
Chapter 193: In the beginning, the direction was wrong


But how is this possible

If Woolf's mainframe isn't in the Ninth Military District, where is it

Do you have multiple hosts

No, the case of multiple hosts has been considered in the modeling, and the experimental results have been clearly verified, and it seems that there is indeed only one host.

In fact, the situation of only one host is realistic, because this thing is not a soft pottery that can be formed by just pinching it and throwing it in the oven. Even Marshal Woolf can unknowingly create such a super artificial intelligence, It has also made people marvel at his control over the center of the alliance. Is it possible that it can still be mass-produced? The artificial intelligence Woolf has only been born for more than a month, and the first galaxy has been in chaos. It should not have time to be a backup clone for itself.

So, where is the problem

"You have no problem with your ideas, no problem with modeling, and no problem with calculations." Thomas Yang, as the technical core of the Silver Ten Guardians, is duty-bound to quickly test the data sent back by everyone.

Lu Bixing turned his eyes to him with difficulty, and after hearing these three "no problem", his heart sank.

"Be careful!"

Lu Bixing didn't have time to ask the question, the artificial intelligence mecha group had already rushed over, and the high-energy particle cannon collided with the protective cover of the mecha. At this time, Lu Bixing's mecha was no longer heavy armor, and the protective cover shook violently. , The gravity system in the mecha suddenly failed.

Lu Bixing staggered and fell directly into Thomas Yang's three-dimensional projection: "What's the problem?"

"Director, the actual problem is not a practical problem to be solved in the exam," Thomas Young said. "Any problem outside the conditions may appear. For example, your multi-layer encryption may have been invaded by artificial intelligence, which can make the data you collect donkey. The lips are not right; for another example, is the interstellar channel map of the first galaxy you used to model definitely accurate, what if there is a secret transition point that the top officials of the Alliance Army don’t know about? Or you can just root”

Thomas Young's projection was blurred by the interference of the particle cannon. Lu Bixing's soul was suppressed by the soothing agent No. 6, and he maintained his sanity, but his brain seemed to have crashed.

"You are wrong, the mainframe may not exist in the way you think. History records that the super artificial intelligence mainframes in the old ephemeris era mostly existed in the form of ground or space bases, but the new ephemeris era must be Is it too? What if the host root is not in one space as you think? Could it not be a population of multiple spaces? Could it not exist in a more alternative way? If so, the modeling premise is wrong Ah, Commander!"

The small mecha couldn't resist the fierce firepower. It walked around, and the people inside were like scraps of paper in a kaleidoscope. If it weren't for the decades of hard physical training in the space force, they would probably have spit out their brains long ago. .

Lu Bixing was slapped back and forth by the protective gas, and a guard shouted and stepped forward, trying to put on a space suit on him.

"Chief, what should I do next?"

- -

Lu Bixing was speechless.

He didn't know what to do, no one knew what to do.

Whether it's using the wormhole to fight the time difference, or using yourself as a bait to lock Woolf's host's position, it's all desperate and desperate.

Dancing on the tip of a knife, where do so many "pn b" come from

If you know what your mistakes and omissions are, maybe so many human alliance elites can gather together, brainstorm, and be able to produce wisdom in a hurry and follow the direction to remedy.

But just as Thomas Young said, there is no problem with their thinking, modeling and inference. The problem lies in the "superclass" part, and there are infinite possibilities.

The scattered human coalition seems to be locked prey one by one, each trapped in an encirclement, and the current resistance is only a dying struggle.

Even if Lu Bixing was able to dry his brain and reunite everyone after going through hardships and obstacles, how else could he lock the host again

And even if there is a "super artificial intelligence shutdown manual" that falls from the sky and cannot stand the extinction of human beings, how long does he have to execute it

How long has it been since the ten famous swords invaded the eighth galaxy

seven days? nine days? ten days

Can Lin Jingheng wait for him for another ten days

Can the Eighth Galaxy wait for him for another ten days

The soothing agent No. 6 was quietly lying in his veins, so that he would not collapse and despair.

Under the influence of external forces, Lu Bixing thought calmly and rationally, "What if I hadn't given up on Nuwa's plan back then?"

Nuwa's plan is very dangerous, and the experimental subjects will die in a near-death, and many people who are unlucky will die in the transformation process. Those who are not willing to take risks will stick to their identities as ordinary people. Over time, classes will be differentiated, resources will be reconfigured, intermarriage between evolutionary and ordinary people will be reduced, and even the exchange of genes with each other will be regarded as a conventional taboo in the world. A lot of bad things happened.

But apart from all of the above, he would have a bunch of supermen.

The superhuman armaments are extremely capable of resisting the attack of the fine net, their ears and eyes are clear, they can sleep all the time, and their physical fitness is so strong that they do not need any training, and they surpass the level of the best space force.

Superhuman technicians are tireless and energetic, the technological explosion of the eighth galaxy will be further accelerated, and new technologies, new weapons, and new economic growth points will emerge one after another.

Anyway, he has carried this charge now. If he had been more decisive back then and dared to go his own way like Lin Jingshu and carry out the Nuwa plan, wouldn’t the civil war not have broken out, and the strength of the Eighth Galaxy was far from what it is now

So can they not have to resort to dangerous moves without any hope of defeating artificial intelligence as they are now

Maybe as Thomas said, in the beginning, the direction was wrong.

Maybe the world doesn't need a timid person to lead the way.

Eighth Galaxy—

The AI Legion has gone one step further.

"Be careful, sir," Zhan Lu suddenly sent a message to Lin Jingheng in Jingwang, "They are too close."

Lin Jingheng was shocked.

As soon as Zhan Lu finished speaking, several supplies came from the eighth galaxy.

The supply ship is just a "truck". It is basically mechanical and automatic. The supply ship is mainly energy-efficient and cost-effective. When it was designed, no one thought that their enemy would one day be artificial intelligence. At this time, these self-driving supply ships suddenly lost control collectively, and rushed into their own camp from behind like crazy, not to mention the supply ships for food and medicine, and several of them were armed and ammunition carriers!

"Get out of the way!"

The out-of-control supply ships collectively blew themselves up, and several surrounding mechas that had no time to dodge were involved in the explosion. The Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force was attacked by the enemy, like a broken flag with two openings.

Lin Jingheng was thrown against the wall by the weightless mecha, and there was a muffled sound on his back. The ring box in his pocket was lost, and just slipped through the gap of the protective gas. He didn't catch it, so he just rolled out.

"Damn it, how long do they have that broken anti-missile system?"

At this time, Lin Jingheng had no time to care about it. He did not organize the team, and drove the mecha directly into the middle of the artificial intelligence army. The speed was increased to the highest that the mecha could bear, and an emergency jump could almost be activated. Long Yuan, headed by the leader, immediately locked the command ship where the commander-in-chief of the Self-Defense Forces was located, and all the small mechas of the surrounding artificial intelligence closed towards him—

"Liu Yuanzhong!"

When Liu Yuanzhong saw the command ship moving, he immediately understood and was ready to cooperate with him. At this time, while Long Yuan was swept away by the command ship, he immediately rushed in from the other side. The entire row of artificial intelligence mechas and artificial intelligence missiles suffixed Lin Jingheng with a dozen suffixes like clouds chasing the moon.

Zhan Lu: "Beware of them interfering with your channel with particle cannons."

As soon as he finished speaking, another artificial intelligence army came up to meet him, and a row of high-energy particle cannons collided. The shield of the small mecha exploded with sparks, and was pushed fiercely towards the stalking missile group behind him. .

At this moment, Lin Jingheng suddenly unloaded his arsenal—the stock in his arsenal had bottomed out, and he pushed it out in such a way that only the ignition power collided with a few enemy missiles, cooperating with the oncoming high-energy particles. Flow, the arsenal is like a sunflower that suddenly opens, and the mecha that detaches from it happens to be in the peaceful center of the storm, free from the torrent of energy.

The silver six who arrived pushed Long Yuan to a dead end and beat the arrogant super heavy armor into a sieve.

Liu Yuanzhong succeeded in one blow, and his legs were softened: "You scared me to cry, Commander-in-Chief!"

Lin Jingheng had no time to frighten the crying General Liu Shun Mao - the heavy armor of the Self-Defense Forces was severely damaged, and the field was full of small mechas. Small mechas were highly mobile, but they were also destined to not be able to carry many weapons and energy. The supplies must keep up. When even the command ship's arsenal has bottomed out, it can be seen that they are in urgent need of supplies.

The wave of emergency supplies just now was cut off by the artificial intelligence, which made things worse.

"Commander, I"

Before Li Furan said it, Zhan Lu in Jingwang had already reported first: "On the one hand, Baiyin is shrinking his troops, judging that the ammunition is insufficient."

Zhan Lu's judgment is also the judgment of the other party's artificial intelligence. Lin Jingheng did not wait for Li Fran to speak, and immediately ordered: "Bayer, support!"

The artificial intelligence army suddenly pressed on, but Bayer did not catch up. Bai Yinyi, who was almost exhausted, had no way to fight, and was immediately washed away.

The line of defense is broken!

first galaxy.

In the communication channel, people were shouting at the commander, and Lu Bixing waved away the guards who were trying to put him in a space suit or ecological cabin: "I"

He moved a little bigger this time, and the note in the inner pocket of the jacket just fell out. In the mecha with an unstable gravity system, it floated out of the air. Lu Bixing was quick-witted, and he fished it back with a slightly heavier hand. Jiuji couldn't help it, and he tore off a few pieces of paper.

Lu Bixing casually rolled the memo into his arms, Wuxin felt sorry for this "treasure of the town hall" that could enter the memorial hall, but the next moment, his eyes inadvertently swept across a few pieces of paper torn by him, which happened to be the same as "Hehe". Prince Ers's final battle.

"At that time, it is necessary to close Votto, to trap Prince Hulls, you must ensure this, Hubert, the fate of all mankind is in your hands, no matter what happens, Prince Huls will not disappear. Can't open the 'magic box'"

When they trapped Prince Hulls, it was Mrs Wool who was in charge of sealing off Votto.

It seemed that a light had flowed into his brain through the gaps in the torn paper—

Woolf closed Votto with his own hands.

The first galaxy that Woolf closed with his own hands.

Twenty-year-old Woolf said decisively that "the artificial intelligence of the permissionless framework will eventually become our enemy."

"The fate of all mankind is in your hands."

Before setting off, Commander Nagus of the Third Galaxy said anxiously, "My Third Galaxy, can I wait until I go back?"

Without the main force, can the major galaxies with empty internal defense really wait for six years

all mankind

If it does not disappear, the "magic box" must not be opened.

"Give me the interstellar route map of the Ninth Military Region." Lu Bixing raised his head abruptly.

The first galaxy channel map in his personal terminal immediately focused on the ninth military region - the ninth military region is the area closest to the second galaxy direction. The location of the garrison and the location of each transition point are very clear on the channel map.

Thomas Young: "Chief, what's the matter?"

"The test results clearly show that the host is in the ninth military region." Lu Bixing quickly organized his thoughts, "Uncle Bo has successfully cleaned up the transition point in the outermost circle of the ninth military region, but the Woolf host has not been successfully isolated, which means that although the host Located in the Ninth Military Region, but not within the quarantine circle”

Thomas Yang: "What do you mean, Commander Bu blew up the wrong transition point? It's not that the mechs are automatically locked according to the interstellar route map, and it is impossible to slip by hand."

"The transition point in the outermost circle of the ninth military region is not the circle we locked, there is still here."

"Wait a minute," Hope interjected, "that transition point belongs to the key point of the Alliance's transition network, when China Unicom One or Two Galaxy, sniper the Pirate Freedom Legion, wasn't it already blown up?"

"The blown up transition point is out of function, but it is still on the transition network."

"Chief, do you know what energy level a transition point is?" Poisson Yang frowned and said, "Especially this kind of key transportation network where people come and go, if it is really bombed, it can be repaired within a year and a half, and the eighth How can the galaxy be closed for a hundred years and can only enter and exit from the natural wormhole area?"

"The transition point communicates time and space, and it is also a part of the long-distance communication network." Lu Bixing has already sent the coordinates to the driver without any explanation, "but the energy required for the two functions is not the same level, right?"

Poisson Yang was taken aback.

Lu Bixing: "Follow me, or do you have any other way now?"

This sentence is true. Anyway, everyone has no owners and is at a loss. Anyone who comes out and points in a random direction will follow.

"Let's bet once." Lu Bixing whispered.

Hope heard it: "What are you betting on, Mr. Lu?"

"I bet that I personally closed Votto and exploded the beginning of the new star calendar era. Marshal Woolf, who has been submerged for three hundred years, is not a brainless anti-social who simply wants to lean over the computer for generations to come." Lu Bixing said to himself He said, "Isolating Lin Jingshu, although the chip empire of the Freedom Legion cannot come, it also prevents other galaxies from waiting for rescue. The world will be turned over every five years, and six years will be enough to destroy human beings once. He should not have thought of this. —”

Hope: "Huh?"

Poisson Yang decisively ordered: "After the silver three cuts!"

Baiyin Sanyue came out of the crowd, blocking the artificial intelligence pursuit, and Lu Bixing took his miscellaneous army to make an emergency jump.

"Thanks, brother."

Like an arrow from a string, they suddenly shot out of the swamp, pointing in an inexplicable direction.

The artificial intelligence mechas along the way rushed up in waves.

"After the first galaxy border guards help you cut off, Chief Lu."

"We belong to the Second Galaxy Central Army, Chief Lu, you go first—"

The mixed-up soldiers were peeling off layer by layer, like armor after another, blocking the chasing soldiers.

Lu Bixing has made four consecutive emergency jumps and has reached the blocked border of the first galaxy.

"Well, we are the only ones left." Hope sighed, "Can we legally preach in the future, Teacher Lu?"

Lu Bixing said decisively: "Dreaming, unless I step down."

"Oh, okay." The Great Prophet shrugged, "Then the interstellar pirate anti-Ukraine will break up for you, for the sake of life and nature."

The Anti-Ukrainian Society stopped the last group of chasing troops, and Lu Bixing's mecha accelerated again.

He saw that there was a huge artificial space at the transition point that was supposed to be blown up and in ruins.

In the eighth galaxy, the super-heavy armor Chixiao tore apart the defense line of the Self-Defense Forces. Lin Jingheng couldn't control anything else, and directly jumped to intercept.

Turan hissed: "Commander, your arsenal has been unloaded!"

Is he really going to die as a roadblock

I want them to explain to Lu Bixing again like she did back then.

Lin Jingheng had come out of the transition point and faced Chi Xiao.

At this moment, a message from Galaxy City suddenly came: "Report—"

"The interstellar anti-missile system has been erected and debugged!"

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