
Chapter 169: It's like an eternity


In the first galaxy, there is the Freedom Legion, and there is an unpredictable artificial intelligence outside. There is no safe place. The coalition has no choice but to temporarily withdraw to the Heart of the Rose.

The Alliance Army and the Central Army are all at a loss right now.

There is no way to return home. After this battle, the Central Government of the Alliance has disappeared in name only.

The general of the Union Army, who colluded with Wang Ailun and planned to wipe out the Central Army and the pirates, was unfortunately killed in the chaos. At this time, he was barely able to call the shots, but a little-known lieutenant general who was promoted after the war. do not know. The lieutenant general did not dare to speak when he saw these legendary seniors, and would only follow.

There are also the Anti-Urban Society who eerily grabbed them and ran away, and the hundreds of millions of Votto residents they carried with them.

Untrained people have suffered blood crimes in the space mechs, especially the old, weak, sick and disabled, and the medical cabins in the team are almost not enough. In addition to the physical pain, these people also have the trauma of witnessing the destruction of their homes.

How to settle them is a long time in a hurry - fortunately they have Lu Bixing. Director Lu has rich experience in resettling refugees and is a skilled worker.

"The last time I escaped from the Heart of the Rose from Watto was more than fifty years ago." On the communication channel, Zheng Di suddenly said softly, "At that time, the future was uncertain, and there was only enthusiasm. Not now, old man. Now, the future is uncertain, but the blood is cold, and I feel even more confused."

Lin Jingheng didn't say a word. When the mecha car was thrown into the sky, he looked at Lu Bixing's eyes, and the deformed door smashed one of his arms into a bone. The situation would be too critical. After a long time, when he came back, he felt pain.

He found a random place to lean against, stretched out his injured arm, and let the automatic medical equipment play with it, his eyes swept over Lu Bixing - Lu Bixing was debugging Zhan Lu.

Then he looked down at his hands.

No one blamed him for letting the Freedom Corps go, and in fact, no one saw it as a mistake.

The Allied Force's Jingwang was swept by artificial intelligence too badly. At the moment of the attack on the Free Legion Jingwang, it was almost completely suppressed. Both the enemy and the enemy had just escaped, and the scene was extremely chaotic. After the line was reached, it was a small miracle that Lin Jingheng's shot could be fired, and he was indeed the number one animal in the Silver Fortress.

But only he knew that his hands trembled when the missile sights hit the Freikorps command ship.

"Does it still hurt?"

Lu Bixing suddenly made a sound, and Lin Jingheng came back, calmly restrained his eyes, and shook his head. At the same time, he was able to take Commander Zheng's words as if nothing had happened. Lin Jingheng said neither yin nor yang: "What are you doing so long?"

Zheng Di choked: "Stinky boy, are you serious?"

"Yes, take it out and use it when you keep it, but you should put it away normally." Lin Jingheng moved the injured hand after the treatment and put on his clothes expressionlessly, "The water in the first galaxy is too deep to see, the others The galaxy was kidnapped by the chip man. The scale of the eighth galaxy’s armed forces is not the same as that of the alliance, and even if we call reinforcements now, the wormhole shuttles once, and we have to wait at least ten days outside. I am now even confused about what will happen in ten hours It's hard to be sure, if you have time to mourn the past, can you have a meeting first to discuss the next step?"

"Let me speak on behalf of the eighth galaxy first," Lu Bixing put down Zhan Lu, who was in the form of a robotic hand, came over and grabbed Lin Jingheng's sleeve, and personally confirmed whether his injury had healed, "The people who followed us , the eighth galaxy can be temporarily resettled, humanitarianism is paramount, and it doesn’t matter if we provide materials. Our chip interference technology is still available, and we don’t worry about chip people mixing in. But the problem is, these people are all Votto’s elites, Everyone is involved a lot, and some are even alliance officials, and it is impossible for them to stay in the Eighth Galaxy for a long time.”

"Yes, we can't let our home fall into the hands of pirates." The fourth star system commander said worriedly, "But can the chip be forcibly taken out?"

"As far as I know, in a short period of time, primary chips should be fine. Because chips are addictive, they need to go through a period of withdrawal, which probably won't be more painful than withdrawal from Eden." There is a calmness that people are used to seeing the wind and rain, let people listen to him, and the anxiety will subside, "But it's hard to say for a long time, it will cause irreversible changes to the human body, we still have to do it as soon as possible. Find a solution."

Nagus of the third galaxy said: "Even if we kill us now, it is not realistic. The ground is the enemy's territory, which means that people have taken our lifeline. Can we still be like the old madman Woolf. , bombing Votto directly?"

"Wolf" Zheng Di pressed his voice and asked, "Jingheng, are what they said true? Pirates, and the seventh galaxy of the year"

Lin Jingheng interrupted him neatly: "Yes, really, it's pointless to denounce the dead, it's useful."

"I actually have an idea," Lu Bi walked up to Lin Jingheng and settled down with him. Maybe because of his youth, the secret chief of the Eighth Galaxy was running around all day and night, but there was no trace of fatigue on his face. Cai Yiyi, "First of all, for a super artificial intelligence that controls the highest military authority in the entire first galaxy, those of us who have just retreated all the way have a big goal. Why didn't Woolf catch up?"

Zheng Di quickly replied: "Maybe because his first target is not us."

Woolf's first target is Lin Jingshu.

After Lin Jingshu made the emergency jump, she immediately moved away from the jump point. As an important interstellar traffic checkpoint, the jump point was 100% controlled by the terrifying artificial intelligence. No matter how they ran, the other party could quickly locate them.

The Freedom Legion tried a variety of shielding methods, but the terrifying artificial intelligence always had a way to resolve it.

After all, the First System is Woolf's lair.

They can't land on the ground now. Although the ground is the home ground of the Freedom Legion, Woolf is an old lunatic, and after turning into an artificial intelligence, it is even more terrifying, and even that rare human touch has disappeared. Even Votto said that it would be destroyed, so how could he be stingy with other planets

Humans have weaknesses, but artificial intelligence does not.

In order to protect the command ship, a mecha frigate exploded beside them, and Lin Jingshu fled to the edge of the first galaxy.

"Master, there are road blocking mechas on the border!"

Lin Jingshu said coldly, "What are you afraid of? Forcibly break through, but that's all."

In a flash, she suddenly thought of something, and her face turned pale: "Wait, withdraw!"

The siren in the mech had shrilled.

"Let's think about it from his point of view," Lu Bixing continued unhurriedly, "if what Miss Lin said is true—that is, if she kills her, she will become an artificial intelligence or something—Wolff Why are you still chasing her? If she is dead, her chip empire will not collapse, it is meaningless."

Li Fulan thought thoughtfully: "The chief's meaning is that at that time, the Freedom Legion either bragged in order to trick us into surrendering, or this 'great' idea had not yet been formed."

"I tend to the latter," Lu Bixing said, "I don't have a very good idea of this kind of anti-human large-scale artificial intelligence. Let's use the Garden of Eden as an analogy. Back then, the Garden of Eden was said to be built on the entire interstellar transition network, and it required unimaginable needs. The whole White Tower is providing technical services for it, not to mention the energy consumption. The kind of ubiquitous artificial intelligence that Miss Lin mentioned may far exceed the Garden of Eden in terms of hardware and energy consumption. I believe that it stealthily infects the crowd without knowing it, but can such a big project be accomplished quietly? Even Woolf, who can use all the resources of the alliance at will, the artificial intelligence left behind seems to be It can only cover certain areas of the first galaxy, otherwise he won't have to go to great lengths to attract everyone."

Poisson Yang of Baiyin San was the first to react: "Lin Jingshu can control certain chip carriers to convey her voice, she chose a 'fifth generation' chip carrier. Contact, but it may also be that she only has contact with a small number of high-level chip carriers, and currently she can only indirectly control her chip empire through layer-by-layer chip suppression, right?"

Lin Jingheng raised her eyes slowly: "Meaning, while her chip empire is still in its infancy, we just need to kill the 'Queen' and the problem will be more than half solved, right?"

Lu Bixing grabbed his shoulder: "Actually not necessarily, as long as she is separated from her"

He was interrupted without speaking, and the entire communication channel was disrupted.

Lu Bixing was taken aback: "What's the situation?"

"Chief, it is a wave of extremely strong high-energy particle flow." The technical soldier on the heavy armor reported.

"Solar wind from the first sun?"

"Do not"

Before the technical soldier could speak, another wave of stronger high-energy particle flow rushed towards his face. This time, the heavy armor was affected, the protective cover issued a warning, and the fuselage began to tremble.

A stream of high-energy particles of this intensity is inexplicably familiar.

"This is"

"Commander, Commander! Look at the interstellar route map!"

Lu Bixing raised his head abruptly, the real-time interstellar route map was in chaos.

"Transition point." Lin Jingheng said in a deep voice in his ear, "This was brought up when a large number of transition points were blown up, just like when we blocked the eighth galaxy-"

At this time, Lin Jingshu, who was already approaching the border of the first galaxy, reacted extremely quickly, turned around and ran. Rao was like this, and part of the vanguard who was suddenly forced to the rear was swept in by the violent explosion of the transition point. The invisible stream of particles washed over the first galaxy like a tsunami, and the space, ground, and all electronic equipment failed together.

At the edge of the first galaxy, all the transition points connecting the outer galaxies exploded at the same time!

The natural wormhole area of the entire Heart of the Rose also became turbulent, and the coalition forces who could not communicate with each other temporarily could only stay close to each other, using each other's protective shields to cover each other.

Woolf practiced the idea that Lu Bixing didn't say with practical actions - isolating Lin Jingshu and her chip people who were making waves in the major galaxies, trapping them and the "ant queen" in the first galaxy like an island.

And the only thing this super artificial intelligence can't control is the natural wormhole near the heart of the rose, and the end of the natural wormhole is connected to the eighth galaxy.

Lu Bixing suddenly felt a chill.

He heard Lin Jingheng exhale, and said with a bit of self-deprecation: "I always thought that Woolf sent Lord to send me a letter, either it was a conspiracy, or he was exhausted, and threatened me with the seven galaxies of the alliance, asking for help, now It seems that he really thinks too much, he just gave me a reminder in advance."

In the eighth galaxy, there is neither a chip man nor a terrible super artificial intelligence. It is bound to the first galaxy through the heart of the rose, and it is destined to become a battleground for military strategists, even if they have the ability to unilaterally block natural insects The cave area, after all, is a man-made technology. Sooner or later, they will be drawn in whether they volunteer or not.

Ruthless and ruthless, Lin Jingshu occupied the former, and Lin Jingheng barely managed the latter.

Anyone who can account for the same of these two is already very scary.

Woolf occupies both sides, and is really an ancestor who has turned upside down.

Lin Jingheng smiled bitterly.


"It's nothing," Lin Jingheng sighed, "I just suddenly thought, it turns out that Lin Jingshu and I together are not his opponents."

"Let's think about it, instead of being forced to deal with it, at least we still have the initiative." Lu Bixing said softly, "Wait, is there an image on the military recorder, someone is coming?"

Lin Jingheng had already "see" the mecha's fine net.

It was a small mecha team, which was not very visible in front of the coalition forces. It was very polite to look at them from a distance.

Crazy high-energy particles flowed past, the communication channel in the coalition was barely repaired in the noise, and the small mecha on the opposite side sent a communication request.

Lu Bixing raised his eyebrows: "Come in and have a look."

Hope's familiar face appeared on the communication channel, and after more than 20 years, he saw Lu Bixing again. The mild-mannered "Pastoral School" of that time has grayed his temples and has become a taciturn "prophet". The idealistic young man of the year has been tempered and has become the President Lu who is not angry and self-possessed.

It's like an eternity.

"Mr. Hope?"

"Principal Lu, long time no see."

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