
Chapter 44: Some things can't wait


It is expected to be half an hour before the high-energy particle stream arrives at the base.

After the ups and downs of excitement, many people were already quite tired. Lu Bixing taught them on the spot in the air, and taught them how to set up the automatic navigation and automatic positioning of the mecha in a relatively stable environment. The teaching scene is the opening of another circus, but fortunately there is no danger, it is not as scary as the process of heaven.

After a brief discussion, we left the young warriors to stay awake in shifts, guard the protective shields, and let the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled go to rest, and the chattering fine net suddenly became much quieter.

Lu Bixing breathed a sigh of relief, looked at his watch, and secretly connected to the base's mecha with remote access.

Before they came, the internal network of the base was very unstable at the time of the power outage, and it could only cover the distance of two sailing days. And Lu Bixing, as a house, did not forget the network problem while repairing the movie screen for the old ladies.

After his repair, the base's intranet signal is now much more stable, and the coverage is wider. Contact the registered mecha, and can receive vague signals at a distance of six sailing days, four to five sailings. Day distance, the intranet signal is very stable.

When Lin replied "received", he should have already returned to the area covered by the intranet. It has been a day now. Even if he slowly let the mecha move at a constant speed, it is time to enter the locating range.

can be positioned

Lu Bixing stared at his paws and touched the positioning system. Uncontrollably, he thought to himself, "What's the point of this?"

Not at all, because the locator covers five sailing days, a screen the size of a palm, no matter how great the mecha, or how great a person sits in the mecha, there is only a small black dot on the map.

If the mech normally drives on the channel, and the driver does not perform very energy-intensive operations such as sudden acceleration or jumping, the small black spot will remain stationary for a long time.

Even if he is extremely boring at this time, he can still enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lights of the base, why should he stare at a small black spot that does not move for a long time

Lu Bixing didn't quite understand his logic, but it was strange that he still did it.

"Hey," just when he was doing this boring thing like a stalker, someone called on the personal terminal, Lu Bixing picked it up, and the projection of Saturday floated on his hand, and asked him on Saturday, "Lu Bixing picked it up. Teacher, Mint is an orphan, right?"

It's not hard to guess that girls with parents wouldn't be called "Mint" with a name that didn't start and end.

Lu Bixing stared at the positioning screen without giving him a single glance: "It doesn't matter if you are an orphan or not."

"Look at your face," Saturday put his feet on the table, "just like your father."

"According to the Union Minor Protection Law, for minors under the age of 20, if the legal guardian cannot be contacted, the school teacher and community administrator can serve as temporary guardians - I am her temporary guardian now, I am Words count. As for Lao Lu," Lu Bixing waved his hand, "I'm just giving him face."

Saturday: "Brother Lu, in ancient times, a seventeen-year-old could be a child's mother!"

Lu Bixing replied with a smile: "Indeed, but do you know why? Because at that time, the age of thirty-six was already dead."


"Human beings are too greedy for the feeling of being young and strong. The genetic revolution of the old ephemeris has stretched the age of youth to two hundred years. Relatively speaking, the childhood of twenty years is as short as a moment. Compared with a lifetime, it is just a blink of an eye." Lu Bixing said , "It's too precious, like a flower that only blooms for five minutes, like a handful of sand that leaks out casually, a second of regret is a lifelong regret, of course it is worth protecting, you, wait another three years."

Leaning back on Saturday, people who have just learned how to operate a mecha are always cautious in their mecha, and they often find the feeling only when they control the second mecha through Jingwang for the first time. At this time, Saturday, who thought he had found the feeling, began to recover in the sky like a hooligan who was sitting or not.

The positioning screen was searching for the mecha Beijing in the vast universe. Neither of them said a word, and they were relatively silent for a while.

"My ex-girlfriend is six years old," said Saturday suddenly.

Lu Bixing almost choked on his saliva: "Should you go see a doctor?"

"Tsk, what are you thinking? I was only eight years old when I was with her," rolled his eyes on Saturday, "Her dad and dad were in business together, and we played together all the time, when we were a senior Helping the children grow up together, all the men like her, and there are a few dead girls who also make trouble, fighting every day for who will be her husband. She secretly told me that in fact, she likes me the most, but she doesn't care about others. Good explanation, in order to have an argument, I have to convince everyone."

If you don't agree, you will fight. After a long time, this style of doing things has a source.

Lu Bixing shook his head first, and then remembered something: "Wait, didn't you say that you were picked up and raised? Where did a big family appear?"

"Yeah," said Saturday, looking up at the stars, "or how about my ex-girlfriend is six—she lives to be six."

Lu Bixing was stunned.

"During that time, my dad and the others kept it secret. It was said that they made a big business. I was too young to know what kind of big business it was. I just remember that they made a lot of money that year, and everyone was very happy. My dad drank a lot at night, and I heard him say to another uncle, 'If you have money in the future, don't do this kind of business that kills offspring'." Saturday's voice dropped, "Then that night, a group of people Breached into my house and killed everyone. My mom put me and her in two connected eco-pods, recorded the sound, set the path, threw it out of the atmosphere, and entrusted it to Mrs. Smelly. On the way, we They were uneasy, like two bugs in a drift bottle, and then those people's missiles brushed our side, and her eco-pod was smashed in half."

Lu Bixing was taken aback and turned his head to look at Saturday.

Saturday's baby's face was a rare melancholy and icy cold, as if there was no sunlight outside the atmosphere, which made him real.

"You know, Mr. Lu," said Saturday, "if it's just blown to pieces, that's fine, it's just a blink of an eye, but it's half shattered, I haven't gone to sleep, through the small window , I saw her cry and struggle with fright, the nutrient solution was lost little by little, the air pressure changed little by little, and the half-shattered eco-pod looked like a female beast whose stomach had been cut open, watching helplessly at the The cub slowly flows out, slowly suffocates, there is nothing to do."

"Do you know what I regret the most? What I regret the most is that she asked me to fight other children for her. I dare not, because I grew slower than others, and they are taller than me and not as strong as me. , so I told her, let her wait a few years, when I grow up a little bit"

"This is the first truth I've learned in my life, Mr. Lu, some things can't wait."

His words summed up the ominous past, and seemed to be some ominous prophecy. As soon as he finished speaking, the locator in Lu Bixing's hand popped out a dialog box.

Invalid search.

Lu Bixing hasn't come back from Saturday's words, and his heart seems to be tightened by a hand.

Search again, still invalid search.

This means that either Mecha Beijing's communication equipment is damaged, or it has inexplicably diverted and left the coverage of the intranet!

At this time, the earliest wave of charged particle flow had arrived, and hit the shield made of 300 mechs head-on. The high-energy charged particles and the shield collided, attenuated, and penetrated a small amount, causing a slight disturbance of the base's magnetic field. , and then an aurora-like light band appeared above the atmosphere, and the sleeves of the fairy robes stretched to the horizon, which was as magnificent as the special effects scene of a fantasy movie.

Everyone woke up, and then, the increasingly dense stream of high-energy particles poured down like a tidal wave, overturning on the mecha shield. Mech pilots outside the atmosphere feel the same sense of pride—I'm protecting the base, I'm protecting my home.

I don't know who started to sing an ancient wandering song in Jingwang. It's very old, as if everyone has heard it. Gradually, their voices joined in, rumbled, diluting the lyrics and tune, as if An oath never thought of and made spontaneously.

But Lu Bixing's hand, who contributed to all this, was shaking slightly.

He tried to locate Mecha Beijing three times, but all of them showed invalid searches. He couldn't bear to contact Lin's personal terminal - but the intranet just told him, "There is no such person."

Lin Jingheng closed his eyes for a moment in his temporary guest room.

There was a minor accident. He thought he would meet him when he was tortured to extract a confession. Unexpectedly, this group of interstellar pirates was even crazier than he expected - they actually used the rainbow virus as a wake-up needle.

The normal rainbow virus will incubate for 24 hours and then attack, but he has injected blocking antibodies in advance, and the rainbow virus will meet the blocking antibodies in advance. Due to the particularity of this virus, after three hours at most, he will A high fever begins until the virus is wiped out by antibodies.

It's easy to tell the truth. The key is that they don't use torture to extract confessions. How could he reasonably reveal the fabricated "underground channel" and lead them away

Just then, someone knocked gently on his door.

As soon as Lin Jingheng opened his eyes, a young man pushed the door and came in. The young man looked delicate, but for some reason, his walking posture was a bit strange. He hugged a clean bedding, and then put a box of small medicine bottles in front of him, being cautious towards him. smile.

Lin Jingheng glimpsed out of the corner of his eye that it was a box of painkillers.

The teenager might be a mute. He didn't speak. He pointed to his temples, then to the painkillers, and gestured to him with difficulty to express that energy overload would cause headaches, so let him make do with this thing first.

Lin Jingheng thanked him with a body language that matched his current identity.

The young man looked at him, the things were delivered, but he didn't leave. His round eyes like almonds were full of fear. Lin Jingheng had no choice but to stare at him. "

Lin Jingheng: ""

The teenager glanced meaningfully at the medicine bottle, turned and walked away.

Lin Jingheng took the medicine bottle and observed it under the light for a moment, then unscrewed it and found a miniature screen at the bottom of the bottle, only the size of a button.

Lin Jingheng hesitated for a moment, then took out the instructions for the painkiller. Using the cover of reading the instructions, he flicked on the small screen.

The picture is extremely small, as small as peeping through a hole in the wall - I saw a long and dark corridor in the video, and then a dim light penetrated into a basement with countless nutrition cabins. All kinds of strange creatures, beauty snakes, mermaids, women covered in animal hair, teenagers curled up and sleeping in their huge tails

The camera turned and landed on an operating table separated by sterile glass. Yuan Yiren stared at the operating table, holding a little boy with half of his body covered in metal prosthetics in his arms. The person on the operating table opened his eyes wide. Looking at the camera without ground, like a beast that is being slaughtered, the festering hands and feet have been torn off, and the quiet medical equipment is picking up the animal's claws at the place where his broken arm was.

Lin Jingheng thought with disdain: "What kind of aesthetic is this?"

With contempt, he didn't forget to shiver in a "frightened panic" and threw the whole bottle of painkillers on the ground - although he didn't know if the boy was stupid or if the other party deliberately arranged it, but it didn't matter, someone just wanted to sleep. Give pillows.

Yuan Yiren saw the cause and effect clearly through the fine net, he held his chin and thought for a moment, then beckoned to call a subordinate: "The little kingfisher I raised is disobedient again, you go and give him some Lesson - revise the original track, let's see where the cunning and over-the-top thing, Sister Smelly, is hiding in the gutter and play a game."

Lin Jingheng—now a bit of a cunning sea snake who values love and righteousness, wandered around the guest room for ten minutes like a trapped beast, and couldn't find a handy tool, so he smashed the metal decoration on the bedpost. After getting down, relying on his thinness, he stuffed it into his clothes and slipped out quietly.

The heavy armor is too big, it can accommodate thousands of people, and it takes a long time to walk in a circle. Even if the driver's fine net can cover any corner, the sea snake feels that the other party will not care about such a small person as himself. Taking a breath, I saw a pirate patrolling walking to the bathroom alone not far away, so I followed him quietly. There was a small muffled sound from the bathroom, and after a while, a patrolman with a very low brim and an extraordinarily cautious walk came from the bathroom. He walked out of it - no way, the uniform on his body was too ill-fitting, and the two trousers were hanging from him like cropped trousers, empty, and a pair of fashionable ankles were exposed.

Sea Snake intuitively thought that this hip-hop style of fashionable pirates might not be popular here, so he carefully avoided other people all the way. For a moment, he saw a person rushing out from the corner in front of him - it was the young man who had just delivered medicine to him.

The young man's eyes were red and his face was full of fear. Two strong pirates were chasing behind him. Seeing as he was about to grab him, the young man's feet suddenly left the ground. He was as light as a piece of paper. Turned up and down.

Only then did Sea Snake notice that the reason why he was walking was strange because the boy's chest was unusually shaped, with a bulge that looked like a bird, his arms were stretched out, his arms were much longer than ordinary people, and the sleeves of his shirt were just now. It broke apart during the pulling, revealing arms that were flat like wings, and the tattered clothes hanging on the arms were like feathers, making him glide eerily in the air.

At this moment, a huge net came over and covered the bird-like boy. There was electricity on the net. The moment he touched the boy, sparks erupted. He struggled in pain and opened his mouth. , but only screamed like birdsong.

Lin Jingheng said: "This bitter tactic looks like the real thing."

However, he hesitated for a moment—because it stands to reason that the sea snake, who has already turned against the stinky sister, but still refuses to reveal the coordinates of the underground channel, is unlikely to die.

One of the pirates put the dying bird boy down, kicked him rudely a few times, grabbed his hair, and dragged him whole to the ground, with the electrified net in the hands of the other pirate, who fell behind his companions After a few steps, I was planning to hang the power grid back in place.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from the side and patted him on the shoulder. The pirate who was about to hang up the power grid looked back, caught a glimpse of the patrolman's uniform, and muttered, "Got it, clean up immediately."

The next moment, he suddenly realized something, and before he could turn his head to see clearly, his neck was suddenly restrained by an arm, and there was a sharp pain, and he immediately lost consciousness.

As a skilled worker who murdered and set fire, Lin Jingheng quietly caught the fallen pirate, took over the laser gun in his hand and the power grid hanging in the sky - fortunately, the core muscle group was damaged, he was a little weak in his hands and feet, otherwise he would have lost his strength. Accidentally twisting the head of this unlucky bastard, I am afraid it is going to be worn.

The pirate was dragging the bird boy back, when suddenly, the fine hair and shattered hair on his back stood up for no reason. As soon as he turned around, the large charged net had swooped down, and the pirate choked in exclamation in his throat. The big net fluttered straight and turned into a breakdancer who couldn't beat the drum.

Lin Jingheng nimbly slid past him, and at the same time, a thin laser was sprayed from the laser gun, which precisely cut the hair of the bird boy that was caught, hugged him, and ran forward without looking back. .

That young man was not like a human being. Even though Lin Jingheng had become a temporary hemp, he could still lift him with one hand without much effort. Except for the human head, he seemed to have turned into a bird.

But how is it possible

Isn't this kind of grafted monster unable to leave the nutrition cabin half a step

Lin Jingheng thought of Lu Bixing's bizarre bone age and mismatched genes in a flash, and his fingers holding the bird boy suddenly tightened.

The entire heavy armor began to sound an alarm, and Lin Jingheng-Sea Snake shook the bird boy in his hand: "Is there a spare mecha on this heavy armor? Where is the launch platform?"

Heavy armor is sometimes used as a "mother ship" in the team. There will be a launch platform on it, and according to different transportation capacity, it will carry a certain number of spare mechas.

The bird boy struggled to break free from his hand, coughed a few times, and raised his finger in a direction.

Yuan Yiren let out a "ha": "Accidental harvest, I know a lot about this little thing that eats inside and outside - don't hunt it down with all your strength, put a little water on it, let him run away, don't put too much, it looks too fake. Well, let them suffer a little, and be careful not to slap the face."

The two drama elites performed a realistic life-and-death contest in such a tacit understanding that neither side had ever played against each other.

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