
Chapter 165: It seems to be a starter


Although Lu Bixing also moved his hands and feet, intimacy and social relations are always different, not to mention that even Lu Bixing would not destroy the commander's serious aura in public places.

Commander Zheng slammed down with an iron fist that was invisible, causing Lin Jingheng to forget to resist in shock.

And Zheng Di's fist was not relieved, and he punched it several times in a row. Decades of old and new hatred were all in these punches. Li Fulan next to him heard the muffled sound of "Tongtong", and the corners of his eyes could not help but twitch. .

"After all these years, you've been fucking silent!"

Lin Jingheng almost let him smash his lungs out. Lu Bixing watched his face turn from white to red, and then from red to white.

Lin Jingheng clenched his fists, pushed Zheng Di away with one hand, and took a few steps back. However, he was silent for a while, but he didn't react violently, he just said lightly, "What's the use of you?"

Zheng Di: ""

This kid is a real jerk, not a fake jerk. That shit just wasn't fun.

"I don't mean to belittle you, but - did you have military power that you could freely mobilize? Did you have the right to speak in the center of the alliance? Do you have a family background? Do you have a useful backer?" Lin Jingheng's eyes swept across different colors The commanders of the Central Army of the People's Republic of China rarely showed any emotions, as if they were just stating a sad fact, "No, no matter whether the list is exposed or not, you are all dangerous elements in the eyes of the management committee, and you are branded with Lu Xin. , even if he doesn't die, he will be marginalized. I am different. I haven't graduated yet, and my resume is 'clean', and the legal guardian is appointed by the Military Commission, so it is not my will to come here."

Because he is Lin Wei's son and an honorary graduate of Wulan Academy.

Although Marshal Woolf did not personally adopt him, but in the next two hundred years, no matter whether Lin Jingheng is outstanding or mediocre, a lieutenant general or above will definitely reserve a seat for him, even if it is a virtual position.

For the Eden Management Committee, a careerist with a good background, impulsive youth, disposition as bad as character, strong desire for power, and even at the cost of breaking with his adoptive father in order to climb up the ladder, is very ideal. A watchdog, especially since he has the ability to beat up pirates all over the place.

"It's just me and the management committee calculating each other. As for me sending you to the Central Army in various places, it's just for the sake of tsk, when is it, what are you doing with these old sesame seeds and rotten millet?" Lin Jingheng sneered slightly sarcastically, embarrassed Avoiding everyone's complicated eyes, he said with a bit of alienation, "Don't be too affectionate, all the scenes of enduring humiliation and burdens are on my head, how can I imagine so much?"

Lin Jingheng's face froze, and he turned around to distance himself from the crowd, but his words that could freeze people's hearts were suddenly interrupted and stopped with a muffled groan.


Lu Bixing came over from behind him unexpectedly and grabbed him. Lin Jingheng turned around and was forcibly pushed back by him.

Lu Bixing's hand strength is quite strong, but his tone is very soft: "Then you went to the eighth galaxy to search for my traces everywhere, and stayed with me for five years in the backcountry of Beijing β star. Later, because of the unstable situation, you did everything possible to hide it. Is it all my self-indulgent love to follow me and delete Zhan Luli's information?"

Lin Jingheng: ""

Zheng Di sighed, looked at Lu Bixing with unusually complicated eyes, and then looked at Lin Jingheng, who looked very unnatural: "I remember that day I followed the general from the Silver Fortress back to Votto, and halfway, he received a call from Wulan College. The headmaster's phone number, I found out that you applied to the First Military Academy behind his back, and was admitted. His expression is still in front of my eyes, his eyebrows almost flew out of his face, and he asked the headmaster several times, 'You Are you sure? He's only fourteen'."

The children of the alliance are about ten years old, and they have basic education. After ten years of adolescence, under the guidance of the Garden of Eden, they experience various fields, receive vocational education, and explore their future majors. After making a decision, they can submit applications and Self-report and take the entrance exam.

A leading school like Ulan Academy receives applications like snowflakes every year. Only when they truly determine their direction and have a clear plan and clear understanding of their future can they write something that can impress them.

"The general may not have told you that at that time, the old principal privately showed him the self-report you submitted. Ulan Academy, many people will mention in the self-report that they are willing to be a 'guardian' of an alliance, but What you wrote is that if a flood comes from the sky like in the ancient saying, and everyone runs for their lives, you are willing to be the first person to be submerged by the flood against the tide of people."

Lu Bixing came to demolish the platform, meaning that Lin Jingheng didn't want to miss this opportunity for reconciliation, so he came to adjust the atmosphere on purpose.

But after hearing the phrase "the first person to be submerged by the flood", there seemed to be a string in his heart that moved slightly.

With the power of one person, Lu Xin wiped out the pirates entrenched in the eighth galaxy. He became famous at a young age and made great achievements. He is very likely to become the supreme commander of the alliance in the future, as long as he shows that he can "take care of the overall situation". It means, follow Votto's rules of the game well, be "steady", and don't always think about flipping the chessboard because of the empty brains of the Eighth Galaxy.

The first time, he gave up the Silver Ten Guardians, and the second time, he gave up being on the "Forbidden Fruit" amnesty list.

He was born in the alliance of Datong in the world, and he does not think deeply about various "isms" like the previous generation; his duty is to guard the starry sky, and he probably does not have as much worry as the top of the White Tower.

Lu Xin was just willing to be the first to be submerged by the flood.

The people who once took the one-eyed eagle and Yu William upstream together, lined up in front of the wind and waves.

One of his fathers.

"The old principal said that although he was very immature, you reminded him of the general." Zheng Di said softly, "In those years, I thought you were old and forgot the words you wrote about children. Now it seems that instead It's us old people who are angry and cold-hearted, always thinking about bringing back all the things that were suppressed in the past, and forgetting who we are. Jingheng, the alliance has come to this dead end today, everyone is guilty, but you are not. Even if the general were alive, he would have said that."

Lin Jingheng subconsciously earned it.

Lu Bixingfu was very heartfelt and blurted out, "I agree with brother on behalf of the eighth galaxy."

You took me home, and through you, I touched the hand of a father I had never met.

So can I also replace the father I just met and say that you are my pride

This "brother" sound was more effective than the chip jammer, and the commander who was twisted was stopped on the spot, and he became a stiff scarecrow.

When Lin Jingheng just returned to the eighth galaxy, when he learned that Lu Bixing had revealed the secret of his life experience, he half-jokingly tried to get him to call him this name, but Lu Bixing didn't respond, and he felt silent rejection, and then Lin Jingheng felt it. He didn't dare to take the initiative to mention it again, and when he heard Lu Bixing's resistance to his origin, he even thought that this would be an eternal regret.

Lin Jingheng turned around in disbelief, the sentence "What did you call me" stuck in his throat, and the third Samsung system handsome next to him gave him a slap on the shoulder: "Since you were a child, you have been such a stinky virtue that you don't say anything, dozens of times. There is no growth in years.”

"Does it feel good to be alone?"

"What do you think of us, what do you think you are?"

"Who carried you alone?"

Lu Bixing cheated with chips, secretly restraining him from running. I don't know whether Zheng Di took off his gloves or a barrier. Anyway, suddenly, the "No Touch" sign above Lin Jingheng's head was overturned by everyone. These old generals who have been fighting with him for many years, They stepped over the cold "Chu River and Han Realm" beside him, and pulled out the man who was stern and unwilling to shake hands and make peace.

Li Fran and Bayer looked at each other, their eyes suddenly warmed.

Angel City Fortress—

The Alliance Central used this place as a temporary command center, and later recaptured Votto, and the people here followed.

At that time, according to the meaning of Marshal Woolf, the Fortress of Angel City was not only one of the foundations of the establishment of the alliance, but also played a pivotal role in the war, which was of great commemorative significance. Therefore, it was planned to transform the Fortress of Angel City into a memorial hall for people to visit.

The current Angel City Fortress, the military fortress function has been replaced by other man-made spaces, some infrastructure of the public memorial is under construction, the entire Angel City Fortress is quiet, and only a few staff are responsible for maintaining the environment.

The Great Prophet of the Anti-Ukraine Society, Harris-Hope, took a mech disguised as a supply starship and entered through the supply channel of the Fortress of Angel City. Back then, the Anti-Ukrainian would sneak into the Fortress of Angel City and secretly communicate with Woolf. This is the way to go.

I took this road again today because the "Night Queen" mentioned by Woolf in the interview video made Hope feel like he was stuck in his throat.

In the Fortress of Angel City, the back garden of Woolf's temporary marshal's mansion is called "Night Queen Garden". It is full of black tulips. There is also a wordless stone tablet in the garden. The marshal is getting old, and everyone is polite and respectful and doesn't talk much, but it doesn't seem to be a secret.

Hope had asked Woolf what was buried under the stele.

At the time, Woolf put a black tulip seed in his palm and told him: "It's nothing, just a flower seed."

The channel interface still retains the muzzle of the wartime, and the artificial intelligence is dutifully checking the permission to enter the starship one by one.

Everyone around Hope was on guard.

Hope knew that he was being used by Woolf. Although he kept silent for the sake of the overall situation, he was very disgusted with what Woolf had done. After he reunited the anti-Urban meeting, he unilaterally cut off from Woolf. contact. After so many years, no one knew whether this road would work or not, and no one knew if Hope had made the wrong idea in a whimsical meeting.

Maybe Woolf really lost his mind before he died, and the "Queen of the Night" might just be some old, muddled gibberish.

The artificial intelligence stretched out the detection needle and swept the camouflage starship. The five seconds were stretched infinitely. Hope held his breath, feeling that the muzzles on both sides of the docking port seemed to move.

Immediately afterwards, a "beep" sounded, a green light flashed, and they were let go!

Hope heaved a sigh of relief and followed the other supply ships into orbit slowly.

There is a secret passage in the supply, which leads directly to the secret room of Woolf's temporary marshal's house. There are ten key levels on this secret passage, and the first one is stuck.

"No, Prophet. The old key permissions have been revoked."

Hope walked over: "Let me see."

"Prophet, Wang Ailun was Woolf's confidant, and he knew this secret way back then. Now we don't know what role that secretary-general played. Maybe he betrayed Woolf?"

Hope frowned, very uncertain, when something suddenly flashed past his eyes.

"Beware Prophet!"

Hope was startled, and immediately, the "Key Passed" sign flashed past, and the level was opened.

"It's iris verification! Prophet, you're right!" A follower of the Anti-Ukrainian Society was flattering, "Wolf deliberately mentioned the 'Queen of the Night', which is really a mystery, he deliberately set the channel key to you iris, this is a channel just for you!"

Hope smiled reluctantly at him, and the breath he had just let down picked up again. Dealing with Woolf, he never knew if he was going from one trap to another.

Unimpeded all the way to Woolf's temporary marshal's house, Hope and the others sneaked into the Night Queen's Garden.

It may be that the flowering period here has passed, and all the night queens in the garden have withered. Only the stone tablet in the middle is particularly conspicuous. Hope's throat moved slightly: "Dig it up."

A few people around him stepped forward, took out the engineering robot that was with him, and dug out the stele.

"Prophet, look!"

Connected under the stone tablet turned out to be a safe.

"Prophet, there seems to be a launcher inside, which is sleeping and needs a password."

Hope asked, "Can you see the activation or something?"

The subordinates looked at him and shook his head blankly: "I don't know, but if there is a separate starter, it must be a large artificial intelligence network, right?"

Hope tried typing "Night Queen", but nothing happened.

He frowned, and tried a dozen possible words such as "Black Tulip", "Ringle", "Wolf", "Harris" and so on, but none of them responded.

"Prophet, the fortress of Angel City is the alliance's territory after all, it is not safe, or we should leave this place with something before we go back? We can organize cryptographic experts to decipher it when we go back."

Hope nodded and asked several of his subordinates to lift the safe disguised as a stone tablet and prepare to leave.

Suddenly, he took a step and suddenly remembered something: "Wait!"

It's nothing, it's just seeds

Hope quickly typed "seed" into the launcher—

With a "hum", an indescribable feeling passed under his feet. For a moment, Hope almost suspected that the Fortress of Angel City was "alive".

The electronic butler of the temporary marshal's mansion in the Fortress of Angel City was instantly replaced by some unknown program, and a familiar sigh came from the audio equipment playing music in the garden.

Hope was startled, and the coolness climbed up the back ridge.

The ghostly voice said, "Long time no see, Harris, here you are."

Hope's lips moved: "Wolf"

Votto, Union Parliament Building—

"Are you all gone?" Lin Jingheng took a bit of embarrassment for a while, then put on a cold face with difficulty, "Speaking of business!"

Bayer coughed dryly, and stepped forward to support his boss: "Commander, if nothing else happens, according to our plan, Liu Yuanzhong and Poisson Yang should have arrived at Votto. With them, the Union Army and the Central Army outside the atmosphere should have arrived. Shouldn't be able to fight."

"Thank goodness," said the fourth star system commander, "that is to say, although we are besieged here, but the space battlefield is still in our hands, the situation is not too bad? The silver ten guards of the eight galaxies join forces, I don't believe that the Freedom Legion can find any storms."

"I'm not too optimistic," Zheng Di said in a deep voice, "After all, most people in the world still live on the ground - brother, if we are on the ground and pirates occupy the space battlefield, it is very dangerous, because the pirates are crazy, We really dare to bomb the planet, but the reverse is not possible, our space force will never dare to fire on the ground, so we can only be so deadlocked."

If there is a long-term stalemate, it is impossible for the space force to consume the ground.

Lu Bixing sighed: "To be honest, if there is a long-term stalemate, I still have some experience in building an ecosystem in the mecha, I am afraid that the other party is not willing to stop the fire even outside the stalemate? It seems to be a lot quieter, why? What's the matter?"

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