Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 114: Poke it like a hedgehog


Seeing how timid and fearful they were, Su Hu snorted contemptuously.

"After taking down those two masters, are you still afraid of Jun Mohuang?"

This group of people had stayed in Fantasy City for too long and did not dare to take any risks.

So Su Hu didn't dare to tell them that Jun Mohuang was no longer the loser he was before.

Otherwise, these people will find reasons and excuses to push back and forth.

When the other family heads heard that the Su family would send out ten eighth-level and one ninth-level people, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the main force comes from the Su family, they only need to send some elites to fight for the sake of soy sauce. It's just fun and there is no danger at all.

"Without further delay, you go back immediately to mobilize the troops. In half an hour, we will start arresting people! You can leave. Whoever performs best will have the number of promotion pills returned to the level of previous years."

Su Hu made arrangements and waved people away.

It was inconvenient for him to come forward in person, otherwise the rumors would be confirmed.

It would be most appropriate for these families to arrest Jun Mohuang in the name of returning home to protect him.

Besides, he smelled a bit and had to take a bath.

"Don't worry, Master Su, it's just Jun Mohuang, it's a trivial matter!"

"Don't worry, Patriarch, we will do our best to catch Jun Mohuang for Patriarch!"

When they heard that there was hope for the recovery of the Promotion Pill, the family heads who were still a little reluctant suddenly widened their eyes.

One or two of them changed their stories one after another, eager to catch Jun Mohuang immediately.

Half an hour later, a large group of people gathered outside Jun Mohuang's mansion, surrounding the entire spacious street.

At this time, they were staring menacingly at a girl in red on the wall.

"Jun Mohuang, you'd better be obedient and surrender, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

"Are you determined to catch me?"

Jun Mohuang was standing on the wall, looking down at these people.

There are approximately more than 500 people in this group, and everyone's cultivation level is above the sixth or seventh level.

In addition to this, there are still ten eighth-level ones and one ninth-level one.

Needless to say, these eleven people must be from the Su family.

Because in the fantasy city, except for the royal family, there are no eighth-level masters from other families.

His scandal was made known to everyone, and it seemed that Su Hu was very angry.

"Stop talking nonsense and just surrender, otherwise you will suffer the consequences!"

Su Dalong, the ninth-level master among them, said that he sent out a spiritual energy blade with a diameter of three meters from his palm and attacked her directly.

In his opinion, it doesn't take so much trouble to capture a Jun Mohuang.

One of his spiritual energy blades is enough!

Jun Mohuang teleported and perfectly avoided getting the spiritual energy blade.

The spiritual blade hit the wall and made a loud bang.

The wall remained motionless, not a hair's breadth cracked.

"Since you insist on using violent means, then don't blame too many people for being killed or injured."

Jun Mohuang smiled slightly, and immediately turned over and disappeared after saying these words.


Su Dalong gave an order, and the guards from other families rushed forward as if they were beaten to death.

Before setting off, the heads of each of their families promised that as long as they could catch Jun Mohuang, they would be rewarded with a Promotion Pill.

In order to get a promotion pill, all the guards jumped up to the top of the wall more than two meters high, and then jumped off the top of the wall one after another.

He hadn't even taken two steps when dense spikes suddenly appeared on the ground.

The sharp thorns dug into the bottom of their feet, calves, thighs and other parts.


"it hurts!"

(End of chapter)