Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 13: Jun Mohuang’s life experience 2


All the big families on Cangyuan Continent, without exception, have family guardian beasts. The family has been passed down to this day, and there has always been a faint trace of the blood of the guardian beast.

This kind of blood can allow people to have certain special abilities. For example, the blood of the Jun family's gold-swallowing beast can summon gold-swallowing fire, which can refine weapons; the Su family's Feng Yu Red Luan blood can summon the red Luan fire, and the Red Luan fire can Refining alchemy; the bloodline of the Huanyun Beast from the Feng family of the Royal Family of Huanyun Kingdom can weave illusions...

The bloodline abilities of each family vary, but not everyone will receive the family bloodline inheritance.

Jun Mohuang's father, Jun Liyuan, is the third son of Jun Yangfeng. He is the purest person with the golden bloodline since the Jun family was founded for thousands of years, and is also the most talented weapon refiner in the history of the Jun family.

Jun Diyuan became a nine-star weapon refiner at the age of eighteen, becoming the first nine-star weapon refiner in the history of Huanyun Kingdom, directly pushing the Jun family to the position of the first family in Huanyun Kingdom.

Jun Yangfeng wanted his son to marry a princess to consolidate the Jun family's status as the first family in Huanyun Kingdom, but Jun Liyuan always refused.

One time, Jun Liyuan went out for training. A year later, he brought back a baby girl who was just one month old. He claimed that he had married a wife outside the country. His wife died in childbirth after giving birth to a daughter, and he would never marry again in this life.

Jun Yangfeng wanted a princess daughter-in-law and was naturally very dissatisfied with this. He couldn't bear to blame his favorite son and put all his dissatisfaction on the young Jun Mohuang.

It wasn't until Jun Mohuang tested that he had a four-star Xuan-level talent, and had the purest gold-swallowing bloodline like his father, and became the number one genius in Huanyun Kingdom.

Later, Jun Mohuang suddenly lost all his talents, and his gold-tonning bloodline disappeared. Jun Liyuan, who had always loved his daughter, went everywhere to seek medical advice for her daughter, but was brutally killed when she went out to look for the elixir.

Misfortunes never come singly. After Jun Liyuan's death, the Jun family lost a nine-star weapon refiner and its strength was greatly reduced. Not to mention the first family in Huanyun Kingdom, even the four major families cannot be ranked.

After losing his beloved son and the decline of his family, Jun Yangfeng blamed all of this on Jun Mohuang.

In Jun Yangfeng's eyes, she was a disaster star. If it weren't for the fact that she was Jun Liyuan's daughter, he would have kicked her out of the Jun family long ago.

Someone like Jun Yangfeng might seek justice for Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang could foresee that after Jun Yangfeng learned about this, he would definitely use the topic to punish her.

But it doesn't matter. Is it fair? She will get it back by herself.

Su Zhijin wanted to destroy her reputation, so she would retaliate in kind; Jun Moxue cared about her own beauty the most, so she would take away her beauty.

But after a busy day today, she was already hungry. She was not in the mood to chat with the old man. She filled her stomach first, had a good sleep, and talked about it tomorrow.

Jun Mohuang threw Jun Moxue like garbage at the entrance of Jun's house and walked to Mohuang Pavilion according to the memory in his mind.

She was not favored in the Jun family. Mohuang Pavilion was located in a remote location and the house was in dilapidated condition. It rained heavily outside and lightly rained inside. She had to think of ways to improve her living environment.

But who will tell her what is going on with this quiet, elegant and brand-new courtyard in front of her

Jun Mohuang confirmed again and again that he had not gone wrong.

"Miss, you are back!"

A petite figure ran towards her, her words filled with excitement. She was her only maid, Bai Mo.

"My uncle is so awesome. He found some people and demolished our yard and rebuilt it in an hour."

"But Miss is even more powerful. She found such a powerful uncle in just one trip."

(End of chapter)