
Chapter 184: Oral agreements have no legal effect


The shabby central residential area of Galaxy City was just laughed at by the commanders of the Central Army. At this time, the protective net was pulled up. Occasionally, there were energy fluctuations and a special phosphorescence was emitted. The security team and security robots formed a circle, flies Can't fly in either.

The field robots of the major media were all blocked from the outside, blocked in three layers and three layers, and flew to a thick layer of the sky. The bomber-like "humming" sound was quite a spectacular sight that covered the sky and the sun. .

A near-ground mecha parked directly in front of Lu Bixing's house, suspended in mid-air, and Bayer and a guard jumped down: "Commander, Chief, this way."

Lu Bixing came out of the small courtyard and nodded at them. Bayer looked at him and found that although his face was quite serious, he still couldn't see any negative emotions. Always full of energy, always gentle and calm, this seems to be a label that cannot be removed from him.

Bayer asked in a low voice: "There are media robots squatting around the orbit. I just let someone open a back door on the space field shielding network of the Galaxy City command center. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I suggest that we go directly to the space field now. The passage, may it be a little uncomfortable, okay?"

Lin Jingheng: "If you can't die, go."

Lu Bixing raised his head and glanced at the overwhelming media outside. From here, he could still vaguely hear the uproaring voices there. There were tens of billions of eyes staring at him behind the camera, and tens of billions of mouths were asking him questions one by one.

Lin Jingheng raised his hand to cover his eyes, clasped his shoulders, and forcibly pushed him into the mecha car: "Don't look, get in the car first."

The near-ground mecha car made a "hum" sound, setting off a muffled sound. Then, the space field device was activated, and the flowers and grasses around the mecha car collectively "destroyed their eyebrows and bent their waists."

In the tinnitus, the surrounding time and space were slightly distorted. Lu Bixing's overly sensitive ears could still hear the sound from the peripheral media, and the sound was dragged out of tune by the distorted space.

"Is the so-called 'Nuwa Project' related to the rainbow virus?"

"Mr. Lu, do you admit that you have conducted a rainbow virus experiment in private?"

"In the 128th year of the Votto calendar, Prince Gloria initiated the Rheinburg experiment, which led to the rampant rainbow virus, which once killed at least 300 million people in the Eighth Galaxy and displaced countless people, President Lu!"

"Is the last time the variant rainbow virus broke out from Qixing because of this goddamn Nuwa's plan? President Lu, can you come forward and answer?"

"Lu - Chief - Chief -"

The mecha car did not enter the space field.

Lu Bixing closed his eyes gently, remembering that not long ago, he was still in the living room of his own house and said boldly that Qimingxing was going to replace the Eighth Galaxy.

It seems that he has grasped the thread of the future fate of the eight galaxies, but unexpectedly, he said that he was slapped in the face.

It seems to point the country not to be too high, and it is easy to step on the air and fall into an unsightly posture.

The near-ground mecha car flashed silver light, passed through the space field, and reached the Galaxy City command center.

Until the building of the command center was in front of him, the questioning voices still seemed to linger in his ears. Lu Bixing sat still for a while, pressing his auricle lightly.

"Mr. Lu," at this moment, the guard driving the mecha car suddenly turned around and said cautiously, "I know what they said is not true, I believe you."

Lu Bixing paused, then showed a somewhat surprised smile, and said a few words: "Thank you for your trust."

"I am from Mora, and our family lives in a small town at the foot of Mora. I don't know if you still remember, at the end of the fourth year of independence, when I was sixteen, Mora's thermostatic system was in a civil war. It was damaged in the middle, the ground materials could not be transported, the food and energy ammunition were exhausted, and the armed forces who occupied Mora star did not care whether we lived or died, but only focused on fighting. Our whole family was huddled in front of a hand-made alcohol lamp to keep warm, and my mother was frozen alive. Dead." The young guard and Lu Bixing were a little nervous when they spoke, and the end of the voice was always trembling, as if it had not warmed up from that severe winter. "Then the government army came, and there was no attack. First, we sent an engineering team to land and repair the constant temperature system. Under the pressure, he was hunted down and killed by local armed forces every day. At that time, you personally led the engineering team, and I saw you from a long distance."

The mecha car stopped, the engine quieted down, and there was a moment of silence inside.

"I want to tell you that I applied for the military academy because of you. After graduation, as an outstanding student, I entered Galaxy City to do security work. After my father heard about it, he was so happy that he drank two bottles of 'survival wine'. I also, I even took a candid photo of you in the command center, and it has been hung on the wall by my father, I, I am sorry, I know this is illegal." The guard's face flushed red, and his words became more incoherent, and he accidentally beat himself up. After a small violation of discipline, he hurriedly turned around and jumped out of the mecha car, blushing and giving a heavy military salute, "Chief, please get off this way!"

Bayer slapped his shoulders and said with a smile: "Candidly film the chief? You have a future, which team are you from, and I'll talk to your boss later."

"Don't scare him." Lu Bixing raised two fingers to his temples, simulating a cap-off with his bare hands, and greeted the trembling guard, "Give me a better filter, so I don't need to write a check. "

Lin Jingheng was holding a cigarette, waiting for him a few steps away, glanced at the trembling little guard, he tilted his head pretending to be relaxed, and whispered in Lu Bixing's ear: "In broad daylight, flirting with a young man, are you? When I die?"

Lu Bixing shook his empty hand towards him, and also whispered, "Good things are in demand, who told you not to write your name quickly?"

They walked out for a while, and heard the little guard suddenly shouting behind him: "Commander, I represent the 130 million survivors of Mora Star behind you!"

Lu Bixing's footsteps slammed, and a little heat came up uncontrollably and rushed into his eyes.

"Well," Lin Jingheng turned his head and exhaled a puff of white smoke in the direction of the little guard, "then you now have 10.13 billion supporters."

Lu Bixing lowered his head and smiled, forced the heat in his eyes to blink back, and asked him, "Where did 10 billion come from?"

"I," Lin Jingheng stuffed him with the remaining half of the cigarette, and put on his gloves casually, "I am 10 billion. If anyone has a different opinion, you are welcome to come to me for an interview at any time."

Another four Watteau Standard Hours—

Heart of roses.

The eighth galaxy exploded, and the burning feeling of boiling over the sky quickly passed through a large amount of information, flew through a certain wormhole channel, and arrived at the communication receiving platform of Heart of Roses.

Bai Yinsan, who was confronting the artificial intelligence, and the first, second, and fourth galaxy central army and the leading part of the alliance army who had just passed through the wormhole and arrived at the Heart of the Rose received it at the same time!

Poisson Yang quickly browsed a large amount of information from the Eighth Galaxy with one glance and ten lines: "They infiltrated the Eighth Galaxy in some way. The information that was previously given to us is a simplified version of the cover, the big head is here!"

The artificial intelligence showed them only a video and the relevant medical report. At first glance, it was confusing, and the first reaction was a forgery. Allies of all parties obviously believed the same, and there was no such detailed ins and outs of the Nuwa plan. The artificial intelligence actually put them together behind the scenes!

"I always feel that the mind-set of robots that don't understand flexibility is really a fucking legacy of the age of the earth."

Thomas Young suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and raised his head: "How many of the coalition troops and Votto refugees are still stuck in the wormhole?"

A guard of Baiyin San quickly took a look and told him: "About half."

"General Yang, the First Galaxy Border Guard has requested to speak with you."

"General Yang, the Alliance Army is asking"

The blue veins on the back of Poisson Yang's hand jumped up: "What's wrong! Don't ask at this time, everyone is on alert!"

His voice fell, and the high-energy warning in the mecha had already struck.

Opposite the Heart of the Rose, the dormant artificial intelligence army seemed to have calculated the time. The quiet forward suddenly retracted, and the rear team became the front team. The muzzles of thousands of missiles had already been warmed up, so they took advantage of the fact that At such a moment of personal panic, he opened fire on the human coalition!

All the starships that the Votto refugees were on were temporarily incorporated into heavy armor, and the people who were preparing to return to "home" with infinite disappointment were firmly tied to the place by safety ropes and curled up with their heads together.

The human coalition forces, who had no time to assemble, were rushed into battle.

The last time we fought against the Freedom Legion, the commanders of all star systems were all together, and Lin Jingheng was in command. Although the human coalition came from different teams, they all listened to his unified deployment. Although there was a lack of tacit understanding, the good thing was that the commander was very experienced. , Soldiers are well-trained, also considered advance and retreat.

At this time, only some of the leading troops arrived at the Heart of the Rose, and the commanders were all behind. The human coalition was overwhelmed by all kinds of real and fake information, and the huge shadow of conspiracy was coming, but they didn't know it. Whether it was in front of him or behind him, Bai Yinsan seemed to have lied to them just now!

The hesitant coalition forces are like a mess of sand, and the communication channels are in a mess, talking nonsense, and they don't know who to listen to.

Baiyin San had to stand alone at the forefront. The technical soldiers who rarely went to the front line barely survived the first wave of the artificial intelligence army. More than half of the mechas were forced to change their drivers and retreated hundreds of times. kilometer.

Thomas Yang shouted: "They want to expand and build their own mechanical empire. Do you want to be trapped in the eighth galaxy by robots? Stop arguing!"

"Receive communication with the enemy," Poisson Yang said quickly, "I'll scold you a few words. You try to crack the encryption of each other's communication network and interfere with their internal communication."

"Long Yuan!" The communication with the enemy was quickly connected, and Poisson Yang roared, "It has been agreed for 24 hours, what do you mean by firing now, shameless!"

"According to interstellar practice, oral agreements have no legal effect."

Poisson Yang: "Did you make up the shit star star convention yourself!"

"No, General Yang, I checked all the cases involving verbal agreements in the Military Commission's archives, and the search results showed that there were a total of 1,634 recorded cases, of which only 506 were followed by both parties. Therefore, we believe that it is not inappropriate to conclude that breaking the oral agreement is a star convention." Long Yuan said with reason, "and according to the chapter to evaluate, we think that the probability of your first action is more than 95%, so you have to Fire first, please forgive me. The chip man is in the eighth galaxy, and we will go to the eighth galaxy to destroy the terrible chip technology in person."

Poisson Young: ""

It's hell, and there's big data to back it up!

Stupid human beings, why do they record their own black history of perfidy in such detail!

"The communication encryption of the other party has been cracked." Fortunately, the technical elites of Baiyin San did not lose their chains under the heavy pressure.

The internal communication network of the artificial intelligence was immediately damaged in a large area, and the fast advancing forward immediately lost control. The pioneer who intelligently broke into the heart of the rose "cut off" a corner.

Yet no one cheered.

"Destroying enemy mechas during combat is called 'annihilation of living forces'," Poisson Yang smiled wryly, "What do we call this?"

Every well-trained space force is piled up with money and time, and one death is a loss, but there is no one in Reagan, the mecha of the artificial intelligence army. There are many more to break one, and all the military reserves of the entire first galaxy. Almighty is called by them, even if the missiles of the entire human coalition are emptied, it will not hurt the opponent's roots.

Thomas Yang sighed heavily: "At this time, you can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Let's drag it until all the coalition forces are there."

He said, and glanced at the time anxiously: "Walking through the wormhole area has a certain randomness. They may arrive earlier or may be delayed. It would be great if the rest of the people happened to arrive earlier. If they can Show up immediately, and we'll have a turnaround."

"What if there is a delay? One or two days, I don't know how long we can't last for forty-eight hours," Poisson Yang smiled bitterly, "History has begun to roll the dice again, and who do you think will be smashed this time? skull?"

Thomas Yang suddenly thought of something, and the blood on his face suddenly faded.

Just listen to Poisson Yang continue to ask: "When we can't make it, what should we do?"

If a large number of coalition forces are still in the wormhole passage, the artificial intelligence army will first break through the defense of the Heart of the Rose, what should they do

Shatter the wormhole channel and involve the artificial intelligence army and half of the coalition forces into the turbulent time and space together

Or let them enter the eighth galaxy

"General Yang," a scout on the front line reported, "a large number of mechas came from the military fortresses of the first galaxy and merged into the artificial intelligence army."

"General Yang!" The troops that originally belonged to the Alliance Army and the First Galaxy Border Guard Army knew the situation of the First Galaxy best, and at the same time issued a reminder in the communication channel, "The armed reserves of the First Galaxy are beyond your imagination, and they will call it so infinitely. Go on, even if the missile hit rate of those of us is as high as 100%, it is not enough to hit! We have to think of a different way!"

"Energy Warning—"

Poisson Young: "What!"

"General, several artificial intelligence armed forces have bypassed the transition point, invaded from the 'non-flight zone', and are approaching us at a high speed!"

This non-waterway area was passed by Lin Jingshu of the Freedom Legion when they attacked the Heart of the Rose. They learned so fast!

"The flank of the Second Galaxy Central Army was attacked."

"The other party's communication network is being restored, and the encryption is being upgraded—"

"General Yang, we are surrounded!"

Poisson Yang could hear the rumbling of his arteries, and a large amount of blood was desperately filling his brain down his neck, as if he was afraid that he would not have enough blood. Riza.

He abruptly blocked the intercom channel and turned to meet Thomas's gaze.

Thomas understood what he meant in a flash, and his pupils seemed to shrink.

"Alert to the Eighth Galaxy." Poisson Young lowered his voice and said quickly, "Then release the wormhole jammer."

Thomas Yang sighed and his lungs hurt: "Most of the human coalition forces, the unarmed residents of Votto and the accompanying silver."

Poisson Yang: "It's too late!"

Thomas Young grabbed his arm, his hands shaking uncontrollably.

"I'm here to order." Poisson Yang said word by word, "I have always been responsible for this kind of thing."

The lively and energetic older brother is in charge of coordinating relationships, handling chores, and bringing everyone together, and the always impatient younger brother is in charge of picking up the broken wrist knife at critical moments—

Poisson Yang easily broke free of his hand and connected the technical soldiers at the entrance of the wormhole: "Wormhole technical support departments"

But he didn't say anything, and the smooth communication was interrupted unexpectedly. Poisson Yang was stunned for a moment, and then turned around in disbelief. The military recorder showed that a mecha from the alliance suddenly opened fire behind him, blowing up the carrying Technical support ship for wormhole jamming equipment!

And this is not yet.

Immediately afterwards, missiles came from different units of the coalition forces and rushed towards the technical support ship at the same time. The technical support ship was unable to respond to the sneak attack from the friendly forces and was drowned in a sea of fire in an instant.

Later, in order to communicate with the Eighth Galaxy, the simple communication equipment built at the Heart of Rose was also swept away by the high-energy particle cannon.

Their communication with the Eighth Galaxy has been interrupted!

Thomas Yang next to him has reopened the messy internal communication channel: "What are you doing?!"

"General Yang," the internal communication channel of the coalition was also affected, and the harsh noise was extremely cold, "In order to protect the eighth galaxy, you must cut off the wormhole channel, right?"

Thomas Young was breathless.

"Feel sorry-"

Before Lin Jingshu died, she predicted that the second and third Gardens of Eden would appear soon, and humanity would fall apart again.

At this time, the second Garden of Eden has not yet appeared, and the human coalition of the Heart of Rose has parted ways in desperation.

If her ghost is still floating in this "human forbidden zone", she will probably laugh.

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