Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 136: Slap in the face*5


After all, it was nothing more than what Feng Yunying and Su Zhijin said.

Among them, people from the Jun family were particularly proud, and their words were the most unpleasant.

After they ridiculed Jun Mohuang, they seemed to be full of motivation, and one ship after another they sailed into the storm area.

Facing the ridicule and ridicule of these people, Jun Mohuang looked indifferent.

He even kindly reminded everyone that the waves would be too strong and it was best not to cross the storm area.

But just like before, her kind reminders were met with ruthless ridicule.

Feng Yunqi looked anxious and angry. If he wasn't in the same boat, he would have wanted to fight with those people right away.

After all the ships sailed into the storm area, Jun Mohuang teleported to the top of the mast again and carefully observed the situation in the storm area with a telescope.

This area was more dangerous than she imagined.

The diameter of each tornado column in the storm area is about a thousand meters.

The tornado column sucked up the sea water and formed huge whirlpools on the sea surface.

If you are not careful, ships on the sea will be caught in the tornado or sucked into the whirlpool.

No matter how strong the ship was, it was torn to pieces in that instant.

The only way to pass is to pass through the safe areas between all the tornado columns and whirlpools.

But this is not an easy task. Even in the so-called safe area, there are still huge waves.

If you are not careful, the boat will be capsized by the huge waves.

Even though the royal family's ship had the most seasoned and experienced captains, the entire ship was rocked left and right by the huge waves, as if it would be swallowed by the waves at any time.

The ships of other families behind were not as stable as the royal family's ship, and rocked more violently.

Jun Mohuang even saw a few unlucky ones being thrown out of the cabin.

A quarter of an hour later, the royal ship moved forward fifty meters.

"Fourth Prince, if you can't make it this time, the wind and waves are too strong, you'd better go back and wait."

The old captain was struggling to steer the helm, his old face covered with sweat.

"No, you have to get through it the first time!"

Feng Yunying objected. If he returned now, it would prove that Jun Mohuang was right.

"But the wind and waves are too big now..."

The old captain looked embarrassed. He had just entered the storm area and it was already very difficult for him to control the ship.

If this continues, the whole ship will definitely lose control.

"I heard that this sailor is very experienced and is the most experienced sailor in Huanyun Kingdom. He has successfully passed through the storm area three times. Yun Yi, the royal family is really amazing!"

Su Zhiyu suddenly spoke softly and looked at Feng Yunyi with admiration.

Her thoughts were the same as Feng Yunying's, she also didn't want to go back now to prove that Jun Mohuang's words were right.

"That's natural, move on."

Feng Yunyi originally wanted to follow the old captain's advice, but when he saw his fiancée looking at him with admiration, the man's pride was strongly satisfied.

Su Zhiyu had never shown such an expression in front of him.

How could he miss this opportunity to show his strength.

The old captain sighed: "Okay!"

There are other princes and princesses on this boat, but their words are not as weighty as those of Feng Yunyi and Feng Yunying.

The old captain had no choice but to continue to move forward.


Jun Mohuang cursed secretly when he saw the royal family's ship heading up against the storm again.

This is definitely not because the captain wants to move on, but because Feng Yunqi and his party cannot save face and come back.

In this case, any experienced sailor will choose to return.

Yesterday, someone tipped you, but I can't find you in the comment area. Can someone please come out and give me a tip? Let me tell you some good news. Starting today, this article will be updated four times a day, and the next three updates will be in the evening, okay

(End of chapter)