
Chapter 24: No...isn't this a special effect


The administrative center of Beijing Beta Star is 300 kilometers away from Xinghai College. At noon, the outdoor body temperature deviates from expectations for no reason and rises in a straight line, approaching 20 degrees. Midwinter seems to have a sense of recovery, as if a spring breeze suddenly came from the end of the universe, blowing the sky blue as a wash.

This is the third day of Xinghai College's "Thesis Week". In the evening three days ago, the students had been dismissed, and suddenly received a notice that the school teaching arrangement with only one principal was very random. The principal probably wanted to take the annual leave and temporarily put the This week was changed to a paper week. He opened up library access, made a list of a dozen books, and left a very big topic - where I think the future of mankind will go.

At this time, there are still four days before the assignment is due, and most of the students are not thinking about the future of mankind, but thinking about White and others who disappeared for no reason. The whole college has become a happy rumor mill about who the four people eloped with whom. The debate has already caused two rounds of group fights.

The orphanage where Mint lives was given a living allowance—she set it up that three-quarters of the monthly bursary will be automatically transferred to the "family", but this time, along with the bursary, there is another letter Complaint letter.

Principal Lu, who had vowed to expel them, did not even remember the punishment, but adopted a kindergarten management method. Before leaving, he hurriedly wrote a letter to complain to the parents of several students. The older children in the orphanage were worrying about the complaint letter, White's parents had already made two trips to the empty principal's office, and the mother of Cockfighting Vitas was relatively irresponsible. Letter, concise and clear in four words: "Let him die."

However, the letter sent to Huang Jingshu's house according to the enrollment information could not be delivered. After wandering around the entire planet, it was returned to the principal's mailbox by the system.

On this day, the old dean of the School of Information, who had resigned, packed his bags and was about to leave Beijing β-star. Before leaving, he came to Xinghai College on a ghostly mission, and saw the magnificent dome roof of the auditorium and the hustle and bustle of the school from a distance. Noisy monkey kid. The old dean didn't expect that there were so many students in the school. He clasped the fence with both hands, looked inside, and saw two teenagers fighting and making trouble, and the boy was grabbing the form from the girl's hand.

"Show me how I can do it, I don't have to chase you, stop being selfish!"

The girl kicked him on the calf: "Go away."

"I can show you mine too. I haven't reported to any of the three academies, and I also proposed a new professional direction - interstellar smuggling guide, how about it? Sounds awesome, right? Hey, wait for me! "

Hearing this, the old dean was stunned for a while. He felt that in this holy hall of knowledge, there were still a group of gorillas with moving intelligence, so he supported the railing of the campus and walked slowly away. He is two hundred and sixty years old, and he lives in no fixed place. He has taught in every university in the Eighth Galaxy, and he has witnessed countless times of neglect and closing of schools. Xinghai Academy was his last, and finally let him down.

He was suddenly a little discouraged, looked down at the dry age spots on the back of his hands, and felt that his life might have been a daydream, and he took a stubborn and wrong path.

Two hundred and sixty years should come to an end.

Not long ago, he spent most of his life savings to buy a place for himself in a property-owned nursing home in Gloria Star, where he planned to spend his old age peacefully. This is quite a decent old age in the eighth galaxy. Today about to go.

The old dean raised his head and glanced at the sky. The rare wind was sunny and sunny, there was no north wind, and it was not as warm as the winter of Beijing stars. He felt that this probably indicated that his journey would be smooth.

The homeless homeless people came out of their hiding places like a holiday, greeted the old professors who passed by happily, and celebrated each other after another winter, and we are about to usher in four years of good fortune. season.

Not far away, a flock of pigeons raised by someone else flew across the sky and landed on the roof of the six million dome of Xinghai College. .

Penny opened the door of the tavern, brought a pack of fresh mealworms to the tavern's mascot, the big lizard, then opened the window to ventilate, rolled up her sleeves, and wiped off the tables, chairs, and benches of the tavern—the fourth brother's place was very clean, and he couldn't survive. More, routine maintenance is enough, she simply did it herself.

Penny has known him for five years. Judging from a woman's standard, fourth brother is not a sloppy person. Apart from his sloppy personal image, he has no other bad habits. He drinks, never gets drunk, uses His things will be put back in place, whether it's the broken tavern he frequents or his home, there is a clean and cold sense of order.

"When will your master come back?" Penny stepped on the bench and said to the lizard to herself, "The fourth brother has been out of contact for a few days, where did you go with that little white face? I'll try again if I can get in touch. he."

She wiped the glass clean and couldn't help reaching out to cover her eyes: "Why is the sun so bright all of a sudden? I'm still sweating a bit."

The lizard was silent, never responding to the woman's friendly self-talk.

"I guess I still can't get in touch. You said that I know he likes quietness, and I always lean towards him. Will he find me annoying after a long time?" Penny, who is used to seeing wind and waves, looked at her personal terminal. She was a little nervous and didn't notice that the big lizard behind her was slowly moving its inflexible body, fearfully hiding from the "sunshine" coming in from the window.

The signal from the personal terminal seems to have been wandering in the eighth galaxy for a week, and there is still no echo. The person does not know where to go, and there is still no communication signal.

Penny sighed, "Sure enough"

Her voice fell, and the personal terminal suddenly seemed to be stuck, and it lit up. Penny was startled, and subconsciously stretched her fingers into her hair, and quickly grabbed her slumped hair out of a shape.

The next moment, a blurry image floated in the air, Penny saw it clearly, the fourth brother seemed to be in a very dark place, and during interstellar travel, it was impossible to calculate the time difference, she regretted it, and said cautiously: " Is it night over there? Did I disturb you?"

The signal speed of light and shadow is unparalleled, but across the interstellar space, there is still a delay. Even if the projection on the personal terminal seems to be facing each other, it is impossible for two people separated by space to talk in real time.

Lin Jingheng was smoking next to the scarred mecha in an unknown abandoned supply, and suddenly received a communication request from Penny.

He may have a poor signal, his face is blurred, and the transparent screen on the personal terminal is disturbed by the sunlight outside the window, and it is blurred. Penny hurried to the window, intending to close the curtains: "The weather is so good today, wait for me"

The too bright sunlight made her face turn red, and her slightly tough appearance actually took on a girlish temperament for no reason.

Zhan Lu, who was charging, said: "Principal Lu has repaired the abandoned communication system. Although I have insufficient energy, I can search for the coordinates of Baiyinjiu through the communication network of supplies."

"Hurry up and recharge," Lin Jingheng was a little impatient. The information had not yet arrived, and he flicked the ashtray, "Hurry up and answer the phone for me, just because you have too many words to use."

When the word "" was still stuck in his throat, the image was transmitted. Lin Jingheng saw the "sunshine" outside the window through Penny's screen. Hearing that silly girl was still sighing about "the weather is good", the smoke in his hand was soaring. Landing: "Penny, leave the window and find a mecha with a defense system!"

But the interstellar distance is too far, so that the waves that are close to 300,000 kilometers per second are also exhausted. He blurted out this warning, and it was already destined to be on the road.

Penny saw from a distance that a few clusters of red light seemed to explode on the horizon, and the hand that opened the curtain paused for a moment in confusion, but before she could see clearly, the red light suddenly split, like a thousand stars exploding in the sky. Open the same, bright white.

The earth trembled with anger, the natural crust of the planet formed over hundreds of millions of years with a dying sound of cracking, the rocks collapsed, and the artificial atmosphere was like a layer of paper glass.

Private houses, city buses that whistle every five minutes, robotic trash cans that never close their mouths, academy domes full of pigeons, old professors who greet every homeless person politely, all around the yard Worried children, panicked lizards, and a woman raising her hand to her forehead

They were all shrouded in that rotten white light, overexposed pale silhouettes, and melted into an upside-down world.

The backward anti-missile system on Beijing’s β star finally issued an alarm after realizing it. The civil servants in low-Earth orbit were awakened by screams, and they were stunned for five minutes. Lai could no longer be contacted, and he had no choice but to make incoherent pleas for help toward the distant Liberty Alliance.


"The eighth galaxy, Beijing β star, was attacked, and it was reported that we were bombed by a large-scale star missile. The enemy is unknown, we have no defense capability, and the entire planet is collapsing under the blow of nuclear missiles!"

"Didn't you say ten years ago that you would upgrade our defense system? You promised, people!"

"Help! Help"



Lin Jingheng's personal terminal signal was suddenly disconnected, and the girl who claimed to have lived past the average age of the eight galaxies stood there, her figure froze in front of him, leaving him a red profile.

Lin Jingheng stayed for a second, then turned and left.

Prince Gloria's frantic laughter flew out of the main control room. The screen played like an inferior game advertisement. The tsunami of missiles penetrated the screen and exploded on the unconscious Beijing β star. The animation effect Old-fashioned, the viewing angle is not spectacular at all, and even the picture quality is so worrying.

White smiled when he saw it: "Is this a TV series or an advertisement, and the special effects are too touching. I'll pay 1.5 yuan, no more."

"Then I'll give you two dollars." The cockfight was a little uncomfortable for some reason, "Mr. Lu, can we change the channel?"

But the two adults in the control room didn't say a word.

Mint looked at the one-eyed eagle, and then at Lu Bixing, as if realizing something from their expressions, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Lu, when can we charge the battery and go home?"

Lu Bixing turned his head slowly and met the girl's eyes, Mint had never seen such an ugly face.

At this time, Lin Jingheng hurriedly broke into the main control room, without saying hello, without beginning: "Check all the stocks of supplies, especially supplies and weapons."

Lu Bixing's voice seemed to be pressed in his throat, and he stared at Lin Jingheng blankly. His words seemed to be out of his mind: "The supplies are sufficient, and the arsenal is empty."

Lin Jingheng did not make any comment on what happened in front of him, and said quickly: "Separately organize the supplies, and make a fortune according to the expectation of the next supply in half a year. The recharging and repair of the mecha will be completed in half an hour. Go immediately."

The students were stunned by this order before they could react to what happened. What does "the next supply will be in half a year"

No matter how uncivilized the eighth galaxy is, it is also a human society. How many of them are going to fly in the crisis-ridden universe for half a year? Who knows how many things will be needed for half a year in the universe

Lin Jingheng: "Turn off the lights that are not needed, the communication network is encrypted, and the communication of Beijing Star can be reached here, which means that this place is within the search range of the eighth galaxy core area"

White asked dumbly: "Ah, can the phone get through? Should I also call home?"

Mint was the first to react, swayed blankly, grabbed White's elbow subconsciously, and started shaking.

White gave her a hand in doubt: "what's the matter with you?"

Two seconds later, he understood what the girl meant. White opened his facial features, stood stiffly for two seconds, squeezed out a smile, and looked back at the sea of fire on the screen: "Isn't this a special effect?"

No one answered him.

White's breath became heavy, and his eyes turned to everyone's faces in a panic, trying to find the meaning of a joke, and suddenly broke his voice: "Isn't this just a game advertisement? Ah? I played a similar one before."

It’s okay to talk nonsense in normal times, but in an emergency, you can’t understand the main point so much, let alone the silver garrison, even the miscellaneous young master soldiers randomly assigned by the Military Commission dare not perform in front of him. , the fire broke out on the spot, and said coldly: "Beijing star is attacked, according to the style of interstellar pirates, they will not stop, the eight star systems have no regular garrison, no one can stop them, if they go further, the planet will be nuclear The energy waves generated during the guided attack are enough to smash this small supply into pieces, leaving you dead without a place to die - am I clear enough? Hurry up if you don't want to die!"

Cyclops: "Lin Jingheng, this is not your silver fortress! You"

Lu Bixing stopped him, and at the same time stepped forward and put his arms around White's shoulder: "I'll make a list of supplies, Xiao Huang will make a record, the supplies warehouse is not locked, wait for the four of you to follow my father to prepare separately, and come back to me in 20 minutes. , I will give you a simple mecha operation training, I need to encrypt the communication network, and do some other preparations."


"The mecha operation department needs at least one academic year of training to get into the real mecha. We have to catch up with the teaching progress for a year within ten minutes. If we fail the course, we may die. Why do we still have time to cry, classmate?" Lu Bixing With a sigh, he reached out and wiped White's head and face, "Move, do something, don't think too much."

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