
Chapter 22: A little self-indulgent


The damaged flanks of the mecha are scattered in the twisted space, the fine net fluctuates violently, the unbalanced fuselage rotates at a high speed, and even the balance system of the mecha itself has failed.

The one-eyed eagle felt that the twenty-three pairs of chromosomes that he had inherited from his ancestors were about to be thrown out by centrifugal force. Then, the entire body was filled with thick protective gas. Distorted one after another, like a bug in amber, he hung motionless in the air, caught a glimpse of Lin Jingheng in a blur, and suddenly thought, "Can he sustain his energy alone?"

One-eyed Eagle has heard the name of Admiral Lin, but since all of Admiral Lin's achievements are silent, and he has never fought a major battle such as "defending the capital star to the death", One-eyed Eagle has always been prejudiced against him , I feel that Lin Jingheng's name is not worthy of the name, it's all an image that the PR team of the Military Commission picked out the most human-looking little white face and packed it with life.

"Invading 15 mechas at once" sounds amazing, but his mecha is Zhan Lu.

When most of the interstellar pirates saw Zhan Lu, their legs were soft first, and they used the most cutting-edge weapons of the alliance to clean up a group of wild rebels. Shouldn't it be normal? As long as it's not a wine bag and a rice bag, it should be able to do it.

But this simple little mecha is not Zhan Lu after all, he doesn't even have his own intelligence, and the protection system has been paralyzed. The heavy blow and the huge pressure of the transition are all on Lin Jingheng alone, he is not like Zero Zero One. It seemed that he knelt down on the spot, which was already very tough. Seeing that they were on the same boat now, Cyclops decided to give him a hand.

The one-eyed eagle raised his hand and pressed it on the inner wall of the mecha cabin, condensing into the turbulent fine net of the mecha, intending to be a volunteer "co-pilot" for him.

The fine net that had just been bombarded was more ups and downs than he imagined, but before he could straighten it out, the one-eyed eagle's temple tightened suddenly.

Lin Jingheng: "Get out!"

Afterwards, the mecha's fine net unceremoniously regarded the one-eyed eagle as an intruder, and slammed it out directly. The one-eyed eagle's head seemed to be penetrated by a steel needle, and the burst-like pain made him almost faint.

Almost at the same time, before the mecha that had just jumped once had time to shake off the wreckage of the flanks, Lin Jingheng ignored the overheating warning and forced the jump again.

Cyclops' lungs were about to be squeezed out, and just as he and Jingwang were about to break up, he caught a glimpse of the second missile out of the corner of his eye, and that missile was waiting near the point where they jumped, burning It was like darkness coming towards me, and it passed them slyly!

The two jumps almost consumed the energy of the mecha in an instant, until the mecha settled again, the protective gas was drawn away, the one-eyed eagle stumbled steadily, and the ear was still buzzing: "you"

"My mecha is my territory," Lin Jingheng said coldly, "I can't hold a second living creature in my fine net, this time it's just a warning, next time, I won't be so gentle, you Be careful to become a vegetable."

The one-eyed eagle squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "When it hits the ground, I will definitely blow your head off."

"Yes, you are welcome to try it," Lin Jingheng shrugged, "After all, anyone who has a dream is amazing."

Cyclops: ""

I want to kill him now!

The noise caused by overheating in the mecha gradually subsided, and it began to report damage and energy crisis one by one, and relocated the coordinates.

The one-eyed eagle remembered the thrilling double attack just now, and couldn't help but talk again: "I said, this mecha is yours, right? You just came to the eighth galaxy for a few years, what did you do to dig a grave? Let people be so reluctant to kill them all?"

This time, Lin Jingheng directly regarded the old Persian cat as a source of noise pollution. He closed his ears as if he didn't hear it. He judged the surrounding situation, adjusted the route slightly, turned off the power system, and let the mecha freely slide in a straight line at a constant speed. out.

The neglected one-eyed eagle was angry, and felt that the man's character was so rotten that he could not be cured, and even his back was in the shape of a beating. No wonder the Alliance Military Commission invited 800 PRs, and the surnamed Lin was still notorious.

Cyclops: "Are you behind your ears?"

"It was an interstellar pirate just now." At this moment, the protective door of the medical room opened, and Lu Bixing slid out in a wheelchair.

Several fractures on his body were covered by transparent bubbles, partially isolating a sterile environment. Micro-surgical instruments were doing automatic repair work in his wounds, and there was a repair progress bar on the sterile bubbles.

Lu Bixing's forehead was still in cold sweat, showing a little sickness, and he waved to the four students who were poking their brains in the nursing cabin. He started popular science on the spot like a museum docent: "In the second year of the new calendar, how many of you have? In May, in order to commemorate the founding of the alliance, a 'Freedom Day' military parade was held on the periphery of the third galaxy. It is this technique—in simple terms, it predicts that the attack target is ready to jump, and immediately releases a jump interference, so that the jumping mecha deviates from the original destination and falls within the attack range of their ambush. The mecha, whether it is the mecha body or the driver, is very difficult to withstand the second transition, and I just breathed a sigh of relief psychologically. Many people were hit by missiles without even reacting. It was very tragic. I remember attacking the honor guard at that time. pirates called"

"Prince Gloria." Lin Jingheng was not deaf this time, "When the alliance was first established, the interstellar pirates occupied the eighth galaxy, and they fought each other infighting. Five or six pirate governments were changed, and the last pirate government designated Gloria as the The capital, the self-proclaimed 'Prince Gloria's Guard' - Cyclops, you started on Gloria, so you won't forget them so soon?"

The one-eyed eagle's face changed suddenly.

Lu Bixing turned his back to him and didn't see his father's face. He just felt that Lin Jingheng was looking at him a little strangely, his eyes were heavy, as if he had a lot to say, and when Lu Bixing looked back with a little questioning, the other party was as if nothing had happened. The ground slid away, as if nothing had happened just now.

Lu Bixing was inexplicably seen by him, so he hurriedly took advantage of the reflection on the cabin and felt that he had a good image as a whole, but the two sterile bubbles on his head were actually symmetrical, like a pair of horns. It looks quite childish.

Because it was inconvenient to remove the sterile air bubbles before the operation, Lu Bixing had to calmly adjust his sitting position, squeezing the shape of the air bubbles a little, and blocking them with his hair.

"Cough, how come you were fine when you came, but when you went back, you ran into a star thief?" Lu Bixing was a little uncomfortable with Lin Jingheng's eyes, rubbed his nose, and laughed dryly, "It won't be because of me. Is your bad luck implicated?"

He didn't know that the interstellar pirates had blown up Votto, Lin Jingheng and Cyclops looked at each other, their faces were solemn, and they didn't say a word.

Cockfight asked: "Principal, why is it difficult for mechas to make a second jump?"

"First of all, the jump will cause the fine mesh to vibrate, and the fine link between the driver and the mecha will often be disconnected during this process," Lu Bixing finished the operation on his wrist, and the micro scalpel automatically flew back to the sterile bubble, on the micro wound After spraying a layer of healing agent, it fell off his wrist and flew away. Lu Bixing moved his wrist lightly, pointing and pointing, "Look at him, you will know the injury caused by the involuntary disconnection of the fine link."

The four students looked at Zero Zero One, and then cast their eyes on Lin Jingheng, probably knowing who's photo they were going to hold before the exam in the future.

"Secondly, the transition will cause the mecha to overheat and consume a lot of energy. You see, the remaining power is 50%. After two transitions, there is less than 10% left." Lu Bixing opened the interstellar space on the mecha. The coordinate map, looked up at Lin Jingheng, and asked, "Can I use a little permission?"

Lin Jingheng didn't say anything. Then, the mecha net that Cyclops had just pulled out was like a gentle vine, and he took the initiative to give up the position of "co-pilot" to Lu Bixing, and included him in the net.

Lu Bixing waved his hand, and the sealed hatch around the mecha suddenly became transparent, allowing the people inside to see the surrounding universe with the naked eye.

The first reaction of several students was dizziness, because the elliptical mecha was spinning, and there were certain adjustment devices on the mecha. As long as it did not suddenly turn into an acceleration gyro, people would not be able to feel the rotation in it, but they could see it with their own eyes. , is very uncomfortable.

Then came fear.

Because there is no light source, no celestial bodies, and no human beings around.

They are like a few small ants crawling on dead leaves, drifting with the waves in the vast sea.

And the sense of boundlessness brought by the universe is thousands of times more terrifying than the sea.

They can't see the route or the destination. Time and space are curling up in a way that goes against common sense. The fragile beings who are immersed in it simply dare not think about their situation. The slightest thought is a burst of horror, subconsciously wanting to catch something to stay.

When we went there, a few students fainted all the way and didn't feel anything. Until then, the bear children became scared after realizing it, and they all asked Lu Bixing to close the scene quickly.

"What's the matter? When the mecha pilot is connected to the mecha network, he must always pay attention to the outside world. Of course, it is farther than the naked eye, because it is necessary to predict emergencies. I can't take it anymore, how can I take the operation class in the future?" Lu Bixing achieved the educational purpose, closed the scene, and consciously withdrew from the mecha network. At the same time, he subconsciously glanced at Lin Jingheng, who was turning his back to him, meticulously Head down to correct the course.

But for some unknown reason, Lu Bixing always felt that he was in the fine net just now, and a line of sight locked on him.

The first time was an accident that could be ignored, what is this time

The sterile air bubbles on Lu Bixing's knees also flew away, he tried to get up, his body recovered well, but there was a layer of hot sweat on his back inexplicably, and he thought: "Am I a little self-indulgent?"

A few educated students didn't notice that the principal was walking, and huddled around him tremblingly. White didn't dare to speak. Cockfight no longer wanted to report to the mecha operation department. The most daring Mint said directly: "Thanks I only Planning to study design - President Lu, when can we get to Beijing Star?"

White asked weakly, "Mr. Lu, the power is out, how can we get home?"

His words aroused people's fear of the shortage of survival resources in a closed environment - is there enough oxygen? Do you have enough food and drinking water? What if the power goes out completely? Can the mecha still maintain its current state

Be aware that air pressure, air quality, and even celestial gravity are deadly to fragile humans.

And with the quality of the few of them, not to mention anything else, once the artificial gravity in the mecha fails, even weightlessness can kill them.

"In this case, you can only look at the driver." Lu Bixing said, "If it can not be affected by gravity, the uniform movement of the mech hardly consumes energy, so an experienced driver will quickly determine the replenishment location. To plan the most energy-saving way, you have to avoid the source of gravity as much as possible, this is called 'billiard operation' in mecha operation, is it as fun as playing billiards?"

None of his four terrified students found it interesting.

"The channel has been calibrated. There is an abandoned aerial supply nearby. It happens to be on the smuggling channel of the eighth galaxy. It's good to try my luck in the past." The students looked at him in surprise, Lin Jingheng paused, cleared her throat, and added, as if to comfort them, "Generally, this kind of nominal waste, there are people who provide illegal services to smugglers, Don't worry, the flight is expected to be an hour and a half."

This time, not only the students, but also the one-eyed eagle in Lu Bixing, were all surprised by his kindness.

The one-eyed eagle raised his eyebrows: "Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Lin Jingheng thought he didn't exist, walked up to the route map and sank into the mecha net.

Zhan Lu just told him: "The partial scan has been done."

The power system was turned on to the minimum, and Jingwang fell silent. Lin Jingheng had a premonition of something, and his throat moved slightly, and he didn't say a word for a long time.


"Well, tell me."

"I broke through the protective device and obtained the gene sample of President Lu's brain. After testing, General Lu Xin's genotype met the genetic conditions for being President Lu, and the probability of parental authority was higher than the test index. General Lu Xin's genotype was consistent with of his biological father"

Lin Jingheng suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the essence link with the mecha trembled violently. His body remained motionless with his back to the crowd, and the undulating essence fluctuations were digested by himself in the boundless universe.

Stir up lonely stormy waves where there is no light.

Like a silent tsunami.

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