
Chapter 166: Unarmed, accept the chip


Dr. Harden's jammer can free them to clean up the unarmed personnel on the battlefield. The base is already the limit. It is impossible for Lu Bixing to add an amplification device that is better than nothing, and suddenly change the situation on the ground battlefield. The front row of the Freedom Corps mecha vehicles was overturned by the Central Army, blocking the road behind. The chip man behind tried to clear the barricade and rushed up, while the Central Army opened fire when they saw people showing up, so the outside The gunfire never stopped.

At this time, Lu Bixing reminded everyone that it was suddenly quiet outside, only the sound of pattering rain remained, and an indescribable sense of depression enveloped.

Suddenly, Zhan Lu's voice sounded in the parliament building.

"Everyone," Zhan Lu said, "the interference has weakened, and the ground communication is being repaired. There is an unknown communication request to access the Union Parliament Building. Do you want to connect?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized that this was a communication from the enemy.

"Yes." Lin Jingheng gritted his teeth.

In the center of the Alliance Council hall, there is a three-dimensional screen that is about three meters high. Lin Jingheng's voice fell, and the three-dimensional screen popped up immediately. With a flash of light, a man in the uniform of the Freedom Legion appeared on the screen - not only the uniform, but also the gesture of salute Both are the opposite of the Alliance, looking from the opposite side, like a terrifying man in the mirror.

"Good morning, commanders, deputies, soldiers and citizens. I am a 'fifth generation' chip carrier, and it is my great honor to meet you on behalf of my lord, I"

This unfortunate fifth-generation chip man didn't even say his opening remarks, but was interrupted by Lin Jingheng involuntarily: "What are you, get out! Let Lin Jingshu come out and talk to me."

While speaking, his eyes met Lu Bixing, and Lu Bixing immediately understood—the communication recovered at this time was ground communication. If Lin Jingshu was really provoked by Lin Jingheng, then it would prove that she was very likely to be on Votto, and the ground communication network was not connected. Passing through the remote jump point, it is theoretically traceable!

"Five Generations" - Because of the chip, he believes in his own master from the soul. Hearing this impolite tone, of course, he is very angry: "How dare you?"

"Let Lin Jingshu come out and talk to me," Lin Jingheng repeated word by word, "Why, she dares to put me in a space prison for 14 years, dare to make me a standard, but dare not Come out and meet me?"

The fifth generation chip man was half angry, and his anger suddenly stopped there. The next moment, his face changed slightly. The corner of his mouth was gently raised, and when he opened his mouth, a woman's voice came out: "Jingheng."

This scene is too weird, let alone Lin Jingheng who was named, even the onlookers next to him got goosebumps.

Lu Bixing's pupils shrank slightly - what is this operation

Dr. Harden has only told him that the chips of the Free Legion are graded, and there is suppression between the grades, but because he is too old, his body cannot withstand the impact and transformation of biochips, and he always has a problem with the chip empire in Lin Jingshu's vision. Therefore, Lin Jingshu didn't kill him or let him go, so he locked him up, and later research naturally blocked him out. Dr. Harden has only been involved in the research and development of secondary chips at the most, and can only give a rough estimate of what functions the high-level chips have.

Lin Jingheng glanced at him again.

Lu Bixing's eyes were slightly dark, and he shook his head indistinctly at him - he didn't understand the principle of this "ghost upper body" at all, he had no clue and could not trace it.

"Long time no see." Lin Jingshu's voice was clear and soft. When she spoke, she lowered her voice a little, showing a sense of restraint and order. However, when this restraint was directed towards her only relative, she seemed indescribably alienated. Indifference, like those relatively wordless awkward meetings.

Lin Jingheng's fingers behind his back suddenly tightened: "It's been a long time since I haven't seen you."

"The Eighth Galaxy has returned to the Alliance for a hundred years, and it has never received any fair treatment. Isn't it already angry and independent?" Lin Jingshu said, "It has been closed for nearly 20 years, and everyone's well water does not violate the river, can't we continue? If there is going to be wind and rain, I have given you enough warnings, I hope you will be wiser, why do you still have to get into this muddy water?"

Lin Jingheng sneered: "Yeah, I let you down again."

"It's the third time." Lin Jingshu's eyes shot out from the eyes of the fifth-generation chip man, like a frantic fire under the frost, "You were helpless in the eighth galaxy back then, these people-the alliance only know how to fight for power. The trash, and the conspirators who are on the forbidden fruit list and still try to deceive the people, they want to push you out as a sacrifice - only I am worried about you, I will send you arms and supplies, I will provide a venue, and help you rebuild Summoning the Ten Silver Guards, I mixed the water, so that they have no time to trouble you, but you"

"I put the Silver Ten Guardians on the front line against the Free Legion. For more than ten years, the Silver Ten Guardians lost nearly half, and your chip empire almost died." Lin Jingheng's tone was very flat, and his expression was a little tired, as if he was tired. Yu went to look at the unreturnable roads again, and then discussed right and wrong with the old friend, "Well, this is the first time, the second time is that you did everything possible to save me from the anti-Ukrainian Society, and used a whole medical team to maintain it. My vital signs have been around for nearly two years. As soon as I opened my eyes, I deceived you with amnesia. I have been deceiving you for more than ten years. The first thing I did after getting out of trouble was to disturb your kidnapping activities on the edge of the first galaxy. "

In the silent Union Parliament building, twin brothers and sisters looked at each other through thousands of camouflages.

"So what do you want me to say, you failed your good intentions, are you sorry?" Lin Jingheng's voice was in his throat, "I didn't forgive you, I didn't forgive a blood-debt interstellar pirate who stepped on the top of his bones. What I'm sorry for is Xiao Jingshu, who was running after the car and fell on the road, where did you get her?"

The fifth-generation chip man listened blankly, and suddenly showed a weird smile: "She, you can't find it. Jingheng, you are late, weakness is a sin, everyone crying and waiting for someone to save them. They all deserve to die."

The twins were artificially cut off by the management committee. The elder brother in the first military academy was always thinking about it carefully. He wanted to wait for his wings to become hard one day and be able to pick her up from that ghost place, but when he gritted his teeth and swallowed blood , finally climbed to that position and had the ability to ask her "Would you like to move home with me", but before she had time to speak, she told him: "I have agreed to Secretary-General Gordon's proposal, and the invitation is Will it be sent to your house or the Silver Fortress?"

If you come late, you just missed it, and no one cares how hard you work.

Lu Bixing gently pulled Lin Jingheng's wrist, forcibly opened his almost spasmodic fingers, and sighed, Lu Bixing has never been willing to intervene in other people's affairs, because he always feels that he is not necessarily better than others, so he is not necessarily better than others. He was cautious in his words and deeds, but at this moment he couldn't hold back: "Miss Lin, I also know someone who is a latecomer who has been late for sixteen years. Wanli is a person who is in love with his dreams, what else can he do? One hundred thousand miles, one million miles, even one million light years have to go back to find him. If it is the dearest person, why can't you feel sorry for him and give him another chance ?"

If the words are too sentimental, the listeners will know that they are digging words; if they don't listen, they will feel that it is totally inferior sensationalism.

Lin Jingshu obviously didn't listen, she smiled hypocritically at Lu Bixing, and politely changed her title: "I remember you, the last time I saw you in the Heart of Roses, it was the Director Lu of the Eighth Galaxy, right? You are right, although not Knowing what makes him reluctant to think about the Eighth Galaxy, but since Jingheng has chosen you, I am also willing to give you a chance - your Space Corps Silver Ten Guards have arrived outside the atmosphere of Votto, just in time to escort you home, Chief Lu, I can send a small mecha to send you all out of Votto, as long as you promise to close the wormhole and stay out of the way, and you will never disturb the Eighth Galaxy during my lifetime, how about that?"

Lin Jingheng laughed angrily: "You"

Lu Bixing knew that each of his maddened words would be a knife that would hurt himself in the future, so he raised his hand to interrupt him: "Miss Lin, since Votto has been surrounded by the Central Army, the Union Army and the Ten Silver Guards. Now, I don't think it's us who need to be escorted in this situation, right?"

Lin Jingshu gave a "ha": "Mr. Lu's information is too late."

As she spoke, her eyes swept over several commanders of the Central Army, and with a wave of her hand, the image of the fifth-generation chip man on the communication screen disappeared, replaced by a few real-life videos.

Everyone's face changed - those videos were the capital stars of each galaxy!

The flag of the Freedom Legion occupied all public places, and armed robots with live ammunition occupied the street corners densely. From the video, you can even see the mechs hanging below the stratosphere, with their muzzles aimed at the natural planet!

"This place is our territory in the future, and I am also very distressed," Lin Jingshu said, "but there is no way, commanders, you have military power, and I can use this thing to threaten you - Commander Zheng of the second galaxy, The capital star has a population of 1.6 billion. Your girlfriend and daughter are still waiting for you to come home. Wow, your daughter is so cute. Commander Nagus of the third galaxy, the capital star has a population of 2.1 billion. I like your kind The traditional big family of three generations in the same house, lively; and”

The third Samsung system handsome interrupted her with gritted teeth: "What are you doing?"

"Either disarm and accept the chip," Lin Jingshu laughed, "or I will drop 300 nuclear missiles on your capital star. I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible, of course, if you are struggling with such a big matter, I will It is also understandable that I will throw missiles one by one until you figure it out."

"I'll blow up Votto first now—"

"Alright, anyway, there are only 200 million people on Votto, so it sounds like a good deal." Lin Jingshu didn't blink, "I know you're not afraid of death, but if you die, the Central Army will have no leader, and the Third Galaxy will still be able to. Become the territory of the chip empire. As for me, I am not afraid of death. My body is worthless. When I die, my consciousness and artificial intelligence will merge into one, and my subjects will always produce new chips and make new ones step by step. Humans, forever and ever."

Just then, an old voice came: "Really?"

When this voice came out, even Lin Jingheng had goosebumps. In the hall of the Union Parliament, everyone's eyes turned to the direction of the mourning hall. Woolf's body was lying quietly in the coffin, waiting for the farewell ceremony. He suddenly spoke up!

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