
Chapter 158: The true face of the capital, Xinglu Mountain


As early as the old Ephemeris era, the first galaxy was the economic and political center of the world. The prosperity of the past and the war ended in a peaceful handover. Since modern times, the biggest looting that the pirate Glorious Legion has blown up Military fortress, and smashed the forest of steles behind the Union Parliament Hall.

In contrast, the Civil War in the Eighth Galaxy has ended in less than ten years, and it has been repeatedly rebuilt in the ruins. Even the chief's house has only a printed dilapidated house and a small courtyard the size of a palm. If you are interested, you don't need a gardener robot. The owner can take care of it by rolling up his sleeves. The Galaxy City Command Center at the core of the galaxy was expanded on the Anti-Ukrainian Society base. It was not even shabby and could be called a large refugee camp.

"Refugee Camp Commander" - Mr. Lu Bixing, a hillbilly, who had a good experience with civilian supplies at the border, was forced to temporarily stay in the supply with other passengers, because there were "severely ill" in their group, although the supply could not be released , but the humanitarian spirit has arranged for them the best suites and medical emergency equipment.

At this time, the "serious patient" was listening to Votto's official speech on Woolf's assassination without saying a word. The first aid equipment was dismantled in eight pieces.

"When the Alliance Central retreated to the Fortress of Angel City, Thomas and I participated in the security system architecture of Woolf's temporary residence," Poisson Yang was on standby in the heart of the rose and was talking to Lin Jingheng, "The security level of the temporary residence is already very high. Equivalent to a shrunken military fortress, Votto's Marshal's Palace is only more strict. I can deceive laymen if I read this spokesperson, 'The security system was sabotaged, the murderer sneaked in from the backing side' - he destroyed a Try it."

Li Furan asked, "Commander, is it possible for Woolf to fake death?"

Lin Jingheng put his hands behind his back: "What's the reason for suspended animation?"

"You think, Duke was assassinated, the Alliance suppressed the news for more than ten days, Woolf was assassinated late at night, and the press conference was held the next day, and the two news were released together at this time. The contradictions exacerbated by Duke's death suddenly became secondary contradictions, and the unwarranted pirates became the target of the same hatred."

Lin Jingheng asked indifferently: "It eased up, then what? Woolf is so old, and he plays 'Resurrection from the Dead', where does he put the credibility of the Alliance Central? He is different from me, I was Notorious, nothing can be messed up again, Woolf's position in the league is too high, it's easy to get up and down, he can't do such a joke - but if he doesn't live, The conflict between the alliance and the central government is gone, the connection and control are gone, and once Woolf is dead, who can suppress the central army who have fought in the galaxy for most of their lives in the current alliance central?"


"Maybe it's not as simple as easing the conflict," Li Furan responded quickly, and immediately answered, "Maybe Duke was also assassinated by Woolf. He first used Duke's death to attract the Central Army, and then let him die. Smoke bombs, when the commanders of the central army of each galaxy relax their vigilance, come to catch a turtle by surprise, directly armed control, and forcibly take back the military autonomy of each galaxy."

"The plan makes sense, but I still don't agree." Lu Bixing, who was dismantling the emergency cabin, interjected without looking up, "It's the same reason, if Duke was killed by Woolf, why did he use anti-Ukraine? The name of the club, not the Free Legion? In addition, it is not wise to snipe the Central Army at this time. The pirates are still there, and the enemy is still there. Even if Woolf has something to kill all the commanders of the Central Army, doing so will only make The left-behind Central Army is in chaos instead of taking the Central Army into the pocket. Isn't this creating opportunities for pirates? The most basic quality of a good politician is to aim at the main contradiction, the secondary contradiction and the mud. Woolf can't do this. Confused."

"Poisson just said that the security of the Marshal's Mansion is as tight as a military fortress, and the possibility of outside intrusion is very low. In fact, the Silver Fortress was the same as the defense system that could not be broken back then collapsed from the inside, and the security system that cannot be invaded now is from the inside. The interior is closed. In the past, Woolf led the wolf into the room, and now it is his turn to lead the wolf into the room—don't you think this assassination is all an insinuation?" Lin Jingheng pulled out a cigarette from nowhere, "As far as I know for so many years, Woolf You don't have this kind of self-deprecating humor."

Li Fran, Bayer and Lu Bixing said in unison, "Don't stop."

Bayer carefully pointed to the cross sign at the door: "This is the ward specification, boss, and the air quality monitoring is very strict."

"What you have drawn is a patient whose breathing is a burden. Commander, you can't resist no matter how hard your heart is. Who made you pick it yourself? Be sincere and don't be so perfunctory." To expect this to be entertaining for a lifetime, Lu Bixing said righteously, "Besides, it's in my pocket, return it to me quickly, in broad daylight, why are you still rubbing it on others?"

Lin Jingheng: ""

Oh shit.

Li Furan felt the murderous aura coming towards his face, and hurriedly flattered dignifiedly and solemnly: "The commander-in-chief is right—then the inner ghost of the Marshal's Palace, the rumors that Woolf was being controlled, the anti-Ukraine society that was framed, and the two assassinations. The Central Army has come together - do we have the outline of the whole thing now?"

Bayer immediately answered tactfully: "The Freedom Legion colluded with the people around Woolf!"

Lin Jingheng turned around abruptly: "Engineer 001, is your technical support for this temporary cameo okay?"

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of identity information flew out of Lu Bixing's personal terminal - there were guards in the supply, belonging to the Alliance Army. In this supply, communication, network, transportation, various equipment used, etc. are all Military and civilian use are separated, and only the expensive first-aid cabin is shared.

In order to ensure privacy, the emergency medical cabin will automatically clear the basic information of previous patients on a regular basis, but there will be traces of things that have existed. Lu Bixing followed these traces and repaired the deleted information. A full set of information such as fingerprints, iris, genes, serial numbers, etc. are readily available. With a little manipulation, you can copy an ID card that can be faked.

"I haven't done this kind of stealing for a long time. It's a little tricky," Lu Bixing said. "To claim new identity information, everyone will go back to rest first. After three hours, the supplies will be replaced day and night, and we will set off at midnight."

When the chief executive spoke, Li Fran, Bayer, and the others, who could not stay in this room for a long time, were amnesty. Lu Bixing picked up the tattered pieces he just took out, stuffed it under the bed, and patted the head of the bed: "The patient should rest, I'll take care of you."

Lin Jingheng sneered, scooped up Lu Bixing and threw it on the bed, pinned his hand behind his back, and pressed it into the fluffy pillow: "What are you going to take care of me, eh?"

Lu Bixing sighed: "You are a person, when others confess to you seriously, you can't always react, and when others casually say something unintentional, you can always think in a direction that is not suitable for children. I will write anonymously when I have time. The title of the book is 'What it's like to have a moron'."

Lin Jingheng asked inexplicably, "Which of your words is a serious confession?"

"I said I'll take care of you," Lu Bixing turned over, raised a finger and pressed Lin Jingheng's lips, as if he wanted to press a little blood on it, his rich green eyes stared at him, sweet words came when he opened his mouth, a little Stumbling and not hitting, "meaning I want to wake you up every day, wake you up with a kiss, help you get dressed, walk around with you, feed you delicious food, and surround you all day long. , do a lot of chores for you."

Lin Jingheng: "You don't even fold your own quilt, don't you feel ashamed to say this?"

Lu Bixing: ""

Lin Jingheng laughed, reaching out and ruffled his styled hair.

However, Lu Bixing always felt that his smile was also worried: "Are you worried about your sister?"

Lin Jingheng was silent for two seconds, then let him go and lay beside him: "No, soldiers will come to block."

Lu Bixing tilted his head: "Hey, didn't we agree that we should 'skip the bug and Dr. Harden'?"

This time, Lin Jingheng was silent for a longer time. The bed was so soft that it seemed to sink people into it, greasy and crooked entangled his limbs, making people unable to lift their strength, and feeling that even the essence was sinking. The space was still daylight, and there was still light. Lin Jingheng raised his arm as if he was disturbed, blocking his eyes.

"The first news that was sent back to the Eighth Galaxy that day was the one that was later denied by the Border Guards," Lin Jingheng said softly, "He said, 'Marshal Woolf is under their control'."

Lu Bixing patiently said "um".

"I'm not sure," Lin Jingheng whispered, "but what he said reminded me of Lorde."

"Your ex-guardian?"

"When I was in school, Lord's mother was the director of the Department of Command and Operations of Ulan College, and was one of my teachers. Later, she was promoted to the principal of Ulan College. Her father was the head of the Baita Medical and Health Department. There is a good relationship between the two committees," Lin Jingheng said softly, "It can be regarded as a prominent family, but the family education is good. When I was in the Silver Fortress, I never made it public. When people ask, they only say that my father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. He got along very well, he thought I didn't know, in fact, before he came to report, his mother contacted me on purpose, and told me euphemistically that her son was a gentle, indecisive son, and hoped that his military career in Silver Fortress could hone him. In the future, I will be able to return to the Secretariat of the Military Commission as a civilian officer."

Sending and receiving emails for several years in the Silver Fortress, even if he has never fought a battle, he can be plated with a layer of glorious military exploits under the name of Lin Jingheng's personal guard, and he has a bright future in the future.

"Such parents also hope that their children can live a safe and secure life, not to mention most ordinary people. Why do some people always want to impose their will on the world?" Lin Jingheng's voice was very low, as if it would break at any time. , "I was so focused on fighting with those people back then that I even felt that putting her on the management committee was her protection. I pushed her to this point."

Lu Bixing put a hand on his waist and listened quietly, without interrupting or comforting him by saying "it's not your fault".

Because the broken question of "who's fault" doesn't matter at all, whether it's relatives or lovers, when they torture each other, the guilt and consequences always have to be borne by the people closest to them, no matter who is at fault.

If possible, Lin Jingheng even wanted to do it all over again, go back to childhood, jump off the high track, hold the girl's hand, and not be afraid of breaking her leg. They can grow up together without anyone, and when she grows up, they will call out and beat every bastard who pursues her.

Then maybe he will lose Lu Xin, the most carefree youth period in his life, but maybe Lu Xin will not die, and the person around him will not be living in the eighth galaxy, suffering so much, taking so much responsibility. That kind of Lu Bixing will probably grow into a gentle and angular young master like Lord. On the day of graduation, he was sent to him by Lu Xin through the back door, making him dislike it and arrange a good errand.

Lu Bixing's hand has been on him, and his body temperature gradually passed through his clothes to Lin Jingheng, as if he had opened a corner in his palm where he could rest for a while, and let him think about it weakly and sadly.

Then put back on the armor a few hours later, and head towards the storm and fate that has to be faced.

Baiyinyi and Baiyin Shi cooperated tacitly, and the group quickly obtained the plan of the supply by using the fake identity of the supply guard.

Lu Bixing passed the identity verification, got into the patrol duty list, browsed it quickly, and smiled: "Jingheng, change your vest, the one you picked is on duty tonight."

Lin Jingheng was accustomed to this kind of thing, prepared seven or eight alternate identities in advance, and changed a fake identity on the personal terminal without any temper.

"Infiltrate the patrol first." Lu Bixing said, "I haven't dismantled the military mecha of the first galaxy."

When they were making small moves at the border supply, Wang Ailun took turns showing off in front of the media for a whole day. His hands were shaking when he cried, and his eyelids drooped three layers. He held a handful of cold water in front of the mirror for two seconds, and then laughed like a classic.

A woman's voice came from his personal terminal: "Secretary-General, are you relieved, what's next?"

Wang Ailun gritted his teeth fiercely: "Next step."

"Then it's time for you to pretend to be pitiful," Lin Jingshu said, "the worse the better, to convince the commanders of the Central Army that as soon as Woolf dies, you will lose your right to speak in the center of the alliance and become a victim. Poor people suppressed. Don't they all look down on you? They will believe it."

Three days later, the Alliance Central Military Commission was full of grief and anger, promising to "investigate the truth at all costs, and make sure the murderer pays the price", and then announced that the Alliance was about to hold a public funeral for Marshal Woolf. Received notification.

The funeral will be held in two weeks, and the hesitant commanders of the Central Army did not give a clear answer at first.

But soon, the Central Committee of the Alliance began to turmoil. First, in the name of "investigating the cause of Marshal Woolf's death", including Wang Ailun, all those who were closely related to Woolf during his lifetime were suspended, and all the orders that the Military Commission had not issued before were all suspended. was detained.

Immediately, the Votto Daily caught a glimpse of the wind and secretly published an article discussing the "militarism" of the past dynasties, ending with a half-yin-yang statement: "The war is over, and everything needs to be rebuilt urgently. In contrast to the current alliance, Is the military spending too much of the budget? Will the military still control parliament for a long time to come?”

As soon as Woolf died, all kinds of monsters and monsters seemed to have appeared. The military representatives headed by Wang Ailun suddenly lost their roots in the parliament. The political situation was so turbulent that the commanders of the Central Army from other galaxies were confused.

On the sixth day after Woolf's assassination, Wang Ailun, who "couldn't hold back", secretly took an illegal private mecha to meet the commanders of the Central Army on the edge of the first galaxy, as if to find a new "backer".

At the same time, a small mecha abandoned the interstellar route map, passed through the dangerous planetary gravity zone with ease, bypassed the level of the first galaxy, and approached Votto.

"Capital Star." Lu Bixing peeped from a distance in Jingwang, and sighed, "I finally see the true face of Mount Lu."

The Great Prophet Harris of the Anti-Ukraine Society—that is, Hope, who was hated by the entire alliance—was quietly sitting on an inconspicuous civilian merchant ship heading towards the fortress of Angel City.

Lin Jingshu on "Never Island" leaned on a swing, flipping through the old fairy tale Peter Pan in the personal terminal, just in time to see the part where the melancholy pirate chief threatened the little girl Wendy to be the fuck, she laughed in horror got a little fairy.

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