
Chapter 200: The third wedding night talk (3)


"Commander," Turan asked, still thinking about this suspense, "What is the gift?"

"By the way, a gift," Lu Bixing turned to Zhan Lu, "the first gift should be given to my Mr. Secretary-General."

The flower girl Chengying walked towards the old secretary with a solemn face, knocked her heels, kept her upright posture, and handed the gift box forward in a salute.

The old secretary subconsciously sat up straight and took it with both hands—these two handed over as if it were a martyr's urn.

Then Thomas Yang looked around and saw that the ashes were not. Inside the gift box was a hardcover printed version of a hundred dungeon horror stories.

Old Secretary: ""

Turan is a good thing, stretched his arms and turned it over: "The short story collection, the first story is called 'The Siren who eats monkey brains'? What is it about?"

Lin Jingheng pretended not to hear, and sat next to him with Erlang's legs crossed. From the sitting position to the inscrutable expression, there was no big boss.

"I remember, I'll tell you." As long as the projection's Lu Xin gets a chance to speak, he will be obliged to interject, even if it becomes a projection, he has to be the storm video in the projection, "It's about the underground city. A perverted singer, every time she has a concert, the faithful will prepare a bowl of special monkey brains for her. This singer collects the screams of the 'monkeys' when their brains are taken, and processes them into a mix. Accompanied by a new song, that song later came out of the dungeon, and someone listened to it and called the police, guess why?"

Nagus gave the former chief a lot of face and cheered: "Why?"

"Because the screams handled in the accompaniment are human voices." Lu Xin gave Lin Jingheng a malicious look, "Little Jingheng, remember?"

Lin Jingheng said without looking up, "I don't have that many places in my mind to pile up waste."

Lu Xin laughed: "The next day on the car channel, I saw a woman singing some believers in the live broadcast of the concert. Which puppy pretending to be garlic secretly changed the channel?"

Believer is a slobbering song. For a while, it was played in the streets, restaurants and shopping malls, and everyone would hum a few words, so everyone knew that this was one of Miss Yevgenia's early works.

Everyone in the audience felt as if they knew something they shouldn't know, lest this wedding dinner become a "death banquet", they kept silent, bowed their heads, and pretended to be a chubby wedding flower ball.

In Lin Jingheng's "Blossoms of Flowers", a blue vein jumped up on his forehead.

Lu Xin smiled and touched Lin Wei with a virtual champagne across the table: "Your son is much cuter than you."

The corners of Lin Wei's mouth turned up indistinctly, but the corners of his eyes curved up first, revealing a restrained smile: "That's good."

Nagus took a cup next to him, exhaled a slightly sweet smell of wine, and suddenly said with emotion: "I remember that there was a very old Dr. Lance in Xinghai College, who watched several generations grow up, Jingheng. When I first entered the club, he ran into me on a vacation once, and we chatted, Dr. Lance said, Lieutenant General Lin's son, his skin is like Lieutenant General Lin, but his bones are like General Lu."

Lu Xin took Lin Wei's shoulder, fearing that the world would not be in chaos: "That's right, maybe it's the two of us who gave birth!"

Lin Wei, who was in the projection, was staggered by him, but he still had a sullen face, and said with a good temper: "You will be stealing the limelight everywhere, don't make trouble."

Dr. Harden looked up at the attic, looked at his old friend who couldn't say enough, and said slowly, "Lu Xin and Lin Wei, I remember that they graduated from Ulan College on the front and the back, and Xiao Wei was one year younger. "

In the 117th year of the new star calendar, the alliance has settled for a hundred years. Power is like water flowing down the river, and it begins to converge to the first galaxy, Votto, and social classes, like the gravel rocks that fall out with the water, gradually divide into clear layers. .

Ulan Academy is also like a mirror, faithfully reflecting the changes in the social environment—

Starting from level 117, the number of students from the first galaxy in Wulan Academy is the same as the total number of students from the other six star systems. Although it has not developed to the point where "honor graduates" are later decided by default, it seems that there is already a "powerful club". prototype.

Teenagers with a keen sense of smell sense the invisible label on their heads, so the whole school is naturally divided into two factions - the "powerful" who enter through letters of recommendation, and the "popular" who enter through examinations.

The children of the powerful and the students from ordinary families have escalated conflicts, and they hate seeing each other, and there are often conflicts.

Lu Xin is not a child of a poor family. He was also born in the first galaxy, but it is a relatively remote planet. His parents are slightly poor, and his family is good since he was a child. He also falls under the category of "enrollment by examination".

Regardless of whether he later reached the pinnacle of power or became a legend, in the eyes of the faculty and staff of Ulan College at that time, this kid was really not a fuel-efficient lamp - Lu Xin was the leader of the "popular faction" and one of the "campus bullies". One, in addition to studying hard every day, I diligently lead a group of younger brothers to cause trouble around, and I don’t rest during holidays.

"Ulan Academy, Combat Command Department! What is this place? It's a place to train future space commanders! From the day they stepped into the gate of the academy, they were no longer students, but soldiers reserve, hero reserve! What is this? !" The dean of the Combat Command Department scolded his feet in the marshal's office, "Poor character! Discipline is nothing! What's the use of this kind of student with good grades!"

At that time, Ulan Academy had not yet become independent from the Military Commission. The daily administration was under the responsibility of the vice-principal.

The daily trivial matters of school management do not need to be brought up in front of the principal, but Lu Xin is extremely talented and outstanding, and has won the "Principal's Award" for two consecutive years. According to the tradition of Wulan College, the President of the Marshal will select one student from the third-year students every year and personally serve as the student's tutor. The selected students often get "honorary graduates" one year later, and the future is of course It's bright - this year, it is said that Marshal Woolf is interested in Lu Xin.

Marshal Woolf was just arguing with the Ministry of Finance about the military budget, and he didn't even have time to drink water, so he was blocked in the office and took two sips in a hurry. He asked with a headache: "What's wrong with that kid?"

The administrative vice-principal smiled bitterly: "He gathered a group of people, pretended to be a ghost, and tricked his classmates into burying them in the rain forest behind the college."

Woolf spat out a mouthful of water.

"No one was killed," the vice-principal added quickly. "It was buried up to the waist. It was buried the night before the final exam. It was buried for a day and a night. The victim student missed the final exam, mainly because of the injury."

"It's only buried to the waist, how can it be a day and a night?" Woolf asked strangely, "Can't you climb out by yourself?"

"Oh, they smeared a kind of polymer glue on the trousers of the victim student and stuck the person to the root of an ancient tree. If you want to climb out, you have to cough."

"" Woolf was very tired, "who was buried?"

The vice-principal didn't mention the student's name, but simply said, "McAdam's."

Woolf: ""

The surname "McAdam" is one of the members of the management committee.

If the management committee really took this as an excuse and made a fuss without mercy, the marshal would also have a headache. Besides, it doesn't matter who the father is - Lu Xin's unlucky child buried someone else in the soil for a night, no matter who it is, it's his fault.

Woolf sent the vice-principal and the indignant dean of Hexianmu, and walked around the office for two laps very worried, sighed heavily, and planned to contact the head of the McAdam family and the indignation first.

At this moment, the small door of the lounge next to him opened, and a young man between a youth and a teenager came out with a book in between: "Minister McAdam shouldn't know about this now, are you going to inform him on purpose? "

As soon as Woolf looked up and saw the person coming, his eyes softened.

That was his adopted son Lin Wei. After the exam, the school was fine. He would often go to the marshal's office to borrow paper books that were used as decorations.

Woolf: "When did you come and have you eaten?"

"Well, nutritional cream." Lin Wei carefully put the collection back in place, took off the gloves that he had put on to avoid soiling the pages, and without waiting for Woolf to frown, he added, "It's too troublesome to clean up food residues and smells. When I think about it, I lose my appetite."

Young Master Lin is clean and lazy. He wished he could live by photosynthesis. Thanks to modern technology, he didn't let him starve to death.

"Don't worry, Dad," Lin Wei said casually as he glanced over the spines of the other books, "The person involved may not be held accountable. I heard that Minister McAdam is very embarrassing. When this matter arises, we need to get to the bottom of it, whether it's good or bad."

Woolf asked, "Why did Lu Xin and the others provoke the McAdam family?"

"In the fourth grade, there is a senior brother from the seventh galaxy. The family conditions are not good. The family finally saved enough travel expenses. He came to Votto to attend his graduation ceremony. In order to save money, the whole family crowded into his bedroom to make a floor. His mouth is cheap, he said something strange, and he was scolded by his brother's eloquent little sister. He was the eldest, and he had the same knowledge as such a young girl. Later, he locked him in the Jingwang training ground. If the training ground administrator found out If it's too early, the child may not be able to wake up." Lin Wei said, "Lu Xin's retaliation method is not outrageous, I think it's just self-defense at best."

Woolf's face sank: "Why don't I know about this?"

"The administrator flattered the management committee, didn't report it, and also deleted the surveillance records in cooperation." Lin Wei turned around, with his arms behind his back, propped on the wooden beams of the bookshelf, some childishly hanging his feet, " But I have a backup, do you want it?"

"Where did you get the backup from?"

"I'm looking for someone to come," Lin Wei shrugged a little boredly. "It just so happened that the administrator also wanted to curry favor with the marshal, so he asked someone to give a few hints, and he'd give it to me."

Lin Wei has a very gentle and elegant temperament, but in fact, he is very cold, and he is polite to everyone.

Woolf was a little surprised: "Why, do you have a good relationship with Lu Xin?"

"It's not good, there are so many dramas that I'm going to die, looking for trouble all day long, I think he's annoying, it would be best if he could be fired." Lin Wei said without hesitation, and then he raised his eyebrows coldly, "But Ulan After all, the academy is the territory of the Military Commission, and the Management Committee doesn’t treat itself as an outsider, which makes people uncomfortable. The McAdam family doesn’t have enough control over the Garden of Eden, so do you still want to help yourself in the stars?”

"Lao Lin, it's not a thing, it's not a thing," Lu Xin, who had become a projection more than a hundred years later, was still brooding, pointing to Lin Wei, who had also turned into a projection, and said, "Ask him anything. Well, no one cares about it.”

Dr. Laura Gordon gave Lin Wei a meaningful look: "It turns out that you have been very stable since you were a child, and when you grow up, you can still be ruthless to marry a person from the White Tower. General Lin's political literacy is really commendable."

Only then did Lu Xin realize that he had said something wrong, and Professor Mueller slapped him with his elbow and kept silent.

Lin Wei's expression was still light, neither admitting nor explaining.

Those entangled thoughts could not be expressed in their mouths before they were alive. After death, how can they be understood by the simulated projection of artificial intelligence

If so, isn't the living deceiving themselves

Nagus hurriedly changed the subject: "And then, how was this dealt with?"

"Marshal Woolf didn't deal with it, and blatantly favored Lu Xin. Xiaowei anonymously sent the surveillance video to McAdam, and then copied Marshal Woolf and the heads of each department. The kid in the McAdam family saw the copy list until he was right. , didn't dare to say a word, and immediately dropped out of school. The training ground administrator at both ends of the first mouse was fired, and the matter was over." Harden sighed, "It was said that Lu Xin had an accident, and McAdam had an accident. Home plays a big role in it, Admiral Lu, your first half of your life went so smoothly."

Lu Xin, who couldn't reflect any longer, smiled at him heartlessly.

Nagus scratched his hair: "But when our general adopted Jingheng, he clearly mentioned that he and Lieutenant General Lin had a fatal relationship."

Lin Wei smiled and said, "He's bragging."

Nagus: ""

This life is too plastic!

Dr. Harden said, "Well, I know a little bit about that."

Every year, there is a joint military exercise in the third and fourth grades of Wulan College. After the students are dispersed, they are randomly divided into groups. The upper grades are responsible for decision-making, and the lower grades are responsible for execution.

When Lin Wei was in the third grade, he didn't know which Lu Xian did not open his eyes during the lottery, so he was assigned to Lu Xin's group. And this group of people, whether they are in the third or fourth grade, are all "popular".

"Boss, do you think it's awkward for him to come in?" said a boy with a pointed head like a date pit.


"It's like when everyone was naked in the public toilet, suddenly a man of the opposite sex broke in."

"Take it down, it's just your butt, it's a bear to break into a bear." Lu Xin looked back at Lin Wei, the legendary adopted son of Marshal Woolf was very low-key when he was in school, except that he was talked about when he entered the school. After a while, he was no longer heard from. At this time, he was debugging the mecha, and his movements were skillful and smooth, and he could not see any tension. The vast majority of students saw the mecha for the first time after entering Wulan Academy. The first time they left the school in a mecha, they were bound to be nervous.

Lin Wei doesn't talk much, no one pays attention to him, he is alone, he looks very comfortable, and when someone asks him to talk, he also responds patiently. fault.

"Hey," Lu Xin thought for a while, and then called out Zaohe, "that's my tutor's son, tell them and give me some face."

"I know, this is almost outside the territory, who dares to make trouble here?"

"At that time, the Eighth Galaxy had not yet entered the alliance territory," Lu Xin's projection interjected, "so it is collectively referred to as 'extraterritorial'. We must first familiarize ourselves with the interstellar channel on the border of the Seventh Galaxy, and then simulate a pirate invasion and fight back in self-defense. I didn't expect that something happened in that exercise."

White asked, "What's the matter?"

Lin Wei said, "The pirates are really here."

"I remember that it was a major teaching accident," Dr. Harden said. "Someone leaked the location and the detailed schedule of the student drills, and the extraterritorial pirates pinpointed the time and took advantage of the chaos during the drills. Coincidentally, the first to bear the brunt of the their group."

"Unfortunately," Lin Wei said, "this 'someone' is named McAdam."

Turan: "How do you know?"

"I got the news in advance." Lin Wei said, "I have a netizen who I haven't seen before, and he goes to a school funded by the management committee. In return, I have to work for the management committee during the winter and summer vacations and clean the conference room. I overheard the secret conversation between McAdam and his son, and gave me a warning before leaving."

Everyone's eyes shifted collectively.

Dr. Laura Gordon smiled: "Yes, the one who listened to the whistleblower from the corner was me."

"But no one will believe this kind of gossip. We decided after discussion that instead of sitting on the ground and waiting, we should take the initiative to attack." Lu Xin said, "We left the exercise field privately and ran outside the territory—that is, the current first Eight galaxies, there was an ambush."

Lin Wei corrected: "You decide, you didn't discuss it with others."

"Did you make it?"

When Lu Xin in the projection heard this question, he suddenly stopped laughing. His eyes passed through the place where the phantom meets the present world, as if he saw the distant past.

"No." After a while, he said, "The size of the pirate clan is far beyond my imagination. We were self-defeating and fell into their encirclement instead."

"Listen, the nearest garrison to us is the Seventh Galaxy Frontier Guard Army. After breaking through the enemy's flank, you need to enter the emergency jump range of the jump point. Although the pirate Prince Gloria has many soldiers, they are not all vicious pirates. I I heard that most of the soldiers were forcibly recruited by the people and used as cannon fodder in battles. You see them marching, and the two sides obviously can't keep up with the main force, so it should be a weakness," the young Lin Wei said to Lu Xin word by word, "Give me the authority of Jingwang, the spare mecha you drive away, I will hold them back—"


"You made a mistake, solve the problem, team leader." Lin Wei interrupted him involuntarily, "The sooner you come back, the more likely we will be alive. Before the encirclement is fully closed, let's go!"

Lu Xin gritted his teeth and turned on the spare mecha, forcibly breaking through. It was the first time in his life that he faced the battlefield with real swords and guns.

The swarming pirate mechas were chasing him, and the protective cover was crumbling under the flow of high-energy particles. At this time, the enemy flank met him head-on, and then the missile locked him. At this distance, unless there is an emergency jump, Otherwise there is nowhere to hide.

And he hasn't been able to enter the emergency jump range of the alliance jump point!

The fledgling chick thinks desperately in "The Tempest": "That's it."

However, the expected shattering of bones did not fall on his head. In a critical moment, the other party seemed to have forgotten how to fire the cannon. After hesitating for a moment, Lu Xin took the opportunity to capture the other party's fine net and forcibly controlled the enemy's mecha remotely to open the way and penetrate the enemy's mecha. Go through the gap and reach the emergency transition range—

During his brief control of enemy mechs, he peeked into his "enemy" through the fine net.

The driver was actually a teenager younger than him, very thin, wearing an ill-fitting military uniform, and I don't know which dead person was ripped off. He was attacked by the fine net and fell unconscious, and the mecha captain roared something angrily, and then shot and killed the teenager who dared to fall unconscious on the battlefield.

Anyway, there are so many such cannon fodder, just throw away the useless ones.

When the gun sounded, Lu Xin disconnected the remote control and made an emergency jump to the seventh galaxy channel.

I don't know which child from a poor family, the young man was arrested by Prince Gloria to join the army. It was probably the first time that he raised the muzzle of a missile. How could he be able to bomb

"If he shoots me down then" Lu Xin thought blankly under the protective gas envelope.

That was Lu Xin, the founder of the Eighth Galaxy and the Alliance's greatest general, who had tasted the harshness of the Eighth Galaxy for the first time and witnessed its precarious fate.

The face of the boy whose head was pierced in the eighth galaxy appeared repeatedly in his dreams for more than ten years.

So more than ten years later, the young general took up the battle flag of the alliance and launched the eighth galaxy—

With the beginning of this story.

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