
Chapter 95: Why haven't I seen you like this before


The engineering team has two main tasks this time, the first is to evaluate the current environment of the three planets bombed by Prince Gloria, and the second is to repair the transition point based on the old interstellar transport channel. At the same time, in the era of war, Safety is also the number one priority. Their initial plan was to set up multiple military fortresses in the eighth galaxy, so that if an accident occurs at any point on the waterway, and after a quick alarm, the nearest military fortress will be able to jump to it immediately. There will be no more long-distance rescues that delay fourteen hours. Under the circumstance that the scale of armed armaments and troops are very limited at present, the preliminary planning and design must be very precise, so the captain of the Guard Elizabeth Turan personally accompanied him.

Continuous space operations, from the escorts to the engineering team, all covered in blank circles.

On the way back to the voyage, Captain Turan's exasperated voice sounded on the mecha broadcast: "Mr. Lu, the mecha steering and positioning are now in poor contact, what's the matter! What did you all do to my little baby last night? Mechas on the way, you guys. Dare to move, is it because of desire and dissatisfaction that you are mad!"

Lu Bixing got out of the small bedroom on the second floor of the engine room, and reprimanded several students with a serious face: "White, are you a few of you! I'm in trouble again, so hurry up and help!"

White: ""

The primary school term for several of them was extended because Lu Bixing believed that the concept of "primary mecha" had practical significance.

The night before, Lu Bixing was given the right to drive the mecha. The daring teacher Lu supported Jingwang and asked the students to dismantle the power system and main control board of the mecha. The human-computer interaction device, half of the analysis, Lin Jingheng had something to do with the mecha contact terminal. Teacher Lu's on-site teaching was interrupted immediately. The teacher lost his mind and skipped class temporarily. .

The teacher's cauldron can only be carried, and the cockfight covered White's mouth from behind, and took the winless dead house away.

Lu Bixing straightened his collar like a man, came to the small bar, and nodded to Hope, who was watching the excitement: "These children are getting more and more courageous, and they can't control them anymore. I'm laughing."

Hope, the former anti-Ukrainian prophet, is also on this mech.

Lin Jingheng and the others were able to safely retrieve the antibody of the mutant rainbow virus. This stick is a great contributor. Even under the legal system of the alliance, the merits and demerits can be offset by the net. Of course, he cannot be locked up any more.

Hope didn't mean to return to anti-Ukraine for the time being, and at the same time he knew that people like Lin Jingheng couldn't be expected to have any gratitude. So Hope proposed to bail out some anti-Ukrainian believers who have never done anything bad, and consciously accept strict supervision. Except for taking a shower and going to the toilet, there are electronic cameras to follow. Place an order. And give play to his specialties, responsible for the management of ecological agriculture, similar to labor reform.

The anti-Ukrainian Society has a high level of environment-friendly ecological agriculture, with unique production efficiency and product quality. The first thing that the Eight Galaxy has to solve is the problem of food and clothing. This time, Hope brought the first batch of crops to the inspection. Like back to the star to do quality inspection.

Hope smiled, didn't expose him, and took out a slightly cloudy glass bottle: "I brewed it myself, it's not filtered, it doesn't look very good, and the taste is okay, can you try it?"

Lu Bixing readily accepted—the route map showed that they were less than a day away from the Venus base. Since the Cyclops and the others were ambushed, a series of events made him run around non-stop, he was busy with construction, Lin was suspected of being armed by the Freedom Legion, and the two people's schedules have always been wrong, gathering less and more, he hasn't seen each other for a long time I have passed Lin Jingheng, and I look forward to humming a song on the spot, not to mention a glass of self-brewed wine that does not sell well, even if Hope pours him a glass of foot wash, he can drink it in a breeze.

As soon as he entered it, he found that the taste of this thing was very special, and it was not bad. Lu Bixing was a lively and outgoing person, and he never hesitated to express his appreciation: "Why is it so delicious, is there anything else?"

"Different bacteria, different grains, and micro-environmental changes will produce different tastes, and each mouthful is unique," Hope said immortally, "I still have some, but the taste is the same as this bottle. There may be a slight difference, if you don't mind this, I'll go back and send you two bottles."

Hope, as long as he opens his mouth, every punctuation mark will circle around to sell his three views, and he can turn small talk into a mission if he is not careful. He is also a talent.

Lu Bixing pretended not to understand what he meant: "It doesn't matter, I grew up on nutrition cream, and my tongue is not so tricky."

Hope nodded: "Although nutritional cream and nutritional injections hinder people's taste of food, they have indeed saved many lives."

In fact, nutritional cream and nutrition are healthier for the human body. They are ideal meal replacements in places such as the military that have high physical and physical requirements. However, it does forcefully change the natural eating habits of human beings, and has always suffered from food hobbies. In response to criticism from critics and technology critics, Lu Bixing did not expect that the "prophet" of the Anti-Ukraine Society could accept meal replacements, and looked up at him in surprise.

"Do you think we're all lunatics who oppose social development?" Hope laughed, but then he sighed again, "It makes sense for you to think so, there are indeed many people in the organization who are like this, for the sake of anti-technology. Technology has never explored the logic behind this, something that abandons the basic ideological system, and when it goes to the extreme, it is easy to change the taste."

Lu Bixing didn't know what to comment—Isn't Anti-Ukraine an extreme cult organization

"In the beginning, we just wanted people to stop, reflect on themselves, and not be ruined by their own arrogance and impulsiveness," Hope said sternly, "Human civilization, which seems to be impregnable, is actually like a ship leaking from all sides. The wreck of the ship, if you don't keep your guard up, it will slide recklessly into darkness and abyss."

Lu Bixing nodded in agreement: "For example, now."

"Like now," Hope said, "the great interstellar age, the great Eden network that devours people's souls, the great interstellar chrono-heavy armor that can carry weapons to destroy an entire planet, and all are fighting, and all are In the direction of destruction, you look at these people with different positions, and they will all end up with the mud. That's why we are against weapons of mass destruction, against excessive intervention in nature, and against too much dependence on man-made products."

Lu Bixing took another sip of rice wine. It was the first time he drank this kind of hand-brewed wine. The mouth was very mild, but it was very textured when it sinks into the stomach. , a bit bitter, but more special on the contrary.

Hope said: "How great was the declaration of freedom of the Alliance back then. In less than three hundred years, the life of a mortal has not yet passed, and it has fallen to this point. Why? Does it have nothing to do with the Garden of Eden? As soon as the Garden of Eden was destroyed, someone immediately targeted It spreads drugs. I heard that they have already spread to the eighth galaxy, and many people will be destroyed in the future. Isn’t this the crystallization of human wisdom? We have heard the bell of hell, but we have not repented and continued to slide down. It's true that there are some lunatics in the organization who have the right to speak, but isn't the alliance crazy? Isn't the Garden of Eden crazy? You can't think they're normal just because they're lunatic and loud."

"You're right," Lu Bixing nodded noncommittally, "maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong, maybe in the future, in the history we are in, you have short-lived foresight, and in the future In a longer period of time, you have become short-sighted people ridiculed by future generations. Along the long river of history, you see different scenery from every angle. I don’t know if I should agree with you, because I Being able to live for two or three hundred years is amazing, and this life and death is not enough to verify a conclusion."

Hope: "Humble."

"There's no way," Lu Bixing spread his hands, "my job is to keep trying and making mistakes, keep brimming with enthusiasm for new ideas, and then try to deny it by myself. After a long time, my views on 'right and wrong' will be much more conservative, occupational disease. At the same time, I also think that belief is a very good thing, especially in this age where people change their way of life every five to ten years and the average life expectancy is as long as 300 years, it can guard your wisdom and prevent you from lose oneself."

"Mr. Lu thinks this way, which makes me a little impressed."

"But Mr. Hope," Lu Bixing asked him, "if you fight for your position, point of view, or even interests, as time goes by, your position can be changed, opinions can be overturned, and interests can be weighed and given up, all of which can be wrong. , and mistakes can also be corrected and started again without hurting your bones. But beliefs are different. I think beliefs must be transformed, not too close to the world, and not involved in the conflicts of the world, because it is either forever and absolutely correct. , or face a total collapse, but the dynamic development of human civilization, twists and turns, nothing can always be right, if one day, you find yourself going the wrong way, what should you do? Are you collapsed, or are you like those who go crazy It's the same, harming others and harming yourself, obsessed?"

Hope was silent for a long time and nodded slowly: "You are right - but Mr. Lu, there is a saying, I don't know if you have heard of it, 'human beings originated from belief'."

Lu Bixing replied: "Humanity will also be destroyed by faith."

These two are full of fallacies and heresy, and if they disagree, they will brainwash people. They get together to wash each other, like two raccoons rubbing each other. of sympathy.

At this time, White's hesitant voice came from the mecha broadcast: "Mr. Lu, this question is a bit complicated, can you come over?"

Lu Bixing put down the wine glass, said "tsk", and said to Hope, "For traffic safety, I have to clean up the mess for the bear children."

Hope nodded, and then suddenly asked, "Mr. Lu, do you have faith?"

Lu Bixing paused, just about to say that he is a scientific worker who likes to look at problems from multiple angles, but he didn't say anything, but inexplicably remembered the man who propped up the nursing cabin and held his hand that day.

After many days, the scene of that day still reappeared in his dream, which was quite unforgettable.

No, he thought, returning home is a bit like a rocket.

Lu Bixing stumbled on the tip of his tongue, went out, and blurted out: "Yes."

They arrived in the atmosphere on the evening of the morning star. As soon as they approached, they received a dispatch signal from the mecha transceiver station—a large number of military mechas will depart from the fourth channel outside the Galaxy City in three hours. Please take off and land nearby. The mecha pilots turned on the automatic navigation system and paid attention to dodging each other.

"Ouch," Turan glanced at Lu Bixing with schadenfreude because his anger had not subsided, "clearing the way three hours earlier, why? With such a big commotion, wouldn't the general go out in person, it seems that some people have no luck? "

Lu Bixing dismantled other people's mechas the day before, violating at least a dozen interstellar traffic laws. He had nothing to say and touched his nose embarrassingly.

"We are poor," said Turan, shaking his head, "the head of the family has to go out hunting all day long to make a living, and he doesn't even have a marriage leave—hey, right, Mr. Lu, I've wanted to interview you for a long time, what does it feel like to sleep until Lin Jingheng feeling?"

The mecha was bumped by the airflow on the way down, and Lu Bixing almost choked on his saliva.

Turan laughed, patted him, and touched his flat shoulder: "It's not so good, right? It's normal to not be so, I said why don't you stay with him. Tell you, These bright-looking 'Flowers of the High Ridge' don't taste very good. Either they can't let go or they can't live well. They're used to being served, and they can't take care of other people's feelings. You don't even know how to cover you with a quilt when you go to smoke, right?"

Lu Bixing didn't want to discuss such obscene topics with the old hooligan, so he could only laugh quietly without saying a word, and said in his heart: You told me to be boring last time.

The mecha began to pass through the clouds. Taking advantage of the loud noise, Turand asked him loudly, "My little drug to cheer up the fun, do you want to try it?"

Lu Bixing pressed his ears, pretended not to hear, and decided to report her when he went back.

Mechas are very busy, and it is strange to say that the biochip sellers of the Freedom Legion are so obsessed with the eight galaxies for some reason, like flies, trying to infiltrate every three days, they are beaten to the north and can't find them, and they appear again after a while. This time, the scouts followed the clues and found their command center and armament supplies in the eighth galaxy, which were suitable for robbery, so Lin Jingheng deliberately ordered a dozen transport ships to accompany them. Transport ships do not have the high mobility of mechas, so they need to be loaded on orbit.

Usually at this time, Lin Jingheng would sit in the command center of the mecha platform. Lu Bixing slipped out of the engineering team without knowing it and went straight to the command center. He planned to see Lin Jingheng as soon as possible before they set off. From a distance, he saw a solemn-looking one-eyed eagle patrolling the entrance of the command center, smoking a cigarette, and standing at the entrance of the Mandarin Duck Hotel, ready to sweep away pornography.

Lu Bixing's molars hurt a bit, and he took advantage of the various large equipment in the mecha to hide, and began to think about how to bypass the one-eyed eagle. Behind him was a small mecha parked on the periphery of the mecha. As soon as Lu Bixing's back touched the hatch, the hatch slipped open unexpectedly. Lu Bixing didn't take precautions and stumbled half a step under his feet, before he had time to stabilize , a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from the cabin door, covered his mouth with one hand, and dragged him in.

Lu Bixing: ""

The green fine net fell, the cabin door was locked from the inside, and the lights in the cabin dimmed with the driver's intention. Lu Bixing was shocked to see that Lin Jingheng, who should be at the command post, was close at hand, and the reflection in his eyes was reflected in his eyes. With the bright light of Jingwang, it is simply a classic cheating scene in the movie.

Lu Bixing's heart rate soared to 180, and his ears were about to gasp.

Lin Jingheng moved his palm away from his mouth, frowned and said, "Why do you have such an annoying dad? This menopause has been going on for hundreds of years."

Lu Bixing sneered: "Why don't you just hide me in the mecha and steal it."

Lin Jingheng raised his eyebrows expressionlessly, as if thinking about the feasibility of this matter carefully: "Alright, this mecha will be incorporated into the third team, after leaving the atmosphere, you can report the fault and go to the third team directly, I will Tell Zhan Lu to shut up."

Lu Bixing was afraid that he would take the joke seriously, so he quickly said, "Don't, don't, President Edward must be crazy."

Lin Jingheng looked at him for a while. At first, his eyes were like a lion revolving around raw meat, but gradually, a little smile appeared in the corners of his cold eyes.

Only then did Lu Bixing realize that the serious General Lin was actually teasing him, he raised his hand and pushed Lin Jingheng away, and pressed the person against the mecha door: "Okay, General, full of mouths like this, full of things like that - what happened before? Didn't you see that kind of person you were?"

Lin Jingheng was ready to go out. Although his gloves were in his pockets, his uniform was meticulous. Wearing this extra serious outfit and doing extraordinarily unserious things, Lu Bixing's heart was hot, and he suddenly remembered the hooligan that Turan poured into his ears before he landed. With those words, the report of the captain of the guard was thrown into the clouds for a while, and his eyes slowly fell on Lin Jingheng's neckline, giving birth to a bold desire.

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