
Chapter 202: Extra five retirement life


Lu Bixing's old secretary-general was about to retire, and his daughter who worked at the border sent his grandson back to Qixing. On the one hand, it was for the convenience of children's education, and on the other hand, he was afraid that his life would be empty after retirement, so he gave him his company.

The "daughter" of the old secretary was not biological. The girl's parents used to be public officials of Gloria Star. When the pirates invaded the alliance, the former capital star of the eighth galaxy was bombed by Prince Gloria, and the whole family was killed. The friend's family saw him off, only to escape. The old secretary-general was dispatched to Qixing at that time, and when he heard the news, he quickly took the risk to pick her up in person, and it was precisely because of this adventure that he escaped the dark period when the anti-Ukraine would capture Qixing.

The girl was seventeen years old and a minor, and in the war years of chaos and chaos, the old secretary took over her guardianship and became her adoptive father. The surviving father and daughter have been dependent on each other for many years, and their feelings are better than their own. , the old secretary also consciously has the experience of raising a child.

But obviously, there is a big difference between sheltering a young adult and raising a preschool cub.

The old secretary-general has been trying to raise for two days. He is a little suspicious of life and wants to return it with his daughter.

"His mother was quiet and able to sit still when she was a child, and she was serious about everything she learned. Sometimes it hurts to look at it—Mr. Lu, remember Adele, who joined the engineering department with the little boy White and the others. , you have interviewed in person, isn't it very good?" The old secretary packed up the minutes of the meeting, poured a cup of hot tea for himself and Lu Bixing, with a sad face, "Is this child her own?"

Lu Bixing knew that the old secretary was just complaining, so he smiled and didn't answer.

"Even if it is biological, there must be something wrong with his father's genes," the old secretary said firmly, "or else there is a problem with his father's education."

Lu Bixing blew the hot air from the tea: "What?"

"I am going through the transfer procedures in the past two days. I bought a household artificial intelligence for preschool education. I want to teach him some simple arithmetic and reading pictures at home. Alas, I can't sit still. I tried to encourage him and told him. Alright, take a good one-hour class every day, and just give snacks to eat. It was useful at first, but after two days, he also learned to cheat food and drink—bargaining, sometimes asking for an extra biscuit, and then Asked to take ten minutes less of the class, as long as I am not watching, I will touch it, the preschool education robot is complaining every day, what do you say?"

Lu Bixing waved his hand, motioning him to calm down: "Adele was a big girl at that time, and she just experienced the collapse of her country and her family. How can she compare with a four-year-old child?"

The old secretary sighed heavily and sat across from him.

President Lu said: "It is not appropriate to tempt him to class with snacks. You are equivalent to alienating the inner fun of mathematics and crossword puzzles into an external motivation in exchange for 'rewards'. The more you do this, the more he will ask you to do it. The less interested you are in things, the more lazy you want to be, and the more candy you eat."

The old secretary thought about it and felt that it seemed reasonable.

"Around the age of four or five is a period of mental explosion. The child will become more noisy, energetic, and more curious than before. You can try to guide him to concentrate on one thing for ten minutes, but one hour is too much. I'll tell you."

Immediately afterwards, Director Lu was like a real parenting expert. He started from "children's physiological characteristics" to "children's psychology and education". He should have theory and practice, and be full of dry goods. Published as a book.

The old secretary-general, like he usually records the important speeches of the chief, made notes in detail, and at the end was deeply moved and nodded: "Chief, the educator of the new era!"

Lu Bixing packed his briefcase and waved his hand: "It's easy to say."

Old Secretary General: "By the way, haven't you been talking about wanting to raise a child? Are you ready?"

Lu Bixing: ""

Five years ago, Lu Bixing resigned for the first time, thinking that the future would be full of sky and sea and salty fish at home, so he immersed himself in studying a dozen parenting tutorials, preparing to become a father, and he also took over Zhan Lu's kitchen, indulging in cooking every day, who? Zhiyan was about to become self-taught, a bolt from the blue, and he had another five-year term.

In the past five years, the alliance has been peacefully disintegrated, the major galaxies have become independent and diplomatic relations have been established, and the remaining pirate forces have been almost wiped out with the assistance of the Eighth Galaxy’s Empty Brain Disease Corps, and a small amount of opium chips are still circulating. In the struggle, a new special anti-drug group was established between the stars, led by Anakin of Silver Four, and the empty-brained affirmative movement also naturally came to the forefront. In addition to the natural wormhole, the eighth galaxy has also begun to jointly build a new transition network with the seventh and sixth galaxies. The preliminary project is progressing rapidly, and the transition point technology has made new breakthroughs. If it goes well, within twenty years, the eighth The galaxy can be reconnected to the jump network - earth-shaking and changing with each passing day. As the chief executive, in order to open up a good situation for his successor, Lu Bixing has no time to spare, and the plan for nurturing the baby has to be delayed again and again.

He was very unwilling, so he had to settle for the next best thing, and Zhan Lu raised a dog for him and fed him with the golden python and the chameleon.

It is not easy to convince Zhan Lu unless he changes the artificial intelligence settings - Zhan Lu firmly believes that mammal pets such as cats and dogs are destructive and shed hair, and are not ideal life partners - the reason why he was persuaded was thanks to his neighbors house cat.

The cat looks different from ordinary cats, with a cow color, a yin and yang face, a big waist and a round waist. And in the face of the commander-in-chief, he even dared to grin, comparable to the one-eyed eagle's spirit in the sky.

After much deliberation, the electronic butler finally agreed to adopt a dog who was responsible for avenging the popcorn when the foreign enemy invaded.

In this way, the "Zoo of General Lin and Engineer 001" lived in the first mammal other than the owner - a dog named "Your Majesty".

His Majesty was nearly a year old when he first came, with a dark body and slender limbs. People from the Pet Adoption Office claimed that His Majesty was the "king of dogs". He was smart and well-trained and could look after the house. He had a calm temperament and didn't like to bark, and could satisfy the requirements of several family members at the same time. After I brought it home, I was really well-trained and knew how to look at people's faces. Even the frightened popcorn gradually got used to the new roommate. Because of it, the bully, the cow and cat, watched secretly from a distance for a few days, but didn't dare to come rashly. commit.

Just when Zhan Lu and Popcorn breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that everything would be safe by holding the dog king's thigh tightly, the cow cat came with a tentative attack.

As a result, the dog king and the golden python were scratched together to be colorful.

The real artificial intelligence Zhan Lu called the pet adoption office to complain about the false propaganda, and the other party replied: "We have not guaranteed that the fighting power of the dog king will be strong, and it is not ruled out that His Majesty is the king of a subjugated country."

"It's finally time to retire."

"It's finally time to retire."

Lu Bixing and the old secretary-general were very tired when they thought of their family affairs, and sighed in unison.

Three months later, Lu Bixing completed the handover of work and ushered in the new life he had been looking forward to for decades.

On this day, as soon as Lin Jingheng opened the door, the "king of the country's subjugation" at home rushed over and brought home slippers. This gentleman has a flattering temperament, and he can see who is not easy to mess with, especially the commander-in-chief.

"Go away, don't rub my trouser legs." The uniform is easy to stick to the hair. Lin Jingheng used his toes to push away the big dog who was pounced on him and asked Zhan Lu, "What's the smell at home?"

"Wall paint." The electronic housekeeper replied, "Principal Lu is painting the walls in the study."

Lin Jingheng: ""

Lu Bixing hadn't taken a long vacation for 18 years of independence. He was finally liberated, and his energy was comparable to that of a hundred bear children.

Lin Jingheng didn't take any vacation. He was tossing him day and night for a few days. He struggled to get up the morning before and fell back when his waist softened. So that night, he decisively ignored Lu Bixing's various seductions and all kinds of sense of existence, and ran away. Go to sleep in the study.

Like playing with graffiti, Lu Bixing wore a large colorful apron, and piled up the sundries in the study into the storage room, surrounded by a circle of different colors of wall paint around his feet. When Lin Jingheng went upstairs, he was scribbling something against the dry blackboard wall paint by the door. Hearing footsteps, Lu Bixing turned his head triumphantly, and asked knowingly, "The wall paint will be dry for a few days, oh, I accidentally chose the rose scent, you don't really like this scent, do you? Commander, are you using your study these days?"

Lin Jingheng folded his arms in front of his chest and leaned against the door to watch him act as a demon.

"Is it good to paint a piece of blackboard paint here?" Lu Bixing rolled his eyes and changed the subject very cleverly, "Usually you can write and draw, and you can also use it as decoration, such as painting a hand-painted portrait of me, so that when you work in the study , you can see me beside you when you look up"

Lin Jingheng: "The ghost is still alive?"

Lu Bixing glanced at the light blue in his eyes, smiling as flatteringly as His Majesty with his big tail up.

Lin Jingheng came over with a half-smile but not a smile: "The portrait is, right? It doesn't have to be so troublesome to draw by hand, I'll draw it."

Lu Bixing vaguely felt a sense of crisis, but after soaking in the rose-smelling wall paint for a long time, he was so slow to react that he didn't have time to run. Grab the back of his neck and press forward—

The outline of a human figure was imprinted on the wet wall paint.

His Majesty and Popcorn went upstairs, watched the scene at the door, and hurriedly fled with their tails between their tails - Lu Bixing had a yin and yang face painted on the wall, and he was born to the cow and cat who bullied dogs and snakes like a father.

Five seconds later, "Ow" in the study: "Lin Jingheng!"

Lin Jingheng swiftly avoided his pounce, withdrew to the door in a few steps, and locked the study door outside.

But how could the great engineer 001 be locked by a mere electronic lock

Lu Bixing broke the door lock and decided to take revenge by "injuring the enemy 1000 and losing 10,000" - he grinned, turned around and picked up the brush from the paint bucket on the wall, and wiped it on his head and face. , smeared himself into a fragrant, dark place with no dead ends, and Sayazi ran out.

"Do you believe I kiss you? I'm going to bite a hundred lip prints on you!"

The ubiquitous electronic housekeeper Zhan Lu hangs from the roof and scans the messy walls and ground: "Principal Lu, I once suggested that you order an automatic brush from a wall paint company, but you refused me."

Lu Bixing's voice came from downstairs: "Let me go!"

Zhan Lu: "Now you may have to order a 'save a bad home' decoration robot package."

"I said let it go"

It was followed by a "bang", and then a loud noise, a certain door closed, and it was quiet.

Zhan Lu fell into a human form, shrugged, took out the popcorn he was trying to drill into the study, and melted it into the wall.

The chameleon squatted beside a dark footprint on the stairs, staring at a pair of dull eyes that slowly darkened.

Dinner was delayed for several hours that day because the hosts were forced to shower.

"Thank you, Zhan Lu." Lu Bixing brought out the dinner from the heat preservation cabinet, a robot icon lit up on the oven, and gave him an "ok" gesture. Corridor, wrinkled nose and smelled the fragrance of roses all over the house, "That"

The manipulator sticks out from the top of the oven all the time: "I'll leave it to you."

Lu Bixing coughed dryly: "Order a 'Save the Bad Home' package."

Lin Jingheng's hair was slightly steamy, and he casually wrapped a pair of pajamas. He was closing his eyes, and his lips were cold.

"Get up and eat something."

Lin Jingheng reached out and knocked on the bedside table, and said lazily, "Leave it first."

Lu Bixing paused for a while, then squeaked up again, and was held back by a finger.

Lin Jingheng lifted his eyelids: "Be honest for a while, darling."

Lu Bixing hurriedly sat upright beside the bed, looking at him from the corner of his eyes with a straight face.

"Didn't you say you want to travel around the eight galaxies?" Lin Jingheng sighed, "Go if you want, don't use the energy of flying around the eight galaxies to destroy the environment if you don't want to. Do you want to demolish it?"

"Don't worry, the eight galaxies are always there." Lu Bixing squeezed a small piece of bread, broke it in half, threw half into his mouth, and fed the other half to Lin Jingheng, "I don't want to go by myself, wait a hundred or two hundred years, wait for you when are you free?”

Lin Jingheng interrupted him: "Next week."

Lu Bixing: "What?"

"Next week," Lin Jingheng was afraid that the bread crumbs would fall on the bed, so she sat up, "I took annual leave, and I haven't taken it for many years. It can be accumulated. The defense of the Eighth Galaxy has been arranged, and I will accompany you."

He said, took another look at the dumbfounded Lu Bixing, and explained, "The Ten Silver Guards are here, and it's not an extraordinary period, so I don't need to keep watching."

Lu Bixing didn't think about it, and blurted out: "In the past, there were ten silver guards in the Silver Fortress, but I heard from Turan that you didn't leave any posts except for your routine reporting back to Votto."

Lin Jingheng put his hand around the back of his head: "That's because I have nowhere else to go."

Lu Bixing grabbed his hand, and after realizing what Lin Jingheng promised him, there seemed to be two bonfires in his eyes, which were slowly splendid.

"Get up," Lin Jingheng said casually, "how many times have I said, don't eat in the bedroom."


He thought, "Why wait a hundred or two hundred years for something that can be given to you now?"

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