Imperial Chef Rookie

Chapter 20


The next day, I was still in the warm bed thinking about life, when I was in a daze, I heard someone knocking on the door, saying that a little maid was ordered by the princess to invite me to have breakfast with the princess in Yihua Palace.

"Hey, the sun came out from the west today? It's unbelievable that the princess woke up so early, and she sent someone to call me~"

I almost thought I was still dreaming, so I pinched my arm hard.

Oops, it hurts!

It woke me up in an instant, and I didn't realize that I was really not dreaming until the voice of the maid outside the door sounded again.

As I promised her, I immediately jumped off the bed without daring to delay at all. After hastily washing up, I took the pill box that Wei Qi gave me yesterday, and followed the little maid to the palace.

I saw that the princess was wearing a pale white palace dress today, but the elegance was a little more dusty. The wide skirt meanders behind, elegant and luxurious. Black jade-like green silk is simply tied up in a bun, and a few plump and round pearls are randomly adorned in the hair, making the dark cloud-like hair more soft, shiny and moist.

At this moment, she is staring intently at the red leaves and a few thrushes outside the window, her beautiful eyes are full of brilliance, and there are some light smiles on her red lips.

Looking at it like that, I don't know if I am in a daze, or I really found something interesting.

But maybe it was because of getting up early, when I got closer, I realized that there was still a trace of tiredness on her beautiful face.

"Your Highness, Lord Song has arrived."

The little maid's voice instantly shifted her attention from the window to the inside of the room.

"You are here, when did you come back yesterday?"

When she saw that I had arrived, she regained her energy immediately, and asked me with her chin in her hand.

Before I could speak, she ordered Yuan'er who was standing by the side to signal to the maids to bring breakfast.

I stepped forward, saluted, and said respectfully:

"Princess, I returned to the palace at Xushi yesterday. When I came back, the princess had already gone to bed."

After all, there are still some court ladies here, so the necessary etiquette is still indispensable.

After the maids brought breakfast to the table, she gave the order:

"Yuan'er, take all these court ladies out, I will call you if something happens."

"Yes, princess."

After Yuan'er and all the court ladies had received the order and left, she motioned for me to sit next to her.

"Zhen'er, it's getting colder today, why don't you wear more clothes, and why did you get up so early today?"

While talking, I picked up the bowl in front of me and served her a bowl of lily porridge.

"It's not because you have something to do with it. I didn't see you all yesterday afternoon. When I came back from my mother's place, I heard the maid said that you had gone to Wei's mansion. You came back so late, but I have to wait~ Say something Come back, this princess just wants to have breakfast with you so she wakes up so early, can't she?"

She took the porridge I handed her, slowly scooped up a little bit with a spoon, and put it into her mouth. After savoring it carefully, a look of disappointment appeared in her eyes.

"This porridge is bland and tasteless, not as delicious as your cooking."

"Since Zhen'er likes to eat the porridge I cook, I will cook it for you every day from now on~ As for what happened yesterday, I wanted to tell you before going out. Who knows that you have gone to the empress's place, so I have to order The maid will tell you when you come back, it's hard for Zhen'er to wait for me for so long, how can I make up for you?"

"You, really want to make it up to me?"

She stared at me closely, her pair of beautiful eyes flickering, she slowly approached me, hooked my chin with her hand, and suddenly there was a light smile on the corner of her mouth.

"It's better..."

I subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, why is she so abnormal today... Do you want me to agree with you? !

As she slowly approached, I suddenly felt a little sweaty palms, accompanied by dry mouth. Just when I wanted to close my eyes and not meet her burning gaze.

She burst out laughing.

"It turns out that Xi Ran is acting like a little girl, how does it feel to be molested?"

At this moment, I couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. Everyone was ready, but the princess just flirted with her like this? ! My heart hurts so much! ! !

I don't care, I'm injured now and want to lie on the ground, I need the princess's kiss to get up! !

The princess didn't know that I was playing such a big scene in my heart at the moment, but felt that the atmosphere seemed a little low. Seeing me standing aside with dark clouds on my face, she thought I was angry, so she said.

"Okay, Xiran won't tease you anymore. I just came here to discuss with you, how about you accompany me to Qiuxi with my father?"

"Qiu Xi, what is that?"

This is a new word, maybe I am too ignorant, and I have never heard of this royal activity.

"You don't know? Autumn hunting, also known as autumn hunting. It is usually held in July and August every year. At this time every year, the father will bring a group of favorite ministers, princes, princesses and harem concubines to the northern paddock to practice. Riding and archery, inspecting martial arts, and hunting. The emperor will take me there every year. Of course, some of the royal chefs will also go with him, but I don’t want you to follow them. Why don’t you go with me by my side? "

"Oh~ So that's how it is. To be able to follow such a good thing as the princess, I naturally wish for it. Respect is worse than obedience."

When I heard her say that she wanted me to be by her side, joy and happiness immediately flooded into my heart. The feeling of being cared for by the princess was as warm as drinking a sip of hot soup in this cold weather.

I am very interested in what she said about Qiu Xi. Although I get very close to the princess in the palace on weekdays, it is the palace after all, with many eyes and ears, and it is always inconvenient to get along with her alone.

Now there is such a great opportunity in front of me, there are not so many people staring at me, I can spend more time with the princess, and I can also leave the palace to get some fresh air, why not do it, Of course I can't let it go~

"Princess, do you have a lot of wild game in hunting? Then I can cook a lot of delicious food for you. By the way, this is a pill made from precious and rare medicinal materials that Wei Qi personally brought to me yesterday, and asked me to present it to the princess." , these are all medicinal materials that have an excellent effect on the princess's body conditioning. The princess just needs to take one pill a day. I hope the princess will accept Wei Qi's kindness~"

After I joked with her, I picked up the box that I almost forgot.

"Well, the things you gave me are naturally good. In the past few days after autumn, my body is indeed a little tired and uncomfortable."

When I heard her say that she was not feeling well, I immediately became worried. I quickly sat beside her and took her hand to cover it.

"What's wrong with Zhen'er? Why are your hands so cold? Why don't I cook a few more nourishing meals for you? It's time to replenish your body in autumn."

"You want to make so many nourishing meals, do you want to make this princess into a big fat man? The imperial doctor said that there is no problem, but it is just a discomfort in the solar terms. It is good to pay more attention to diet on weekdays."

"I like it even if I become fat! No, I like whatever I become. Of course, I have to take full responsibility for Zhen'er's meals. It's just you, you should pay more attention to your body."

I scratched her nose distressedly. It was really different from the princess I saw before. Now she is more like a child in my eyes, so I can't help but feel sorry for her, and want to take good care of her for the rest of my life.

"So, you mean that the princess is fat now? I'm not as weak as you think, but you are still talking about me. It's cold, let me wear more, why do you only wear these?"

She pointed to the two brocade singles on me, looked at me dissatisfied, and twisted my ears with her hands, but the force was not very heavy.

It can be seen that although she blames me on her mouth, her eyes are full of worry and concern.

I pretended that my ear was twisted and hurt, and looked at her aggrieved.

"Zhen'er has wronged me. In my heart, my Zhen'er is more beautiful than the fairies in Yao Chi. There is no one in this world who can compare with you. You see, I don't wear much, that's because I don't wear much clothes these days. It doesn't feel cold at all, not to mention that with Zhen'er's love, even this autumn day has become as warm as spring day."

I took advantage of the situation and fell into her arms, staring at her eyes.

"Bah, you are a smooth-talking, smooth-tongued person. I don't believe it, and I don't know which of your sentences is true and which is false."

As she spoke, she pushed me away and took her hand out of mine. He didn't even look at me, but took another sip of the porridge in front of him, as if he was trying to hide his panic after hearing what I said.

"Zhen'er, are you shy? These are all the words I want to tell you in my heart. Every sentence is true, and my sincerity can be learned by the world, the sun, the moon, and all gods. If you don't believe me, come here yourself Let's see~"

Seeing that I was getting more and more out of control at the moment, she was afraid that she would lose control of the scene, so she suppressed her shyness and immediately changed the topic.

"Song Xiran, where did you learn these love words? If you don't learn them well in a day, you will learn them from others! Come on, let's have breakfast quickly, the porridge is almost cold. By the way, don't forget what you promised me Well, three days later, it will be the day of autumn, you'd better make preparations earlier."

"How can I not learn for a day... Yes, I will follow the princess's will."

I looked at her with a smile in my eyes, and I wanted to tease her a little more, but seeing her like this, my goal has obviously been achieved. It's better not to overreach, and cherish the breakfast time with the princess.

Hmph, you still dare to tease me, it's strange to see that I don't tease you back!

Ah, what a beautiful autumn! No, it should be that every season with the princess is so good~

Three days later, it was the emperor's autumn day.

On this day, the autumn day is just right, the flags are flying, and the bright yellow brocade banners are flying in the wind.

The emperor led all his favorite civil and military officials, princes and princesses, and concubines in the harem, and they left the capital in great force and went to the paddocks in the suburbs under the guard of the Imperial Forest Army.

The author has something to say:

Dear little angels, here I come again. When the daily update starts today, please comment a lot, so that I can absorb the progress~ My little finger points to the collection, we have a story~ Give you refills~