate us to close the passage of the natural wormhole area."

"Indeed," Lu Bixing restrained his joking meaning and tapped his fingers on the table lightly, "In the case of a complicated situation and a single and scarce source of information, the terrain of the Eighth Galaxy is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The best solution is to close the wormhole channel, so the expedition should send the jammer to Turana, right?"

Turan: "Commander, I have received it."

"Think about it from another point of view, I don't know much about my information, so this is more like a bet by several secret forces against Jingheng," Lu Bixing said slowly, "There is a lesson from the past of the seven or eight galaxy boundary, you will survive nine deaths. When I come back, will I make the same mistake again?”

At this moment, there was a sudden sound from Turan's side, and the meeting room's eyes were focused on the communication screen.

"There are abnormal energy fluctuations on the opposite side of the wormhole," Turan said in a deep voice, "There should be something trying to pass through, and some communication information mixed with it—mint!"

"Yes, decode it immediately."

Lorde could feel that his human-machine matching degree had dropped to a very dangerous critical value. Under the cover of his colleagues, he escaped from Duke's heavy armor and was pursued by pirates from the "Anti-Ukraine Society". That's it, the fuselage has been damaged beyond recognition, and the mecha can no longer maintain gravity and air pressure. Lord put on a space suit, tied himself up and fixed it, and inserted the last shot of soothing agent into his body.

The spasms made him curl up in pain—hold on a little longer, Lord thought, and the Heart of the Rose will soon be here.

Through the fine net, he gritted his teeth and glanced at the chasing soldiers behind him. The soothing agent forcibly increased his energy. Lord shouted and made the fifth emergency jump. The unbearable tearing feeling came, the mecha The alarm sounded in a ball, and Lord's eyes went black.

The emergency jump was successful!

He returned to the vicinity of the Heart of the Rose, where the First Galaxy Frontier Guards were heavily guarded, and the pirates dared not chase after him!

Lord was relieved. At this time, a long-range signal swept over, and it was the border guards who wanted to check his identity. Lorde gasped in embarrassment: "I am the representative of the Border Guard Force in the First Galaxy, Colonel Lord, and was ordered to accompany General Duke back to Votto. On the way, he was attacked by anti-Ukrainian pirates, and General Duke was assassinated. Quick, I To talk to the eighth galaxy"

Without saying a word, he was locked by the icy muzzle.

Lorde was stunned: "I am"

"General Duke ordered to cut off communication with the eighth galaxy, and our army has a traitor." The other party said coldly, "If you don't want to die, disarm, wait for the catch, don't play tricks."

Lord's mind was blank, and he clearly listened to his heavy breathing. The next moment, several mechas of the Border Guards surrounded him. The innocent Colonel lived peacefully for decades, and was once again pushed into the air of the times. He really felt the shocking undercurrent below.

"Go to the eighth galaxy and find Lin Jingheng."

"Ask the Eighth Galaxy for help—"

Lord suddenly accelerated the mecha to the maximum with the only remaining energy, and the small mecha that looked like tattered copper slammed out, and at the same time, the other party fired at him mercilessly. Lord's protective shield has long since vanished. As long as he is wiped by the artillery fire, he will immediately turn into a mass of scorched earth. He dare not look back, because he can dodge left and right, but how can the mecha be faster than the particle cannon

The superimposed particle cannons could be seen on the fine net and inevitably rushed towards him.

Lord closed his eyes.

At this moment, several mechas suddenly appeared, and a temporary protective cover was added to Lord's small mecha, which was comparable to the particle cannon that came over. The huge energy impact sent Lord's small mecha bullets. Towards the heart of the rose with a huge gravitational pull.

"He has an accomplice!"

"This model of mecha is an anti-Ukrainian society, and it really is a traitor!"

Lord suddenly turned around in the fine net, and found that the small mechas that rescued him had the anti-Ukrainian logo on them. What's going on? Lord felt that his brain was about to explode, but as the wormhole area approached, he had no time to think about it.

The border guards of the first galaxy used a signal jammer. Lord clenched his teeth and rammed it directly with his fuselage. A bloody message penetrated the communication blockade and reached the eighth galaxy: "General Duke was assassinated. , Marshal Woolf is under their control, ask for help in the Eighth Galaxy! General Lin, save us!"

Turan jumped up: "What did you say? Duke is dead!"

Lord's mecha caught fire, and he couldn't open his eyes during the violent explosion. Then, the tail of the mecha was hit by the ensuing missile, and a small amount of gas in the cabin caused the lingering small mecha to fire like fireworks. It exploded, like a match that only burns for one second in a lifetime.

That year, the fledgling boy knocked on the admiral's door, touched his heels slightly, and gave a nervous salute: "Admiral Lin!"

The man turned his head, most of his face was hidden in the shadows, only showing a cold profile and gray eyes, and nodded slightly at him.

Lorde heard his heart beating wildly.

"260 Honorary Graduates of Ulan Academy, Andrew Brandon Lord reports to you. Hope to follow in your footsteps and fight for the Union for life, long live the Declaration of Freedom!"

Hope to follow in your footsteps


"Wait a minute, General Turan, another communication." Mint said in a deep voice, "The decoding is about to be completed."

"Here is the Border Guard Army of the First Galaxy. Greetings to the commander and commander of the Eighth Galaxy. General Duke ordered us to disconnect from the Eighth Galaxy in a crisis situation. General Duke is currently missing, and it is unknown whether he was assassinated. There were pirates and spies mixed in our army, and just now we forcibly broke through our army’s containment and passed false news to the compatriots in the eight galaxies. Please don’t believe it. Repeat, don’t believe it—”

The latter is well-founded, and is accompanied by a video clip of a military recorder.

Turan suddenly turned to the communication terminal: "Commander!"

Eighth Galaxy Standard Time, 13:34 PM.

21:59 midnight by Votto Standard Time.

In the wormhole area of the eighth galaxy, sixteen interference starships released interference at the same time.

The hesitant Eighth Galaxy closed the wormhole tunnel.

At the same time, news flew to the Union Parliamentary Secretariat and "Never Island".

Lin Jingshu lost a long breath: "Go ahead, I won."

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