
Chapter 197: Epilogue (below)


This national public trial has become a hot topic in the streets and alleys. The procedures are complicated and involve a lot of people. It took three days to get the results—

It was determined that Lu Bixing, as the general manager, carried out chip research without permission and invoked the rainbow virus, which was a violation of the rules.

At fault, but not guilty.

When Lu Bixing came out of the Supreme Court, the door was blocked and the media robots flying in the air could not wait to slam into his face one by one. His "clairvoyance" saw at a glance behind the human wall, Lin Jingheng was sitting on the pedestal of General Lu Xin's stone statue with Erlang's legs crossed, waiting for him, refusing to come over to be crowded by the crowd.

"Okay, come one by one," Lu Bixing took a half step back. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Before the office can respond, I can continue to talk nonsense for a while."

All the media people laughed, and someone asked a very mild question: "Mr. Lu, I remember that there was a photo many years ago, which was taken by our agency. It was photographed that you lifted President Edward's wheelchair with your bare hands at the entrance of the hospital. Does the chip work?"

"Yeah," Lu Bixing said calmly, "please rest assured the public and the organizers of major sports events that I will never participate in any competitive competitions except for sportsman beauty pageants."

"Mr. Lu, what will happen to the Nuwa plan in the future? As far as I know, you have destroyed part of the research materials, and the contents of the Nuwa plan left by Dr. Laura Gden and the two Nuwa plans of the Anti-Ukraine Society have been officially sealed - the government Isn’t it considered to promote this kind of human evolution to the whole people?”

Lu Bixing became serious: "As far as it seems, the success of Nuwa's plan is very small. It is a fluke that I survived, and it is not suitable for promotion to the public. It is still too early to rely on this method to promote human evolution. After all, Even the Garden of Eden has a large number of people who cannot adapt. Before we can solve all this, we decided to temporarily seal it up. Of course, the rainbow virus and its variants have great research value. In the future, we will ensure safety under the premise of official medical treatment. Research institutions continue to carry out research projects, hoping to benefit mankind one day. As for the content that I have destroyed, if necessary, I will try my best to help restore it for future reference. "

"Will there be relevant laws?"

"Of course," Lu Bixing said, "relevant agencies are working overtime to make proposals. We still have many problems in the future, artificial intelligence, chip drugs, interstellar smuggling, etc., all need new legislation and find new solutions. The more we go, the more Quick, the more and more complex various social problems need to be dealt with, the future work of the government is to guide, regulate and support, rather than hinder the development of science and technology due to choking, this is not easy, but I believe that our eighth galaxy government will do our best. can."

"Then President Lu, will the chip on your body be taken out?"

Lu Bixing said decisively: "Yes."

Some media people cleverly took a stalk: "To participate in competitive events?"

Lu Bixing laughed: "Even if there is no biochip, the modified body is still cheating - I plan to take it out, mainly because my family is worried."

The media people didn't react for a while, and when they heard "family", they immediately went to look at the stone statue of Lu Xin in the square.

General Lu Xin, his old man laughed heartlessly, as if he didn't mean to worry.

Lin Jingheng was waiting for him in the square. He was watching the live interview through the three-dimensional screen in the square. He listened to Lu Bixing's nonsense from a distance, and was caught off guard when he heard such a sentence, and almost choked on the smoke.

Someone from the entertainment version of the media crowded into the front at some point. He was getting impatient to hear about the national economy and people's livelihood, so he interjected to inquire about gossip: "Mr. Lu, who are your family members? Did you forget to announce it to the public? The official show The president's marital status is still blank."

Qiming official media thought it was annoying for him to interrupt a serious topic, and pushed the entertainment reporter away, trying to break the topic back: "It should be Lin Shuai, the commander and the commander have a deep relationship and a very close relationship, they have always been brothers. But speaking of the commander-in-chief, I would also like to ask, the alliance has officially recognized the independence of the eighth galaxy, so what will the future pattern of the eighth galaxy be like?"

"Let's be different. After this battle, the central alliance's control over all galaxies has almost disappeared. The eighth galaxy will not be the first independent galaxy, but everyone has fought together. In the future, whether it is to fight chip drugs, or Scientific research, trade, and major galaxies will have very close connections, in addition to the wormhole channel, we are also trying to find a way to repair the transition network from the eighth galaxy to other galaxies as soon as possible." Lu Bixing answered the world's question patiently first, his voice Turning around, he blinked at the serious Qiming official media reporter, "As for Jingheng, his surname is Lin, and my surname is Lu. How can they be brothers?"

The reporter from the official media of Venus was a little stunned for a while, and probably instantly made up a big drama of plastic brothers fighting for power. His face was frozen, and he struggled to find a supplement: "Of course there are brothers with different surnames, although"

"Although," Lu Bixing picked up his voice, "the commander Lin Jingheng is a mystery in aesthetics, obsessed with cleanliness, and has a bad temper. When it is time to open one eye and close one eye, he does not rub sand in his eyes, and he should understand the time to be cautious. , he is more careless than anyone else, he can even lose the set ring, and it is said that he intends to unreasonably seek compensation from artificial intelligence-"

Lin Jingheng in the square: ""

The media: ""

"The style of the lost pair of rings was copied from his grandfather's proposal ring, and he took the original manuscript and used it without changing anything. I don't know if he wanted to propose or to give to his grandmother. Fortunately, I secretly prepared one. A spare set." Lu Bixing spread his hands helplessly, "But what can I do? If you have time, stop by the Self-Defense Forces to help me interview, and ask them when the statement from the commander-in-chief will be released."

Lu Bixing smiled at Lin Jingheng across the crowd.

It was only at this time that the various media reacted to what he revealed, and immediately exploded under the explosive news.

"Okay, let's talk about private matters. The government office will speak out about this public trial later, please be patient." While walking out through the crowd, Lu Bixing tilted his head to avoid a media robot that almost knocked him on the head. "Hey, be careful, men's hairstyles can't be messed up, I still want to eat with my face in the future!"

Someone keenly heard his implication: "Excuse me, what does this mean, Director Lu, are you not planning to serve as the chief executive of the Eighth Galaxy in the future? Does it have anything to do with this public trial?"

Lu Bixing paused, a little smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, and he said slowly like a chat: "One point, it doesn't matter. In fact, as early as when the Eighth Galaxy Government was established in the war, Chief Edward appointed me as the 'Eighth Galaxy' Wartime Coordinator'. After the death of his old man, there were constant wars inside and outside the galaxy. I took up the task of wartime coordinator, so I was appointed as the chief executive for more than ten years. Now the eight major galaxies have finally seen the dawn of peace, and the 'wartime coordinator' also It's time to prepare for retirement, isn't it natural?"

"Boss Lu"

"We are revising the electoral law," Lu Bixing said. "If it's fast, the general election plan will be released in the second half of the year, and I will hand over the work as soon as possible in this half year."

He said, walked down the steps quickly, and walked towards the stone statue.

"What are your plans for the future? Don't raise a dog, hahaha, I really want to raise a dog. I haven't had time before, then take a break, look around, and go back to my old business."

"What is Lao Xing? Oh, I used to be a teacher. There is a textbook for mecha entry that I wrote before, and now it has been revised to the sixth edition. The textbook fee? Of course, it is much higher than the annual salary of the chief."

"Don't you dare to ask him about the commander-in-chief's lace news? If you don't dare to ask him, you dare to come and ask me, right? Little girl, look up and see who is 50 meters in front of you, why did you run away?"

Lin Jingheng came over from not far away, and the media people who were inquiring about gossip felt guilty for a while, and left in a hurry, Lu Bixing lowered his head and laughed, put his hand into his pocket, and took out a small box—

Half a year later, the leaderless chip people were suppressed by the Central Army, and a generation of chip people who were not poisoned removed their chips and returned to society with difficulty.

In the eighth galaxy, Venus and the first galaxy jointly published an electronic calendar, which is convenient for checking and switching between two sets of calendars at any time, for citizens who often deal with foreign galaxies and do business, and announce the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Soon, Lu Bixing, the head of the Eighth Galaxy, announced that the war years were over, and he was about to resign as the chief executive.

However, Mr. Lu's dream of raising a dog was not realized, because in September of the same year, the eighth galaxy election was not well prepared for the first time, and the number of candidates was one less than the legal one. The official temporarily filled in Lu Bixing to make up the number. The former was so popular that he was re-elected as a new president with an overwhelming advantage for a term of five independent years.

In the following years, the third galaxy took the lead, and the major galaxies declared their independence one after another. The alliance no longer had control, so they had to push the boat and hand over power amicably and peacefully.

The extreme anti-human elements in the Anti-Ukrainian Society were arrested one after another with the assistance of the Prophet Harris. The remaining innocent supporters of peace, as well as those who lost their merits and demerits in the final battle, have all received their due treatment.

The Anti-Ukrainian Society was banned in accordance with the law, but Harris later established a legally registered "Hope Ecological Breeding Co., Ltd." to provide the market with fresh and environmentally friendly ecological food, with the slogan "For life and nature"— The great prophet got his wish to plant vegetables.

In the sixteenth year of the Year of Independence, representatives of various galaxies gathered in the Heart of the Rose and signed a new human alliance treaty.

History has turned another page.

In the 18th year of the independence year, Lu Bixing officially stepped down, passed the Eighth Galaxy to the new government smoothly, and built a new Xinghai Academy in a man-made space near the β star in Beijing.

Lin Jingheng is still the school director.

At this point, the troubled stars have finally returned to the right track.

People are born of faith and destroyed by faith.

People are reborn from the ashes of faith.

The author has something to say: the text is over, and the extras will be updated from time to time

The long comment to send red envelopes will continue until the Saturday when all the extras are over, so, thank you all

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