
Chapter 79: So soft, so scorching


"Close the cabin—"

"Start adjusting the air pressure."

A mechanical sound rang out step by step in the mecha. Lin Jingheng thought that human beings were already untrustworthy enough, but he did not expect artificial intelligence to be equally unreliable!

He couldn't believe it. At the same time, he understood the meaning of Zhan Lu's words. For the first time, he clearly encountered Lu Xin's last words left to him more than 30 years ago, and he had mixed feelings. Before he had time to taste the complex taste of mixed feelings, he heard footsteps approaching, and Lin Jingheng slowly realized that Lu Bixing was pretending from the beginning, and Zhan Lu's food was not reported!

The mixed feelings were burned to ashes by anger, Lin Jingheng subconsciously pushed the door of the ecological hatch, intending to rub Zhan Lu into a pile of scrap metal, but fortunately, he was not completely dizzy, and immediately remembered that he had taken off the isolation suit, and he hurriedly returned. Retracting his hand, he snapped all the electronic locks in the eco-cabin.

Lu Bixing's footsteps stopped outside.

After a while, he heard Lu Bixing say in a very stable voice: "It's a little dizzy, Zhan Lu, your fine net is too wide, the heavy armor I have seen doesn't have such a complicated fine net, it's already shrunk. ?"

"Yes, it's an honor to serve you," Zhan Lu said. "In addition, Principal Lu, I don't recommend you to do this."

The eco-cabin, which was a fake experiment, was opaque, and Lin Jingheng was shocked when he heard it, because he couldn't see what Lu Bixing was doing outside.

Just listen to Lu Bixing's reasonable answer: "I have no other choice now, otherwise I can't control this crazy bastard. Do you have a recommendation? By the way, he locked the ecological cabin, how can I open it?"

Lin Jingheng: "Lu Bixing, you"

"Oh, yes." Lu Bixing's mechanical attainments are unparalleled, and he knows it right away. He immediately learned how to penetrate into all corners of the mecha without dead ends through Zhan Lu's fine network, and then used young scientists to use various networks in various networks. The stunt of sliding the door and picking locks in the communication world, with the master key of Zhan Lu, he broke the electronic lock of the ecological cabin three times and five times by two.

A series of popping "clicks" sounded, Lin Jingheng had no choice but to hold the hatch with both hands.

Lu Bixing tried to lift it up, and found that the last "manual lock" was actually quite difficult to open.

Lu Bixing: "Let go."

Lin Jingheng: "Go away!"

Lu Bixing sighed: "Don't you think the two of us are not good-looking? Like zombies and tomb robbers robbing coffin boards."

Lin Jingheng wished he could summon an isolated glass cover to cover Lu Bixing like the rose that cannot wither in a fairy tale. It made him feel a little nauseous, unable to speak for a while.

"Don't let go, okay." Lu Bixing didn't like to play arm wrestling with people, so he gave up quickly.

Afterwards, Lin Jingheng felt that the whole ecological cabin was moving, and was pushed by Lu Bixing for a while, and I didn't know where it was pushed. There was a buzzing sound next to it, and a strong light pierced through it. Lin Jingheng's pupils shrank suddenly, followed by The searchlight above the head of a tool robot looked in the opposite direction - Mr. Lu, a young scientist, as a great technician, never used violence. He commanded a group of small robots and dismantled most of the fuselage of the ecological cabin.

A hand stretched out to block the strong light on the robot's head. Lu Bixing drove the working little robot aside: "Don't look at his eyes, it will damage his eyesight."

one hand

Lu Bixing took off his isolation suit!

Lu Bixing's usual genial smile disappeared, the slightly upturned corners of his mouth were tight, and the backlit pupils were deep, like two light-absorbing black holes, then he bent over and leaned over, Lin Jingheng subconsciously retreated, the narrow ecology The cabin did not give him room to turn around.

Lu Bixing grabbed his wrist, the skin of the tentacles was terrifyingly hot, but it seemed to be fine, not to the point of rolling down a layer of skin at the slightest touch.

Lin Jingheng hardly moved his lips when he spoke, and his voice was pressed in his throat, as if he was afraid of leaking a bit of the virus's breath: "Are you crazy?"

Lu Bixing looked at him and thought that he was really good-looking. Even in a well-developed medical and aesthetics world where everyone could rely on their faces to eat, he must be considered outstanding. His facial features may not be flawless, but everything The echoes are just right, allowing people to speculate and taste for a long time.

But with such a sophisticated package, does it pack such a thing? Heart so cruel, so unreasonable.

According to history books, in those ancient times when the productive forces were backward, people had to live in groups in order to survive in order to obtain the minimum survival materials. Therefore, the order in the group was always greater than the human nature, and the condescending dictators never Lack of at least empathy, he does everything according to his own likes and dislikes and judgments, as if the people around him are a group of animals that only eat, drink and lazar, as long as they breathe, there is no sorrow or joy.

Judging from this feature, General Lin really has a classical temperament.

Lu Bixing bit his cheeks fiercely: "You are crazy."

He suddenly dragged Lin Jingheng out of the half-dismantled eco-pod - this is impossible in normal times. The raging rainbow virus and the small eco-pod helped him a lot. Lin Jingheng's legs were only removed. Half of the eco-cabin was stuck, and when he pulled it, the base hung above the waist, and the muscles of his arms that had been trembling ever since were completely uncontrollable. Lu Bixing grabbed his wrist and pressed him on the half-open eco-cabin. , and then captured the meanest lips in the entire league.

"Maybe he will kill him?" Lu Bixing's mind flashed the scene of Lin Jingheng kicking Yu William to bleed, but then, his thoughts were washed away by some powerful force, and his consciousness floated.

The lips are one of the places with the thinnest skin and the densest meridians on the body. Lu Bixing knew this common sense before, but he never realized what it meant.

It's like the first time a congenitally colorblind person sees the world in the eyes of others, and it's like the first time someone who is used to talking and chatting directly talks to an artificial intelligence on the fine net-innumerable sparks whizzed past him like a thread, The explosion caused flowers in front of him, the world turned upside down, and the sense of touch that he was accustomed to suddenly changed its definition. All the words he had talked about when he fooled Turan were all dead without a place to be buried.

It turned out that this person's lips were not as cold and expensive as he imagined.

It was so soft, so scorching.

Lin Jingheng was trapped by the unlucky eco-cabin, and when he tilted his head back, he was about to hit the eco-cabin. There was no way to avoid it. As soon as he raised his elbow, he landed on Bixing and rammed his paw into the eco-cabin door. When Lu Bixing released his hand, he pushed him away. Fear and shock were like two missiles exploding in his brain, and the "high-energy particle stream" generated by the tsunami swept over his body. soul.

The two suddenly separated, and then each fell into a strange silence.

It wasn't until Zhan Lu's voice came from the cabin: "Sorry, there will be video records of the last ten days on my fine network, and they will be automatically replaced and deleted later. Do you need to keep the previous section permanently?"

This voice called back two souls.

Lu Bixing's face turned red, he coughed dryly, and said with some stumbling: "No, no, thank you, Zhan Lu, I have a few words to say to him alone."

"Okay, Principal Lu," Zhan Lu turned into a manipulator that automatically moved away from them, and left a comment before leaving, "You are really more polite than Mr.

Lu Bixing: ""

Winning against Lin Jingheng in this regard is nothing to be proud of.

He was sitting on the ground, holding Lin Jingheng's wrist with one hand, and rubbing it lightly, Lu Bixing relaxed his legs: "Hey, General, if I was lucky enough not to be infected before, then there is the one just now. , this fluke should no longer exist, right? If I didn’t get infected because it wasn’t a fluke, but my physique was changed by the rainbow virus when I patched things together, then I might not be infected with a mutant virus, and I don’t need to be quarantined—whatever In which case, you have no reason to drive me away, right?"

It was very difficult for Lin Jingheng to breathe when he came here. He choked so hard with such a sentence, he coughed so hard that he couldn't speak.

Lu Bixing sighed, got up and lifted the cover on the ecological cabin, freeing Lin Jingheng so that he could sit.

Then, before Lin Jingheng yelled at him, he suddenly reached out and hugged him.

Lu Bixing bent slightly, wrapped his arms around Lin Jingheng's shoulders, folded them on his back, lowered his head and buried his face in his neck, took a deep breath, and slowly tightened his arms, as if entangling his prey The python: "General, do you have anything that you value in your life? Do you have anything to protect? You said that the Eighth Galaxy is a wilderness, and if necessary, consider abandoning the savages here, but I don't think it's right, right For you, the seventh galaxy, the sixth galaxy and even the capital star Votto, I am afraid there is nothing that cannot be discarded when it is 'necessary', right?"

Lin Jingheng was speechless.

"In this world, is there a planet or a place that you can't dream of, you can smell the smell of soil there in your dreams, and make you feel that no matter where you wander in this life, you must go back, and will you be there for the rest of your life? What? Relatives, friends, or even someone you have a crush on - I don't mind - can keep you thinking about it and make you worry that he will not live well after you leave, so no matter what, you have to struggle to get back to him, Would you like to take a good look at him?" Lu Bixing shook his head slowly, "Actually not? Lin, I think you are just used to being a general of the Alliance sometimes. When you encounter anything, just do whatever you want, even if you die. I'm dead, with a clear conscience, right? Even my dad, as a person, put his hopes of ending the troubled world partly on you, but he doesn't know it, and you don't want to take this responsibility at all."

Lin Jingheng: "I"

"I haven't said it yet," Lu Bixing interrupted him coldly, "if there is a problem, I will speak after class - you stunned me and planned to leave me in the mech to automatically return home, have you considered my feelings, hero Or in your eyes, I'm just a heartless idiot who doesn't care if I linger on?"

Lin Jingheng's eyes twitched slightly.

"Do you still think that when I said I like you, I just have nothing to do and have fun. Even if it is serious, it is very limited, and I will forget it in a few days, right?" Lu Bixing paused, raised the back of his hand, He rubbed lightly on his blood-stained face, as if he repeated the next words, swallowed them again and again, back and forth a few times, and then he said word by word, "But you are the first time I have done this. The person you like, can you be more serious, think carefully, and take a good look at me? Lin Jingheng, how can you do this?"

It is said that the food chain is like this - the timid are afraid of the daring, and the daring are afraid of death.

For a person like Lin Jingheng, it is rare to show a little bit of his own preferences. To confess his joys and sorrows is an unimaginable adventure. But like Lu Bixing, who expresses his feelings without reservation, Naji can say It's "don't die".

Therefore, he could not fight back and was defeated.

When Lu Bixing kissed him for the first time, he just touched his lips casually. The secondary reason was his awkward posture, and the main reason was that he was not familiar with the business, like a novice who hurriedly threw the dishes into the pot and forgot the recipe.

How it happened the second time is not clear, maybe it was because Lu Bixing was a little hypoxic, maybe it was the natural reaction of entangled eyes and breathing, this time he was like an ignorant cub, attracted by the smell, surrounded by The unseen mussels turned to and fro to test, and after tasting a little sweetness, they could chase the past and enter a new world.

Maybe it was the ecological cabin that numb Lin Jingheng's limbs, or maybe the mutant rainbow virus was too powerful for him to resist. For the first time since the army, General Lin realized what is meant by "defeat like a mountain".

He has a hard shell on his chest. He usually locks the things that he represses and refuses to face. He can't see or feel upset. Over time, he forgets it. He didn't expect to be pulled out by others rampantly. , The mess was spread all over the ground, the huge hole was blocked by the people who squeezed in, and the ice-sculpted city gates and bunkers seemed to be at the end of the road, and they began to melt as if they were surrendering.

"How can this be possible?" General Lin, who had never returned home and didn't know who to fight for, thought blankly, "This is not right."

On Venus, the Weasel, who knew exactly what the hell the Eight Galaxy was, got a batch of normal saline and sent a few self-defense team members in isolation suits to go door-to-door to "distribute antibodies", and at the same time lied without bottom line, claiming that "the original Antibodies take effect too quickly and cause a certain loss to the body. The 'antibodies' issued at this stage are brought back from other galaxies, which are milder and more harmless. If it is an infected person, it may take a week or even longer. It will recover slowly.”

The most effective prescription for treating chaos will be "hope". After one dose, all those who besieged the hospital went home honestly, and the residents listened carefully to the prevention methods at home. The disinfectant that can be mixed with artificial rainfall has been exhausted, and the Ninth Guard of Silver had to temporarily add a strong oxidant with a strong odor, so that the self-defense team members wore isolation suits and drove mecha vehicles to spray the ground along the street. The empty streets were temporarily empty. An illusion of order.

On Saturday, he was thoroughly disinfected in the disinfection room, took off his isolation suit, and was exhausted from the thickest layer of stubble he had ever had in his life. He didn't have time to eat, so he took a piece of nutritional cream and devoured it while walking.

"Where is Captain Turan?"

"In the dungeon."

Saturday answered with a sound, and walked quickly to the dungeon with a heavy heart.

The situation in the isolation room of the hospital is very bad. The residents of Galaxy City are generally poor in physical fitness. The number of deaths has been uncontrollable within 24 hours of the onset of the disease. If this continues, once the news leaks, the weasel's lies will inevitably be poked. break.

As soon as the elevator door opened, he heard a male voice not far away.

The man was a little weak, but his tone was calm: "I'm not lying, Captain of the Guard, my faith requires me to always be honest, with myself and with others. I was killed by them before the war for questioning their decision to form an alliance with the Glorious Legion. Put it under Prince Gloria, to be the so-called 'enlightenment' - not even a 'prophet', Kei was exiled, I don't know their military deployment in the alliance, and I don't know what happened outside the territory, human life is at stake , I just wanted to help."

Turan revealed her true form, too lazy to pretend to be a lady, and said with a sneer, "You cult cultists still know what 'human life is at stake'? Stop farting, no matter how dishonest, I'll let you list the top ten inventions of your pirates. The torture is brought out for you to taste!"

Hope seemed to sigh faintly: "The organization has been outside the realm for a long time, the beliefs have become more and more impure, and the things they have done have become more and more extreme. I am very sad, but our original teachings are not like this, captain of the guard, we just want to It's just a way of life for the future human beings."

Turan gave a sharp "ha".

"In a place like Galaxy City, where birds and flowers are fragrant all year round, all things can flourish, only people are hungry and cold, flies and dogs," Hope said softly, "Captain, don't you think this is wrong? I'm here to eliminate suffering And born, I will not take anyone's life lightly - instead of pressing me here, you might as well quickly think of other ways to solve this disaster."

Saturday's hurried footsteps stopped short.

Hope's last question was exactly what he thought about when he was searching for infected people in Galaxy City. The coincidental thoughts instantly resonated, which made him instantly have the urge to go in and protect Hope.

At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from behind. When he came back on Saturday, he saw Foucault's hair loose and smelled of disinfectant. It looked like he had just emerged from the isolation suit. Foucault came up without saying hello. He even asked like a cannonball: "On Saturday, does Captain Turan have any instructions for the next step?"

Saturday busy asking: "What?"

"There's a man whose child was sick in the isolation room. He pretended to be a pharmacy nurse and got in there—Damn it, the city-level hospital in fucking Galaxy City actually has manual medical care! The most important thing is that the child is dead. Yes. We don't have antibodies, and the patient in the isolation room can only wait to die, he knows!"

A lie is always a lie.

Had a chill on Saturday.

Outside the territory, the Freedom Legion and the anti-Ukraine Association base were still exchanging fire. Lu Bixing followed the hacked intranet and quietly landed on the broadcast that the Freedom Legion used to shout at the Anti-Ukraine Association base.

"This broadcast is on the ground of the base, and requires authentication and a key," Lu Bixing said, "There are quite a few traitors in the Anti-Ukraine Society. The Freedom Legion should have an internal response, so they sent some bait first, and cooperated with the internal response and the main force. Huyou left, and then come over to open the nest again, I'll go in."

A technician hiding in the dark is very dangerous. The Free Legion and Anti-Ukraine will fight indiscriminately. Lu Bixing has swaggered into the communication system of both sides.

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