Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 50: Liu Zichen No. 13


The spiritual energy spreads Jun Mohuang's voice far away.

When the people around heard this, they subconsciously looked towards the center of the lotus pond. Sure enough, they saw Jun Moxue Hao standing on the plank road staring at her hands, and there was a petite figure struggling in the lotus pond.

"Help, this princess doesn't know how to swim!"

After Feng Yunying fell into the water, there were slippery and cold water plants in the water that entangled her limbs and body, pulling her downwards.

In her panic, she was so scared that she even forgot to use her spiritual energy.

"Fifth Princess, don't be afraid, Mo Xue is here to save you."

At the critical moment, Jun Moxue gritted her teeth and jumped into the lotus pond.

I don’t know who screamed so loudly. If she didn’t jump into the water to save her, she would be guilty of pushing the princess into the water.

The water level in the lotus pond was very deep. Jun Moxue jumped into the water and hugged Feng Yunying's waist first.

"Princess, you have a snake on you."

Just as he was about to lead the person to swim to the plank road, he suddenly saw a black and white water snake wrapped around Feng Yunying's shoulders, and was so frightened that the tone of his voice changed.

This kind of bungara snake is highly venomous. If one bites it, it will not only kill it but also cripple it.

"Ah! It's all your fault. Get rid of this snake quickly, otherwise I, the princess, will let my father chop off your head!"

Feng Yunying was even more useless and her face turned pale.

She was a pampered princess who had never experienced danger. When she saw a snake, her body softened for the first time.


Jun Moxue suppressed the fear in her heart, grabbed the snake and threw it far away.

Just as I breathed a sigh of relief, the water below kept bubbling, and a mass of black mud rose from the bottom.

Along Feng Yunying's body, it quickly spread to her chest and neck.

Jun Moxue took a closer look and saw what kind of mud there was.

They were clearly snakes, toads, leeches, snails and other random aquatic creatures.

When they saw Feng Yunying, they were like meeting their own mother, crawling on her body and squirming non-stop.

There were even a few leeches that stung her fair face.

"Quick, get these things away!"

Those greasy things on her body made Feng Yunying feel sick and scared.

"Fifth Princess, don't worry."

Jun Moxue suppressed her inner discomfort and threw away a few snakes first.

He picked up his palm again and slapped Feng Yunying several times, successfully knocking off the leeches on his face.

"Jun Moxue, you bitch, how dare you hit this princess!"

Feng Yunying was a master who never wanted to suffer losses. After being beaten, she slapped him back with a few slaps.

"Fifth Princess, Mo Xue didn't hit you on purpose. If he didn't hit you, he wouldn't be able to get rid of the leech."

Jun Moxue was so angry that she couldn't throw her into the water without holding back her anger.

"Don't talk nonsense. They've crawled onto my face again. Get these ghosts off quickly!"


Not allowed to be slapped, Jun Moxue had no choice but to pull with her hands.

The suction cups at both ends of the leech had a strong suction force. During the tug, Feng Yunying was painfully pulled, and she slapped Jun Moxue several times with her backhand.

"Jun Moxue, are you going to disfigure this princess?"

"Fifth Princess, I told you that if you want to get rid of it, you must be beaten!"

After explaining again, Jun Moxue slapped the leeches off her face.

"Okay, Jun Moxue, you still dare to hit me, I will fight you!"

Feng Yunying's face was swollen. She ignored the disgusting things on her chest and neck and started hitting Jun Moxue's face left and right.

Even though Jun Moxue was in a good temper, she couldn't help it anymore, raised her palms and started to fight back.

Two drowned rats struggled together in the lotus pond.

"No, the sixth lady is beating the fifth princess severely!"

A voice sounded again at the right time, but this time it was no longer Jun Mohuang's voice.

(End of chapter)