Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 16: Bubble together


"No, I just killed someone and there is blood on my body. Of course I want to soak with Huang'er."

Without waiting for her to react, Di Lingtian carried her directly into the bath.

How can there be such shameless people in the world!

Jun Mohuang was angry in his heart, and just when he was about to retort, the warm pool water spread over his body, and then there was a sharp pain, like thousands of steel needles piercing into the bone marrow at the same time, and like millions of bombs detonating simultaneously in the body.

The medicinal effect enters the body through the pores and travels throughout the meridians. The green medicinal gas is lingering, directly twisting the damaged meridians into pulp, and then slowly reshaping them into shape bit by bit.

Rather than repairing it, it would be more appropriate to say that it is completely destroyed and then regenerated.

Hundreds of meridians throughout the body were crushed together. An ordinary person would have fainted long ago, but Jun Mohuang still gritted his teeth and persisted.

The little face as big as a palm was pale, and large beads of sweat oozed from the forehead due to the extreme pain.

"What the hell did you do?!"

Her sense of the effect of medicine is never wrong. The effect of crystal nuclei and medicinal materials is to repair, not to regenerate at all!

The only explanation is that Di Lingtian moved his hands and feet.

He reluctantly lowered his head to check, and sure enough, he placed a hand on the sea of qi on his abdomen, and a group of white light kept flickering in the sea of qi.

"Huang'er, I won't harm you. Don't faint. Hold on. I'll explain to you later."

Di Lingtian held her with one hand, his bloody eyes full of unconcealable distress.

If he could, he would rather bear the pain on her behalf.

Damn it, will you die if you tell me in advance

The countless pains in her body occupied Jun Mohuang's entire attention, and she could no longer speak to him.

The pain was so extreme that she subconsciously opened her mouth and bit Di Lingtian's arm.

Two hours later, the water in the bath gradually returned to colorless and transparent, and all the meridians and qi sea in Jun Mohuang's body were regenerated.

Di Lingtian patted her back gently: "Huang'er, it's okay, you can sleep now."

Jun Mohuang relied on her tenacious willpower to hold on until now. Her physical and mental strength had long been exhausted, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep after hearing this.

She was so tired.

Di Lingtian slowly opened Jun Mohuang's right hand, and in the white and tender palm, there was a black phoenix totem.

The dark-colored phoenix has an elegant figure, nine feathers on its tail, and is ready to fly. It is majestic and beautiful. The only fly in the ointment was that eight of the nine feathers on the phoenix's tail were cut off, and there was a look of pain in the phoenix's eyes.

If Jun Mohuang was awake at this moment, she would definitely find that the phoenix totem in her hand was very similar to the pattern carved on the phoenix jade.

The slight difference is that all nine tails of the phoenix on the phoenix jade have been cut off.

Fingers gently brushed her palm, and the ink-colored phoenix slowly disappeared.

Di Lingtian's handsome and handsome face rarely showed a solemn look. The totem appeared for the first time, and the movement in the future will only get louder and louder. This is definitely not a good thing for Huang'er.

He carried the person in his arms out of the bathroom, used his strong spiritual power to dry her soaked clothes and hair, and carefully put her into bed.

Just when Di Lingtian wiped away the phoenix totem from Jun Moxue's palm, he was on the top of a mountain tens of thousands of miles away from the fantasy city.

"Dong, dong, dong...", the endless bells suddenly sounded in all directions.

"Quick, quick, quick, the Xuanling Bell is ringing."

"Oh my god, it's been ringing seven times and it still hasn't stopped. This is at least a Xuan-level seven-star genius!"

"Let's go quickly and see which country has the monster!"

(End of chapter)