
Chapter 170: Prepare for the last stand


Over the past two decades, the world seems to have turned upside down countless times.

The blossoming first galaxy has become a hell on earth in an instant, and the heart of the rose in the forbidden zone of mankind has become a refuge.

The seat of the "Guardian of the Alliance" collapsed, and the enemies who had fought for several rounds stood side by side.

The deceased is beyond recognition, the enemy shakes hands and makes peace.

In the newly repaired communication channel, except for the noise, there was a tense silence. After all, the Anti-Ukraine Society was the most frenzied terrorist organization before the Free Legion, and the blood debts on its hands were indescribable.

At this moment, this down-and-out little mecha team was like a lingering three-legged wolf, holding its tail between its tails and making a gesture of friendship.

- -

"My real name is Alexander Harris." Hope said straight to the point, "the current anti-Ukrainian great prophet, a die-hard peace faction. The one who started the war against the alliance was the main war faction in the organization, given by General Bailin, the main war faction. I was able to return to the organization after I was completely lost in the battle at the border of the seven or eight galaxies."

Lu Bixing's back stiffened.

He used to have many friends with different views, and Hope was probably the most disagreeable among them, but also the most chatty.

Due to his nature, Lu Bixing likes to get close to these "pollution-free" pastoral factions, not to mention, strictly speaking, this person also rescued him - they sang a double reed together, smuggled out of the anti-Ukraine Association's nest, and brought out Antibodies to a crucial variant of rainbow virus.

Yet so much had happened, that the moment he saw Hope, he was forced to recall the most harrowing experience of his life.

Hope fled, Lin Jingheng was exposed, Woolf borrowed the knife of the Anti-Ukraine Society and used the entire seventh galaxy as a bait to create the bloody case that he still did not dare to think about even though it has been turned over so far.

At this time, Lin Jingheng's voice sounded coolly in his ear: "Oh, you should do it, you're welcome."

Hope: ""

Lu Bixing: ""

As soon as the commander spoke, he shattered the nightmare with nobility and glamour, and the cold sweat in Lu Bixing's palm dissipated, and he smiled helplessly: "I guessed a little bit, after all, the prophetic words in your organization cannot be spoken by just anyone. Yes. Then I guess, what you deleted from the anti-Ukraine materials back then should be related to Woolf, right?"

"At that time, I thought he was someone who really understood the White Tower Spirit and was really willing to protect the world." Hope sighed, "The main war faction was bewitched by power and had crazy dreams, and because of my anti-war, I had a hard time with some of them, and later I was imprisoned and expelled. Fortunately, I was rescued by believers and escaped in embarrassment. I was fortunate to meet you in Qixing. Principal Lu, whether you believe it or not, I was in the situation. Forced to leave without saying goodbye to you, but I have never disclosed any information about the Eighth Galaxy to anyone. Later, when I regained the 'Great Prophet', my anti-war stance has never changed for seventeen years."

Lu Bixing was silent for a moment. To everyone's surprise, he said, "I'd rather believe this."

Others don't understand the cause and effect. They just heard about Woolf's true face, and he is still in a state where the three views are so broken that they can't find the north, but Lu Bixing is one of the insiders.

In that battle, it was not only the seven or eight galaxies that suffered heavy losses, but also the Anti-Ukrainian Society. Although the Anti-Ukrainian Society succeeded in ambush, the main force that penetrated into the seventh galaxy at that time was almost disabled by Lin Jingheng. Without the money to turn over, he officially retired.

As long as they don't lack strings, they must have realized later that they were calculated by Woolf, and it is impossible to sit on the same bench with the old lunatic.

But after so many years, Woolf didn't kill them all in order to silence them, and the Anti-Ukrainian Society went silent to the end in such cooperation, and never said a single word about Woolf.

This matter of holding your nose and shutting your mouth for the sake of the peace of the overall situation is close to Lin Jingheng.

Hope took a deep breath, his old cheeks trembled slightly, and after a long time, he thanked him with difficulty: "You are willing to believe this sentence, it really makes me"

"But Mr. Hope—I still call it that, don't you mind?" Lu Bixing interrupted him calmly, "Whether it was intentional or unintentional, after more than ten years, we have gone on different paths. The alliance will not forget what you have done, and the Eighth Galaxy will not forget it. It is impossible to write it off. You took the initiative to find it, what else can you say?"

"I know," Hope said solemnly, "I am here to seek a short-term alliance."

Under the circumstance of the pervasive super artificial intelligence and the chip freedom legion that can no longer be considered human, all the human beings in the first galaxy, regardless of position and ideology, were finally forced to be together.

Hope: "I have some additional information about this super artificial intelligence as a welcome gift."

At the same time, Second Galaxy, Second Polytechnic University.

Students and staff woke up late at night and were asked to line up on the sports field.

On both sides of the stadium are chipmen with guns and ammunition, meticulously performing their tasks. Dean Zhao, who has become unusually unfamiliar, is still propagating his fallacies and heresies on the high podium.

But under the muzzle of the laser gun, the average person obviously can't listen.

There are young, panicked faces everywhere. The underage students were kicked out of the dormitory building, and before they could change their pajamas, they followed the dormitory administrator like a panicked chick. , doing his best to reassure the students: "Be quiet, shush the children, follow them, don't attract attention, don't make a sound."

A teenager apparently saw the truncated speech of the principal, and asked shiveringly, "Ms. Alyssa, where is the principal? Could it have been taken by them?"

The dormitory smiled reluctantly: "Don't worry, the principal is someone who escaped from the old campus. He has experience."

"Then will we be chipped?"

"They say people who get microchipped lose theirs"

"Quiet!" From the corner of the host's eyes, he saw several chipmen soldiers approaching, and sternly interrupted the students.

The chip man soldiers walked in front of them and settled down. Their ears were excellent, and they had obviously heard what they had just said. The entire student team stood silently under the gazes of those people. dare not look up.

"What will you lose?" a soldier asked, tilting his head.

The dormitory Alyssa took a half step forward and carefully blocked in front of the students, with a smile that was uglier than crying: "It's just a child talking nonsense, sir, I hope you"

"Get out of the way!" The Chipman soldier shoved her away.

The panicked students screamed.

But suddenly, the chip man soldiers on the entire sports ground seemed to have immobilized something, and even Dean Zhao, who was talking on the podium, closed his mouth. The chip people don't know why they are doing this. Somewhere, something seems to dissipate from them.

Immediately afterwards, gunshots rang out in the night sky. Before Ms. Alyssa, who was pushed to the ground, could get up, she saw the chip man in front of her fall forward, the laser gun pierced his neck, and gurgling blood spurted out. all over her. When people are frightened to a certain extent, their heart will turn into a big drum, but their mouths cannot even scream.

Immediately, the sound of hurried footsteps came from behind, and the person who came shouted out his identity: "We are the second galaxy central army garrison!"

Alyssa's eyes widened suddenly. The next moment, she saw a flower in front of her, and was pulled from the ground by a embarrassed soldier. The host saw the soldier's face, and even in the dark, he was frightened. - The soldier has no face anymore. The whole face seems to have been scorched by the fire, scorched black and solidified into a piece of flesh and blood. It seems that he can't see his facial features. Only one left eye still slightly reflects the surrounding lights, showing a little human appearance.

The so-called "Central Garrison of the Second Galaxy" seems to be just a small team that was put together temporarily. The school's security team followed them, and the security team didn't even have any decent weapons. Get up, these soldiers seem to be delivering food.

"Run, ma'am," said the soldier with only one left eye in a hoarse voice, "the kids won't give up until we're all dead—run!"

Alicia turned her head sharply and said loudly to the students behind her, "Follow me!"

The lingering soldiers rushed into the school from the outside, like a group of severely wounded beasts still struggling to the death, rushing towards the chip man. The students who were forcibly concentrated on the sports field followed the teacher and fled. The brightly lit sports field was in chaos.

While Alisha instructed the students to retreat towards the back of the school, she looked back subconsciously—

The soldiers who helped her had already melted into the night, and she could only hear shouts and angry roars, but those terrifying chipmen were somehow not as terrifying as she had imagined. Soldiers, they even panicked.

The person in charge of the chip man who occupied the Second Polytechnic University is the Dean Zhao, a second-generation chip man. Although he can speak well, he obviously has no ability to command on the spot. When he saw this battle, he was scared first, and he almost stumbled and fell. off the podium.

The second generation has lost the chain, not to mention the first generation.

Although these chipmen are still as powerful as cows, and their skin is thick and fleshy, it is not easy to die, but there are not a few people who are scared to abandon their weapons and turn their heads and run away by the garrison soldiers who are madly counterattacking!

Doesn't it mean that these chip people fight like machines, don't know fear, don't care about life and death? Doesn't it mean that they don't need to be commanded at all, just like the commander's hands and feet pointing to where to hit

Could it be a rumour deliberately created to cause panic

Alicia didn't have time to think about it, and quickly took the students away from the battlefield.

People who were born in the Garden of Eden never felt that they were trapped in a well-arranged net. As long as no one uncovered the cruel truth, they could always be comfortable and comfortable, occasionally discussing things that didn't matter to them. Consider the issue of whether contemporary technology has hampered individual liberty - as if discussing other people's business.

But once they are released, people who have tasted freedom can no longer accept being locked in the cage again, even if they are sleeping in the open air.

The battered government garrison was broken into pieces, and with spontaneous people, they began to fight back.

The voice of resistance is getting louder and louder, because people soon discovered that these chip people were not as invincible as the legends, and some even said that the chip failed.

Of course, the chip did not fail, but the connection between the chip and the high-level was suddenly broken.

Due to the crazy expansion of opium chips, most of the chip people were just ordinary people before they joined the organization. The biochip transformed their bodies, giving them unparalleled strength and energy, and could put a person who had never been in space before. Human energy is forcibly raised to the level of the elite space force, and the level suppression from the high-level chip makes them forbid during the battle, forgetting death and fear, such a team, the combat effectiveness is quite terrifying.

But the fast-expanding Liberty Legion was on shaky foundations.

At this time, the first galaxy suddenly became an island, and Lin Jingshu and most of the fifth-generation chip people were trapped there. The fourth generation of chipmen was at a loss, and of course the third generation of chipmen followed suit like dominoes. The panic was panic, and it became a rabble on the spot.

No matter how strong the individual soldier is, the rabble is nothing. The arm strength of orangutans is several times that of adult men. For hundreds of millions of years, they have never been able to climb up the food chain.

Second Galaxy, Third Galaxy schools, neighborhoods, there are people who resist.

More than 20 years ago, people woke up from the dream of the Garden of Eden and watched helplessly as pirates trampled on their homeland, the heaven was broken, and the galaxy was broken. to avoid suicide.

However, a big wave blew through, and the broken sand was washed, but it was not washed away, leaving most of it in place. They struggled to survive and adjust to the world they left the Garden of Eden.

So far, the people who once held their heads and cried for the Garden of Eden took up arms and swung toward the approaching nightmare.

first galaxy.

The temporarily formed human coalition gathered at the Heart of the Rose, and Hope handed over the safe and starter dug up from the Fortress of Angel City to Bai Yin San. At the same time, Lu Bixing sent a message to the eighth galaxy over the wormhole. , briefly explain the situation, and let Turan prepare to receive temporary refugees and prepare reinforcements at any time.

The coalition forces are guarding the heart of the rose, with a paradise behind and ghosts in front of them. There is no way to retreat.

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