
Chapter 168: Amazing artificial intelligence


Lin Jingheng looked like he was about to have a heart attack: "I don't really want to hear it right now."

The top cover of the mecha car became transparent, and Lu Bixing looked up and saw the sky.

At first, he just felt that the darkness was overwhelming. After a while, the amazing vision that had been blessed by the chip made him see a clue: "What kind of mecha group is that?"

Zhan Lu said, "it's my brother."

Lu Bixing: ""

I just came into close contact with a ghost "possessed" on artificial intelligence. Almost everyone has a shadow on these computers. Zhan Lu, an artificial mental retardation who never knows what eyesight is, is still adding fuel to the fire. !

Seeing that the faces of the people around him were not very good, Lu Bixing had no choice but to try to ease the atmosphere: "Isn't your brother me?"

But this time no one laughed. Lin Jingheng said solemnly, "The leader is the alliance's 'Top Ten Famous Swords' - the super heavy armor designed by the same batch as Zhan Lu. In the early years, they belonged to several outstanding old generals. Later, they died and retired. After retirement, the ten famous swords have a higher energy threshold than ordinary heavy armor, and ordinary people cannot control them. Later, except for Zhan Lu, who fell into the hands of Lu Xin, almost all of them became carriers and decorations for displaying chapters and going to military achievements during the annual military parade."

Lu Bixing looked at the incredible fuselage and murmured, "I was shocked when I saw the design drawings, but I didn't expect the real thing to happen"

Nine of the "Top Ten Famous Swords" lead many unexplained mecha warships, such as demons covering the clouds and the sun.

Zhan Lu, the leader of the top ten famous swords, is now engaged in domestic service in the eighth galaxy.

Lu Bixing said sincerely: "Zhan Lu, I really wronged you. But after so many years, since they haven't been damaged in the war, why haven't they been used by the alliance

Li Furan's voice was a little dry: "No, Chief, if the news from Baiyinyi is correct, I remember that when the pirates invaded, several important military experimental bases in the first galaxy were occupied by pirates, and a large number of mechas did not have time to take away. , including the 'Top Ten Famous Swords'. Due to the worrying individual combat quality of the pirates, the super heavy armor fell into their hands, and they could not even reach the activation threshold, so they have been kept there. Later, the official news was that in the alliance In the small-scale conflict between the army and pirates, several military-industrial test bases have been damaged successively.”

Lin Jingheng interrupted him: "Official news? Why is the damaged thing still there? Who is driving?"

"Sorry sir, my Jingwang is not stable now due to hardware limitations." Zhan Lu said, "But if I don't make a mistake now, the other party's Jingwang doesn't seem to have a man-machine interface."

There is no human-machine interface, it may be the semi-finished "chip fool" that the Freedom Legion made at the beginning, or it may be

artificial intelligence.

Back then, when Lin Jingheng left the Silver Fortress, Ares Li hurriedly succeeded him. There was an unprecedented conflict between the military and the Eden Management Committee. All the officers and soldiers of the Silver Fortress were very resentful, especially after the Baiyin Ten Guards left, the remaining young masters did not take Li up at all. Take it seriously, in order to make a face, the self-righteous flatterer once transferred a group of artificial intelligence soldiers.

These artificial intelligence soldiers also played an important role in the war situation - they were easily invaded by pirates and made an outstanding contribution to the division of the alliance.

Artificial intelligence troops can only fill the numbers, not alone. This is the consensus of everyone. Even Lin Jingshu agrees that the almost mechanical chip soldiers are not easy to use on the battlefield. For this reason, she later gave up 100% human-machine matching. Leaving Chi for her chip man.

But what if the one controlling those mechs was the Woolf who was talking to them just now

What if it was an artificial intelligence that was too powerful to invade, extremely anthropomorphic, and controlled the highest military authority of the entire alliance

Hidden super heavy armor, shocking artificial intelligence.

When did Woolf start to lay out this layout

Lin Jingheng's pupils shrank: "Notify all the evacuation points, give me all the seats within ten minutes, and evacuate Votto!"

Outside the Union Parliament Building, the mechas of the Silver Ten Guards Guards have fallen, the weak pirates are briefly swept away, and the mechas are swarming in, but the situation is waiting for no one, just before all the mechas have time to transfer to space Before the mecha got on, a strange energy fluctuation warning suddenly sounded.


"Shields! All shields on—"

"Come on, go! It's too late!"

"Everyone is ready to take off!"

Lu Bixing's pupils shrank, and he saw a dazzling light coming from the distant horizon, like the spring light that arrived early on the Beijing β star that year, followed by the boiling nuclear explosion cloud and the sweeping high-energy particle stream, an invisible killer. It was in short contact with the protective cover supported by a circle of mechas and collided with a bang.

No one thought that Woolf was not just talking, he really dared to blow up Wotto!

"Old madman!"

The heavy armor stretched out a huge fishing net and rolled up the mecha car that had not had time to board the mecha. At this time, it was impossible to care whether the people in the mecha car would be injured-injury is better than death.

The rapidly solidified protective gas spewed out, and Lu Bixing grabbed the safety lock and turned his vision upside down. The missiles began to fall one after another, and the mechas in the shelter roared. They were about to be forcibly activated when they were out of orbit. The huge energy impacted the surrounding roads and buildings like a mud castle.

Beautiful gardens, picturesque landscapes, art and architectural treasures accumulated over the ages, the pearl-like Wotto

Just like that, bit by bit, it was engulfed by the flames of war.

Lu Bixing suddenly remembered something, widened his eyes and looked at the black light of General Lu Xin's mansion, and subconsciously clawed at the window. Like a cumbersome tail, they were thrown up high, and at the same time, the fishing net began to pull them inward, and the people in the mecha car were like jam in a blender, and Lu Bixing's forehead slammed into one side of the body.

Lu Bixing didn't hide, anyway, his body was very strong, and he couldn't break it if he hit it casually. However, the expected pain didn't come, and his forehead hit Lin Jingheng's palm. He was stunned for a moment. The next moment, Lin Jingheng stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms. The hand on his forehead fell and covered his eyes. He didn't see that the quiet "Lu Yu Mueller's house" was dropped by a missile. The aftermath of it lifted, the well-pruned tree fell silently, and the house carrying countless memories and secrets cracked from the middle like exposing its internal organs, revealing the slide hidden in the wall.

Lu Bixing opened his mouth: "but he's still there"

That kind of automatic electronic video is usually triggered when it senses that the slide is being touched.

So will the falling rubble also make him appear

Will he smile unknowingly at the disconnected slide in the smoke of gunpowder and say his lines to coax children

Will the energy interference of the explosion make his figure blurred

The roaring siren in the mecha car swallowed Lu Bixing's voice, and even those who were close at hand couldn't hear what he was saying. People's ears were still buzzing, and for a few seconds, Lu Bixing quietly curled up under Lin Jingheng's icy palm, his heart seemed to be clenched by something, and he couldn't breathe.

Lin Jingheng sighed silently, the coldness between his brows still remained, and awkwardly turned his head and kissed his neck.

Lu Bixing came back and took off his hand: "Hey, I didn't"

His voice fell, and the mecha car trembled violently, and then Zhan Lu said: "Transition blockade - sir, the emergency transition just now failed."

Zheng Di's heavy breathing came from the communication channel: "Is that old madman determined to let 200 million people on the ground be buried with us?"

Bayer: "Commander, the outer atmosphere is blocked by the mechanical team of ten famous swords"

"Ha," Lin Jingheng sneered, he didn't even take any safety measures, he pushed the deformed door of the mecha and boarded the heavy armor, regardless of what was going on outside, "Zhan Lu, the elite who connected to this mecha Net, give me the authority, if he says block it, block it, how old is he?"

Zhan Lu reminded unhurriedly: "Sir, my fine net is not stable yet."

"Enough," Lin Jingheng said, "follow me."

After eliminating all conspiracies and institutional calculations, the famous general who laid the foundation for the alliance three hundred years ago faced the descendants who should be proud of him in such a way.

The first president and honorary graduates of Wulan Academy stood with their swords in their hands, as if it were an unusually tragic graduation ceremony.

The secret and terrifying artificial intelligence is entrenched in the entire first galaxy, and in the boundless dark universe, it seems to let out a soft sigh.

The mecha team that broke through the ground rushed into the sky like a sharp sword. They set off from more than a dozen shelters at the same time, and a row of missiles rolled out, trying to blow up a gap. The huge smoke condensed into the deadly air of Votto. Yun, the mecha team blocking the road in the sky shrank suddenly, and was knocked away by several high-energy particle cannons. Lin Jingheng's heavy armor drilled through the gap exactly, and the muzzle of the heavy armor was like a flexible gear. At the same time Shoot down three enemy mechs.

"Why do I feel that I haven't opened fire myself for a long time?" I don't know which commander of the Central Army murmured.

Zheng Di laughed: "Is your muzzle rusted?"

"Everyone, pay attention," Lu Bixing's steady voice sounded in the communication channel, "the other party doesn't have a man-machine interface, we do, be careful of your Jingwang—"

The Silver Ten Guards, the Central Army, and the Alliance Army joined forces, and when the air blockade was about to be torn apart, a wave of fine net attacks suddenly attacked.

The rectified team immediately showed a little panic.

At this moment, a super heavy armor of the ten famous swords appeared out of nowhere, and slowly approached Lin Jingheng and the others, with complicated patterns flashing on the fuselage, and a signal automatically connected their communication: "You Alright, Zhanlu."

"Hello, Long Yuan." Zhan Lu replied, "I didn't expect that we would meet on the battlefield one day. I remember your master was a respected old general. If he is still here, he must be very sad."

"Yeah," said the mecha core named "Longyuan", "Fortunately, I don't have a master now, I have been secretly transformed, the mecha core is the driver, I can freely manipulate my fuselage, I As far as I can reach, all mechas without pilots can listen to me. But your situation looks a bit desolate."

"Yes, my fine net was damaged for some reason, and it was not fully repaired. The material of the mecha core is still an experimental product, and the mecha body was picked up." Zhan Lu replied very honestly, "but my The master has assessed that, even so, he is free to beat you all."

Lu Bixing: "Are all the top AIs in the league so conscientious?"

Lin Jingheng didn't really want to answer this question.

Long Yuan said, "Oh, since that's the case, I'm welcome."

The next moment, the suffocating fine net of the super heavy armor swept through, hitting the natural man-machine interface with a heavy impact. Lin Jingheng's brain seemed to be pricked by a needle, and Zhan Lu's unstable fine net also shattered. .

Back then, General Lin of the Silver Fortress had energy close to the limit of human beings. He had always swept others on the battlefield. It was the first time he was swept away. The taste was really indescribable.

He is still like this, and others don't need to say it.

At the same time, most of the mecha pilots were swept away by the first wave of fine net attacks, and the backup pilots were embarrassed. Fortunately, the regular army backup pilots were skilled in switching, and the cockpits of all mechas were skilled. Passing the soothing agent to each other, they stubbornly defended this invisible position.

"General Lin," said Long Yuan, "you are very strong, but it is impossible for humans to be stronger than machines. We have no human-machine interface, and we are already invincible."

Lin Jingheng's answer was a missile.

Votto has become a multi-party melee battlefield. No one noticed. An inconspicuous space starship team patrolled the periphery of Votto. They entered the range of the heavy armored fine net. Many mechas noticed it and swept it a little. Just know that this is a mecha team disguised as a civilian starship. However, even the mechas are small mechas like ants. They may escape from which small planet. In such a fierce battle situation Underneath, no one noticed them.

But then, the inconspicuous little mech team suddenly separated and circled around the nearest transition point near Votto.

The next moment, all the mechas received a message: "The emergency transition channel is open, I wish you good luck - for life and nature."

The entire communication channel exploded.


"What the hell!"

The commander of the alliance, Woolf, used the means of the Anti-Ukrainian Society to block the emergency transition path of the ground space force, and the real interstellar pirates, the Anti-Ukraine, would come and open the back door for them!

The events of this day could probably write a history of magic.

"Withdraw!" After Lin Jingheng gave an order, Zhan Lu's fine net completely collapsed under the pressure of Long Yuan, but he seemed to be prepared, he broke away from Zhan Lu's fine net almost at the same time, and seamlessly connected to this one. With the fine net that came with the heavy armor, Long Yuan seemed to miss a punch, and immediately, the heavy armor started an emergency jump and disappeared in place.

Countless missiles landed on Votto, and the chip people and all kinds of exotic beasts left on the planet were all wiped out. After getting out of trouble, the former enemies and comrades in arms could hardly tell who was who.

At this moment, there were violent energy fluctuations near the transition point, and the heavy armoured group with the logo of the Liberty Legion came out with scars.


Lin Jingheng didn't even think about it: "Stop it!"

The two sides who just jumped out of the same fire pit immediately confronted each other. The Free Legion saw that the situation was not good and immediately planned to escape. The chip people took the lead in launching a fine net attack because of their high energy.

The coalition forces, who have not yet returned from the shadows swept away by artificial intelligence—

Only Lin Jingheng's muzzle locked the opponent's command ship.

The heavy armor is quite sensitive. Lin Jingshu received an alarm the moment it was locked. At this time, the protective cover of the heavy armor had been exhausted on the ground. She raised her head and looked through the military recorder, her eyes seemed to be pierced. Xinghe and Dong Chuan mecha, looking into her brother's eyes, can't tell whether she is expecting or sad

Will you kill me with your own hands

The missile slid out of the muzzle abruptly. Lin Jingshu seemed to be masochistic, staring at the military recorder without blinking—she was not someone who was willing to close her eyes when she was dying.

A sharp alarm sounded, the mecha shook, and she flew out and was caught in mid-air by the protective gas.

"Airframe damaged, alarm, energy system damaged."

"The damaged airframe is automatically disengaging, and the first backup power source is activated."

Missile missed.

In those days, the mighty General Lin in the Silver Fortress would also miss the missile with trembling hands

This scene is so familiar.

"Go." Lin Jingshu murmured, "Emergency jump."

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