
Chapter 186: Can't fight


Lin Jingheng walked out of the chief's office quickly. The guards behind him were well-trained to stop the idlers and others, and directly boarded a mecha car and headed for the mech land near the command center. Dr. Harden, who was in a wheelchair, was already there waiting for him. .

Dr. Harden changed his clothes all over, even taking off his personal terminal and dentures.

"I've heard it all," Dr. Harden asked him when he came up, "why didn't the coalition troops work together to destroy the main force of artificial intelligence in the heart of the rose and regain the first galaxy?"

The guard next to him was startled by his voice and looked up at Lin Jingheng cautiously.

Lin Jingheng, the commander-in-chief of the Eighth Galaxy, is notoriously reluctant to explain.

But at this time, to everyone's surprise, he actually made up his mind, and waved to the guards behind him, signaling them to back away temporarily, and there was no impatient expression on his face: "Wait for me for five minutes, I will chat with the doctor alone for a few minutes. sentence."

The guards immediately made a space for him.

Lin Jingheng then replied: "The coalition army was trapped in the heart of the rose for too long, exhausted, and almost driven to a corner by the Freedom Legion. Everyone was at their limit. Even with Anakin reinforcements at that time, our chances of winning were not much. The big name sword has at most three points."

Dr. Harden stared at him like two fires.

"Also, even if we shoot down Long Yuan and the others, we still don't know how to deal with the super artificial intelligence Woolf. It is difficult to hit a single hit. And if it can't be eliminated, it will become very dangerous. This super artificial intelligence is the first Galaxies are ubiquitous, with the highest military authority over major planets, man-made spaces, and transition points. If it wants to, it can wipe out all living creatures in the first galaxy within a few minutes. Those of us who are soldiers can do it. Regardless of life or death, the innocent residents of the first galaxy cannot be roasted on fire. So Woolf threw an olive branch and took the initiative to withdraw, and we had no reason to take the initiative to provoke him."

"Autonomous artificial intelligence is the reason, you guys!" Dr. Harden sighed heavily and raised a finger tremblingly, "The moment an autonomous artificial intelligence is created, it no longer belongs to the maker, it is Another kind of creation, two highly intelligent species cannot coexist, there must be a war, either today or tomorrow, in the era of highly automated, all-out interstellar war, how can people fight back?"

Lin Jingheng lowered his eyes: "I know that."

"Of course you know, you all understand this truth, and you know that there will be a war in the future, but you haven't experienced that era, and you don't have a sense of urgency! You all think this is the future, so you can take a cautious and conservative strategy for safety. Right? In the coalition army at that time, anyone who has personally experienced the age of the old star calendar has a good chance of winning, even if there is only a chance of survival, it would be better to burn all jade and stone than to let them go."

"Don't be useless, the old things that have experienced the old ephemeris era are just like you. They can be rolled up and covered in museums, and a near-ground mecha car has to be accompanied by a butt of medical equipment." Lin Jingheng walked in front of him, Lifting his trouser legs, he squatted half-kneeling in front of Dr. Harden, "I have no experience in fighting artificial intelligence."

In terms of Lin Jingheng's stinky temper, this sentence is almost like asking for advice in a low voice.

"Artificial intelligence has weaknesses," Dr. Harden said happily, "Lin Shuai—your grandfather's last battle, have you read it carefully?"

Lin Jingheng tilted his head: "Huh?"

"At that time, they artificially closed Votto and turned Votto into a 'space prison' that cannot interact with the outside world. This is the first condition for dealing with artificial intelligence - creating a confined space, one that you can control, and the outside world. There is no connection in a confined space. The second is energy and network. Energy is the root of artificial intelligence. The network is equivalent to their 'fine network'. Heavy armor carries energy and backup energy. You can work hard from the Internet." Dr. Harden said, "Also, although artificial intelligence is a product of human technology, once it is autonomous, you should not try to compete with them in technology."

"Yes," Lin Jingheng smiled bitterly, "I can't fight with technology, I can't fight with strength, I'm afraid even people who are not afraid of death can't fight."

Nuclear weapons are man-made, as is the artificial intelligence that ravages the universe uncontrollably.

Lin Jingheng felt that if he continued to talk like this, he was about to write a letter to Prophet Hope, applying to join the Anti-Ukrainian Society: "But the alliance has eliminated super artificial intelligence once, right?"

"What I said just now is to pay attention to when encountering encounters. If you want to completely eliminate this terrible enemy, you must find the mainframe of super artificial intelligence," Dr. Harden said. "Somewhere in the first galaxy, such a large Artificial intelligence can’t be a chip that can be plugged anywhere. Forget the computing power, the energy consumption is something that you can’t imagine with common sense. The moment it starts, it can overload the Fortress of Angel City and power off. Its host must at least have a large computer. A starship, or even a small man-made space scale."

Lin Jingheng sighed - he had a rough judgment in advance, but at this time, hearing Dr. Harden's confirmation, his heart sank.

Whether it's a starship or an artificial space, this means that Woolf's host position is not fixed, he can walk in the universe, he can use the transition point, and he can walk around the entire first galaxy, and a large first galaxy, the entire first galaxy. The jump network is in the hands of artificial intelligence, and the human coalition is in it, which is tantamount to deaf and blind. Where can I find this host

Besides, there is not necessarily only one host.

There may be ten or eight such artificial spaces flying around in different places in the first galaxy. Even if they can find one that blows up, they will immediately transfer it to the backup host without affecting the function at all.

It can even go to other galaxies through non-flight routes, and it can reach the second galaxy in six or seven years. At that time, the entire transition network will fall into its hands. As long as it is given time, it can build itself countless numbers in each galaxy. "Clone", you can string it wherever you want, and it will never be eliminated.

Lin Jingheng thought fortunately, fortunately, he had all his subordinates backed away just now, and he was the only one here. If these words were leaked, let alone the public, no one would know how many people in the Self-Defense Forces would collapse in despair.

Dr. Harden whispered, "Now you have a solution that isn't a solution."

Lin Jingheng and him looked at each other, both of them tacitly knowing that there is another way, that is, to immediately close the natural wormhole area and physically isolate the eighth galaxy, which may ensure the safety of the eighth galaxy for a hundred years.

In a hundred years, there is a 1 in 10,000 possibility that the technology of the eighth galaxy will explode, and the technological level of mankind will reach an unimaginable level, and it will be able to fight against the mechanical empire of artificial intelligence.

Or it may be living in panic for a hundred years, and in the end it is doomed.

"We can't do it." Lin Jingheng curled one hand in his pocket and touched the small box containing the pair of rings. The soft touch of velvet slipped over his fingertips, gentle and deadly, he said in a deep voice, "And now you are Say, it's too late."

Dr. Harden was startled: "Did you make any arrangements? Mr. Lu is still in the live broadcast room?"

The military base also has a three-dimensional large screen. Lin Jingheng raised his head, and through the glass window, he saw that the long self-declaration of Lu Bihang above his head had come to an end.

"My private laboratory has been handed over to the relevant departments for sealing, and all the evidence that should be kept has been submitted. The Bureau of Investigation will search for the information of the Nuwa Project twice as soon as possible. Dr. Harden and other important witnesses have also been protected and quarantined. I declare with a declaration of freedom. I swear in the name of I promise that the above statement is true. After the investigation is clear, whether it is illegal acquisition of rainbow virus strains, private experiments, or anything else, I am willing to stand trial. If the Supreme Court of the Eighth Galaxy is called, I will appear in court on time." Lu Bixing Said, smiling off-screen, "But I love Eighth Galaxy, and I will perform my duties as chief executive until the last second of my term."

Dr. Harden suddenly reacted: "This is not a live broadcast!"

Lin Jingheng shook his head, did not answer, and stopped rubbing the weak little box. He put on his gloves again and waved at the soldiers at Waifanggang: "Get ready to go!"

"Wait, Jingheng!" Dr. Harden stopped him, trying to stick his neck out of the wheelchair, "Have you seen Jingshu for the last time, did she leave anything?"

"No, she was hit by a stray bullet in the melee, so she shouldn't have time to speak." Lin Jingheng paused, "If there is, I guess it would probably be 'I'm right, it's you who's wrong'."

Dr. Harden sighed shiveringly: "I didn't take care of her, I should take care of you, I'm sorry Laura"

"You didn't feel sorry for Laura," Lin Jingheng turned back and smiled lightly at him, "Laura doesn't love us."

Dr. Harden looked at him blankly.

"Dr. Laura Gurdon, she has eyes that can see the end of the world in the brocade of flowers. You can't ask her to take care of all the trivial things with such eyes. Besides, in vitro cultivation, there is no corresponding hormonal change in the mother's body, so it doesn't matter what the physiology is. In the sense of 'mother's love'." Lin Jingheng said calmly, "Actually, I'm quite honored to get a bit of her genes, but unfortunately I didn't inherit her intelligence."

"The Alliance is the first era of unified civilization in human history," Dr. Harden murmured. "How did it become like this?"

"It's too early." Lin Jingheng turned around and left, "It's not the end."

first galaxy.

The Anti-Ukrainian Association arrived at the last moment when the artificial intelligence army broke through the coalition defense line, but unfortunately it was useless. With Hope's crappy battlefield command and little combat power, he rushed up to deliver food to others.

They watched as their former enemies and temporary allies were swept away by the artificial intelligence army, and their hearts were filled with anger.

"The Prophet of Heaven."

Even if someone's beliefs have been swayed repeatedly, they will probably be invincible after witnessing this scene.

"Fine net!" Hope was the first to react, "Avoid the artillery fire, spread out the fine net, and drag away the out-of-control mecha of the coalition forces, one can be rescued!"

The Great Prophet gave an order, and the followers of the Anti-Ukraine Association immediately rushed to the nest without fear of death.

Maybe it is to prepare for long-distance raids, save energy and missiles, maybe the artificial intelligence army is different from humans, always aiming to achieve the goal as the first priority and not doing superfluous things - in short, they did not "clean up" the battlefield, There were many coalition mechas without their pilots left at the scene. The empty man-machine interface was hanging there, and the people on the mechas did not know whether they were dead or alive.

"Beware Prophet!"

Hope's command ship had already remotely controlled several coalition mechas. It was too deep and was accidentally exposed to the advancing artificial intelligence army, and the muzzle was locked immediately.

The mecha sounded the alarm, and Hope made a "buzz" in his head. In a hurry, he somehow had a flash of inspiration and blurted out, "Call the 'pass'!"

Anti-Ukrainian Society - these gang of bereaved interstellar pirates, the command ship shamelessly printed out the "Civilian Protection Pass", and I don't know where they pirated it.

Hope stared at the military recorder with wide eyes, his throat moving with difficulty.

Ten seconds later—

"Alert lifted."

The artificial intelligence mechas that locked him actually believed, and they turned their muzzles with a "human touch", followed the troops, and rushed to the natural wormhole area, ignoring him.

"Let's go!" Hope whistled in the communication channel, and the anti-Ukrainian will indiscriminately roll up a bunch of remnants of the coalition army and leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

"Prophet, I received a communication. It seems that there are still Votto refugees in the heavy armor who should go to the Fortress of Angel City!"

"There is a life reaction in the mecha."

"Send the medical cabin to dock in, as many as you want!"

"Prophet, what about the eighth galaxy? We can't get in touch!"

Hope: ""

Eighth galaxy, seven days later.

Mint was on the morning shift. First, she greeted the cockfighting cock that had just been discharged from the hospital through her personal terminal. She carefully checked all the indicators of all the natural wormhole areas.

"Who dares to judge me, Teacher Lu!" After the cockfight was discharged from the hospital, he got all kinds of news, and the whole popularity became a cannonball, with a murderous look on his face, "If my team hears anyone who dares to talk in private, I will kill him. front teeth!"

"Then you should go to a military court." Mint said coolly, "I said, should you go to a hospital to see if you have violent tendencies?"


"Shh!" Mint didn't know what to see, and his eyes suddenly narrowed, "I'll tell you later."

She cut off the communication involuntarily: "At the frontier headquarters, there are abnormal energy fluctuations in the natural wormhole area, and the value is still rising. It seems that something in the wormhole channel is approaching the exit."

"Received." A familiar voice came, "The technicians are evacuated."

Mint raised her head abruptly, and was surprised to find that it was not the operator of the border guard who was talking to her.

"Lin Shuai

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