
Chapter 161: memorial


"Principal!" a young teacher screamed.

The headmaster, who was about to retire, stepped forward with a sullen face, took all his young men behind him, and glanced at the faces of the gunmen - they all knew them, they were all acquaintances.

Now these chip people with guns in their hands used to be colleagues who asked good morning with breakfast in the cafeteria in the morning. They were just like ordinary people, and some of them even had more agile thinking and better personalities. The principal's eyes fell on the one in the lead - that was his teaching backbone, who had just been promoted to the dean of the School of Basic Medical Sciences, and the principal planned to train him as a future successor candidate.

"President Zhao," the principal sank as he looked at his wishful right-hand man, "How did the Second Polytechnic University survive the fire of pirates, don't you know? Why did you betray us?"

"Principal," the gun-wielding President Zhao replied calmly, "this is not a betrayal, this is a choice. I choose to be the pioneer in the evolution of human beings. We have followed the great master and explored a bright future. Come back and invite our compatriots to the new world."

The principal didn't expect such a shameless remark, and his brain was boiling with anger, but he quickly forced himself to calm down, thinking quickly what to do in his heart, and at the same time asked: "What you call a 'new world' Is it to force everyone to implant biochips? In my opinion, there is no need to spend so much energy implanting chips, you can destroy everyone humanely, and then create new human beings from embryos.”

"Principal," Dean Zhao said to him sincerely, "you have a deep misunderstanding of us. Our ultimate goal is to make all compatriots live a happier life. You may not accept some ideas, it's okay, just It's like the ancestors of ancient times didn't accept 'the earth is not the center of the universe' at the beginning."

The principal is a person who has experienced war. When he saw this battle, he knew in his heart that the government of the Second Galaxy might have been overthrown, so the police would definitely be useless. The army did not know what was going on. Maybe they also swelled the mud together.

The chip man will definitely block the remote transition point of the second galaxy, block the remote signal, and prevent them from going to the outer galaxy for help. Behind him is an entire school of unarmed students, a large part of which are even minors.

How to do

A young teacher heard the words of the Free Legion, and for a moment forgot that he was being held by a laser gun, and said angrily: "Nonsense!

This young civilized man's face was blushing, but he didn't utter a swear word, and even swearing seemed very reasonable: "You cults, savages, criminals who undermine the declaration of freedom, you will not succeed! We Even if I die, I won't wear a dog kennel and live on my knees like you!"

Dean Zhao was also very polite and replied: "The chip can make your body evolve and your mind more agile. Besides, it will not interfere with your life, your choices, or even interfere with your life like the Garden of Eden. Thoughts and emotions, in essence, it does not conflict with the declaration of freedom. The chip is more like an ID card, and it is a bit harsh to describe it as a 'dog lap'."

"Bah!" said the exasperated teacher, "What grades do you divide people into? The lower-level chips must obey the upper-level chips unconditionally. Is this an ID card? This is an ideological prison!"

Dean Zhao smiled slightly and put the laser gun down: "Does your so-called 'freedom' mean absolute freedom? God, you are also a highly educated person, so you wouldn't say such a low-level thing - no chip , don’t you need to obey the instructions of your superiors? Even if you don’t have a superior, don’t you need to obey the law unconditionally?”

Without waiting for the angry young teacher to retort, he continued: "In the new world, the order given to you by the holder of the high-grade chip is equivalent to the law, because the order he issued is not out of his own desires, It is a social norm passed down layer by layer through chips of different levels. Controlling people's behavior through biochips instead of punishment, there will be no more corrupt law enforcement in the future. personnel."

"You are a fallacy!"

"I'm not, it's because your thinking is too limited, my friend, in your narrow definition, 'law' only has written terms and conditions, and the only way to ensure its effectiveness is to punish illegal and criminal acts!"

Dean Zhao turned to the principal: "We all know that the reason why humans defeat other species and reach the top of the food chain depends on special social cooperation, and social cooperation originates from the illusory ideology in our brains, it can be said that ideology It is the core of the functioning of human society.”

"Ideologies that are born freely, ranging from beliefs in life, political systems, and religious systems, to regional customs, and even being infatuated with a certain sports and entertainment idol, are like thriving weeds, full of vitality, but also out of control, because Everyone's brain is isolated, and various ideologies will develop at any time. Different ideologies may be incompatible with each other, or even unable to understand each other at all. We will constantly conflict with each other and internal friction, and eventually evolve into Hate each other, and the world will fall into turmoil and collapse again—this is our inherent flaw, a stumbling block that prevents us from moving towards a higher civilization,” said Dean Zhao, “We are an inferior species.”

Everyone was stunned by his long speeches, and they didn't know whether they were persuaded by him, or they thought he was crazy. Anyway, their eyes widened, and a row of big eyes shone on the impassioned Dean Zhao.

"The ultimate goal of biochips is to add a scabbard to this double-edged sword-like ideology of freedom. It will be a better and more tolerant society. If people can stop internal friction between each other, the speed of technological explosion It will be twice as fast as it is now. I urge you to step out of your stubborn thinking frame and think about it carefully,” Dean Zhao calmly persuaded, “In addition, in order to ensure the safety of the school, please come forward as soon as possible to maintain the order of the students and appease everyone with a smooth transition. to a new society."

A flash of light flashed in the headmaster's mind, and he pretended to hesitate for a moment. He said, "You have convinced me a little bit, but I can't guarantee that I can appease the panicked students. Talking the language to the children might help a little bit.”

Dean Zhao thought he had compromised, and readily agreed: "Of course, we fully support your work."

Dean Zhao, the chip person, as a teaching backbone, is of course very good at being a teacher. He gave an impromptu speech. The Second Polytechnic University, and facing the entire Second Galaxy, like a missionary, broke apart and smashed the concept and prospects of the Freedom Legion chip empire.

Principal - because he knew the current affairs, he knelt quickly and got good treatment. He pointed the muzzle of his gun and put it away. The chip people returned the office to him and asked him to connect his personal terminal to the Internet to listen to it, and he brought it back to him. A shocking supper.

He listened to the propaganda of the Liberty Legion in his ears, and the personal terminal quietly checked the Second Galaxy network - as expected, the remote communication port was closed, and the Second Galaxy was cut off from the outside world, but

The principal picked up the teacup, covered his movements, and quickly entered a string of keys.

When the Silver Ten Guardians fought guerrillas against the pirates in the seven galaxies, they left some "secrets" in each galaxy, which are simple remote communication ports - the principle is the same as the transition point, without the hardware of the transition point, the macroscopic people Things cannot pass through, but communication signals can.

This was done by the Silver Third Guard back then, to prevent these pervasive pirates from secretly controlling a certain area, and incidentally taking over the transition point, resulting in no calls for help.

After so many years, will wartime equipment still be used

The principal doesn't know.

Even if it can still be used, the Silver Ten Guardians have already passed through the natural wormhole area to the Eighth Galaxy. Can they receive it in the Year of the Monkey

The principal doesn't know either.

But he had no choice but to give it a try.

The principal edited the distress message and took a deep breath. Once sent, the chip people who are very sensitive to human-computer interaction will immediately detect it, but they do not know the secret port and communication path on the intranet in advance. .

+ + +

"Principal," at some point, Dean Zhao's public brainwashing speech ended, "please say a few words too."

The headmaster raised his head. At this time, although there was only a cold lecture platform in front of him, and he couldn't see the audience, he could feel that his nervous students were holding their ears and waiting for his voice.

"Yes, it's me, classmates." The principal said carefully, "I have heard Dean Zhao's theory before you, and many of what he said are from a very novel perspective. , I hadn't thought about it before, so I asked him to share his thoughts with everyone—"

The chip people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw his cooperation.

"The environment and experience make everyone different. The ancients said that 'others are hell'. Without similar experiences, it is difficult for you to understand another person. The conflict of ideas is everywhere. People quarrel in reality and argue on the Internet. In political activities, they criticize each other, and even start bloody conflicts and wars, and even if these battles are endless, they can only temporarily win the party with the loudest voice, and there is no way to distinguish right from wrong.”

Dean Zhao laughed and helped him: "Even universal values will be constantly torn down and rebuilt. Right and wrong are time-limited."

"But what I want to say is that it is very normal to have different opinions and three different views, and it is not scary," said the principal Shen Sheng, his personal terminal showed that the secret port was connected, "The scary thing is that you are for a certain This so-called 'belief' struggles for the rest of his life, but he does not understand until his death, why he believes this, why he has such a view."

Dean Zhao's expression changed suddenly.

SOS message sent successfully.

The next moment, the Freedom Legion received an alert, the chip man broke into the principal's office, the door was violently broken open, and the photo frame of the silver triple twins on the wall "popped" and fell to the ground.

The principal sat motionless behind the desk: "The third level of freedom is the right to choose, to choose what you like, what you don't like, and to choose your lifestyle, and the second level of freedom is the freedom of thought. Through time and space, whether it is good or evil depends on your mood. The first-class freedom is that you can be with yourself at any time and be loyal to yourself. Even if you are temporarily kidnapped by a certain trend of thought, you can wake up one day and chat with yourself. Let’s talk about the ins and outs”

This sentence was never sent out. After the chip man realized that he had been tricked, he immediately cut off all contact with the outside world and arrested him.

The old principal was powerless to resist, and was dragged out like a dead cat. He stared into the eyes of those chip people: "You have the right to know why you are angry, anxious, hated, jealous, you have the right"

His voice stopped abruptly, a hand squeezed his neck, and he simply injected an opium chip into the back of his neck.

The body immediately responded to the biochip, and the old principal curled up in convulsions, making a "uh uh" sound in his throat. Five minutes later, he remained motionless.

A chip man stepped forward, turned him over, and found that his pupils had begun to dilate, and the injected biochip was deactivated.


The chip is injected into the human body, and the human body acts as the host, which will soon be controlled by the chip. During this process, there is a 1% chance that the host will die. These people have firmly rejected the biochip, their will has affected the body, and they will burn with the last chance. .

"What should I do? The information can't be recovered now," a chip man whispered to President Zhao. "It's an unknown channel. He's dead. It's hard for us to track the location of the receiver."

"Don't be nervous," Dean Zhao said, "I have just reported it to the top. According to reliable analysis, the receiving terminal is likely to be the Silver Ten Guardians of the year. The Silver Ten Guardians are now in the eighth galaxy and are isolated by wormholes. You won't get it in a hundred years."

The distress message "not received within 100 years" reached the secret remote port at close to the speed of light, and then was folded to a farther direction, breaking through the encirclement, and arriving in the first galaxy Poisson Yang in about ten hours personal terminal.


The central area was only repaired on the original basis, and the pattern did not change when Lin Jingheng left. Lu Bixing followed them around the confrontational Union Parliament building.

"After the death of General Lu Xin, this place was sealed and belonged to the Military Commission." Li Furan explained, "Generally, it will be demolished and rebuilt and distributed to others, but it was blocked and abandoned until Woolf didn't let it go. Later, General Lu Xin was rehabilitated, and the Alliance recaptured Votto, which should have been renovated - you see."

There were several security robots patrolling the main entrance, and a stone statue of Lu Xin was erected at the entrance. Since he had just mourned his death, there were many flowers under the stone statue.

Li Furan: "There should be an entry registration office next to the stone statue. It seems that this place should be regarded as a memorial hall now, open to the public for commemoration."

Fortunately, the security of the memorial hall is not very strict. Engineer 001 finally did not lose the chain this time, and successfully fixed a few security robots, allowing Zhan Lu to successfully control the size and monitoring of the courtyard.

"Okay, let's go Jingheng?"

Lin Jingheng came back, said "um", and withdrew his gaze a little embarrassedly.

How old is Lu Bixing, he hasn't been back here for many years.

In this era, as long as you want to repair it, you can repair it with the same score. Lu Xin's home is exactly the same as the one in Lin Jingheng's memory, even the tree branches in the garden that are chewed by dogs are exactly the same. He was still in Wulan College, busy in circles, and reluctantly came back to live for a few days during the holidays.

Lu Bixing held his elbow: "what's the matter?"

"Auntie, your mother, every time you come here to pick me up," Lin Jingheng said softly, "it doesn't matter what time it is when I come back."

Lu Bixing was stunned for a moment, and following his gaze, there was a small room in the hallway with a simple table and chairs, a tea set on the table, and a soft carpet on the floor.

"Once it was very late, I said hello in advance and told her not to wait. I didn't expect that when I came back, the lights were still on, and she was wearing a coat over her pajamas. While waiting for me, she wrote a lesson plan on that table. "

Bayer asked Zhan Lu to turn on the light in the small hall.

Since Lu Bixing learned that everything about his "mother" was made up by the one-eyed eagle, his impression of "mother" has become confused and blurred, even if he saw what the real Mrs. Lu looked like from Zhan Lu. In the same way, it is difficult for him to connect her with himself.

But Lin Jingheng is like a key to the unknown past. Suddenly, through his words, the strange woman living in the picture has a reality in Lu Bixing's heart.

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