Imperial Chef Rookie

Chapter 31: Spoiler


"Daddy is about to wake up, the sun is already drying his buttocks, he will go to Aunt Xuan'er's place at noon, and he will go to the Lantern Festival at night. Mother said, if you don't get up again, she won't want you."

I glanced at the little girl lying on top of me, sat up, held her in my arms and said softly:

"Qing'er, go tell your mother, daddy will come right away."

I looked at the little girl with two braids and a round face in front of me, how clever and clever she looked more and more like her mother.

She was only so small when I first picked her up, and she grew so big in a blink of an eye.

Really, she will bully me with her mother!

I have been here for four years, looking at my comfortable house, the flowers and plants in the yard, and the cats and dogs who are basking in the sun or playing around, this day is really wonderful ~

At the breakfast table, I first served a bowl of porridge for the princess, and then a shortbread for Qing'er


"Why, are you finally willing to get out of bed and eat?"

I saw the princess looking at me angrily.

"Sure, how dare you disobey my lady's words, hey, why is my lady so beautiful today~"

"Stop talking, today is the Lantern Festival, and Xuan'er's child is full moon. We need to go earlier. Also, when do you think I won't be beautiful?"

She suddenly showed an expression of seeing how you answered, and was waiting for my answer.

"The lady is so beautiful every day, Qing'er, how about Daddy making you a flower cake at noon."

Seeing that the situation was not good, I immediately turned to the little girl who was eating deliciously.

But when she heard me ask her this, she immediately put down her chopsticks in frustration.

"Daddy, why is it another flower cake? Qing'er is about to throw up and doesn't want to eat any more."

"Hey, you little one has quite a lot of requests. This is your mother's favorite pastry. Then daddy will make some spring rolls and bring them to your Aunt Xuan'er's house for lunch, okay?"

Only to hear the little girl's crisp voice happily replied:

"Okay, okay, the spring rolls made by Daddy are the best."

After breakfast, I came to the kitchen and prepared all the things to make spring rolls.

First steam a few spring roll skins, then put the washed fresh mushrooms and black fungus on the chopping board and cut into cubes.

Then put the diced shiitake mushrooms and diced fungus in a large bowl, mix them with the minced meat evenly, and add some cooking wine, light soy sauce and salt.

After I mixed them well, I took a few spring roll wrappers and put them on the chopping board one by one, and put the reconciled fillings in them.

Wrap them carefully one by one by hand and place them on a plate.

Finally, put the wrapped spring rolls into the oil pan and fry them slowly over medium-low heat.

Then one by one, the "little pillows" that are shiny, golden in color, crispy and delicious come out of the pan.

After I drained the oil and found a food box, I put them one by one into the food box, and I also packed some bad goose feet and duck letters together.

I saw the little girl outside the door looking eagerly at the spring rolls I was loading, and kept licking her lips.

"What, do you want to eat? Didn't Qing'er eat just now?"

"But Qing'er is hungry again, Daddy, can you let Qing'er eat one first, and then just a small one?"

After all, she drew a shape in front of her with her fingers and showed me her yearning little eyes. I had no choice but to bend down and hand it to her for such a cute little daughter, and squatted down to scrape it off. Scrape her nose.

"Eat carefully, it's hot, and don't let your mother see you and say you're gluttonous."

"Yeah, got it, thank you daddy."

She ran over to catch the spring rolls, gave me a kiss on the face, and ran away.

I looked at her little back and whispered:

"The lady also said that the child is gluttonous, and she is also a glutton. I still remember when she..."

"What are you muttering about? Hurry up, Qing'er, let's go."

The princess came over at some point, and suddenly called me, which made me tremble in fright, and hurried away.

We came to the inn opened by Xu Mo, and Xuan'er held a full moon banquet for the child here, my mother and master, no, he should be my father now.

They are now a couple of gods and gods. They have nothing to do when they are old and play around. The two of them are happy together.

Xuan'er was very happy to see us coming, and quickly asked us to sit down. Xu Mo also came over and said to me:

"Hahahaha, Brother Xiran, you are really blessed. The lady is so beautiful, and the daughter is so cute. I am so envious. Also, when will you consider coming to my place to be a chef?"

"What's there to be envious of? Brother Xu himself has won the dragon and phoenix. The chef doesn't need anything. I still have a lady at home to accompany me. I wonder if my sister-in-law is okay?"

As soon as I heard my words, Xu Mo's wife rushed out from the back kitchen, grabbed Xu Mo's ear and said:

"Why, are you not satisfied with me? I told you to go out and buy soy sauce. Are you just chatting here?"

As soon as Xu Mo saw his wife, his whole body became ill. He quickly agreed to let me take care of myself, and then ran out quickly.

Seeing this, everyone burst into laughter. From this point of view, Xu Mo's status in the family was clear at a glance.

"You seem very happy?"

The princess quietly approached me and said to me.

I suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and slowly turned my head to look at her, with a smile on my face and said:

"No, I'm happy to see Xuan'er's child full moon! Come, Xuan'er, come over and let me see your child..."

After all, I changed the subject and ran to see the child.

Until night, during the Lantern Festival, Wanjia was brightly lit, and the streets were filled with lanterns. We all decided to watch the lantern festival together.

Xu Mo is a couple with his wife and child, Xuan'er is a couple with her husband and child, my mother is a couple with the master, naturally I will walk with the princess and Qing'er.

Everyone talked and laughed all the way, and the children ran in front of them, full of curiosity about the lantern show, looking here and there for a while.

I took the princess's hand and walked on the street, looking at all kinds of lanterns, the lights made the faces of the people around me pink, and slowly said:

"Miss, do you feel happy?"

She looked into my eyes and immediately showed a very satisfied expression.

"What do you say?"

Suddenly, I don't know which corner let out fireworks all over the sky.

Under the support of the night, gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky one after another, dazzling and dazzling.

I glanced at the people beside me, then looked up at the fireworks and said:

"People say that I love Chang'an, but in fact I only love Chang'an. How can I be so happy!"

Then I leaned close to her ear and whispered to her:

"Miss, after playing all day today, Qing'er must be very tired and go to bed early, how about we..."

"Go away, you pervert..."

"Hey, my lady, don't run away, wait for me!"

The author has something to say:

I deeply feel that I was wrong, why you don’t love me after the ending, I don’t have a collection, I really want to cry~~~

(Spin and jump to ask for comments!)

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