Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 154: Self-motivated


Calmness meant there was no danger. Zizi felt a little relieved and still kept a close eye.

Jun family, Mohuang Pavilion.

Ever since Jun Mohuang was kicked out of the Jun family, Jun Yangfeng had been eyeing this yard.

But for some reason, no one can enter this courtyard.

Jun Yangfeng refused to give up and sent people to test him every now and then.

Di Lingtian returned to Mohuang Pavilion to look for Jun. When Mohuang disappeared, he happened to meet someone from the Jun family.

So he easily found out what happened after he left, and also found out where Jun Mohuang lived now.

These people from the Jun family were so bold as to drive his Huang'er out of the Jun family.

However, this is okay, people like the Jun family are not worthy of being her relatives.

In Jun Mohuang's newly purchased mansion, Bai Mo held a dagger and fought with a Su family guard.

Chi Chi was bored and squatted in a corner counting ants.

"Your Majesty, you are back!"

Chi Chi suddenly noticed something, suddenly stood up, turned around, and bowed his head respectfully.

"Where's Huang'er?"

Di Lingtian still couldn't sense Jun Mohuang's aura in this mansion.

He originally thought he would see her as soon as he came back, but after going to two places in a row, he still didn't see anyone, which made him feel a little irritable.

"The mistress went to Biling Island, Your Majesty, why are you back so soon..."

Chi Chi also wanted to ask him about the Nine Netherworld, but was interrupted unexpectedly.

"Which direction!"

Di Lingtian was eager to see the villain whom he missed so much that he had no time to chat with him.

After learning the location of Bi Ling Island, Di Lingtian took a few steps out of the Fantasy City and reached the depths of the Forest of Thousand Illusions.

A minute later, a huge twelve-winged pointed-tailed swift soared into the sky from the Forest of Thousand Illusions, carrying a man in black and heading towards Biling Island.

In the forest, the sharp-tailed swift family was in chaos.

Soon after, all the flying monster races in the Thousand Fantasy Forest knew that the queen of the sharp-tailed swift, the fastest flying among them, was captured by a man in black.

For a time, everyone in the Forest of Thousand Illusions was in danger of flying Warcraft.


Di Lingtian stood on the back of the sharp-tailed swift, looking at the blue sea.

The vast sea did not calm his emotions.

For some reason, there was an uneasy feeling spreading in his heart.

A quarter of an hour later, the sharp-tailed swift flew directly over the storm area.

Several sailboats appeared on the sea, heading towards Biling Island.

Di Lingtian felt a subtle aura of Jun Mohuang from those ships.

On the royal family's ship, Feng Yunyi, Feng Yunying, Su Zhiyu and Su Zhijin, as well as a group of princes and princesses from other royal families, were enjoying the scenery on the deck.

For these nobles who have never been to the sea, the sea view is always fresh.

Su Zhiyu had no intention of enjoying the scenery, and she was even a little worried.

When passing through the storm area, they did not find Jun Mohuang's body or the wreckage of the golden ship.

It is very likely that Jun Mohuang successfully crossed the storm area and reached Biling Island before everyone else.

If that were the case and she was allowed to pick the heaven-level Biling Fruit, that would be terrible.

Feng Yunyi half hugged her, stretched out his hand to smooth her frown, and was about to say something to comfort her.

A dark cloud suddenly fell from the sky, and huge black wings hit the deck, scaring the princesses and princes into screaming.

Di Lingtian glanced quickly and saw Xiang Feng Yunyi and Su Zhiyu at a glance.

The person he had been longing for suddenly appeared in front of him, and Su Zhiyu immediately pushed Feng Yunyi away.

Good night everyone, okay

(End of chapter)