
Chapter 190: only chance


first galaxy.

The former local snake, the First Galaxy Frontier Guard Army and the Alliance Army all changed into small mechas.

Lu Bixing watched them through the mecha's military recorder: "The main force of artificial intelligence is not there, the original guard line of the first galaxy is familiar, it should not be a problem to disperse operations and solve the communication base, and the others are ready to go according to the original plan. See you in seven days."

While the first galaxy is still closed, the terrible hosts are not all over the world.

While the main force of the human coalition is still alive.

The commanders signaled to him in the communication channel, and then they each embarked on their journey. After just one hour of Votto, there were only a few frigates left by Lu Bixing, and a part of the Central Army of the Third Galaxy, which was closest to the destination.

President Lu Bi exhaled a long breath.

All the arrangements have been arranged. He carefully reviewed whether he still missed anything, and found that once his busy brain was free, he began to have a tendency to think wildly.

A thought suddenly appeared, he thought, what if the ten famous swords that broke into the eighth galaxy and refused to be led back to the first galaxy by him obediently

Can Lin Jingheng and the Eighth Galaxy garrison last for so long

As soon as this idea appeared, it was like a parasitic plant that touched porcelain everywhere. It took root in his heart and refused to move. Lu Bixing suddenly began to have an irregular heartbeat, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his palm. The cup actually fell out of hand.

Lu Bixing jolted and realized that he was almost a demon. He pressed every joint of his fingers and forcibly suppressed his thoughts - things have come to this point, and there is no way back. How, can only go on with gritted teeth.

In order not to give himself room to think wildly, Lu Bixing forced himself to sit down, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, and then he found something for himself to do.

He opened Marshal Ringel's record and slowly read it against the historical data of the alliance. The official propaganda of the alliance said that Ringer was an outstanding strategist and thinker in human history and one of the greatest military commanders. Just like elementary school students who don't usually read, Lu Bixing planned to "take the test" before the terrifying exam.

The details of several famous battles are correct, and in addition, there are many personal details of Marshal Ringel's personal life.

He writes about the nerdy Dr. Harden, who had an attention deficit in his youth and was either interrupting or talking nonsense while chatting. Also write the growing up, the more taciturn Woolf.

When it comes to lovers, there will always be an extra hand-painted with warm tones. The hand-painted tends to be stream-of-consciousness, and it is not easy to see the appearance of the model. However, it is often just a silhouette, which has made people yearn for it.

"Hubert (Wolf) is the one I grew up watching. He is lonely, so he relies too much on me and has some misunderstandings. I didn't detect and correct it in time, and I feel a little guilty, so I have been very careful in my speech and behavior recently. , so as not to have a bad influence on him, fortunately, he is gentle and generous, I think, maybe in a few years, I will think about it."

Lu Bixing made a "tsk", his fingertips made a line under "kindness and generosity", feeling that he almost didn't recognize the word, he skipped the daily part, turned to the last few pages, and went to see them and artificial intelligence "Hull" Prince Si' final battle.

"Prince Hels is omnipresent, like a terrifying ghost, shrouded in every star, why create such a monster?"

"Steven (Harden), the kid who is open-mouthed, said, if we have enough time and technology, we should make a freer and more powerful artificial intelligence, and sick creatures can only be defeated by more sick things. ."

"Hubert said that if an artificial intelligence without permissionless frameworks can be created, no matter how good the original intention is and how like a friend of mankind, it will eventually become our enemy, even if the program is full of love for mankind."

"Yeah, what's the difference between an artificial intelligence with free will and a new species? We are genetically terrified of humanoids rather than human beings, a lesson from countless genocides in evolutionary history. Once both From the honeymoon period, the relationship between people has turned cold, and even if the artificial intelligence is still friendly, people will first have suspicions themselves, and once such a rift is created, it will never be healed, and we will be destroyed by our own creations.”

"Thanks to the selfishness of Prince Hulls, the authority he left to his illegitimate children is probably used to save the world."

This is a casual sigh of the master. There is nothing to do. Lu Bixing was hurriedly passing over a page of paper, and he suddenly realized something. He went back and re-read this passage, thinking: "Wrong?"

Did Marshal Ringle spell Harden and Woolf's names backwards

However, it can also be seen from the records that Marshal Ringel is a very careful man. There are few obvious mistakes in the handwritten words, and he wrote Harden "again" without any scruples, which is consistent with the description of the doctor in the previous article. of.

Lu Bixing had doubts in his heart - when Woolf was in his twenties, he knew that the free artificial intelligence would eventually go astray. Why did he become more and more confused after three hundred years

For power? Want to rule the Alliance for eternity

This is illogical, because the artificial intelligence is just copying his personality, not letting him "soul possession". Even if this super artificial intelligence rules all mankind, what does it have to do with Mrs. Wool? His bones were blown away along with the Votto Union Parliament building.

So is it because he was wasted his whole life by the Alliance, so he planned to turn against humanity when he was about to die

But if it is simply anti-human, and wants to turn the whole world into a dead mechanical empire, why is the primary goal set to eliminate the chip man? For the super artificial intelligence of the mechanical empire, all carbon-based creatures are slaves or pets, whether they are human, chip man or even cat or dog, does it make a difference

At this moment, the pilot on the mecha reminded him: "Mr. Lu, Commander Nagus wants to have a chat with you alone."

Lu Bixing came back: "Okay."

The three-dimensional portrait of Nagus soon appeared in front of him. At this moment, the wormhole channel was stabilized again, and the signal was not so disturbed. As long as he did not reach out and touch, the phantom of Nagus was no different from the real person. The figures are sitting together face to face.

"Marshal Ringle's note?" Nagus asked. "It seems that Woolf gave it to you that day."

Lu Bixing said "um": "Old Lin Shuai had a great influence on Woolf's life."

"Gossip," Nagus said, "I heard that when General Lin Wei was born, there were some good people who questioned whether his genes really came from Lin Shuai and his wife, just implying no. ,You know."

Lu Bixing: "No."

Nagus: "What?"

"I don't think Woolf would do this. This person is insidious and cunning, and sometimes his methods are despicable, but I always feel that he is not a vulgar person and should be disdainful of doing such small things," Lu Bixing said, "Besides, if Lin Wei The general really has his genes mixed in, and Jingheng and his siblings should also be considered his descendants, why didn't he adopt them in person?"

Nagus asked, "Why?"

"Sad." Lu Bixing thought for a while and said, "Marshal Linger is a beautiful memory of his youth, like the moonlight, Woolf used the genes of their husband and wife to breed General Lin Wei - the name 'Wei', the old Lin Shuai was alive I just thought about it with my partner, and wrote it in the note. No matter if the first child is a boy or a girl, it can be called this. Woolf uses this name. I think he accepts that Lin Shuai does not belong to him. The general lived a safe and smooth life, which is probably a happy ending. What hurts his heart should be the fact that the Alliance Central Committee was led more and more deviated by the Eden Management Committee. Well. Jingheng's eyes look too much like Dr. Laura Gdon, and it's normal to be grumpy."

Nagus sighed: "I remember, in fact, Woolf was already preparing to retire back then. At that time, General, your father was in the limelight. One of them was a student brought by Woolf himself, and the other was raised by himself. As an adopted son, some sycophants call him and General Lin Wei the Wotto Shuangbi. General Lin Wei has a cold personality and doesn't like to socialize or show off. As for our general, on the contrary, the two have a good personal relationship and complement each other. Wu Marshal Erf finally chose our general, and gradually entrusted many affairs to him. In fact, General Lu Xin had already provoked the lead at that time, and there was only an official official handover. But"

The Eden Management Committee slammed into the bar, Lin Wei died in depression, Lu Xin was wronged, and the pirates outside the territory were weakening. It seemed that there was no threat. In the corner of the hall, power was almost emptied. The half-retired old marshal was forced to come back to power, but it was useless. The Garden of Eden was everywhere. As an alliance veteran, he even had a little girl caught by the management committee Can't come out.

"I have a strange feeling, Uncle Nagus." Lu Bixing said.


Lu Bixing shook his head: "I can't tell for a while."

If there is no super artificial intelligence Woolf, then the Alliance Army and the Central Army may have been caught by Lin Jingshu.

I have to admit that under the circumstances at the time, it was not Woolf's hand that was comparable to "resurrection", and the human coalition had to kneel before it had time to assemble.

Looking back now, Woolf closed the first galaxy like cheating. Under the siege and interception of artificial intelligence, Lin Jingshu's only choice was to avoid the eighth galaxy. No matter what choice the eighth galaxy made, it would be inevitable. Being involved, emptiness happened to be the nemesis of Chip Man, and they blocked Lin Jingshu in the heart of roses, which must be her burial place.

After solving the chip man, the artificial intelligence can be friendly and peaceful for decades to come, allowing the Central Army to return to other galaxies to pacify the chaos, repair the transition point, let people relax their vigilance, and the artificial intelligence will have time and room to build more host, planting more "seeds".

But at this time, it became paranoid like a "bug" and provoked war again.

Lu Bixing's eyes fell on the record again, and he saw the sentence "Even if the program is full of love for human beings".

"We are in a dangerous situation now, like walking on the tip of a knife," Lu Bixing said, "but thinking about it, the war at this time is the most unfavorable for artificial intelligence, and it is our only chance."

Nagus: "Is it possible that it still intends to be a savior? Then it should blow up when it hits the Freedom Legion. What's the matter!"

"It's impossible to self-destruct, how does it count as defeating the Freedom Legion? Kill the leader? Then it disappeared when Lin Jingshu faked his death to deceive us for the first time," Lu Bixing shook his head. I am afraid that it cannot be completely eradicated from human society for tens or hundreds of years. Even if it destroys the Freedom Legion and explodes, what will happen to the relationship between this super artificial intelligence and human beings in the tens or hundreds of years? Artificial intelligence without permission framework But it can self-correct the program, do you think that after so long, the small self-destruction program can still limit it?"

Nagus's mood sank following his words.

"Electronic drugs that can't be removed for decades or centuries," he murmured. "My third galaxy, can I wait until I go back?"

The third galaxy that Nagus never forgets.

The ghost-like man-made mecha carefully avoided all passages that might encounter chip people along the way. Several tired and numb soldiers took turns to rest, curled up in the corner, and their uniforms were inconsistent. Some of them came from the ground security department. , some from the left-behind Central Army.

This patchwork team is drifting through space on an important mission - they're sending a bioelectronics expert to a safe haven.

In order to fight against the chip man, the rebels established a temporary chip research institute in a secret base in the third galaxy, and gathered dozens of bioelectronics scientists. However, just when things started to take shape, half a month ago, The location of the research institute was exposed, and it was destroyed by the chip man.

Only a young doctor escaped by chance and was desperately rescued by the rebels. At this time, he was lying quietly in the medical cabin of the mecha, so as to survive the difficult space journey.

Her pale and youthful face was revealed in the medical cabin, and even in her dormant state, there was still vague fear and anxiety on her face. The soldier who changed the shift and his companions handed over the driving authority, walked over to look at her, and adjusted the temperature in the medical cabin for her.

"What are you doing?" the companion asked softly.

"Keep her warm, I think she's having a nightmare," said the tired soldier barely audible. "How much data can she recover?"

The companion fell silent, and after a while, handed him a nutritional needle: "It is said that several research bases that were built in haste have been blown up by the chip man."

"This shows that the chip man is afraid," the soldier said in a deep voice. "The only thing they can rely on is the chip on their body. The chip man has no organization, no order, or even no chip. They may not even be able to open the mecha. These people can't do anything. No, as long as we have the technology to deal with their chips, we will win in the end."

"But how long does it take to wait until the 'final'?" The companion said a little decadently, "Maybe the 'final' is that we are all dead, not only us, but other galaxies are getting more and more difficult, and the strongholds established by the rebels are lost. Nine times out of ten, a part of the rebel army came to seek shelter from the fourth galaxy the day before yesterday, and the fourth galaxy seems to have completely fallen. The second galaxy comrade I often contacted has been silent for half a month. I don’t know him. Do you know if he is still alive, before I lost contact with him, I heard a message from him."


"All the external transition points of the first galaxy were blown up. Even if there are reinforcements, it will be six years later. We can't wait."

In the dark universe, the only two sober young people digested this desperate news with difficulty, and they were silent for a while.

After a while, the soldier turned his head and glanced at the female doctor in the medical cabin, as if he was desperately ill and wanted to draw some courage from her: "Don't think about this, the base will be right away"

Without saying a word, an alarm sounded suddenly in the broken mecha.

"Be careful!"

All the resting people on the mecha woke up.

"Turn around, emergency jump!"


"Come on! Our base is under attack!"

The third galaxy, the resistance army has a total of ninety-six strongholds, this is the eighty-seventh bombed place.

The whole world is like a giant ship that hits an iceberg in the sea, shaken by wind and rain, and is slowly sinking into darkness.

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