Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 146: Jun Mohuang’s big crisis


Jun Mohuang paused slightly, and it turned out that all the Biling fruits on Biling Island were in the hands of this little pom-pom.

Also, the spirit of earth is condensed from the essence of the earth element between heaven and earth. It is not difficult at all to provide the spiritual energy for the growth of large-scale biling fruit.

"As long as Xiaotu recognizes you as the master, there will still be such heaven-level biling fruits in the future. Xiaotu can also help you plant other precious medicinal materials and speed up the growth of medicinal materials."

Xiaotu was keenly aware that she paused for a moment, probably because she was tempted.

Keep on trying, keep on seducing her.

"It seems that you are indeed an amazing treasure."

Jun Mohuang touched his chin and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about it.

The spirit of the earth couldn't help but feel proud: "Of course, of course, the little earth must be much more powerful than your pet, so just accept him."

The Spirit of Earth persevered in trying to convince Jun Mohuang of its power.

"Okay, then how can I reach a contract with you?"

Finally, after Jun Mohuang picked all the fruits from the nine trees in front of her, she seemed unable to resist the temptation and asked.

"As long as you go to that coral reef in the sea, where the spiritual energy of the entire island gathers, and you make a contract with someone there, the island will be yours."

When the Earth Spirit saw her taking the bait, his eyes were full of excitement that could not be concealed.

After being imprisoned at the bottom of the sea for so many years, it is finally free!

Jun Mohuang looked down and saw a small coral reef in the sea, which could only accommodate two or three people.

There is a coral reef in the sea, and this situation is perfectly normal.

But what if this coral reef didn’t exist just now? Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Since the Biling Fruits on the entire island depend on the aura of the Earth Spirit to grow, why would it care about these heaven-level Biling Fruits.

Since you care, why not pick the biling fruit and hide it as soon as possible, and have to wait for someone to show up a few days later to come out and declare sovereignty.

Jun Mohuang had long been suspicious of the earth spirit. At first, she thought it just wanted to cause some small damage and didn't take it to heart.

But the sudden appearance of the coral reef made her 100% sure that it was a trap.

The bait is the Heaven-level Biling Fruit, the Earth Spirit is the entire Biling Island, and the trigger switch is this coral reef that suddenly appeared.

The danger of a trap is directly proportional to the quality of the bait.

Then this trap is a narrow escape and extremely dangerous.

Jun Mohuang analyzed this information in his mind and didn't use it for half a second.

A sneer appeared on her lips, she grabbed the earth spirit in her hand, touched the water with her toes, and flew towards the shore as fast as possible.

He didn't even care about the five heaven-level biling fruit trees on the last tree.

As she flew towards the shore, she gestured to Feng Yunqi and Jun Jianlin to evacuate quickly.

"Let's go!"

Jun Jianlin was the first to react and pushed his wheelchair back immediately.

"What happened?"

Feng Yunqi was still in a daze, but he just followed Jun Jianlin's prompts and pushed him back quickly.

Jun Jianlin replied: "There is danger."

Feng Yunqi's eyes flashed, and his feet quickened.

Both of them are smart people and they absolutely trust Jun Mohuang.

It would be foolish to stop and wait for her to come over at this time and ask her what is going on.

Jun Mohuang felt a little relieved when he saw the two people retreating immediately.

Upon noticing the prey fleeing, there was a loud "crack" sound.

A huge tentacle shot out of the coral reef, picked up countless water droplets, and threw them at Jun Mohuang.

Tomorrow, the male protagonist you are calling for will appear. The next chapters involve fighting scenes and the interaction between the male and female protagonists. I want to think about it carefully, so there are only three updates today, okay

(End of chapter)