
Chapter 163: Fatal error


The hardness of the slide can be adjusted, and the surrounding area is soft. Even if the turning speed is too fast, it will not hurt. The part that is in contact with the person is smooth and smooth. The slope and smoothness can be adjusted at any time by voice. Lu Bixing suddenly smells a smell of orange. Qingxiang: "Zhan Lu?"

"The spray in the slide will automatically choose your favorite scent," Zhan Lu's voice sounded, "but it didn't recognize you, and it just failed to read. I reloaded the data."

While speaking, Lu Bixing had slid to the bottom. At this time, his speed suddenly slowed down automatically, and soft obstacles rose up in the passage, like many hands protecting him, which just stopped him near the exit, and then A stereoscopic projection appeared there.

Lu Xin seemed to have grown out of the ground, and grinned at him: "You're going too fast, baby."

The three-dimensional projection is life-size, and the visual effects can be faked. He retracted his legs, got up slowly, and found that the legendary General Lu Xin was indeed about the same height as himself, and his every move was as familiar as they had known each other for decades.

Lu Bixing stretched out his hand, and Lu Xin, who was in the projection, also stretched out his hand and touched them together. Lu Bixing was shocked and raised his head in astonishment, thinking that he had touched the entity.

"It's a tactile illusion created by micro-current." Zhan Lu said, "Considering that you may not be able to control your speed when you are young, and you are easily frightened when you fall, he made a virtual portrait, so that even if he is not at home, you can You can also hold your father's hand for the first time."

Lu Bixing and the avatar looked at each other for a while: "Is he moving?"

Zhan Lu said: "This is just a pre-recorded projection, just like the boot screen, Principal Lu, it is not artificial intelligence. But there is another preset action, you can try to hold his hand."

"Hey, forget it, it's too numb." Lu Bixing waved his hand awkwardly and walked out alone.

Lu Xin's eyes in the projection have been following him, with a smile in his dark eyes. Because it was so realistic, the sighting was like real, a little gratified and sad.

Lu Bixing: ""

He sighed, looked back at Lu Xin for a moment, turned back as if surrendered, tried to grab the virtual hand, the realistic tactile effect brushed across his skin, making him suddenly have an illusion, It seemed that Lu Xinren was holding him. The man had broad shoulders, a straight back, and a few tufts of tangled hair on the back of his head. He pulled him to the exit and said the set lines to him.

"Dad is here, what's so scary."

The movable door at the end of the slide opened, and the light from the outside shone in. The sense of touch in his hand and the projection in front of him disappeared. Lu Bixing was a little dazed there, the temperature of his palm still remained, and he looked back subconsciously.

nothing left.

Lin Jingheng, who got down from the elevator, had been waiting for him for a while. At this time, the morning light broke through the door and shrouded his shoulders. A few steps away, Lin Jingheng was watching him quietly.

Interlaced in time and space, mixed feelings.

Lu Bixing's three-inch incorrupt tongue seemed to be malfunctioning, and he stared at him for a moment, unable to say a word.

I really knew him before he was born.

However, at this moment, Li Fran walked in suddenly, breaking the atmosphere of reversed time and space: "Chief, Commander!"

Lin Jingheng came back suddenly: "What?"

"Poisson's letter," Li Fran said quickly, "The Freedom Legion suddenly launched an attack in major galaxies, and the number of chip people hidden in ordinary people reached a very terrifying number. They did not pass through the space force this time. Governments and important institutions were directly held hostage on the major planets."

In two sentences, Bayer and others who also received the news also gathered.

Lu Bixing and Lin Jingheng said in unison, "What is the news channel?"

"It comes from the secret communication port that Baiyin San put down in the major galaxies in the past," Li Fran said, "As far as the news is obtained, the capital star of the second galaxy is already in bad luck."

Bayer didn't react for a while: "They chose to start in the second galaxy, why? Is there any strategic purpose?"

"No," Lu Bixing said in a deep voice, "it may also be that the second galaxy is the closest, and the information of other galaxies has not yet arrived."

Lin Jingheng: "The secret port is much slower than the remote port. It takes at least ten hours to come from the second galaxy. There is only one case for choosing the secret port, that is, the remote communication channels in the galaxy are blocked. I am afraid that the Central Army of the Second Galaxy has not received any news."

Li Fran's pupils shrank, Bayer shuddered firmly, and everyone collectively thought of a terrible scene—

Colleagues and friends around people suddenly showed hideous faces. Chips are like viruses, which are pervasive and splashed on the entire seven galaxies. They are infinitely powerful and invulnerable. They can use chips to invade the human-computer interaction process. They occupy natural planets, artificial space, even military fortresses, and all places where people are, and the injection of chips is very convenient. Once the body is transformed by opium, it will kneel at the feet of the Freedom Legion from the heart.

Wouldn't that turn the entire alliance into a chip empire overnight

What can stop them

On Never Island, Lin Jingshu, who had not slept all night, was in front of a huge interstellar map. Except for the first galaxy and the eighth galaxy, all the human settlements were being swallowed and shrouded by black at a terrible speed.

Some upheaval is subtle, quietly started and quietly carried out when no one is aware of it.

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And some upheaval is an overnight upheaval—

"Are the honored guests of the funeral going to enter?" Lin Jingshu said, "Contact Wang Ailun and tell him that we are ready."

The funerals of Votto's important people are usually in the morning. The guests prepare in the early morning and enter the hall at dawn. For a funeral of Woolf's level, the preparation time is even longer.

In the Union Parliament Building, which was besieged overnight, a few trembling little robots walked out before dawn, handing out dresses and white flowers, and trying to register a guest list, but was chased away by the soldiers of the Central Army with laser guns .

Wang Ailun, whose face was haggard like a bereaved dog, received the signal, and his eyes flashed with enthusiasm. He immediately got up as if nothing had happened, walked to the commanders of the Central Army, and said in a low voice, "Everyone, it seems that we should prepare to enter the field."

The commander-in-chief of the Central Army of the Second Galaxy is called "Zheng Di". He is a thin middle-aged man with a thin face and a little cheeks, so he appears to be extraordinarily unsmiling. Zheng Di raised his eyes and glanced at Wang Ailun. Secretary is a good position. When I was young, I had the opportunity to practice with big people for a few years. It not only saved my contacts but also my eyesight. It is a good foundation for joining the military and politics in the future. But if he was a private secretary for most of his life, he would eat and drink Lazarus and pour tea all day long. In Commander Zheng's view, it would be very lucky.

He felt that Wang Ailun's oily head and powdery face, the more humbly he came to beg them, the more looked down upon him, so he snorted indifferently, and ignored the disgraced secretary-general like air, turned his head and said aloud: "Here The old marshal sees off!"

As soon as he gave an order, the mechas behind him collectively flashed their miniature cannons and fired an empty bullet into the sky.

The huge roar frightened the birds of Votto, and the Union Parliament building trembled. Wang Ailun's ears were buzzing, he gritted his teeth and held on to the smile on his face, tasting the smell of blood: "Commander Zheng, please."

As soon as Zheng Di raised his leg, at this moment, his chief guard quickly walked through the crowd, walked to him and whispered a few words.

The commander of the Second Galaxy Central Army looked surprised: "What did you say? Who contacted me?"

The chief guard glanced at Wang Ailun next to him, Zheng Di frowned, turned around and basked Wang Ailun in place, and returned to his mecha car.

"Jinglin" Zheng Di saw Lin Jingheng on the communication terminal of the mecha car, and he was so surprised that he stumbled. Called "General" and "Commander", "Aren't you in the Eighth Galaxy? Isn't the Eighth Galaxy closed?"

"It's me," Lin Jingheng directly skipped the greeting, "Old Zheng, has the remote communication of the second galaxy been blocked?"

Zheng Di was stunned for a moment, then turned his head abruptly.

The guard next to him said inexplicably: "No, there is still a signal, and the network time of the second galaxy is also very accurate."

Lin Jingheng: "It should be the morning of the second galaxy capital star, have you received the headline news?"


Are you still in the mood to watch the news feed of your hometown at such a tense moment of forcing the palace

However, Zheng Di has already reacted: "Idiot, whoever blocks your communication will be detected by you? Call me the Central Command of the Second Galaxy!"

The guards ran away.

"It's too late," Lin Jingheng said quickly, "The capital star of the second galaxy may have been occupied by the chipmen of the Freedom Legion. I don't know how many of the same chipmen, Votto, you have fallen into other people's traps. Get out now!"

At the same time, Wang Ailun, who was sunbathing in the same place, carefully recalled the color of the guard just now, and felt that something was wrong.

Lin Jingshu received a message from Wang Ailun: "If it is suspected that it has been exposed, do it in advance."

Several fifth-generation chipmen waited with bated breath for her order.

As soon as Lin Jingshu raised her hand, the "Five Generations" filed out—

An indescribable tense atmosphere permeated the allied forces in the central army of the galaxies. Then, the commanders and guards who had been preparing to enter the hall of the alliance parliament turned around and planned to return to the mecha car in an orderly manner. , and withdrew without saying a word.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A row of laser guns shot over, and the crowd who were lining up to enter the venue to attend the funeral screamed. Several people who looked like guests suddenly pulled off their dresses. They were actually loaded with live ammunition and fired at the evacuating Central Army.

Those assassins are like "Superman" in a sci-fi movie. The movements are so fast that people can't see clearly. Everyone has the power to swept a piece, and they are invulnerable. Several blood flowers pierced by bullets burst out from their bodies, and they can still speed. As he rushed forward unabated, the scene was a little more terrifying.

However, while the onlookers were running and fleeing, the Central Army did not panic. They were well trained to hold up their protective shields, cooperated properly, and retreated after fighting to protect the officers from shrinking in the direction of the mecha.

Wang Ailun had already hid in a safe area. Seeing this situation, he sweated coldly on his back, and quickly said to the personal terminal: "I plan to close the front and rear doors after they enter the auditorium to catch turtles in the urns. I didn't expect them to notice it in advance, Jing Shu. , it won't work like this, no matter how powerful your chipmen are, they can't pass through thousands of troops and capture the king, let them withdraw to space and we'll do it!"

Lin Jingshu comforted unconcernedly: "Don't worry, Uncle Allen, reinforcements will be here soon."

Wang Ailun was a little surprised: "Do you still have reinforcements?"

Lin Jingshu chuckled lightly. The next moment, high-energy alarms sounded on the mecha vehicles. A group of near-ground mecha vehicles came out of nowhere to flank them. I couldn't see how many people there were. These mecha vehicles did not care about the unarmed people on the street at all, and a particle cannon blasted over and blasted the mecha vehicles of the Central Army.

The aftermath swept across the Union Parliament Building, which trembled under such weapons of mass destruction. Wang Ailun scolded, and withdrew to the refuge space in the building with his own guard regiment, a shadow passed in his heart—he I don't know where Lin Jingshu got so many mecha cars behind his back.

That's how conspirators are. When a partner has no backing hands, he feels that the other party is stupid and can't adapt.

When the other party did what he wanted, when he kept his back, he would be suspicious again, wondering if the other party didn't tell him the truth.

"This lunatic really can't be kept," Wang Ailun thought calmly. "The pirates can take advantage of it. Long-term cooperation is to seek skin with tigers, and it is easy to be attacked."

The sanctuary space was crowded with dignitaries from the center of the alliance. At this time, they could not care about the struggle for power, so they pulled Wang Ailun: "Secretary-General, are you a pirate?"

"I'm afraid it's the Freedom Legion."

"My God! How could Votto have pirates!"

"What the hell are the guards of Votto doing? First, the Central Army was forced to land. Now the pirates are about to rush into the parliament building. They don't even know! Are we going to retreat to the Fortress of Angel City again?"

"Don't mention the Central Army. Fortunately, the Central Army is there—how many pirates are there, can the Central Army resist?"

Wang Ailun stretched out his hand to press, and a slight movement attracted everyone's attention. The feeling of power like the stars holding the moon came back in an instant, Wang Ailun said calmly: "Everyone, don't worry, don't worry, I'm already here. Before dawn, I informed the alliance troops of the military fortresses around Votto, and they will be able to arrive soon, whether it is the Central Army or the pirates, it will not be a problem, our army has always been invincible, and will definitely ensure everyone’s safety.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a message was received on the personal terminal.

Wang Ailun smiled slightly: "Our army has reached the atmosphere of Votto."

Whether the arrogant and rude Central Army, or the over-the-top Lin Jingshu, are destined to be his stepping stones—

At this time, the security guards of the Union Parliament Building were late. The guards rushed into the refuge space where Wang Ailun and the others were staying with many security robots. The anxious politicians breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Jingshu of Never Island put on her coat and was ready to set off to harvest the fruits of her victory.

"Da Da," she patted a little fairy on the head, "surprise, Uncle Allen."

In the Union Parliament Building, Wang Ailun straightened his collar and came out more and more, intending to take over the security guards smoothly: "It's too slow."

The captain of the security guard looked at him with a strange look: "Yes, Secretary General."

In an instant, Wang Ailun keenly sensed that something was wrong. He stopped short, and saw the captain of the guard smiled strangely, raised the laser gun in his hand, pointed it at his chest, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Wang Ailun was thrown away by the guards beside him and fell two meters away. His lungs were almost knocked out. In the refuge space, decent gentlemen and ladies fled like a flood, like chickens that exploded their nests, and security robots like Dominated by some kind of force, he uniformly took up the laser gun and fired at the crowd. A corpse that had been beaten into a honeycomb fell in front of Wang Ailun, his eyes still not closed.

In a hurry, Wang Ailun mobilized his authority as the secretary-general of the parliament and issued the highest alarm, but his personal terminal did not respond at all.

The "security guard captain" just stepped on the blood and walked slowly to him, lowered his head and looked at Wang Ailun - his knee was pierced by Wang Ailun's guard with a laser gun, and there was an obvious hole in it, but it had no effect at all. His steady steps.

Poppy Chip Man.

But how

How could the chip man breach the security of the parliament building without him knowing

How many are they

Lin Jingshu Lin Jingshu was using him from beginning to end

"Captain of the security guard" took off his hat, opened his mouth, and said it with a somewhat strange female voice - Lin Jingshu's voice: "Da Da, I am pleasantly surprised, Uncle Allen."

Wang Ailun's pupils shrank suddenly, but his brain was too late to sort out the ins and outs of the whole thing, and the laser gun pierced from between his eyebrows to the back of his head.

At the Union Parliament Building, the symbol of the new Astral civilization, an unprecedented massacre begins.

The huge interference signal was released, and the commanders of the Central Army found that they had lost contact with the mecha in the sky, and they could not even make a video call on the ground!

Immediately afterwards, a new round of shaking began on the ground, more and more pirate near-ground mecha vehicles rushed over, as well as the residents of Votto who were panicking.

In the early morning, many people were disheveled, some ran on the street, some drove around like flies in their private cars, and they rushed to the central district, trying to seek the government's asylum.

No matter how much the Central Army wanted to rebel, it was still a regular army. It was impossible to open fire on unarmed personnel without hesitation. Guard, let in the residents who were chased by the pirates.

This is another fatal error -

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