
Chapter 179: Seduce yourself


Eighth galaxy.

The Milky Way City of Venus is in the transition from wet season to dry season. The temperature drops sharply, but the sky becomes clear. The abundant water vapor in the soil has not had time to disperse. When approaching the urban green belt, you can smell the fragrance of falling flowers floating on the soil. .

It's a kind of lazy smell. It's been a season, and I'm tired of it.

At this time, people are holding their personal terminals to read news, and a lot of information is surging back and forth over the city. When private cars are queuing up on the track, when robots are serving coffee in the restaurant, they can chat with the people around them at any time about the battle of the Heart of the Rose and the guests who temporarily came to the Eighth Galaxy to rest, and they have any opinions.

The discussion of current affairs is too hot, and people feel a little nervous.

But the panic returns to panic, the food and drink are enough and the chat is enjoyable, it is still the one who should work to go to work, and the one who should go to school is still going to school. In the eyes of those who have just come down from the battlefield, there is a special kind of quiet time.

The natural wormhole area and the human coalition have created a miracle. On the other side, the stars have no light, and on the other side, half of the ash has not floated onto the neat streets of Galaxy City.

Lu Bixing opened the curtain and glanced out the window. He felt that the sky was too bright, so he closed it again and put the coffee in his hand on the small cabinet by the bed.

Although Zhan Lu frequently loses his chains on the battlefield, he is definitely a model worker in housekeeping service, and his coffee maker is even more outstanding. Lu Bixing didn't like to drink it very much before. After Lin Jingheng came back, he smelled it in his restaurant every day because of him. With the lingering fragrance, Lu Bixing was tempted to change the recipe.

The steam from the coffee cup drifted towards the bed, and Lu Bixing reached out and fanned it, so that the fragrance could diffuse faster, hoping that the smell would wake up the person on the bed.

It is a pity that the gentleman is not greedy and indifferent.

Lin Jingheng suddenly fainted on the command ship, almost scaring the guards who had just taken over the driving authority off the line.

The medical cabin made an emergency diagnosis and believed that his body had no lesions, but was caused by excessive exhaustion. The main reason is the soothing agent No. 1. This new soothing agent is different from the one used by the alliance in the past. Lin Jingheng has never been exposed to it before, and he abuses it like an old friend as soon as he meets him. It is difficult to adapt to the body of the new drug. The reaction is relatively large, which is normal.

Lin Jingheng's hand was hanging outside the quilt, and the personal terminal was always on, connected to the home medical cabin, which displayed his various indicators in real time. It was recorded on the personal terminal that he had been asleep for more than 20 hours after he returned home, and he still had no intention of waking up.

Next to the pillow, there was Ringer's handwritten notes, thick and thick. It was opened by Lu Bixing early in the morning, and he only read one-fifth of it.

There is something strange about heredity. In some details, Linger's traces are actually similar to Lin Jingheng's. Between the lines, you can see that he is a steady and warm person. The words are calm but not cold, and there are even a few pages in the middle. He described the anxiety before his marriage proposal, which contained the sultry temperament of this family, which made people smile knowingly.

Lu Bixing sat down beside the bed, put away his notes, and rubbed Lin Jingheng's face for a moment.

In dimly lit areas, the lines on his face were more obvious. The bridge of his nose and jawline were very steep, the corners of his mouth were sharp, and although the eyebrows were not wrinkled, they were not completely relaxed, and there was an insignificant sense of tension.

Lu Bixing sighed, bent down and kissed him between the eyebrows: "Forget it, it's hard to rest for a while, sleep if you want."

There is a very old movie that says: "The world is nothing, we live in each other's hearts." (Note)

Therefore, in the human world, every person who is unforgettable to him is like a place to live.

Some are warmer, some are darker.

Lin Jingshu is like a broken shed where a poor child lives, with air leaking from all sides, neither warm nor beautiful, but he has also felt the refined wind of Votto, and fell asleep with the sound of artificially controlled rain, and it contains the way he came. His childhood, gone, he can not go back.

Lu Bixing's palm slipped from his face, took his hand and pressed it on his chest, thinking wildly: "Fortunately, I am here to take you in, but what if I treat you badly?"

As soon as these inexplicable thoughts came together, Lu Bixing's own heart twitched first. It seems that the man trapped between the mattresses is not the commander of the dignified silver ten guards, but a character who will shiver in the cold wind, anyone can bully him, and anyone can hurt him.

Lu Bixing wrote and directed himself, and arranged in his mind a small theater with no basis in reality, and arranged himself as a villain who was not good to him. He had not had time to think about the "bad" method. "I already feel bad for myself, and my ribs are sore.

At this moment, Lin Jingheng's fingers that were pressed against his chest were gently curled up.

Zhan Lu's fragrant coffee failed to wake him up, but Director Lu's heartbeat might be useful when he was looking for something to do on his own.

As soon as Lin Jingheng opened his eyes, he saw a melancholy expression on his face, and his frozen shape seemed to be waiting for someone to take a close-up: "What are you doing?"

The "main prop" went through the gang and called back Lu Bixing, who was swimming, but although Zhi returned to his position, the pain in his heart had not yet passed. Lu Bixing raised his hand, intertwined his fingers sticky, and brought it to his mouth to go back and forth. She kissed softly and replied in a low voice, "Shh, I'm busy looking at you, don't make trouble."

"" Lin Jingheng couldn't enter his small theater, and he was fed up with goose bumps for no reason. "What did you eat wrong again?"

He suddenly pulled out his hand and wanted to sit up, but just as he moved, something seemed to have penetrated his temples, making it difficult to place his dizziness on his neck, snorted, and fell back again.

Lu Bixing hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Dizzy." Lin Jingheng said vaguely, tossing and turning on the pillow a little anxiously, "Is this the sequelae of the broken soothing agent or how long have I been lying there?"

Lu Bixing carefully lifted his back, slowly hugged him and sat up, letting him rest his chin on his shoulder: "Is this more comfortable?"

On his shirt is still the eucalyptus type that Zhan Lu loves. It is cold and penetrating. It comforts Lin Jingheng's brain, which has turned into a pot of porridge. It diffused over and wrapped around him tightly, dipping into his icy skin little by little.

Lin Jingheng vaguely knew that a lot of big things had happened and that there were still many big things that needed to be dealt with urgently, but he couldn't bring up the strength to think about it, and his mind was empty, leaving only the present moment.

Then he heard the guy Lu Bixing whispering in his ear: "Is it better? I think you may have been handsome by me just now. You won't be so dizzy if you can't see me."

Lin Jingheng: "Go away."

Lu Bixing grabbed him and pushed his hand away, rolled sideways onto the bed, and pulled Lin Jingheng down: "I asked you about the mecha that day, and you haven't promised me yet."

Lin Jingheng didn't react, and asked slowly, "What?"

Lu Bixing asked seriously, "When are you going to register with me?"

Lin Jingheng: ""

Lu Bixing counted with his fingers: "The marriage registration office needs to collect a lot of information. You were not present in the previous censuses. I guess your information is incomplete and may have to be re-recorded. I will send the form to your personal terminal and take a look. Is there anything that needs to be prepared in advance?"

Lin Jingheng: "What?"

Lu Bixing ignored him: "Then it is probably necessary to issue a statement to the public. Generally, the important government officials write a copy of the department they belong to, with a private statement attached at the back - I heard Thomas said that when you were in the Silver Fortress, the documents were all passed to the secretary, this time you Write it yourself!"

Lin Jingheng: "When will I say"

"In addition, my situation is a bit special, and it is not convenient for the breeding center to collect genes, but I have thought about alternatives."

Lin Jingheng was still trying to figure out what the "incubation center" was, when he heard Lu Bixing continue: "The person in charge of the cultivation center used to be in the engineering department, I can go through the back door a little bit and put a set of equipment at home, Zhan Lu can do it. Come on, let Dr. Harden help check - by the way, do you like boys or girls? I like girls, and I'm afraid I haven't had so much time to take care of both in recent years. If you have a different opinion, we will have to guess. "

Lin Jingheng was still vulnerable and frightened, and his face was blank.

"Ah," Lu Bixing exclaimed, "you don't like children like my mother, do you?"

Lin Jingheng's heart moved - since Lu Bixing knew his own background, this was the first time he uttered the word "my mother".

"Then" Lu Bixing stared at him for a while, then licked the corner of his mouth, "I'll sacrifice myself and seduce myself."

He didn't know when he wrapped around one of Lin Jingheng's legs, pressed his hand and slowly rubbed against him, and asked in a low voice, "How does it feel, Commander? Say, you can give me what I want."

Lin Jingheng had a headache when he laughed. Halfway through his smile, he had to take it back: "Are you selling yourself or handing out flyers, why don't others force it?"

Lu Bixing: ""

Lu Bixing turned around angrily, and pressed his limbs on him: "It's not time for you to kidnap me on a small mecha and do whatever you want in broad daylight! You rascal, you've got enough sleep and you've got this face, I Today, I have to let you know what it means to buy strong and sell strong.”

Before he shouted, he received a message from Li Fran on his personal terminal.

Li Furan: "Commander, the commanders of the Central Army said they want to visit you. Is it convenient now?"

The first battle of the Heart of the Rose was extremely brutal, and the human coalition suffered heavy damage. No matter how the follow-up arrangements were made, the mecha must be maintained, the supplies must be replenished, and the people must rest. At this time, the first galaxy was shrouded in the shadow of artificial intelligence, although Wool The husband claimed that he was peace-loving, but since he was a big moth, no one could believe it. The first galaxy was not a place to stay for a long time. They re-established a temporary communication network on both sides of the wormhole. A small group of people were guarded, except for those from the Anti-Ukraine Society who left without saying goodbye, the rest were temporarily settled in the Eighth Galaxy.

"This place is so" Nagus looked at the central residential area, switched a few words in his mind, and finally said euphemistically, "Plain."

The central residential area is a small building, each with a small courtyard, looking like an ordinary residential area. Needless to say, compared with the mansions of Votto, which are surrounded by mountains and rivers, they are in the eyes of the snakes in the galaxies. It also belongs to the youth apartment level.

"The eighth galaxy is newly built from the government to various infrastructures," Li Fulan said, "the background is not deep, there are not as many big families as Votto, and many government workers are still alone to feed the whole family and not be hungry. Status - but in the past two years, other central residential areas have been built successively, and some families with large families can move to more spacious areas.”

The fourth star system commander looked up at the small building and shook his head: "It's not as big as General Lu's former meeting room. If nothing else, why should the Chief Executive have a mansion? Internal affairs, diplomacy, public-private meetings, are all Reception in the office? Not a big deal."

"Galaxy City has a special reception area," Li Furan said. "You are right, but the Eighth Galaxy didn't have diplomacy before, so it's been delayed. Recently, people have started to mention it."

In fact, it was mentioned before, but Lin Jingheng disappeared at that time. This small courtyard, which was only enough to turn around, was almost all of Lu Bixing. As soon as anyone touched this topic, the chief turned his face.

"'The home of General Lin and engineer 001'," Nagus read out the number, "Why, does Jingheng still live with him? It's not convenient. It doesn't mean that the person he's looking for is also in the eighth galaxy. Are you from the Self-Defense Forces? Don’t you feel embarrassed when you see your cold face, Shuai Lin, at home every day, how are you doing?”

Li Fulan coughed dryly, pretended to be deaf and dumb, and stepped forward to call the door: "Zhan Lu, we're here."

The Commander of the Fifth Star System suddenly realized something and pulled Nagus. Nagus said inexplicably, "Why are you pulling me? You winked, old cloth, you have something to say."

The old commander of the fifth galaxy: ""

The humanoid Zhan Lu had a golden python hanging around his neck and ran to open the door. His strange aesthetic frightened the elderly guests again. It took Lu Bixing less than five minutes to introduce the structure of his home to the guests. Clearly, it is convenient.

Nagus looked around and asked him, "Is Jingheng awake, how is it?"

"It's okay, it's still the problem of soothing agent No. 1. After waking up for a while in the morning, he was prescribed two pills in the medical cabin, and he fell asleep after eating."

Nagus nodded. His main purpose was not to greet Lin Jingheng either. If he didn't go through any storms, he wouldn't die anyway, so mentioning Lin Jingheng was just an introduction. Nagus rubbed his big hands on his knees twice, and asked as naturally as possible, "Who is that? Isn't the one from your family home now?"

Lu Bixing: "At home."

Nagus opened his slender eyes to the widest, and waited eagerly to hear what he said, but saw that Lu Bixing took the teacup from Zhan Lu and distributed it to everyone without any further words.

The fifth star system handsome Lao Bu poked Nagus with his elbow again. Nagus raised his hand and pulled him away. He couldn't hold back and asked, "Where's that person?"

Lu Bixing raised his head innocently: "I fell asleep after taking the medicine, didn't I just say that?"

Nagus: ""

All the veterans of the Central Army: ""

There seemed to be a thunderbolt with a thick waist flashed over the chief's meeting room. A loud bang shattered the ceiling. The "stable" silver first guard General Li Fulan sat like a bell and lowered his eyes, as if in silence.

The author has something to say: Note: The movie is Harvard Road

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