
Chapter 183: Suspected Nuwa's plan is complete


In the more than ten years of war in the alliance, the ten silver guards have faced the chip man countless times. The silver second guard, the fifth guard, and the seventh guard have not even a flag left, and they have not been able to wait for Lin Jingheng to pat them again. shoulder.

They are the longest and most terrifying enemies of this generation of the Ten Silver Guards.

Thomas Young's blood pressure soared to one hundred and eighteen.

Is Lu Bixing a chip guy? Isn't this pure nonsense.

"If you want to take the opportunity to invade the Eighth Galaxy, don't make such excuses," Thomas Yang Chen Sheng said, "We all know what the chip is about. The Eighth Galaxy is the decisive force to annihilate the main force of the Freedom Legion, you said our Chief Executive It's a chip man, so why is he not affected by the control of the Freedom Legion? Could it be that you want to say that Lin Jingshu committed suicide? Are all the nonsense made up by your artificial intelligence so casual? And this video that I don't know where to synthesize—"

When Thomas Yang said this, he just met Poisson Yang's gaze, and Poisson Yang shook his head at him with a sinking face.

The twins grew up together, and they had a good understanding of each other. They could communicate with each other with just one eye. Thomas Yang sank in his heart. Poisson meant that after the video was authenticated, Baiyinsan could not see any traces of synthesis.

"The video is not synthetic, and Baiyin San should see it." Long Yuan said, "Why don't you send someone to see Dr. Harden's computer?"

He said that several body scans and medical reports appeared on the communication channel again. This time, it was more intuitive. The location of the chip on Lu Bixing's body was clearly visible. Various physical indicators have far exceeded human limits, not "talent" and "hard training". "Explainable.

Long Yuan said unhurriedly: "Indeed, Lin Jingshu is using biochips to build her hierarchical 'Zerg society', but just from this fact, you can deduce that 'injecting some kind of biochip will definitely be used by others'. Control, whoever is not controlled must not be a chip man' conclusion? General Yang, I think your logic is not very rigorous."

Thomas Young was speechless for a moment.

He didn't want to follow the artificial intelligence's words, but in the flash, there were some details like thin smoke, seeping through the gap in his skull—

Dr. Harden has been reclusive when he arrived in the eighth galaxy, barely interacting with people, only visiting Lu Bixing alone, and such visits are regular, in retrospect, it was not like an old man visiting someone else's house to relieve his boredom, but a routine. examine.

And every time Thomas went to the office to find Lu Bixing, the door would always open before he knocked on the door, and President Lu would always call his name before looking up, as if he could tell him apart from a few meters away from the door footsteps.

In the last battle with the chip man, Lu Bixing claimed to be empty-brained, so he was not affected by the chip. He could withstand the pressure of the entire coalition force. It is an objective fact that the energy of the disease will never be comparable to that of ordinary people, and in that case, let alone empty brain disease, even Lin Jingheng may not be able to last long.

There is also a particularly strong energy, no matter how you stay up all night, you can keep it bright

Thomas Yang Gang said that there is only a thin line between "protection" and "anti-humanity", and now I can't wait to slap his words back, what kind of crow's mouth is this

At this moment, Poisson Yang grabbed his arm violently, pulling Thomas Yang out of his chaotic thoughts.

Poisson Yang replaced him and said coolly to Long Yuan: "The evidence you submitted is being verified by the technical department. If it is confirmed to be true, you don't need to do anything. The Silver Ten Guardians and the Eighth Galaxy will not allow an illegal chip person to master it. regime."

Long Yuan: "Hand over"

Long Yuan's property of becoming a repeater at every turn may be a setting problem, which is really annoying. Lu Xin skipped him and picked Zhan Lu back then.

Poisson Yang interrupted him: "Send the information, and the silver three technical appraisal will take up to half an hour. Can't you wait even half an hour?"

Long Yuan was silent for a while, not knowing who he was communicating with.

"Okay," Long Yuan let out a sigh of relief after about half an hour, "in half an hour, you have to hand over the chip man."

Poisson Yang temporarily shut down the communication between the two parties, and was grabbed by the collar of Thomas Yang.

Thomas Yang asked in a low voice, "What are you doing? What if you really want to hand over President Lu? You don't want to live, do you?"

"Even if President Lu immediately leaves the Eighth Galaxy, it will take a week at the very least to pass through the wormhole channel, and let them wait for a week. It is estimated that the coalition forces will arrive within 48 hours, with an error of no more than one day. In the Heart of the Rose, the coalition forces When so many parties join forces, it is not necessarily who is afraid of who in the fight. These artificial intelligences are unstable factors, and there is no future trouble." Poisson Yang said word by word, "When the wormhole is emptied, we will directly close the wormhole. The passage, a fly can't fly to the eighth galaxy, no one will know about it."

Thomas Yang frowned: "Will they wait here obediently for a week?"

"Pretend." Poisson Yang raised the corner of his mouth, "'The Ten Silver Guards mutiny after learning the truth', 'Forcing the Chief to step down' and so on, looking at the acting skills, carbon-based humans will fight against artificial intelligence, and the advantage will be There is only capriciousness and despicableness."

At this moment, they received an internal communication request - the advance troop of the Central Army who had just passed through the wormhole and arrived at the Heart of the Rose was still not stable, and they bumped into such a mess. .

Poisson replied without raising his head: "The video is a cut, and other photos are composited. Do you believe that Lu is always the chip man? But now our priority is to stop the coalition forces and refugees before they all come out of the wormhole. They, follow them first, please cooperate."

His tone was decisive, and the Central Army allies immediately believed it when they got the "accurate" news. Outsiders don't understand emptiness. After all, in their opinion, the eighth galaxy has even created the miraculous emptiness of the Space Corps, and it makes sense to have a little other black technology. Lu Bixing can use Zhan in the Heart of the Rose. It is not surprising that Lu's fine net swept the Quartet.

Thomas Young stayed.

Poisson did not look carefully at the information sent by Long Yuan, let alone identify the authenticity.

Poisson gave him a deep look: "Baiyin San said it's fake, but it's fake. Do you think your allies believe in me or these robots?"

Thomas Young asked him almost inaudibly: "What if it's true?"

Poisson Yang asked back, "Does it matter whether it is true or false?"

For some reason, a shadow passed over Thomas Yang's heart.

Does truth matter

Woolf - the human being - used a knife to kill people. In order to cover up the fact that he was on the forbidden fruit list, he almost forced Lin Jingheng to death at the junction of the seven and eight galaxies, and destroyed the Anti-Urban Society with one hand. After 16 years, Lin Jingheng summoned Baiyin again. The ten guards were born, and Hope gathered the remnants of the Anti-Ukraine Society. Aren't they still silent

If it wasn't for Lin Jingshu's bloody storm, then this secret would probably have been submerged in world peace forever, and after thousands of years, there would be no clues in the history books.

"Inform the Galaxy City Command Center and let President Lu get ready." Poisson Yang took a deep breath, looked at his watch, and then looked at the increasingly dense artificial intelligence troops outside the military recorder, "Prepare to mutiny. '."

The artificial intelligences really did what they said, with their own timers, and it was not bad for half an hour, and then there was a pale Poisson Yang who resisted anger.

Long Yuan: "General Yang, has the authenticity been confirmed by Baiyin San?"

"This is not the kind of chip from the Freedom Legion," Poisson Yang said in a deep voice, "What is this? What does it do? Why do you know?"

Long Yuan recognized his facial expressions, and after careful comparison, he came to a conclusion of "shame and anger": "The function of the chip is unknown. As for the information channel, we will announce it after arresting the chip man."

"Why have we been born and died for so many years? I thought that the eighth galaxy, a place that has never been touched by chips, would be our final fortress. I didn't expect it to be another scam. Helping one chip man attack another gang of chip men, and also I feel like I'm saving all mankind." Poisson Yang squeezed the corner of his mouth with difficulty, spitting out a mouthful of anger that had nowhere to vent, Thomas Yang was frightened, he couldn't tell if he was pretending at least for a moment, he felt that Poisson's namelessness Fire has a real feeling, "Why are so many people wishful thinking, wanting all mankind to evolve with his own will?"

Maybe it was an illusion. Long Yuan's mechanical voice seemed to be less cold. He asked, "Has General Yang decided to be on our side?"

"I have secretly sent a letter to Baiyinyi and Baiyin9 on the other side of the wormhole passage, and they will send someone to the Galaxy City to secretly search for Dr. Harden's personal computer, if it is true" Poisson Yang raised his eyelids and said word by word , "It is absolutely impossible for the Ten Silver Guards to work for such a person."

Long Yuan fell silent again.

Baiyin Santong's enemy's position was very stable, and Long Yuan also put away some hostility. There was another fluctuation in the natural wormhole area, another advance force of the human coalition arrived, and Thomas Yang's palm was covered in cold sweat.

Immediately afterwards, the muzzle of the missile pointed at the Heart of the Rose was slowly retracted. The artificial intelligence army, like a beast that got flesh and bones, briefly retracted its minions and hibernated quietly.

"Twenty-four hours," Long Yuan said, "within twenty-four hours, you must hand over the chip man to us."

Thomas Young's throat moved: "But you can't pass through the wormhole channel for 24 hours."

"We want tangible evidence that he was arrested within 24 hours," Long Yuan said coldly. "You have to send him into the wormhole passage, don't play tricks, we have channels to verify."

Thomas Young and Poisson Young breathed a sigh of relief at the same time—they were both senior technicians and knew that there was a wormhole on both sides, and the time was not synchronized. Woolf couldn’t put a clone in the eighth galaxy. With the network of the eighth galaxy, the super artificial intelligence is powerful, and at best it can only manipulate a few cameras. It is not difficult to deceive these "electronic eyes" in one's own home.

Poisson cut off the communication, the feigned anger on his face was swept away, and he turned around to give Thomas a gesture—after forty-eight hours, they had won.

Thomas hesitated.

Although they are twins who look like replicas of each other, their personalities are very different. When encountering an accident, Poisson always seems to be more flexible and calmer than him, and let him be the captain of the silver three, just because Poisson is impatient with daily trivial matters. The twins are inseparable and take turns to be the backbone. Thomas Young is also used to handing over things he is not good at to his younger brother.


Is Lu Bixing really a chip man? He thought that the crisis seemed to be over for a while, but does the truth really matter

Four hours and twenty minutes later, the urgent encrypted battle report from Heart of Rose was delivered to Lu Bixing.

Lu Bixing just glanced at it, and the whole person suddenly froze.

Lin Jingheng: "What?"

Lu Bixing took a deep breath, passed the emergency report to him, and stood up suddenly: "Zhan Lu, notify the security department, immediately send a team of escorts to Dr. Harden, make sure to ensure his safety, isolate his personal electronic products, and shield him. All signals near his residence, temporarily remove his personal terminal"

He paused, then added: "Be gentle, don't scare the old man."

Lu Bixing circled the desk twice, trying to calm himself down as much as possible. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of seven notches on the corner of the wooden table, and a strange, fate-like premonition arose in his heart for no reason.

It's like the detours that a person has taken, and they all owe extra tolls, and one day, they will all be returned to fate.

Lin Jingheng has already read Poisson's brief description at a glance and said calmly: "Fortunately, Poisson Yang handled it well, the central army of each galaxy and the alliance army will soon arrive at the Heart of Rose, silver three guards, silver four accompanying, etc. As soon as the people in the wormhole tunnel leave, we immediately close the eighth galaxy from this side."

"Zhan Lu!" He got up, "Call the heads of the various departments of the Self-Defense Forces to the command center for a meeting, and the front lines of Baiyinyi and Baiyin 9 will strengthen their defenses, remotely."

Without saying Lin Jingheng's order, Zhan Lu suddenly interrupted him rarely: "Sir, Principal Lu, you may want to take a look at this first."

Lu Bixing's fingers hanging on his side moved, and the feeling in his heart became stronger.

"Unknown hackers hacked into the Galaxy City news building just now, and now the official release platforms of many media are rolling out this. I have notified the engineering department and the security department to intervene urgently, but I am afraid it has already spread and it is difficult to contain—"

"According to the case records, this person had been in close contact with an infected person carrying a variant rainbow virus in a closed space with no air circulation in Galaxy City, without any protective conditions or antibodies, but there was no sign of infection at all. Upon examination, he is naturally immune to rainbow virus and its multiple variant strains."

"The body doesn't carry the same set of genes"

"The whole of the suspected Nuwa plan."

"The picture shows the whole body scan, and the picture shows the location of the chip implantation"

"It's a comparison of various body function indicators with the normal human average."

From the Nuwa plan to the biochip, the ins and outs are clear.

The eighth galaxy, which was originally turbulent because of the turmoil of the Heart of the Rose, a fierce meteorite rain came from outside the atmosphere, smashing layers of huge waves.

In this world, lies and rivers are mixed together, and it seems that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

But apart from the truth, nothing is seamless.

All secrets have a day when the body is exposed in the blue sky.

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