
Chapter 195: finished? we won?


In the first galaxy, the artificial intelligence army with claws and claws lost control in an instant, and the collective flameout was like a panicked ant colony, aimlessly sliding to all directions following their respective inertia.

The embarrassed and desperate human coalition looked at each other in dismay. The soldiers did not come back from a state of high stress, and the opened firepower did not stop for a while. Some artificial intelligence mechas that were close were shot down without any resistance.

Anakin, who was connected to Jingwang, was the first to react, and Yi Gao boldly caught up with an artificial intelligence mecha.

"General Jin, be careful! You"

The guard didn't say a word, only to see the artificial intelligence mecha that Anakin caught up with suddenly braked, and then clumsily circled around Anakin a few times, and honestly unloaded his arsenal.

"Invasion of the fine net was successful," Anakin whispered. "The super-artificial intelligence that controlled them has disappeared."

There was silence in the communication channel, people went from hope to despair, and then they were hit by a sudden surprise on the back, and the ups and downs were like a dream.

I don't know how long it took before someone said in a dreamy voice, "Success?"

"Is it over? We won?"

"Host has been destroyed"

"The host has been destroyed!"

"Send a request to the transition point and set up a long-distance communication network-" That is a little soldier of silver four, born and raised in the eighth galaxy with empty brain disease, smart and hardworking, and because he has just passed the age of enlistment, Anakin was brought by his side as a guard , the voice of the lucky person favored by the times, clearly diffused along the transition network, through the wreckage, through the silent universe, through the devastated interstellar channel, and flowed into everyone's ears, "From all galaxies My comrades, we are victorious!"

They used to be united in the Heart of the Rose, backing each other.

They also turned against each other a few days later, allowing cunning AIs to easily penetrate defenses.

Many people sacrificed, and more people survived. Thousands of sails were exhausted, and they finally became "comrades from all galaxies".

Nagus sat down with a butt, listening to the reports of the damage counts of his troops, but he couldn't hear them. His back was bent into a bow, his eyes were blank for a while, and he finally reacted. , a somewhat dull smile appeared on his face, smiling and laughing, his soul began to return to its place, and the smile began to become bitter again.

"Get some rest as soon as possible," he murmured. "We have six years left."

"Commander, look at the interstellar route map!"

Nagus raised his head blankly, stared at the interstellar route map for a moment, and stood up suddenly.

One more jump point!

One or two galaxies were blown up at the key connection point of the transition network, as if there was an ancient legend passing by the bright lights in the starry sky, lighting up a small bright spot!

"Commander Nagus, we can go home!"

Nagus was stunned for a long time. For some reason, he was suddenly choked up and out of breath. He reached out and wiped it, and was startled that he had already burst into tears.

The old man wiped his eyes vigorously and shook his head, as if he didn't understand how he could be so embarrassed crying in public.

- ^ .

A planet turned away unknowingly, and the light of the stars of the first galaxy flew unimpeded, swept over the sparkling mecha, and then was blocked by another planet, just enough to see one. Little halo.

This time, the human coalition did not need to assemble, and all rushed to the new transition point.

The Eighth Galaxy, with the assistance of the entire interstellar anti-missile system, the Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force, which had supplemented its energy and weapons, launched a tireless counterattack, and the super heavy armor "Chunjun" was shot down.

So far, there is only one "Xuanyuan" left in the field.

Those artificial intelligence mechas are all controlled by ten famous swords. Xuanyuan's mecha led the audience, and it has begun to be powerless.

A large number of artificial intelligence mecha began to close together with Xuanyuan as the core, forming a thick shield.

"Zhan Lu," Li Furan asked, "what advice do you have?"

"If I were Xuanyuan, what I would do next would depend on the order I received," Zhan Lu said calmly, "At this time, the probability of me winning this battle is already very small, and I can already judge that the mission has failed and continue. If I continue to fight, it will only consume my own armed reserves, and I will generally consider giving up. But if the order I receive is 'At all costs, attack the Eighth Galaxy, and if necessary, use illegal means', I will.”

Zhan Lu's speech speed is set at a constant speed, and he is also at the same speed when the sky is falling.

But Bayer didn't wait for him to say, impatiently wanting to destroy the last super heavy armor. At this time, he aimed at Xuanyuan's arsenal, and brought a small team of silver ten, planning to come out on the battlefield. The "assassination" of "Go without a trace" has already rushed in: "Don't analyze it, Liu Yuanzhong and Turan will cooperate with me. I stabbed in and blew up this nasty heavy armor."

Lin Jingheng: "Bayer, don't rush in!"

Zhan Lu then added the second half of his sentence at a constant speed: "Take a suicide attack method."

As soon as he finished speaking, the artificial intelligence mecha group around the heavy armor Xuanyuan turned frantically.

Liu Yuanzhong was annoyed: "Fuck it again, don't you want the money for the first galaxy mecha!"

Bayer didn't stop for a while, and was directly involved in the small mecha group that used himself as a bomb. He scolded in a low voice, and passed two artificial intelligence mechas in a thrilling way, and the small mechas surrounded him like a coercion. Block, tightly sandwiched him in the middle, and then fired directly without caring whether he would accidentally injure his comrade.

Bayer's heart tightened, and he quickly released missiles to intercept him. Through the fine net, he swept the mecha groups in all directions. His brain, which was scorched by the fire of fighting for several days, finally calmed down and thought: "Yes."

The next moment, all the mechs surrounding him collectively aimed their cannons at him, and Turan’s scolding came from the communication channel—

However, the expected "missile noodles" was not eaten. Bayer was surprised to find that the artificial intelligence mechas stopped accelerating at the same time, and then, starting from the inner layer, surrounding Xuanyuan's non-stop mecha group on the first floor The first floor starts braking.

"Shh—" Bayer interrupted Turan's scolding, "I'm still alive, there's something wrong with that big guy."

I saw the heavy armor Xuanyuan slowly emerge from the small mecha group, the elliptical fuselage quietly solidified there, the smooth lines facing the direction of the natural wormhole area, as if listening to the sound from that side.

Bayer: "What's wrong with this?"

"It seems to be the first case," Li Furan said, "Zhan Lu, are your artificial intelligences so unruly?"

"Yes, I'm very sorry, General Li," Zhan Lu sincerely apologized, "If you are not satisfied, it is recommended to adjust our initial settings when producing artificial intelligence in the future, so as to improve the artificial intelligence's 'fish dead and nets broken' function."

Li Fran: ""

"Commander, request for enemy communications."

"Yes." Lin Jingheng said briefly.

Xuanyuan's voice is very soft, like spring water. It is said that the sound effect of the mecha Xuanyuan is very good: "Hello, General Lin, I received a message about four hours and ten minutes ago outside the natural wormhole area."

Lin Jingheng frowned and raised his head.

"My 'master' has disappeared."

Turan: "Huh?"

"Xuanyuan's sophisticated mecha cores can't withstand too many changes," Li Furan said softly, "so he should still be an artificial intelligence under the authority framework, and the master should be the artificial intelligence Woolf."

"The AI version of Woolf has disappeared! Mr. Lu and the others really found the host?"

Lin Jingheng suppressed the chatter on the communication channel and asked Xuanyuan, "So what?"

Xuanyuan replied gently, "So I'm going to surrender."

The entire Eighth Galaxy was live-streaming this unprecedentedly fierce battle. Under the gaze of tens of billions of eyes, the artificial intelligence mecha group collectively disarmed—

Nine days of hell have passed.

At the Galaxy City command center, the guard who sent the order ran past like a gust of wind. I don't know if it was too excited or because the little guard had bad eyesight. He slammed into the spotless glass door below the government office building.

"Bang" sound.

Lu Bixing's head hit the mecha wall and woke up from a brief coma.

There were several guards scattered around him, and the fatal run just now had exhausted the energy of several mechas, the imitation gravity system on the mechas had completely failed, and people were floating in the air unconsciously. .

The after-effects of the No. 6 soothing agent were revealed. Lu Bixing seemed to have been emptied of his soul by something. He just opened his eyes, his limbs were still curled up, and his heart was blank. Spinning around him.

A faint voice came from the communication channel. It should be that the anti-Ukrainian party closest to him arrived first. Because of the damage to the equipment, Hope's movements sounded distant and out of tune: "Mr. Lu! President Lu!"

Twenty hours later—

The human coalition has been reorganized and assembled at the edge of the first galaxy.

It took more than four hours for the news of the surrender of the artificial intelligence legion to finally reach the first galaxy. After Lu Bixing heard it, his knees never straightened again.

"So, Woolf's mainframe is actually built on a hidden backup jump point." Hope's arm was fractured, and several robotic arms stretched out from the medical cabin, dealing with his cracked old bones. Like two disabled people, the two were paralyzed face to face across the communication projection.

"When we came, it was detected that the space where the host was located contained something of great mass," Lu Bixing spoke slowly and was a little tired, "it should be the dormant transition point in a crouched state. For example, it is like a Compressed objects packed in a small box after dehydration. The space is the 'small box', after you put it out of the Fortress of Angel City, it first directed its own artificial intelligence army to isolate the first galaxy, and then replaced it by itself A transition point to an alien galaxy."

Hope asked, "Wolf - I mean the human one, did he set it up?"

Lu Bixing shook his head: "I guess it should be the self-protection of super artificial intelligence."

Hope thought for a while: "For super artificial intelligence to control the entire first galaxy, it must adhere to the transition point. In a short time, before it has time to make a clone of itself, he must also beware of us tracking him along the transition point. , in this way, these transition points that have been destroyed on the bright side are actually the best choice."

This spare transition point has insufficient energy and cannot realize the transition function, but once connected to the original transition network, the remote communication function can be used. It is impossible for the human coalition to accurately lock the coordinates of the host computer. After the area is blocked and the road is slowly searched, those transition points that have been blown up on the bright side will definitely be ignored.

Hope sighed lowly: "Wolf knows that Woolf would think so, er, how to say it, it's strange."

"Marshal Woolf knows what the artificial intelligence he made himself will do," Lu Bixing picked up his voice, "The mainframe and the backup transition point are one, and I want to connect the first galaxy and the other galaxy. When the compressed transition point is activated, the 'small box' will definitely burst, and of course the host will be destroyed. If the transition point is not activated, this super artificial intelligence will have to be trapped in the closed first galaxy with us. "

Hope said dryly, "It's really hard to describe."

Lu Bixing and him looked at each other, obviously feeling the same way.

In less than three hundred years, the Alliance was trapped in the Garden of Eden. It took the wrong path from the beginning, and finally it was hard to get back. The riddled declaration of freedom decided to take the next powerful medicine - attracting interstellar pirates, completely destroying the Garden of Eden from the root, subverting the entire alliance, and regaining power in the center of the alliance.

But in the chaotic world, evil spirits appear frequently.

Forbidden Fruit, Lin Jingheng, Freedom Legion, Chip He ignited a lead, the building overturned, and everything was out of control. He has the intention to clean up, but the years have not allowed it.

He has been alone in this world for too long, old and weak, and he dreams of returning to that sea of black tulips.

"I don't know what to say," Hope sighed. "How about you?"

"I don't judge," Lu Bixing was silent for a long time, "I'm in another place, I don't know what I'll become, after all."

After all, his Lin Jingheng came back.

"Excuse the two of you, Chief Lu," Poisson Yang reminded at this time, "The Central Army is about to leave, and I bid you farewell."

Second galaxy.

The last base of the embattled resistance army was also turned over by the chip man, and the people who took refuge here depended on each other, waiting for the missile that fell on their head at some point.

They have struggled and unyielding, and they have resisted until now. If they are destined to not be able to live freely, they have to die for freedom.

The only remaining guards at the base retreated step by step under the interference of Chip Man's fine net, and finally had nowhere to go.

"I heard that a chip expert was rescued from the third galaxy, and he is doing his best to repair the chip interference technology." The leader of the guard army used to be a squad leader of the Central Army, and his comrades were dead, he was forced to provoke After reaching the beam, the childishness on his face has not yet had time to clear, "Maybe one day, they can really develop chip interference technology?"

"Unfortunately we can't wait any longer."

"Brothers and sisters, count your missiles, please come and gather if you still have firepower." The squad leader said blankly, "Bombed the base."

"team leader!"

"Let's do it. Those who are still hiding in the base at this time and refuse to go out to receive chips are prepared for this. It is better to die here than to be obedient to the pirates against their will." The young team leader took a deep breath. Raise your hand slowly.

The soldiers tearfully left the last fire to their own people.

Just as his hand was about to fall—

"Captain, wait!"

The approaching chip man team suddenly became chaotic, and the chip man who had cleaned up the team seemed to be disturbed by something, and suddenly became a group of headless flies.

Immediately afterwards, the energy alarm sounded.

The chip man's mech team was attacked by unknown armed forces behind it!

"That is"

The captain's body trembled.

"Reinforcement! Central Army!"

"Our people!"

The huge explosion was captured by military recorders, blazing through the eyes, piercing the darkness that enveloped the world—

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