
Chapter 90: No longer a warrior


The missile shot across the dark space like a shooting star, and the light spot of a mecha on the communication channel disappeared immediately. Cyclops made an emergency jump for the third time. He felt the protective gas hit his chest, and his eyes were black, and he almost fell from the fine net. , The nosebleed has come down - he thought, it's old after all.

Another emergency jump, he felt that he could probably die here on the spot.

One hundred and ninety-seven years old, still on the tip of the tail of the so-called "youth", there are no wrinkles on the face, not yet bald, and not yet fat, walking on the street, there will still be girls because of the hooked nose and the strange color. Pupil looked back at him, being deceived by his face, he couldn't tell that he was about to pass the preservation period.

He has seen the building rise and collapse, catch fire, and turn to ashes. He has been drunk for a hundred years, accompanied by wine, his muscles and the spirit of his chest quietly deserted him. He is no longer the one who waited for the moment. Young people.

"One-eyed eagle," Yu William's voice came from the communication channel, "they are catching up again!"

Their team was the old part of the Free Alliance Army, with a total of seventeen or eight people, driving ten small mechas - some people are no longer used to driving mechas, for safety reasons, two people have to take turns driving.

This group of middle-aged and elderly men did not come out to fight in groups. Before they came, they thought about a glass of wine in the spring breeze of Taoli, the night rain in the rivers and lakes for ten years, and they ignited the oil and heated the spatula. - Everyone's reminiscence often turns into alcoholism. After drinking hot wine, they hugged their heads and cried, and recalled the glorious years. The rest is only a piece of chicken feathers, and there is nothing to say except complaining.

Old, ideals withered along with the muscles, unable to hold such a huge lie in the eighth galaxy.

On the way back without success, when the demoralized old brothers suddenly detected the nearby mecha corps, the distance between the two sides was already less than 500 kilometers - this could not be an accident, because a corps of this size, if not Using technical means to hide themselves, even if the merchant ships and mechas in the past did not deliberately scan them, they would still be aware of them after half a sailing day.

The one-eyed eagle immediately let everyone evacuate at full speed, and at the same time sent out a call for help to the morning star, the ambush opened fire involuntarily, and shot down two of their small mechas in a flash, and refused to communicate, like a cat catching a mouse all the way. drove them to run.

No one knows why the other party ambushed them, who it was, and who betrayed their itinerary.

"No, Cyclops, they have heavy armor, and heavy armor can be scanned remotely using the transition point, and it can't be thrown away! When will the support arrive?"

"Look at the star map for yourself to see how far this ghostly place is from the gods," the one-eyed eagle raised his sleeves to wipe off his nosebleed. "Damn support, you can only come here as a corpse collection team, save yourself!"

"What are these people doing? Let's play?" Someone asked on the communication channel. "I said, let's not surrender strategically first."

Cyclops let out a breath out of his nose, holding his breath to death, but felt that the proposal made sense.

The old arms dealer is not a martyr who would rather die than surrender. Although he has a fiery temper, he can definitely bend and stretch at the critical moment, leaving the Qingshan in fear of running out of firewood. He still doesn't know who betrayed them. Willing to. Besides, in the face of such a large army, even if these old people kneel down, it will not be ashamed, and surrender is nothing.

In fact, this place is not far from the underground channel that Sister Smelly drives to the outside world. There are two sections of the underground channel of Sister Smelly. One is the road from the Eight Galaxy to the base, which was discovered by accident by the guard of Prince Gloria. There is another section. It was from the base to the outside world. In order to store reserve materials, it was later used by Baiyin Jiu once. The residents of the base and the materials in the distance were slowly transferred to the morning star. The guards of Prince Gloria were completely wiped out by Lin Jingheng, and no one but their own people knew about the underground passage leading to the outside world.

All the transition points in the underground channel are encrypted, and it is difficult for people without a hidden map to identify the direction in it for a while, and they may be able to escape there.

However, this thought flashed in Cyclops's mind, and then disappeared again, because the underground channel was still a long way from here, and unfortunately, it happened to be the direction that the enemy mecha was flanking over. Break through once, just the old, weak, sick and disabled, let alone forcibly break through, let them make an emergency jump, and they can all perform collectively and die on the spot.

Cyclops: "Not really"

Before he could express his position, Yu William categorically refused on the communication channel: "Impossible!"

Although they were all members of the Free Alliance Army in the past, the members of the "Freedom Alliance Army" are all over the eighth galaxy. The places where they fought were different back then, and they never fought side by side with each other. Cyclops knows many people because of his years. There is a wide range of people in business, and usually everyone uses the "Freedom Alliance" as a stepping stone to get close to each other, which is somewhat similar to the relationship between the "Classmates Association" and the "Hometown Association".

Among the people who came out together this time, only two or three were old comrades of the one-eyed eagle. The others were all comrades-in-arms of comrades-in-arms, relatives of comrades-in-arms, etc., and they got to know each other through the outbreak of this variant rainbow virus. Even with a bit of unfamiliar politeness, just like William's hammer, he spoke in the same tone to their mummy chief.

Yu William righteously criticized the person who proposed to surrender: "Have you forgotten the oath that you swore to be a soldier? You must be a coward, and I will never surrender!"

There was silence in the communication channel for a moment, and then there was a lot of chatter and mud.

"Inspector Yu, I understand your mood, but we have to be objective."

"Can't we still bear it if we don't surrender? We can't bear it!"

"Soldiers don't surrender, but we are no longer soldiers."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm the No. 3 plane, and my partner driver has passed out. If I continue to run like this, I'll be fast. Let's be realistic, old brothers!"

"Change the pilot of plane 4, my blood pressure is too high to stand it!"

The one-eyed eagle cleared his throat: "Inspector Yu"

Yu William interrupted him coldly: "If they don't do it, it's not impossible for me to surrender, but they first shot to destroy our two mechas. There are four brothers in there, are they dead in vain?"

Inspector Yu seized the moral commanding heights this time, and the others couldn't answer, so they had to shut up temporarily. They all felt that this William Yu was a fool. He thought he had a long life. , I have to drag a few more backs. If I knew this, when he was infected with the rainbow virus, he should have been rotten into soup.

At this time, on the communication channel, the signal on plane 6 flickered, and a person nicknamed "Grey Wolf" said, "I brought the people on plane 2 and plane 7, the driver on plane 2 just now. The staff is his wife and brother, I know you are not familiar with them, and in an emergency, as a relative and friend, I should be qualified to represent the deceased - Cyclops, we will talk about avenging the dead later, and now it is important to save the lives of the living."

The one-eyed eagle descended the donkey: "Well, indeed, mourning missiles, disperse!"

He suddenly gave a warning, his voice fell, and everyone dispersed like a bird in a panic. Immediately, a long-range missile smashed over like a hydrangea. This was a tracking missile. After being dodged, it immediately detected the surrounding energy fluctuations, re-locked the target, and flew fast in the air. The ground spun around, turned around again, and headed straight for the slowest plane, No. 9.

Luo# Xia# Xiao# Say# ?? #

In the moment of passing by, the Cyclops' mecha detected the model "toc-rv230" of the tracking missile, which was produced by the Sixth Military Factory of the Union Military Commission.

The one-eyed eagle's pupils shrank, but it was too late to think about the other party's origin: "Open anti-missile, still stunned, can you run past the missile!"

The locked plane No. 9 quickly activated the anti-missile system and fired a missile to intercept the opponent. Unexpectedly, under the tension, the intercepting missile made a mistake and missed the pilot before aiming at the driver!

You must know that intercepting missiles is different from actively launching missiles. Because of the anti-missile system, the aiming is automatic, the computer is locked, and the driver can issue a launch command. Even a fool can’t miss it with a little training. The one-eyed eagle almost fell. His imagination was limited, and he really couldn't understand how the interception went wrong.

The enemy's firepower is ferocious and well-equipped, and it is like falling. Our pig teammates can't even make a semi-automatic fool operation!

One-eyed Hawk remembered for no reason what someone said on the communication channel just now - we are no longer soldiers.

It's really ironic, mixed feelings.

The panicked plane No. 9 was chased by the tracking missiles, but Yu William rushed up and blocked the tracking missile with a missile. The missile fragments exploded everywhere, like a raised handful of broken sand.

One-eyed Eagle Heart said, "Fuck it."

As the leader, he decided to ignore the strong-willed Inspector Yu and surrendered on behalf of the majority.

He once again sent a communication request to the enemy not far away. At the same time, he used the mecha to send a special summation signal. Next, according to interstellar practice, they should automatically jump off the fine net and hand over control of the fine net. Disarm harmless.

As soon as the signal was sent here, and before the disarm command was issued, the "Middle-aged and Senior Professional Surrender to Heaven" led by Cyclops scrambled to jump off the fine net. After jumping out of the fine net, it automatically disconnected from the internal communication channel. , there is no one else in the communication channel except Inspector Yu and the old Persian cat himself!

One-eyed eagle: "No, let me call 'ready to jump' anyway?"

Yu William, the only listener left in the communication channel, said coldly, "When I was a hundred and fifty years younger than I am now, I would never have imagined that I would be dragged to my knees and begged for mercy by my companions in such an embarrassed manner."

The one-eyed eagle was too lazy to get to know him in general, and smiled bitterly: "Don't be a hundred and fifty, if I could be a hundred years younger, I would be with them today—you jump first or I jump first?"

Yu William fell silent, it seemed that he planned to die hard to the end, the opponent's mecha group had already pressed up, and the one-eyed eagle couldn't control him, he sighed silently: "Prepare to disconnect the essence"

However, at this moment, the No. 9 and No. 3 units next to him suddenly changed their orbits.

If the driver disconnects the fine net by himself, the mecha will become unmanned. This operation is obviously artificial, and the enemy should be the fine net that has already controlled the two small mechas.

The silent Yu William suddenly said loudly: "Wait, be careful!"

The one-eyed eagle raised his head abruptly. From Jingwang's perspective before he had time to disconnect, he saw that the No. 3 and No. 9 machines, which had modified their orbits, were speeding up as if they were sick. Then they bumped into each other!

At the same time, the communication request from Cyclops was rejected again!

Not only did the other party not accept the surrender, but they also planned to make fun of them like a child playing with bugs and then put them to death!

The one-eyed eagle scolded a swear word, and yelled at William Yu in the communication channel: "Number three!"

Yu William understood, the two of them deployed the fine net at the same time, covering the accelerating plane 3, and robbed the fine net of plane 3. There were two pilots on the third plane. This meeting obviously realized that something was wrong, and the four people crashed into the person at the same time. Machine-to-machine interface, a short-term local advantage squeezed the enemy who occupied the third machine out of the fine net.

Afterwards, Cyclops and Yu William quickly withdrew, and the driver who regained Jingwang's authority slammed into the brakes.

The people on the other mechas also came back, panicking and trying to retake the fine net.

The small lights in the communication channel that had just been silent just now light up and go out, like a dying firefly.

As the decision maker, Cyclops is to blame for this situation. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he first sent the coordinate map of the underground channel to Yu William and No. 3 aircraft, and then suddenly accelerated, as if he had never had a head fly. No. 9 and No. 3 passed through, opened the way with missiles, and rushed straight into the enemy camp. The mecha corps that surrounded them spread out in a hurry, and opened a large net, intending to net him in it, and the 360-degree particle muzzle of the Cyclops opened fire at the same time.

And Yu William and the pilot of No. 3 aircraft who had just regained his authority seemed to have a good relationship with him, and they suddenly made an emergency jump while he was attracting enemy firepower.

A small mecha tried to cover his companions to escape, and the enemy ambush responded immediately. The heavily armored fine net ran over the transition point, re-locked the two small mechas that had fled, and immediately split into two teams to chase after each other. , Cyclops heard a loud noise from the direction of the flank of the mecha, and chose to leave part of the body without thinking. The next moment, the hit engine room exploded, and the backup energy system was also smashed by enemy missiles. Cyclops was in the dense In the artillery fire, the speed of the mecha was increased to the extreme, and a blade-like arc was drawn, which pulled the enemy's encirclement into a long line.

At this time, due to the sharp change of the relative positions of the mechas, some of the fine nets that were originally covered with each other were quickly separated, and the pressure of the small mechas who were robbed of the fine net rights by the enemy suddenly eased, and the comparison of two pilots was dominant. , took the lead in regaining the authority of Jingwang, without any instructions, you can start an emergency jump in the third direction, to maximize the dispersion of the enemy's forces, the fourth machine, the sixth machine, and the eighth machine.

The eight small mechas that were gathered together ran in seven directions, and only one small mecha sacrificed himself and stayed in the encirclement to contain the firepower. In the face of such a small group of rogues that were scattered like sand, the enemy army also responded quickly, shrinking the forces that were tracked separately, and only caught one.

The one-eyed eagle was the master and sent a peace signal for everyone. At this time, he held the firepower for everyone. At first glance, he looked like a leading person in charge. The enemy no longer used missiles, and surrounded him in the middle, overwhelming high-energy particle cannons. Clashing against his protective shield, the fine net was pressed down, and he was about to be caught alive.

Cyclops injected himself with a large dose of soothing agent without hesitation, feeling that every inch of muscle was being stirred by the blade, but the man-machine match was still declining under the pressure.

Legend has it that a guerrilla attack method of the Free Alliance Army was called "Wild Wolves" - when they were at an absolute disadvantage, a small group of people were left as bait, and they rushed to the enemy suicidal, to contain the enemy's firepower for their companions, and fight for one. At the moment of the emergency jump, other people took the opportunity to flee in all directions. If the enemy commander was cautious enough, he would abandon those single mechs that fled and concentrate on eating the "bait". After the rout mecha that passed the emergency jump escaped the tracking, it immediately turned around and harassed the enemy from all directions. Everyone cooperated with a shot to change a place, so that the "bait" surrounded by the middle had a chance to escape.

But this "wild wolf pack" is destined to be a legend most of the time, because the emergency jump will send them far away, and after the mecha team disintegrates, the internal communication channel will also be disconnected and lost. And everyone knows the near-death taste of an emergency jump in the artillery fire. Once the escaped person gets rid of the pursuers, he will finally surface like a drowning person. Unless the person trapped in the encirclement must be rescued, or let him They risked their lives to return, almost inhumanely.

How do you know that those who escape will come back

What if only you went back stupidly and everyone else ran away

And if the person trapped in the siege is really important, everyone would not agree to let him be this dangerous bait in the first place. What's more, this kind of single-player guerrilla has really high requirements for mecha operation.

Anyway, the one-eyed eagle has no hope, not to mention whether the surrendering elements are willing to come back to save him, even if they are, can they fight a high-intensity guerrilla based on their physical fitness and mecha quality

So he simply gave out the route map of the underground channel before parting.

In this lifetime, rounding up to two hundred years is almost the same.

An alarm came from the arsenal, the missile had been emptied, and the energy of the high-energy particle cannon was insufficient.

Cyclops thought optimistically, it seems that the other party does not necessarily intend to kill him, otherwise he will be bombarded with high-energy particle cannons as soon as they meet each other. , leaving a few broken-down prisoners, and then arresting them and threatening the people behind them.

However, it was impossible for these people to think that the armed force behind them was Lin Jingheng, that boy with a heart of stone, he wouldn't even bother taking his own father as a threat, let alone others.

The one-eyed eagle thought about it, and felt a little funny, and felt very sorry for these thankless enemies. His temple was in severe pain, the mecha sounded an alarm, the match between man and machine had dropped to 51%, and he would be deprived of the fine net right immediately, and the sight of the one-eyed eagle began to blur. Looking through the armor's music library, I wanted to find out if there was any Legion Song of the Free Alliance Army back then, but he was already at the end of his streak, and he couldn't even do this simple operation.

Human-machine matching degree is 51%, 50%—

Continuous descent alert —

Jingwang is about to leave the alarm—

From the morning star to the location of the Cyclops' final coordinates, there are nearly forty sailing days.

When Aresfeng discovered their long-distance patrol team on Saturday at the periphery of the base, the distance between the patrol team and the base of the stinky sister was about a dozen sailing days. Twenty hours.

And this time, if it dragged on for another 20 hours, it would really be a corpse collection team.

So the self-defense team members who joined the army for the first time after merging with Baiyinjiu felt what was called "alliance elite".

The original self-defense team received a soothing agent before departure, only as a backup driver, and the entire emergency march was led by people from Baiyin Jiu. As soon as the marching route came out, it was almost silly on Saturday—the regular jump route needs to be worn. There are more than 90 transition points, but this route has less than 30 transition points.

"How did this happen?" Saturday couldn't help but ask, "With such a long transition, the energy at the transition point is not enough to send us to the next channel!"

"Have you ever heard of a 'cross jump'? Every mech today carries two extra backup power sources, because we need to activate an emergency jump-like operation when crossing the jump point, energy stacking, 'boom' - "Driving The staff patted him on the shoulder, "Enjoy the roller coaster, brother!"

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