Imperial Chef Rookie

Chapter 14


I returned to the residence in the carriage, entered the garden, passed the master's room on the way, and found that the light in his room was still on. I was thinking about whether to go in and say hello, but when I was standing at the door hesitant to knock, he opened the door first.

"Xiran... are you back?" It seems that the master didn't expect to bump into me head-on, and he was a little embarrassed, as if he was deliberately waiting for me to come back.

"Yes, master, what can you do for me?" I said respectfully.

"Xiran, do you still remember the last time you entered the palace, you told me that you wanted to know the cause of your father's death? I have considered for a long time whether to tell you, but now I still think you should have the right to know, you can do whatever you want Master, come in, let's sit and talk."

The master seemed to have made a lot of determination before he decided to tell me and called me into the room.

After he closed the door, I sat at the table and watched the candles flicker, so I insisted on knowing whether this history is good or bad for me

"Xi Ran, you only know that your father is Da Qi's imperial cook, but do you know that he was also that Dayan's prime minister?"

When I heard him say this sentence, I immediately felt a thunderbolt, and my whole body was greatly shocked.

The master glanced at me, walked slowly to the window, and began to talk, and my thoughts seemed to go back to the past slowly following the master's narration...

It turned out that the master and my father were good friends who grew up together. They were officials in the same dynasty, and later became brothers in the same school.

He said that my father was gifted and intelligent since he was a child, as if there was nothing in this world that he didn't know. In his impression, my father's life has always been smooth. At the age of twenty, he became the youngest prime minister recorded in the entire history of Dayan.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Three years later, Da Qi led his troops to attack Dayan, and the army pressed down on the border. Yan was short of troops and lost to the enemy.

Seeing the master's dejected look, recalling this past event must have made him feel uncomfortable.

Later, the emperor and the remaining ministers led the people of Dayan to flee to the south, and waited for an opportunity to recover the country of Yan and return to their homeland. But the great Qi is so powerful, how easy is it to overthrow it? So the emperor issued an order, ordering him and my father to go together to learn art from a teacher, so that they could sneak into the imperial dining room in the palace to assassinate the emperor of Daqi, and regain the throne and territory for Dayan.

Everyone pinned their hope of finally recovering Dayan on them.

In this way, they began to learn from a master. It was at that time that I met Gu Xin, the daughter of an expert, their junior junior sister, and my mother.

The master said that when they met my mother for the first time, they both liked her at the same time. The days when the three of them learned art together was the best time in his entire life. When mentioning my mother, there was a little tenderness in the master's eyes that is rarely seen, and the tone of his speech became more and more gentle.

After that, they studied with the master for two years. During those two years, his performance was mediocre, but my father was appreciated by the master because of his talent in cooking, and also won my mother's heart.

So the expert betrothed my mother to my father. Although he was unwilling, but he and my father were good friends, so how could he destroy them, so he chose to bless them silently.

When the master said this, I suddenly understood why he has not married a single wife and a concubine for so many years. It turned out that he had always had my mother in his heart. I continued to listen carefully as he continued to speak.

Master, he took a sip of tea and continued to talk.

After my father and mother got married, the master always advised my father to give up the idea of revenge and take my mother away. But every time this time, it will make the two of them unhappy, and finally break up unhappy. My father said that the master was so happy that he didn't want to leave, and he forgot the purpose of coming here in the first place.

And he knows that my father has always remembered the mission of recovering Dayan in his heart. As the prime minister of Dayan, he can't let go of the country's hatred and family feud.

But the longer the master stayed here, the more he felt that everything had become a thing of the past and returned to dust. He didn't want to start any more wars, and he didn't want to break this hard-won tranquility.

"Master, how did my father get killed?" I couldn't hold back my curiosity, and started to ask.

"Yeah, I couldn't persuade your father after all. But I couldn't bear to leave him alone to take risks. It would be too inhumane. So I had to go into the palace with him. He is a good cook. It didn't take long. He became a popular person beside the emperor."

"What about you?"

"At that time, my culinary skills were only suitable for being a small cook in the imperial dining room. That year, when he saw the time was right, he insisted on poisoning the emperor's meals. After I found out, I kept dissuading him from giving up, even if he could use □□ (du yao) ) and meals are perfectly integrated. But in case of failure, what should you do with your pregnant mother? But he insisted on going his own way. Sure enough, the people around Emperor Daqi had already begun to suspect him. In the end, he failed in the assassination, and the emperor issued an order to send He ransacked and beheaded all over the family, and together he killed all the southern Yan thieves and rebels. Fortunately, your mother had escaped at that time, and I was also lucky to escape, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, and you will know what happened later."

After I heard him tell me all this, I still couldn't believe that my father was actually the Prime Minister of Dayan who had been exterminated? ! Have you ever assassinated the current Holy Majesty? ! I was stunned for a while, this is too legendary.

Seeing that I was dumbfounded in half-belief, the master went on to say:

"I know you may not believe it, but this is really what happened that year. Although eighteen years have passed, I still remember it vividly. I decided to tell you today because I heard some changes in the wind recently. Dayan's old subordinates gathered in secret. Only then did I realize that His Royal Highness the crown prince of Dayan was also taken away by the minister to flee for his life, so the master has to remind you to be careful, don't get involved again, and repeat your father's mistakes!"

I seem to understand what the master said, shouldn't all the previous grievances be settled

"Master, although my father died at the hands of Emperor Daqi, those political matters are all past affairs after all, and my mother certainly does not want me to participate in it, let alone eighteen years have passed, why did they Still can't let go?"

The master looked at me and sighed.

"Sigh~ I also hope that some things will turn into dust and pass away quickly, but it is destined to be inevitable. I am afraid that His Royal Highness will come to you. You should be more careful yourself."

"I don't know His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Why did he come to me? Even if he came to me, I would not be with him. Master, don't worry." I said firmly to the master.

"By the way, master, my mother has come to the capital. She lives at Wei Qi's place. Tomorrow, I would like to take a leave of absence to accompany her to go shopping outside."

"What?! Your mother came to the capital? When did you come!"

His attention was obviously attracted by my words, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Pfft~ The master is too, is it necessary to be so exaggerated? I looked at him alone and was very excited. Thinking about it, they haven't seen each other for almost eighteen years. It's normal for him to be very excited when he heard the news.

"Yes, master, my mother is here. She just arrived yesterday. Well, my vacation... do you agree?"

"What should I wear when I see her? When should I ask her to meet? Ah... You say you are fake, promise to agree, Xiran, remember to tell your mother tomorrow, I invite her to come to my place for dinner, I Cook for her personally and clean up the dust for her."

At this moment, the master has left the slightly heavy topic just now behind him, replaced by his joy at the reunion of my mother and me.

I saw that he was so happy, and I had almost said something, so there was no need to stay here anymore. After saying goodbye to him, I went back to my room.

I went back to my room and lay quietly on the bed. Thinking back to what the master told me tonight, all this is so incredible. It turned out that the real cause of my father's death was like this, should I seek revenge? No, those things are a thing of the past, even if I went to avenge myself, when will I get revenge? What's more, I still have two people who need to be protected. Now that I have heard about this past, let it go with the wind.

The next day, Wei Qi sent someone to the master's place. The master told me to take Xu Mo and Xuan'er to go together, they have been busy for a long time and haven't gone out for a stroll. So the carriage drove us to the gate of Wei Mansion. I introduced them to Wei Qi and my mother, and told my mother about my master. She was surprised at first, but then she happily said that one day I would definitely go to visit her old friend.

Taking advantage of our small chat, Wei Qi said that there is a temple near the capital, and there is a beautiful scenery around this temple, we can go and see together, my mother also sincerely worships Buddha on weekdays, and listened to Wei Qi's suggestion Then she readily agreed.

In the morning, the air outside the city is exceptionally fresh, and the birds are singing and the cicadas are singing. A few of us were laughing and laughing in the carriage of Wei Mansion, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After a while, we arrived at the temple that Wei Qi said. Although the temple is located in a remote location, it is not small in scale. It stands by the mountain and is full of incense.

Our group had a fast meal in the temple, so we decided to go for a walk outside the temple.

"Wei Qi, where are we going now?"

The trees here are lush and leafy, I look very strange, how does he know

Wei Qi turned to me and said:

"Behind this temple mountain, there is a large lake. The lake water shows different colors all year round. When the weather is good, you can even see colorful lights shining in the lake. I was lucky enough to see it last time when I came here. I just thought about the sunshine today. Coincidentally, I brought my godmother over here to see the beautiful scenery, feast my eyes, the godmother is satisfied, and Qier is also happy, we are worth the trip."

"Qi'er is really a good boy with a heart, Godmother really saw you right..."

Before my mother could finish her sentence, suddenly two or three masked men in black clothes jumped out from the nearby woods, holding a big knife in their hands, with a fierce look in their eyes.

The three of them could tell at a glance that the visitor was not good. They stood on three sides and surrounded us like this.

The author has something to say:

In the next chapter, when the fox shows up, he really knows people and faces but doesn’t know his heart~ Little angels are still welcome to comment. (Why (du yao) will also be dropped by river crabs?? Laughing and crying.)