
Chapter 194: A print of Marshal Ringel


The moment he heard the voice, Lin Jingheng's eyes moved slightly.

"Received." His voice was hoarse and low, "Withdraw."

Chi Xiao's heavy firepower cleared the way, and everything was about to be destroyed. Lin Jingheng took a few frigates around him, dodged into the transition point, and the entire Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force retreated at full speed.

After the transition point, further ahead is the serious territory of the eighth galaxy.

The natural conditions of the eighth galaxy are not bad, but it is about sixteen times the size of the first galaxy, and there are not many natural planets, which is a bit deserted. However, there are countless man-made spaces on the way of the emerging interstellar route, like gems dug out from the desert sand. The lights are bright. When approaching, there is an occasional ray of light, just passing the military recorder, and there will be a vertical line on the screen. The fleeting dazzling white light, they are vaguely connected, forming an invisible web.

The Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force is like a flock of birds thrown into the forest, driving straight in along the route.

The artificial intelligence mecha group that followed did not hesitate to catch up.

They are the subordinates of the artificial intelligence version of Woolf. The supercomputers analyze the battle situation and judge that the opponent has no strength to fight, and is on the verge of running out of ammunition and food outside the galaxy, so it is reasonable to evacuate, and it is also reasonable to pursue their own.

But if the flesh-and-blood Woolf is still alive and can come to the scene in person, he probably won't be so blindly optimistic.

Because Lin Jingheng has been in the army for nearly 50 years after graduating from Wulan Academy, and has never retreated from the position he wants to protect.

The first missile took off, like an elegant lead dancer, kicking off the eighth galaxy's "welcome gift" to uninvited guests—

Immediately afterwards, artillery fire flew out from the artificial space, from the main planets outside the eighth galaxy, and encountered the artificial intelligence army in the air. The mechas that had no time to dodge were slammed out, like an unprecedented fireworks show.

This is the first appearance of an anti-missile system based on galaxies. It was born in the Beijing β star, which is barren.

Not only did he stun the enemy, but even his own people were shocked.

"My" Bayer didn't know which faith to call for a moment, got stuck, and asked in shock, "What is this?"

"Well, it's been done since the day the Eighth Galaxy was closed," replied Turan, who reconnected to the communication channel, "I heard that the previous experiment did not work well. Today, the dead horse was used as a living horse doctor to come up with such a semi-finished product. I didn't expect it to return. Passable."

Bayer: "Is this a decent name?"

"Then you don't know how many years this has been going on," Tulan sighed, "After Hongxiaxing was attacked by the Anti-Ukrainian Society, a little girl among Mr. Lu's students came up with such a thankless delusion. After such a long time, this big project of inspiring people has been hitting the wall all the time. I heard people say that they have nothing to do except spend money. The biggest financial expenditure of the eighth galaxy is all posted to them, if not for Mr. Lu Bearing the pressure for them would probably have been stranded a long time ago."

Lin Jingheng has taken advantage of this time to reload the new weapon arsenal without stopping, and put on the backup energy: "Is it the stage to see the scenery now?"

Following his order, the embarrassed Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force quickly reconfigured and killed it again before the smoke cleared.

The edge of the first galaxy.

At the moment when the space was locked, all the guards on the mecha—except Lu Bixing, whose ability of sorrow and joy was temporarily sealed—all went crazy.

"It's the host! We found the host!"

"Mr. Lu," the driver couldn't hold back his excited voice, "are we going to blow it up now!"

Lu Bixing stared at the space from the military recorder and asked lightly, "How much energy and firepower do we have?"

The driver immediately reported the number.

They abandoned the heavy armor and made an emergency jump all the way from the encirclement, and now there are not many of them left.

"Come closer," Lu Bixing said in a deep voice, "Don't move rashly, scan this space and analyze whether it has an anti-missile system."

His words fell, like a basin of cold water, dousing the guards' expressive excitement.

The alliance's ground-based anti-missiles are actually quite common. Missiles that are accidentally missed in space warfare can be prevented. Once they are listed as targets, large-scale and indiscriminate bombing will not work.

But the problem now is that the firepower they carry on these small mechas is not enough to carry out large-scale and indiscriminate bombardment of them. If they attack rashly, the missiles will definitely be intercepted. There's nothing you can do about watching the target close in front of your eyes.

After a while, the driver took a breath: "General, there are tight anti-missile systems and shields in the space. Fortunately, we didn't wait."


"Unknown substance detected," the driver whispered. "There is something inside."

Another guard became nervous: "Ambush mecha armed?"

"No," said the driver suspiciously. "The mass is very large."

His voice was interrupted by the mecha's warning sound.

"Mr. Lu," the pilot said, "we have entered the protection area of the other party's anti-missile system. It is trying to connect the key, otherwise it will treat us as an enemy."

"Back off, the frigates will all retreat outside the anti-missile area." There are no technicians around, so Lu Bixing can only go forward in person, "Hope of the Anti-Ukraine Society said, what is the key he uses to open the artificial intelligence Woolf? Who still remembers, what kind of flower is it?"

"The chief is the 'seed'."

Lu Bixing hesitated for a moment, then entered the "seed", the driver held his breath, and the two or three frigates exiting the anti-missile area all stared at him nervously, preparing to stop the missile that hit the commander-

"Di--" There was a light sound, and everyone's life was pulled slightly.

Wrong key!

The atmosphere suddenly became sinister, Lu Bixing's mecha was immediately locked by the space anti-missile system, and an alarm sounded in the mecha.

"Mr. Lu, get out, get out of the way!"

At the same time, a missile had already flown towards him, and the pilot immediately made an interception operation, while preparing to turn around and run.

"and many more!"

Lu Bixing was not disturbed, his eyes flashed, and he seemed to be blessed—

"Prince Helsing does not disappear, he must not open the 'magic box'."

Just when the attacked mecha was about to push out of the anti-missile area, Lu Bixing quickly entered the "magic box".

Key passed!

Driver: ""

"Give me Jingwang." Lu Bixing said, "Let's land and see."

The driver of the frigate next to him hurriedly asked, "Mr. Lu, we"

"You are guarding outside the atmosphere," Lu Bixing said. "If things change, as a last resort, you will fire directly into space. If a missile can pass through the anti-missile system and land, we will win."

"Mr. Lu, the word 'in case' is not auspicious."

Lu Bixing smiled, took over the driving permission, and slowly approached the artificial space where the host was located.

It is very large, almost comparable to the stinky sister base of the eighth galaxy, but there is not even a single ant on it, it is silent, it is a cold mechanical empire.

The closer Lu Bixing got, the luckier he felt, because he could clearly see the structure of this man-made space—it was a mechanical monster. The missile launch points of countless black holes pointed out of the atmosphere, and the density was frightening.

If they rashly fire out of the atmosphere into space, there is no guarantee that anyone will be blown to slag.

The mecha felt the artificial gravity of the space, slowly dived down the channel, and stopped silently. The few people on the mecha did not dare to come down directly, so they hid in the mecha and analyzed the surrounding environment.

The surrounding environment is unexpectedly friendly - the air pressure and air composition are suitable for human survival, there are no toxic and harmful substances, the gravity is about 0.9 times that of Votto, and there are no robots and cameras around.

"Commander, I'll go down and explore the road first, Commander, wait!"

Before waiting for the guard to say, Lu Bixing had already put on his space suit and went down first - Jingwang swept the audience, and he saw the road sign of the "engine room".

The "heart" of the entire First Galaxy kept roaring, and the huge radiator made the ground tremble faintly, like an ancient monster inhabiting it. Lu Bixing followed the road signs, took an elevator, rose to a height of about 100 meters, and came out. It is a narrow passage, and at the end is a small door with a cluster of tulips realistically carved on the door.

Engineer 001's skill in sliding the door and picking the lock was a bit unfamiliar, but it was barely there. Lu Bixing took a little effort and cracked the electronic door lock. The encrypted door was opened to both sides, and there were actually a few people inside!

The guards who followed immediately surrounded Lu Bixing nervously.

"It's okay," Lu Bixing patted one of the guards' tense shoulders, "no breathing or heartbeat, I heard it."

He said, a light flashed on the personal terminal, and the shadows swayed, it was a 3D portrait of a real person.

A guard whispered, "It's a print of Marshal Ringel."

The figure was standing against the wall, with a note in his hand, his head slightly tilted, a smile on the corner of his mouth, his face turned to one side, Lu Bixing looked at him, followed his gaze, and saw that it was one side Wall with writing on it.

"If there is such a warm sunshine after every storm, let the wind blow and wake up death. Note."

"Long live the Declaration of Freedom." The guard read the line in a strange tone. "Hubert Woolf?"

In the new star calendar era, everyone was talking about it, and it seemed like the truth. Engraved here, it suddenly seemed ironic and weird.

Lu Bi walked over and gently stroked Woolf's signature with his fingers - the nicks were rough and uneven, and they looked like they were handmade.

The next moment, there was a light sound, and Lu Bixing abruptly withdrew his hand. The wall full of words suddenly cracked in front of him, and the thin layer of wood veneer on the outside peeled off like a snake slough, revealing an inside. On the huge electronic screen and the huge alliance icon background, a somewhat crude dialog box pops up: Do you want to activate the dormant transition point

The group was stunned.

"Dormant transition point? But isn't that what that means?"

"Mr. Lu, the high-quality unknown substance under the space, could it be?"

Lu Bixing: "Go and activate the mecha, we are going to retreat."

A guard turned and ran away, Lu Bixing turned his head and glanced at the smiling Ringer, as if he understood something.

"Activate the transition point."


A sigh sounded throughout the space, and a huge countdown flashed on the screen.

"Withdraw." Lu Bixing's pupils contracted gently under the strong light, "Quickly withdraw!"

They ran out of the narrow path, and before they could wait for the elevator, Lu Bixing directly smashed the glass wall of the elevator with the chip man's strange power. A guard scooped it up in one net, hung it up, and then accelerated again.

The whistling wind blew through Lu Bixing's ears, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked at the whole space from the air.

The amazing man-made product can't be seen at a glance, and the ground of the space has begun to tremble strangely. The host-artificial intelligence Woolf seemed to sense something, and the anti-missile system in space suddenly activated, trying to clean up the daring intruder. In a close call, the fishing net was retracted into the mecha, and a missile passed by.

An unprecedented energy alarm sounded in the mecha.

"Commander, what is this?"

Lu Bixing didn't have time to answer, he directly took the fine net and rushed out of the atmosphere of space with the attitude of burning out the last energy.

Just as they were about to leave the anti-missile area of the space, the entire space exploded from the middle.

Almost all the functions in the mecha failed. The extremely high energy that erupted in a short period of time swept everything around, and even the time and space were slightly distorted. Fragments, missile wreckage, cosmic floating objects, and the amazing host body were all here. The Genesis-like huge vortex disappeared completely, and the mecha that lost its gravity and balance functions was like a centrifuge, stunned everyone.

They quickly flew towards the vortex.

Just when they were almost sucked into the vortex, the surroundings calmed down. The few small mechas that had no pilots were hanging around in the universe, and the crashed computers on the mechas were repaired and restarted.

On the interstellar route map, a new transition point has appeared, which is at an important position connecting one and two galaxies.

The author has something to say: "If there is such a warm sunshine after every storm, let the wind blow freely and wake up death." This is a quote from Othello in Brave New World.

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