
Chapter 191: It is better to kill by mistake than to let go


The New Ephemeral Era has spent its darkest seven days.

"It is said that it took seven days to create the world. Up to now, Votto's standard time is still seven days as a 'week'." Lu Bixing suddenly said to his mecha pilot.

The driver from the silver tenth guard was stunned for a moment, and quickly tried to flatter him: "So we choose this time to act, is it a good sign?"

"It's just a coincidence." Lu Bixing smiled, "Eden is also an auspicious name - come on, give me the driving authority."

The driver was inexplicable. He didn't know when the commander also contracted the commander's problem that "the fine net must be in his own hands". , couldn't help but muttered in a low voice: "Chief, my mecha level is actually decent."

"The elites of the Ten Silver Guards are of course stronger than me, but the artificial intelligence army that arrived first will definitely use the fine net attack in order to trap us in place. I have a cheating device, so I can carry it longer," Lu Bixing said, "I can't carry it. I'll leave it to you when I stay."

At this time, the silver four who went to the farthest military area had quietly been in place. Anakin prepared all the sensitive energy sensors and quietly waited for the appointed time.

The AI mechs patrolled the waterways, searching for enemies who had infiltrated the first system.

The Heart of the Rose was so quiet that it made people panic. The wormhole channel separated the Eighth Galaxy from them for several days. No one knew what was going on there.

Lu Bixing connected to Jingwang, and for no reason remembered his excitement when he successfully activated the mecha for the first time and ascended from Gloria Star.

At that time, the world was at peace with him. He had a lot of rambunctious friends, infinite dreams, and an old Persian cat who was clearly watching nervously. I didn't look at you." The lightness.

He thought he would soon reveal a corner of the starry sky.

At that time, he wanted to prop up a starry sky in the barren eighth galaxy, and sprinkle some seeds in the hearts of young people who were as eager and restless as him. Every long vacation at the end of the semester, he closed the school and walked along the sea of stars. Travel around the eight galaxies of the Alliance. If you are poor, you can go to part-time mecha designer to subsidize your family, and then spend it on splurge, experience all kinds of experiences, and play freely for three hundred years of your life. Finding someone to fall in love can come or go, it's easy and relaxed, and you don't have to be as heart-wrenching and worrying as he loves Lin Jingheng. When I get old, I go home and write my memoirs, and I gather and publish all the little inventions that are useless in my life.

What a life it would be.

He originally planned to realize his wish and live an ideal life before the age of forty, but he did not expect that until now, the ideal life has not been realized.

"I built a lot of schools, but they refused to let me be the principal." Every sense of Lu Bixing spread out with the fine net, he thought, "I have the ability to drive around in the mecha, but I didn't leave in total. I have been to the Eighth Galaxy a few times, and every time I come out, I have either encountered a hostage kidnapping incident or fought a war."

"Chief, the countdown starts, the mecha is warmed up, the energy system is tested, the coordinates are confirmed, all personnel are in place, and prepare for the emergency transition—"

"Ten, Nine, Eight"

"I'm the chief," Lu Bixing laughed at himself inaudibly, "It's not very successful."

The alliance small mecha lurking in the communication base of the first galaxy opened fire first, cutting off the communication network cleanly.

"Three, two, one—"

The sound of the countdown ending was submerged in the roar of the mecha. The command ship and its frigates were exposed to the transition point of the first galaxy at the same time. The energy fluctuations awakened the ghosts of the first galaxy. Commands rushed to all directions through the long-distance communication section of the transition point extending in all directions.

Before Lu Bixing and the others had settled down, the transition point fluctuated again—the artificial intelligence mecha closest to them jumped here urgently.

The experience of the emergency jump was quite uncomfortable. It was roughly equivalent to a day trip to the centrifuge. All the people in the mecha were made into jelly with the protective gas. After the emergency jump, the people in the mecha always had a moment of buffer.

But the artificial intelligence mech has no physiological problems. They rushed through the transition point at the fastest speed, without taking a breath. Taking advantage of the turbulence of the driver's fine net during the emergency jump, a wave of fine net attacks swept in.

Lu Bixing's energy with chip blessings survived the blow, and all the frigates changed drivers at the same time!

At the same time, the sixteen teams quietly ambushing in the major military regions recorded the changes in the military fortresses with energy sensors—this is the benefit of artificial intelligence. If these military fortresses are armed with human beings, no matter how sophisticated they are, they will always move. It needs to be adjusted, and there is always an error in the startup speed, which will be full of various small accidents, which cannot be accurately calculated.

Only artificial intelligence, Woolf's host is the "brain", and the military bases controlled by artificial intelligence everywhere are organs, and the structure is clear and concise, allowing them to reverse this method.

Lu Bixing's command ship fired six missiles at the same time, barely intercepting the firepower chasing him. The two most recent missiles collided not far from the command ship, and a large amount of debris swept across the fuselage of the command ship like a storm. There was a turbulence, and the command ship ran away.

A large number of artificial intelligence mecha locked him through the warp net, rushing out from the surrounding warp points, and the entire first galaxy was in turmoil.

"Mr. Lu, the other party has released the leap interference technology!"

"The transition points on all sides can't be connected, we have been surrounded"

"Watch out!"

The missile and the Jingwang attack arrived at the same time. Even the chip man, the man-machine match is not 100%. In addition to the turbulence of the Jingwang, the missile almost passed the command ship, almost hit the arsenal, and the siren broke his throat!

It wasn't long before Lu Bixing's "martyrdom" cowhide was blown out, and a cold sweat broke out on his back.


The sixteen pathfinder teams will communicate with each other in a multi-layered encryption method, and lock the military area where the host is located at the fastest speed. During this process, the other party will definitely try to break through their communication encryption. Their attempt, it will jump and transfer immediately, so encryption is one aspect, and the most important thing is that after the host is locked, the team closest to the military area can immediately clean up the jump points outside the military area and trap them. it!

To ensure fast action, each team of pathfinders must have sufficient manpower and mechas. Therefore, Lu Bixing defied all opinions, and only had two or three frigates with kittens beside him. food delivery.

Lu Bixing said urgently, "Send a communication request!"

After more than ten minutes, they will be able to lock the area where the host is. Since he can't beat it and can't run, it is better to delay the time seriously: "I want to speak to Marshal Hubert Woolf."

In his two sentences, a large wave of superimposed high-energy particle cannons that can melt the protective cover swept across the sky.

The shield was swallowed up by the high-energy particle cannon, and the heavily armored target was extremely large. Once there was no shield, it was almost equivalent to walking into the radiation zone naked. Not to mention missiles, the wreckage of the battlefield will not end well.

The temperature of the fuselage shell rose sharply, the protective cover made a dying scream, and the damage was reported continuously.

"Mr. Lu!"

However, the next moment, the fierce attack of artificial intelligence suddenly stopped, and the other party accepted his communication request.

The guards around Lu Bixing cooperated tacitly. As soon as the firepower of the other party stopped, they were able to breathe for a while, and immediately abandoned the heavy armor collectively and transferred them to several small and medium-sized mechas in the mecha transceiver.

Lu Bixing sat down in a different place, the cold sweat on his back was uncomfortable, and he had to dent a panicked and angry face, and preemptively asked Woolf: "I thought you existed to guard against the Freedom Legion, To defend world peace, didn't you say you were going to sleep? What are you doing now, sleepwalking hysteria?"

Woolf's voice sounded: "It is my duty to destroy the Chip Man."

"Who the fuck is the chip guy!" Lu Bixing glanced at the time, only to feel that the second hand was crawling forward like a turtle, and this quarter of an hour was almost half a lifetime. "Since you know the 'Nuwa plan', don't you think Can't you tell that the chip on me is different from the opium chip of the Liberty Legion?"

"I know," Woolf said without any emotion, "the chip on your body has been modified, which is equivalent to an evolutionary accelerator. According to the research data of Dr. Laura Gden, the successful body modified with the rainbow virus has the evolutionary conditions. , after implanting the chip, it can promote the autonomous evolution of the organism, and the key technology is in the human body transformation planned by Nuwa, not in the biological chip. While the Freedom Legion abandoned individual evolution, Lin Jingshu made a harmful modification to Dr. Use it to create hallucinations, spread around in the ordinary, and develop a strict hierarchy."

Lu Bixing: "Don't you understand that?"

Woolf continued to be unreasonable: "But you're still all chip people, and you're all going to be destroyed."

It's not clear yet, Lu Bixing got angry: "Have you been infected with the virus, old marshal?"

"Your nature is the same," Woolf ignored him and stated with reason, "The chip empire of the Freedom Legion is to destroy all human beings and transform human society from the root. Your evolutionary route is to let some people Become 'Superman', the birth of Superman will create new classes and frictions, and eventually lead to division and war, according to estimates, the existing human species is still very likely to be wiped out - both chips will eventually lead to the same consequences, no Any difference needs to be destroyed."

Lu Bixing was stunned for a while, but he did not expect that the artificial intelligence did not simply and rudely put the chip man back in place, but he thought deeply and subconsciously explained: "I thought about this issue a few years ago, and I even thought about it. All the materials have been destroyed, otherwise the Eighth Galaxy would already have a 'Superman' army, right?"

The artificial intelligence Woolf seemed to think it made sense and fell silent.

Lu Bixing continued his efforts: "The chip can be copied as you want, but the human body transformation of the Rainbow Project is the key. Human body transformation is a life-and-death situation, and luck accounts for a large proportion. Anti-Ukrainian will launch the Rainbow Project several times, but it is not smooth, and very few succeed. Few. Before I was fifteen years old, I almost had no ability to take care of myself, and I didn’t know how I survived. In which galaxy can this high-risk, large-scale human experiment be legally passed? It is not feasible to promote it. , How did Prince Gloria, who was entrenched in the eighth galaxy in the sky, die, the eighth galaxy still remembers, how dare I repeat the same mistakes. In the end, I only have myself as an experiment. "

Woolf said, "Yes."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Bixing glanced at the slow clock again and found that it was only half past the time. He always found someone to chat with, and this was the first time he talked about such a difficult day: "I haven't hurt anyone, even if You used to be obsessed, illegally misappropriated the rainbow virus strain, and it has been destroyed, but you, Marshal Woolf, there are so many raging chip people outside the first galaxy, you don't care, you just go to war, attack the coalition forces stationed in the heart of the rose, and also Trying to get in on the eighth galaxy that is finally peaceful! Who the two of us is doing the damage?"

The super artificial intelligence Woolf was silent again.

"If you want to completely put an end to biochips," Lu Bixing took a breath and continued, "That's good, I'll find an ecological cabin to lie down and get out of the mecha. You can arrest or kill whatever you want, as long as you promise to take back everything. Armed, hibernate immediately."

The guard beside Lu Bixing changed color slightly: "Chief, you"

Lu Bixing interrupted him with a raised hand, and said to Woolf, "Even if your mechas have no pilots and are controlled by artificial intelligence, they are all made of real gold and silver. There are still crises outside the first galaxy, why do you waste them on me? I only have so few guards by my side, and I came to the first galaxy alone, not to trouble you. I am willing to sacrifice for the hard-won peace , Marshal Woolf, since we both have the same goal to a certain extent, stop the internal friction, okay?"

"You're right," Woolf said slowly.

Lu Bixing whispered to the guard: "Go and prepare an ecological cabin for me."

He entered the ecological capsule, drifted in space, and was caught by artificial intelligence—assuming they were willing to catch him, rather than blowing him up in one shot—how could it take more than ten minutes.

As long as the mainframe exploded, all the mechas that were staring at him were all decorations, and Lu Bixing felt a little more at ease.

However, at this moment, the super artificial intelligence Woolf said: "But I can't judge whether you really destroyed all the data of Nuwa's plan, and I can't judge whether you still have secrets before occupying the eighth galaxy. The experimental base, the natural wormhole channel interference is easy to stabilize, and it is difficult for me to have the opportunity to enter the eighth galaxy—”

Lu Bixing heard what he meant, and the blood on his face suddenly disappeared.

"So before entering the wormhole area, I have informed Long Yuan and other super heavy armors that if you don't take down the eighth galaxy, you don't have to come back," Mei said coldly, the artificial intelligence that reproduced Woolf's personality, "As for you, I I'd rather kill by mistake than let it go."

His voice fell, and several preheated missiles rushed towards Lu Bixing's command ship from all directions!

The electronic vacuum of the eighth galaxy was blown up long ago, and the artificial intelligence army, which had been under pressure, fought back frantically, tirelessly attacking the last line of defense of the human coalition.

At this point, the fierce battle has been fought for several days, and no matter how much soothing agent is used, it can't help but consume so much, and everyone's eyes are red.

For the past few days, the Self-Defense Forces have been retreating continuously, and they will soon retreat to the human activity area of the eighth galaxy.

"Commander," Huang Jingshu wrote to him at the Galaxy City command center, "The anti-missile system of the entire eighth galaxy is being urgently set up."

Lin Jingheng's voice was hoarse, so she became more shy, and gave her a glance through the communication screen.

Huang Jingshu immediately understood what he meant - how long will it take

"Twelve hours," Huang Jingshu said. "The major planets have been installed. Currently, the major channels in the galaxy are under martial law. The equipment on the channels is undergoing final debugging. It only takes twelve hours!"

Lin Jingheng waved his hand to cut off the communication, and said with difficulty: "Within 12 hours, don't take a step back, and death will become a roadblock for me."

first galaxy—

Lu Bixing's command ship's heavy armored mechas were sent and received, and more than a dozen small mechas flew out. Just after they broke away from the heavy armor, the command ship was submerged by missiles.

Lu Bixing felt that his heart would stop beating: "How long will it take!"

"Chief Commander," said the guard from Silver Ten next to him, "The Eighth Galaxy has Shuai Lin in charge. What if the ten famous swords gather together?"

Lu Bixing wanted to pretend to believe him and give him an encouraging smile, but he couldn't smile.

A long time ago, he also felt that Lin Jingheng was omnipotent. As long as he heard this name, he felt safe, as if there was no battle line he couldn't defend in the world, and no enemy he could not defeat.

But this blind confidence has long since been wiped out with sixteen years of painful loss.

"Master, be careful!"

Lu Bixing was almost hit by a missile, and he escaped swiftly. The fine net attack of artificial intelligence came round, and after such a meal, the road ahead was blocked by the dense army of artificial intelligence!

Lu Bixing heard his heart beating like a burst.

"Mr. Lu, it's locked!"

Lu Bixing raised his head abruptly—at such a critical juncture, the coalition forces successfully locked the military region where the host is located. Maybe fate, it turned out to be the military region closest to where he is now!

However, before he could answer, his mech was locked by enemy missiles.

Locked by several missiles in such an airtight encirclement, he has nowhere to escape.

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