
Chapter 48: This is a trap!


According to the book, Sodo's asteroid belt is a stable planetary belt, and Lu Bixing narrowly escaped an oncoming planetesimal, and was almost hit by a particle stream of unknown origin: "Changing lanes at will. to be detained!"

He walked a tightrope to avoid the two colliding stars, and whizzed through the gravel in dismay: "I must complain to the author of the ecological record of the dead desert when I go back, why is it not marked 'the story is purely fictional'!"

More than half of the energy of the small mecha was used on the protective cover, and Lu Bixing did not dare to walk at all, and the speed was so low that it seemed to be crawling in the universe. And despite that, it's the hardest video game he's ever played, and the worst thing is, he's only got one chance. In order to mention it, Lu Bixing played one of the most noisy electronic dance music in the mecha. The sound effect was very cool, enough to annoy ten Lin Jingheng to death.

However, as he went deeper into the asteroid belt, Lu Bixing turned his mecha into a moving ktv, but his face became more and more solemn.

Why is there a transition point in such a place

There is no second person he knows who dares to do such a thing to blow up the jump point, but if it is really Lin, the mecha Beijing root does not have a weapon inventory of that scale, what did he use to blow it up? Brain waves? "

The scurrying energy fluctuations became more and more dense, and Lu Bixing realized that he was approaching the transition point that was blown up.

He carefully bypassed a large star with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, and used the protective cover to hold the stormy star debris: "What happened here?"

Da Xingzi whizzed away along the track, and his vision suddenly opened up.

Lu Bixing's heart skipped a beat.

It was a tragic cemetery. Countless mecha wreckage floated in the vacuum, sometimes swept away by wind-like planetesimals, dusty everywhere, and then figured out a new rotating orbit on their own. Under the influence of Sodo's gravitational force, Walking slowly and lifelessly.

Through the fine net, Lu Bixing could even see one or two whole human corpses floating in the vacuum, like solidified wax statues - when Yuan Yiren ordered an emergency jump, he asked the incompetent mecha to unload the remaining energy and let it be effective. Combat effectiveness, this order is not to let those who do not participate in the transition stand by and wait for their comrades to triumph, but to abandon them ruthlessly.

To know that the mech maintains the protective cover, changes the orbit, dodges the UFO, launches the weapon, etc., all needs a strong power, that is, energy.

A dead mech is just a fragile space float.

The transition point was blown up, and the violent energy fluctuations unsettled the asteroid belt, which is the desert of death.

A "space floater" without defense and dodging ability, abandoned in the middle of the desert of death, is equivalent to a dead end.

If you are lucky, you will soon be smashed together with the mecha under the impact of the stars. After a hundred, if you are unlucky, you will watch your companions being swallowed up by the desert of death one by one, and you will be trapped in a place where you can't hide or hide. In the moving mecha, anxiously awaiting his fate.

Like being buried alive.

People who can't stand this kind of fear often collapse, and the final result is that they jump out of the cabin to find a happy one-that is, the whole corpses that Lu Bixing encountered.

When Lu Bixing arrived, there were no living creatures in this place.

There was a "hum" in Lu Bixing's head, as if a taut string suddenly broke, and the throat that he had chatted with himself for several million words suddenly lost his voice. After a long while, he uttered a few words with difficulty: "Sweep I scan"

The scan task on the mecha was sent halfway, followed by a string of flashing ellipses, waiting for his next words.

"Scan Mecha Beijing's communication port or wreckage"

The mecha does not have an intelligent core. Although Jingwang is connected to the owner, apart from the cold human-machine matching degree, it cannot feel any violent ups and downs, and performs the scanning task meticulously.

Lu Bixing sat on the spot mechanically, when something hit him, he avoided it subconsciously, without a whole thought in his heart, his heartbeat seemed to be slowed down by something.

I don't know how long it took, the mecha suddenly made a "di" sound, and Lu Bixing was jolted.

"Unable to match."


Lu Bixing exhaled the breath that was stuck in his throat, his heartbeat, which was about to pause just now, was wild like a wild horse, almost burst out of his chest, cold sweat ran down his back, it was very itchy - the meaning of unmatched , Mecha Beijing Lin, whether dead or alive, at least not in this cemetery.

Lu Bixing closed his eyes, quickly settled down, and began to analyze the wreckage in the "cemetery".

Judging from the identification, these wreckage should be from the Guard of Prince Gloria, and according to the number of mecha wreckage, at least hundreds, or even more, of medium-sized and above combat mechs once gathered here. This is a loaded gun. Pirate team.

In the team, some of the mecha bodies were broken, leaving only the wreckage. They died of extremely strong energy shocks, which should have been affected by the transition point of the explosion, while the remaining part of the damaged mechas were relatively intact, and most of them were destroyed by physical impact. The common denominator is

The energy system is all uninstalled.

All the information put together is enough for Lu Bixing to piece together a general cause and effect - why Lin Jingheng suddenly jumped out of the underground channel, why did he run here, and whose missile was used to detonate the jump point.

Lu Bixing slammed his fist on the mecha door, and wanted to say swear words, but unfortunately he didn't know how to speak, so he had to grit his teeth tightly.

A group of pirates hunted down a person and buried him with missiles. It doesn't require much energy, so dismantling the energy source must have other uses. What is it that requires so much energy

All Lu Bixing could think of was an emergency jump.

That is to say, Lin Jingheng detonated the transition point in some way, and before that, he made a thrilling transition, avoiding the impact of the transition point explosion. After that, the surviving interstellar pirates must have located his transition point. , followed.

There is no recorded transition point coordinates nearby. The transition point that Lin Jingheng chose was probably discovered by himself, and the reason why the pirates were able to chase after it meant that the transition point was very close, at least it could be scanned.

Lu Bixing pursed his dry lips: "Scan nearby transition points."

The mecha was silent for a moment, but still replied: "Can't match."

Lu Bixing: "Damn!"

He forgot that Lin was using Zhan Lu's fine net, and the coverage area was much larger than that of the small mecha. The pirates who were chasing him probably also had heavy armor!

The blood in Lu Bixing's whole body seemed to be retrograde, and his fingers were so cold that they were almost inflexible.

The words "Some things can't wait" echoed in his ears on Saturday inopportunely, and his throbbing heart took up space in his lungs, making it difficult for him to even breathe. A thought suddenly appeared out of nothing, shattering all his logical processes in an instant.

He thought, "What if it's too late?"

Then at the base, when he implanted an illegal chip into himself, Lin's face turned pale, and the time he almost beat him was probably the last time they met.

Lu Bixing's empathy is very strong. When encountering some things, he will often put himself in the shoes of others and turn to other people's perspectives. However, at this time, he did not dare to think about Lin Jingheng's mood and situation along this line of thought.

All of that person's feelings were never revealed, silent, restrained, and restrained. Only when he was in a hurry did he reveal a clue. Before he could digest it, he left the base alone. Sensing the danger on the way, he quietly took it upon himself to face a vicious pirate clan alone, leading them into the desert of death.

The base is having a party all night because of the baptism of high-energy particle flow, and he is alone here, and he can't even receive a signal from the intranet.

These thoughts were like a recurring virus, wandering in his consciousness repeatedly, the man-machine matching degree trembled violently, and the mecha alerted him.

The emotional Principal Lu just imagined, and his heart was about to break, but the hero who was one of the "four tragedies of the new star calendar" in his mind was preparing to grind his teeth and suck blood at this time.

At the other end of the jump point, Yuan Yiren is preparing to return to the voyage.

After successfully detonating the No. 1 machine, after a short period of excitement, the air pressure around Yuan Yiren dropped again - this trip was really heavy, and he didn't find any clues about the underground channel, and he had a whole mecha team in his hand. Damaged, the other party turned out to be only one person, and he didn't even have time to find out the identity of that person.

How do I explain to Prince Gloria when I go back

Aresvon, Prince Gloria, is suspicious, moody, and perverted, and the thought of him gives goosebumps all over.

As long as there is a little more chips in hand, Yuan Yiren almost wants to stand on his own. He got up anxiously, pacing back and forth in place like a trapped beast.

Just when he was thinking about it, suddenly, the secret passage on the heavy armor was touched.

When a person is on heavy armor, even if he is connected to the fine net of heavy armor, it is difficult for his consciousness to cover all places, just like a person cannot always pay attention to which side of his hair is falling.

Yuan Yiren was taken aback, squinted his eyes and mobilized the fine net, and concentrated on looking at his secret passage. Then, his back froze suddenly, and he saw the little kingfisher, which should have been wiped out with the first machine, was rushing. To his secret laboratory!

An indescribable trembling instantly climbed up Gen Yiren's back, and at that moment, he almost felt fear.

It is impossible for the little kingfisher to fly directly from the No. 1 plane, unless he is a ghost. Yuan Yiren rubbed his eyes vigorously, and through the fine net, he saw with his own eyes the little beast running through the long and narrow corridor with all its tail and tail, running to a darker place. Looking up again, the locator has no response!

This is a trap!

No. 1 explosion, even leading them to jump here, is a trap!

Yuan Yiren took a photo of the first-level warning order inside the mecha, and an ominous scream echoed in the heavy armor: "Check the transmission and reception of the spare mecha, hurry up!"

"Sir, the vicinity of the transceiver is damaged and cannot be detected."

Yuan Yiren was furious: "Why didn't you report the damage earlier! You bastard, bastard! I don't even know if someone was infiltrated, so gather them all for me, search! Manual search!"

The pirates on the heavy armor quickly assembled, and the soldiers descended into the mail room of the mecha in three ways.

People dare not face the mecha directly. They are fully armed and drove their armored vehicles to the silent and unmanned spare mecha to send and receive. There are groups of mechas next to them. They are extremely depressed, and the needle drop can be heard.

The pirates stopped and cautiously searched for the aliens in the mech group

Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and the leading pirate trembled fiercely: "Be careful, back off!"

But it was too late.

In a very hidden corner, an inconspicuous little mech raised the missile launcher at the pirate group - it still had the last missile on it.

The missiles mounted on the mechs are interstellar weapons, which can blow up a city when they fall to the ground. Compared with them, all armors are slag.

The pirates were terrified: "Rewind! Rewind!"

"leave here!"

"No! The mailroom door is closed!"

"He took us as bait, Gen Yiren, I'll fuck your whole family—"


Yuan Yiren did not show up, but monitored the whole process through the mecha network. He was one step ahead of the unfortunate men he sent out to notice where the mecha Beijing was. Seeing that Beijing raised the missile launcher, it was confirmed that the man was in the small mecha. On, Yuan Yiren didn't care whether the bait was dead or alive, and quickly closed all the passages leading to the mecha mailing room. After locking, the spare mecha mailing room was unloaded from the heavy armor as a whole.

The next moment, the missile on Mecha Beijing was launched, and the entire Mecha mail room was penetrated. All the people above were spared. At the same time, the mail room was completely detached from the heavy armor, and the heavy armor was returned to him. Its two missiles and countless mechas parked in between were blown into ashes and exploded into a splendid fireworks.

Yuan Yiren's eyes were bloodshot: "Go to hell!"

After solving the serious problem of his confidant, Yuan Yiren turned to the little kingfisher who was eating inside and outside with bloody eyes. The little kingfisher had already broken into the secret laboratory and was anxiously slapping every nutrition cabin. He didn't know what happened just now. , just know that the terrifying grey-eyed man wants to destroy this mech.

Most of the monsters in the nutrition cabin are half-human, half-beast monsters. Most of them have lost their at least human nature. It was the largest and cleanest nutrition cabin, and there was a girl, blond and blue-eyed, as beautiful as an angel in an ancient painting. Her body was completely preserved and she was naked, with a pair of huge wings on her back. Snow-white feathers.

Even if the wings were forcibly grown, the human skeleton would not be able to fly at all. The person who made her was probably just out of distorted aesthetics. The heavy wings pressed the girl's spine deformity, and the roots could not last long. Covering her body with her wings, the exposed slender limbs were full of marks of being ravaged, but through the transparent glass door, she still squeezed out a small smile at the bird boy.

The bird boy chirped anxiously for a while, climbed into the nutrition cabin, and smashed the door lock with force, trying to drag the girl out. However, although he has no feathers, he has a bird bone, which is less than half the weight of a normal person. The girl is a standard human body. He has to add a pair of weight to catch up with her human wings, and directly crush the bird boy down. !

The girl's voice is weak, but she can still speak human words: "What happened?"

Bird Boy: "Chirp!"

"I don't understand," the girl reached out and pushed him, "Is there any danger? If there is danger, run away, leave me alone, you can't carry me!"

The bones of Bird Boy's body were trembling, his face turned purple in an instant, his bones and meridians seemed to pierce the skin, he shouted, and he staggered up with the girl on his back, walked out step by step, walked out But after ten meters, he staggered down again, and then got up again with difficulty.

The girl said into his ear, "You'll be caught by them!"

However, the blood vessels in Bird Boy's body were about to burst open, and his ears were filled with the sound of violent tremors of arteries, and he could hardly hear her words.

Just as he was about to approach the exit, a red light suddenly lit up in the laboratory, and all doors were locked.

The bird boy turned pale, knelt on the ground, crawled back and forth, trying to find the secret passage he once took Lin Jingheng through.

The sound of icy footsteps suddenly came, and the bird boy seemed to be frozen, and froze in place.

In the flickering fluorescence of the nutrition cabin, Yuan Yiren walked over with a gloomy expression, his hard-soled military boots stepped on the ground, making a "da-da" sound, and he held a laser gun in his hand.

"Very touching," Gen Yiren gently raised Bird Boy's chin with his toes, "There is also warm soil in the rough laboratory. Is there anything more like poetry?"

The bird boy and the girl with wings turned ashen.

Yuan Yiren looked at the bird boy and shook his head: "They presented you to me and told me that you were the only remaining masterpiece in the 'Nuwa Project' that year. So precious, I have always regarded you as a treasure, and I even allowed you to walk on the mecha."

"But every time the test comes, you let me down. It's really unfamiliar." He knocked the bird boy's forehead with the muzzle, then grabbed the girl's neck, "No matter how precious a pet is, it can't bite its owner. understand?"

Yuan Yiren's fingers tightened suddenly, the girl struggled desperately, the bird boy was stepped on the ground by Yuan Yiren's foot, and his limbs slid like a turtle, desperately watching the girl's struggle getting weaker and weaker, crying blood in his mouth. like screaming.

Yuan Yiren laughed out loud, and at this moment, his whole body suddenly froze, and a laser pierced his brain cleanly.

The girl who suddenly fell to the ground coughed violently, the bird boy looked up in disbelief, and saw a secret door that was pried open, Lin Jingheng indifferently put away the laser gun.

"I don't know what mecha remote driving is, you idiot." Lin Jingheng didn't even look at them, picked up the corpse of the original alien, searched it up and down with great disrespect, and dug out the heavily armored mech from his chest. A nuclear, "take over the fine net."

The pirates unknowingly changed the authority of the heavy armor, and Lin Jingheng immediately gave the first order. Before the small mechas following the heavy armor had time to repair their damage, a sharp alarm suddenly sounded together. When they got up, everyone didn't realize what happened. They had been swept away by the missile group launched by the heavy armor. The pirates may not be able to figure out why they would be killed by their immediate superiors after everything was settled. .

"Finally clean."

At this point, the first general of Prince Gloria, Yuan Yiren's mecha team was completely wiped out, not even a scum was left. When he moved, he simply sat on the ground at the entrance of the laboratory. As soon as his whole body relaxed, his consciousness immediately began to blur.

At this moment, Zhan Lu suddenly sounded the alarm: "Sir, detected"

Lin Jingheng's tinnitus was so severe that he really couldn't hear what he said after that.

A virus program hidden in the heavy armored net was suddenly activated - that was the last ghost of the Inhumans.

The chip implanted in the cadaver's brain stem was activated.

The corpse on the ground suddenly stood up straight, with a penetrating gunshot wound on its head. The whole figure was like a zombie, without thought or consciousness, and would only kill indiscriminately, holding up the laser gun and squirting wildly.

The girl with wings was the first to bear the brunt, and the whole person flew out like a blood flower that exploded.

The bird boy let out a piercing scream.

At the same time, the heavy armor started the self-destruction program!

Zhan Lu immediately turned into a protective shield to block in front of Lin Jingheng, Lin Jingheng twitched, barely got up, and stretched out a hand to the bird boy.

The bird boy just glanced at him, slammed on it, and brushed past Lin Jingheng's outstretched hand, he threw himself on Yuan Yiren's muzzle, pressed his heart against the laser muzzle, and the live-printed heart exploded. , set off a layer of fishy wind in the whole laboratory.

The small-scale blasting caused the corpse like a murder weapon to fall apart, and half of the chip flew out.

The broken head of the bird boy fell at Lin Jingheng's feet, his eyes were still open, as if he was looking at him, and he seemed to be looking at the distant starry sky.

Admiral Lin, those eyes seem to say - you are strong, but life is dignified.

"Sir, the self-destruction program of the mech is activated, and my shield can't last for a few minutes!"

Lin Jingheng's hand was hanging in the air, but he still didn't seem to come back.

Zhan Lu's protective cover was getting weaker and weaker. He made a decisive decision and used the last energy to turn it into an ecological cabin - exactly the same as the one Lu Bixing picked up back then, and could not help but wrap Lin Jingheng in it.

Lu Bixing was startled by the mecha's siren and raised his head suddenly.

By the way, Jingwang!

Like a hungry vulture, he roamed the entire mecha cemetery. All the mecha ports that still had weak human-machine responses were all picked up by him, "sewing and mending", barely covering the fine net on the small mecha. magnified ten times.

He was so anxious that he still refused to give up in the "unmatched" results again and again, and repeated the search operation repeatedly from different angles.

During the ninety-sixth operation, Lu Bixing finally found a clue with the intermittent signals.

He immediately activated the emergency jump!

However, just after the transition, he was greeted by an earth-shattering self-destruction. Lu Bixing pulled the speed of the mecha to the extreme, and the protective shield shrieked. He scolded and was about to withdraw.

At this moment, a familiar ecological cabin came into view.

Lu Bixing's pupils shrank suddenly, and he rushed up against the gunpowder without thinking, and forcibly fished.

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