
Chapter 162: Is she a very gentle person?


"Is she a very gentle person?"

"Very gentle, but with a strong personality, she said everything in class, and she was usually very silent. She is an expert in the theory of interstellar communication," Lin Jingheng said. "Have you read her paper?"

Lu Bixing shook his head—the illiterate One-Eyed Eagle probably didn't know what Madam Lu was studying. Every time, he would only say "just those space equipment or something", successfully misleading Lu Bixing to the mecha. In the designer's pit.

He didn't know about this field before, and after knowing her, he deliberately blocked her information because of resistance, and seemed to know nothing. Facing the empty hall, he suddenly felt a little sorry.

"You should read, especially the articles that refute some of your colleagues' fallacies. The words are very sharp." Lin Jingheng said softly, "I rarely lose my temper, but always give people a kind of 'because your brain is underdeveloped, so care for the mentally retarded' , I don't want the feeling of being in the same boat as you."

Lu Bixing: ""


He could not imagine that someone would treat Lin Jingheng with such an attitude. The "mentally retarded" who was cared for seemed to be the only one

Having said that, it seems that Dr. Laura Geddon's message also used "gorilla" to refer to General Lu Xin, and Zhan Luli's "Spicy Rabbit Head Song".

Li Furan was as careful as a hair and pulled Bayer, and the guards of the Ten Silver Guards spread out to patrol the area wisely, leaving space for the two of them.

"This is the living room, and there is a guest room at the back," Lin Jingheng walked in with Lu Bi. "Lu Xin freely developed the vegetation in the courtyard. He doesn't like to make his own courtyard the same."

The Alliance repaired this place so neatly that it looked like a sign frozen in time, easily awakening the sleeping ghost, and staring at him with the kind of eyes that have never been seen before, but are familiar.

What kind of person is Lu Xin

Lu Bixing was obviously curious about where Lin Jingheng grew up, and he proposed to come and see it, but at this time, he was suddenly close to the nostalgia and couldn't ask the words stuck in his throat.

The house is not open to tourists. There is a glass door at the entrance, and they can only peep at it from the outside. Zhan Lu, who temporarily took over the entire mansion, opened the glass door for them.

The furnishings are as spotless as ever.

On the high-backed sofa, the owner seemed to be still sitting on it, when he heard footsteps and looked around.

The turbulent memory pushed open the door that had been sealed for decades, and almost drowned Lin Jingheng. The flow of time and space made him feel an unbearable dizziness.

Lu Bixing heard Lin Jingheng take a long breath. Lin Jingheng suddenly turned around at the door, as if he wanted to turn around and leave, but he still didn't leave, just stood there quietly with his back to the glass door.

Lu Bixing didn't rush and stayed with him silently, his eyes fell on the rows of trees at the gate of the courtyard. At first, he felt that those tree crowns were bitten by dogs, but he didn't understand what this avant-garde art expressed. Looking at it from this angle, he realized that The same branch that the row of dogs gnawed turned out to be the shape of letters: "What home? Lu He"

"Mueller, the initials of 'Mueller'." Lin Jingheng said, "Her surname is 'Mueller'."

Lu Bixing was slightly shocked.

The "Lu and Mueller House" in the canopy.

"Home of General Lin and Engineer 001" on a wooden sign.

Lu Bixing looked at the row of unsightly trees in a complicated way, wondering how Lin Jingheng felt when he saw the wooden sign in his house for the first time.

Lin Jingheng seemed to see what he was thinking, and said, "I'm glad you didn't inherit his aesthetic."

Lu Bixing heard his heartbeat, which echoed in the empty mansion one after another in the watery night of Votto.

The stone statue on the central square of Galaxy City seemed to have come to life, looking at him from a distance through nearly a hundred light years.

"I was picked up by him when I was less than ten years old," Lin Jingheng said. "It was the first time I came here, and I didn't know Lu Xin well. I was at a loss and resisted. When I got here, I found a little grimace still on the floor."

The aisle at the front entrance is covered with snow-white stone bricks, which looks simple and serious. Lu Bixing followed Lin Jingheng's eyes and saw that there was a cartoon grimace on one of the stone bricks. take.

"I was startled, looked up at him, and he made the same grimace at me." Lin Jingheng reached out and stroked the railing of the hall slowly, "Let's go, let's go in."

Inside the house, Lu Bixing was somewhat familiar.

Several videos of Lin Jingheng's youth were shot in this house. Those pictures were deeply engraved in his mind, and it was easy to match the number.

Lu Bixing stroked the piano in the corner of the living room with his fingers and touched a thin layer of gray: "Whose is this? Who among them likes musical instruments?"

"No one likes it. No one has ever played it." Lin Jingheng said, "That's for me."

Lu Bixing: ""

Almost caught my hand on the piano cover.

"The children of the alliance are about six to ten years old. They receive elementary education in several stages. After that, they can experience various majors for a few years, and then determine their future direction between the ages of ten and 20. Lu Xin put me When I took it away, I just finished primary education, and he imagined many kinds of futures for me, which are nothing, and there are even more outrageous."

Looking at the simple and heavy piano, Lu Bixing imagined that Lin Jingheng did not join the army, but played classical music under the dome in a dress. Suddenly, he was a little crazy, and he hurriedly crawled back to his dignified thoughts, and coughed dryly: "I I thought he would train you at Ulan Academy."

"No," Lin Jingheng was silent for a while, "except he gave me a toy-like simulation mecha, he did not recommend Wulan Academy, I signed up behind his back."

Lu Bixing lowered his eyes and looked at the piano that was quite out of tune with the whole family. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something through this thing.

Lu Xin who regained the Eighth Galaxy, Lu Xin who was followed by hundreds of millions of people, Lu Xin who sang a show against the management committee for his promises, insistence and the management committee, held the "Forbidden Fruit" system, but did not add his name to his death. Lu Xin

When Lu Xin took the sensitive little boy from Woolf, he never thought about making him bear anything.

Lu Bixing thought that Lu Xin was probably a natural guardian. On the cusp of the storm, he wanted to take everything on his shoulders, build his home in the central area of the alliance, and love the alliance as much as he loves his own home, not like himself, passively. Being weighed down by responsibility, after many setbacks, I found the correct posture to get along with the world.

"That's Lu Xin's seat," Lin Jingheng's voice made him come back, Lu Bixing raised his head and saw Lin Jingheng pointing at a single sofa and said, "When there are guests, he sits there like a dog, and the guests leave. , he put his feet up and put them on the table next to him, his feet were still swaying, and he didn't sit or sit."

"Lu Xin would take me with him sometimes, because my aunt had a lot of academic exchange activities and often traveled on business. I was afraid that no one at home would take care of me, but it was unnecessary. At that time, I was not young, and I was able to take care of myself. Besides, there was an electronic housekeeper and a In the Garden of Eden, I have nothing to do at home by myself, and I don't necessarily need someone to take care of me."

"How can I leave you here alone." Lu Bixing thought to himself, "I will feed you the emotions of the whole world, and I am afraid that you will not open your mouth."

Unlike Lin Jingheng, who is resident in the Silver Fortress, Lu Xin is just as addicted to going home. As long as there is a chance, even if there is only enough time for him to go home and sleep, he will go home. The whole world is his stage, but resting elsewhere is just dozing off. Only when he comes back here can he truly sleep.

Lin Jingheng lived upstairs back then, and the stairs were very familiar to Lu Bixing—on his tenth birthday, Lu Xin gave him a simulated mecha, which was recorded at the time, and the person who recorded it ran all the way up from here.

Lu Bixing paused in the stairwell and suddenly asked, "Is he about the same height as me?"

Lin Jingheng didn't understand what he was asking, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Huh?"


The perspectives are beautifully overlapping, and the familiarity makes Lu Bixing feel as if he is revisiting the old place.

The second-to-last staircase was one step shorter than the other staircases, and Lu Bixing subconsciously took two steps in one step, just like the man carrying the artificial mecha.

The moment he jumped up, it was as if an invisible soul passed him by.

There are many photo frames on the walls of the stairwell. Ordinary people will hang decorative paintings, but here are all kinds of photos. The emotions of the family and friends of the house owner are too rich to fit.

Lu Bixing paused, and saw a familiar person at the corner - a one-eyed eagle with a pair of mandarin duck eyes.

The young one-eyed eagle was nothing like the old arms dealer. He was a little fatter, and he was not very particular about his clothes. He wore a ragged shirt that didn't fit well, most of the buttons were left open, and his hair seemed to have not been combed in hundreds of years. , was dry and frizzy, and exploded everywhere, with no temperament at all, his outstretched fist touched Lu Xin's, his grin showed his big white teeth, and he smiled a little at the camera.

The eyes seemed to glow.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Lu Bixing thought to himself.

"Lu Xin fell from the sky and ignited a bonfire in the entire eighth galaxy," Lin Jingheng followed his gaze. "The feelings of Cyclops and Chief Edward for him were difficult for others to understand."

"He made them feel that the Alliance didn't abandon the Eighth Galaxy?"

"In the eyes of the eighth galaxy, Lu Xin is the alliance and the declaration of freedom," Lin Jingheng said. "It was the declaration of freedom that pulled them out of the abyss of the rainbow virus and defeated the tyranny of Prince Gloria. For the first time, Lu Xin let them I feel that I can still have another way of living, which is still a person.”

Lu Bixing shrugged: "The alliance self-destructs the Great Wall."

"The Alliance has repeatedly disappointed the Eighth Galaxy. Thirty years later, the bonfire Lu Xin once lit turned to ashes," Lin Jingheng said. "It was you who lit the fire for the second time."

Lu Bixing was shocked, turned back suddenly, and met Lin Jingheng's eyes.

And that gaze seemed to be different from usual. In this special place, it resonated strangely with the whole house. Together with Lu Xin and the one-eyed eagle in the photo, they looked at him, the rebel who once wanted to eradicate the declaration of freedom.

Lu Bixing's throat seemed to be choked by something, and he was speechless for a while.

"He should be proud of you," Lin Jingheng said. "Even if you don't recognize him, if the old Persian cat didn't go too hastily, he should have introduced Lu Xin to you. If that's the case, you'll probably be more comfortable with it. easy."

"The two of you feel that you are omnipotent, and even if the sky falls, you can carry it for me one by one, so don't tell me anything," Lu Bixing flicked his finger on the forehead of the one-eyed eagle in the photo, his eyes suddenly became hot, " What, it turned out that the cowhide leaked it?"

Lin Jingheng: "We were wrong."

Lu Bixing raised a finger at him and interrupted him: "It's too late."

The corner of Lin Jingheng's mouth moved slightly, feeling a little helpless.

Lu Bixing gave him way, turned and walked upstairs. After a few steps, he suddenly turned back from a height and said fiercely, "What's the use of apology, compensation? You still remember when you set out for the seventh galaxy, Did you promise me anything before you left?"

Lin Jingheng was taken aback.

"You say how long you won't go home, you will be at my mercy for as long as you want. You have to do whatever I want you to do," Lu Bixing said loudly without hesitation, "It's been so long, I won't tell you, why don't you mention it? , Commander, do you want to default on your debt?"

In the photo frame, Lu Xin, big and small, watched them with admiration or ridicule, his eyes as real.

Lin Jingheng's ears made "this group of Lu Xin" look hot: "That's what you said in your own wishful thinking, when did I agree!"

Lu Bixing ignored him and ran up briskly.

Votto's long night was coming to an end, and a little fish maw white rose from the distance to greet the high attic.

The style of painting in the attic was a bit abrupt, with a layer of candy-colored paint. Lu Bixing glanced curiously and pushed open the door of the attic—

The inside is still empty, with no furniture, but there are many small doors and wooden pipes, which can be seen as the prototype of a children's paradise.

"He designed this himself, I remember." Lin Jingheng followed his memory and knocked along the wall. He found a small door hidden in the wall at the very inner end. He stretched out his hand and pushed it open. There was actually a passage inside. " There's a slide that goes all the way from the attic to the first floor."

Lu Bixing's heart moved, and an answer seemed to come out: "This is"

"This is for you who were not born at the time."

"This is his most proud design, and he slipped back and forth several times when he was happy. Everyone in this house used to look forward to your birth as if they were waiting for a festival." Lin Jingheng said softly, "Would you like to try it out? try?"

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