Imperial Uncle

Chapter 50


A long time ago, before Ah Jiu took the throne, she always thought that the Fengge and the palace were purely visible, and she also thought the same two years after she took the throne, but since the uncle took power, she gradually stopped So think so.

She was supposed to be her minister, but she voted for his master. Whether privately or publicly, she opposed and restrained Ah Jiu, so during that time, she hated Uncle Huang thoroughly.

It wasn't until Wen Xiangxiang and Cheng Lao told her that the court was dangerous and that it was far beyond the control of an empress like A Jiu, she finally took a breath.

Up to now, she has never been in touch with the Chaotang, but what she did not expect is that Fengge is just as unpredictable as the Chaotang. At that time, she said that she was on the side of Ah Jiu and helped Ah Jiu.

But what about now

The courtier who had already belonged to her now went to bribe the killer to assassinate her!

Ah Jiu was stunned for a while, a chill slowly flowed from the top of her head to her limbs. It wasn't because Yuan Ye was supporting her, she had already fallen to the ground.

Ah Jiu's brain is so bright once in a while, but this is what happened!

She was next to the wilderness, but she was still thinking about such a thing in her heart. All the people in black who rushed down were masters. Although they only inquired about the people around her, they were all ruthless.

Only Wen Xiangxiang and Xiao Dezi knew about her departure from the palace. Yuan Ye could sense that someone was staring at her, so he naturally knew who it was. He couldn't tell her, of course, that he was worried about the relationship between Ah Jiu and this person.

Ah Jiu himself knows that there are not many people who have such abilities in the emperor, and those courtiers who turn to the emperor's uncle naturally do not have such abilities.

Apart from those who did not often appear in front of her in Fengge, there were only Cheng Lao and Li Lao. Cheng Lao was devoted to her and tried his best to make her sit on the throne.

So Mr. Li...

Ah Jiu narrowed her eyes, thinking about how Old Li once promised her that she would assist her, but it turned out to be not sincere!

As Ah Jiu thought about it, the soles of her heart felt chills, her feet were soft, and her whole body was supported by the wilderness.


Ah Jiu was next to Yuan Ye and shook her head in disbelief. She didn't want to believe that it was Mr. Li, but there was no other candidate, not to mention Yuan Ye said it himself, but why

"Your Majesty said that Fengge Li Yunping?"

"He said he would submit to me, but why did he send someone to assassinate me? For whom? And why?"

Yuan Ye helped Ah Jiu up and couldn't take her away, so he could only explain these things for her, but he couldn't speak out. After all, he was the only one who was with Ah Jiu. If he spoke bluntly, it would inevitably confuse Sheng Ting. The identity has been confirmed, but she is already his master.

"It should be to protect someone!"

Yuan Ye knew everything and couldn't explain it. This should be the best answer.

Ah Jiu stood up for a while before thinking carefully.

Who is Li Lao protecting so he treats her like this? Besides, Elder Li should also know her identity, so he has no scruples. If she dies, that's all. If she comes back, who will be hurt

The only thing Li Lao cares about is Li Yu, is it possible that Li Lao is afraid that she will hurt Li Yu

What Li Lao was worried about was the fact that Li Yu came to the imperial capital with a severe cold illness. She knew that Li Lao was afraid that she would speak out and convict Li Yu. After all, not everyone can bear the responsibility of harming the people!

But how could she

Old Li knew she wouldn't, so who was he worried about

A Jiu was suspicious, turned her head and asked Yuan Ye, "Have you checked it out?"

Yuan Ye returned to her calmly.

"Lao Li is worried about King Huai Jin!"

"It's the uncle! That's why he has some scruples! Elder Li is worried about the uncle, but he came here to attack me. He also knows my identity, but he still sends someone to assassinate me! I'm afraid he also knows that the only way Only I can threaten Uncle Huang!" Ah Jiu said and paused again, "But how could Uncle Huang?"

"Your Majesty won't, but King Huai Jin will, because King Huai Jin and Li Yu are incompatible!"

"Water and fire are incompatible?" Ah Jiu chewed on these two words, no wonder Li Yu was forced to press each other as soon as he came back, and Li Yu didn't offend him, but why

"Your Majesty knows what Li Yu thinks of His Majesty, but it is precisely because of this that King Huai Jin cannot tolerate Li Yu."

It turns out that Uncle Huang still has thoughts about her, why she doesn't know why she doesn't know what Uncle Huang thinks, and it's because Li Yu has thoughts about her that he is forcing Li Yu.

The uncle had never spoken to her.

She was surprised by Uncle Huang's feelings for her, but Yuan Ye continued.

"Lao Li secretly found King Huai Jin."

Ah Jiu smiled wryly, "Is there still less? Are there still few of these officials who have gone to the uncle secretly?"

"Lao Li is looking for King Huai Jin for His Majesty and Li Yu!"

Ah Jiu frowned, "Why is it because of me?"

"At the time when His Majesty was infected with the epidemic, Mr. Li knew that Li Yu brought back the epidemic, and King Huaijin also knew, but the ministers didn't know, only secretly found out that His Majesty was infected with the epidemic, and King Huaijin was acting in the state. I mentioned this before, but those words somehow came to Old Li’s ears.”

"As an insider, Li Lao heard that and knew that King Huaijin would not let go of the idea of checking it out. Once he found out, he would naturally not let go of the mastermind. So Old Li had sought King Huaijin in private, but King Huaijin could not let go of the mastermind. But he didn't give in, and Elder Li also talked lightly about His Majesty's life experience."

Ah Jiu listened to Yuan Ye's indifferent tone, but her heart felt as if she was overwhelmed by heavy weight, "So Lao Li thought that King Huai Jin was threatening him, so Li Lao would come to me at that time, for the sake of The only thing is to let the uncle know that once the uncle moves Li Yu, he will not make me feel better, because my identity is still in his hands, and it happens to be the weakness of the uncle."


"Haha!" Ah Jiu pushed away the hand that Yuan Ye was holding, but found that she didn't have the strength to stand still, and she felt a colicky pain in her heart, and then fell asleep as soon as her eyes darkened.

In the dream is endless darkness, stepping into the abyss, fear fills the entire chest.

Ah Jiu woke up suddenly, her heart kept shaking, and then she realized that she was already lying on the bed, she slowly lifted the quilt and sat up, it seemed that Yuan Ye brought her to this place.

It has been two full days since he left the palace. Except that only Old Man Li came to explore the truth, nothing major happened. It seemed that Wen Xiangxiang did a good job.

Ah Jiu was lowering her head to put on her shoes, but the door was suddenly pushed open. She looked up and saw only the back of the closed door. It was a woman, dressed in simple clothes. She should still be holding something in her hand, and then she turned around.

Shen Qinghe!

Ajiu narrowed her eyes, she knew that Wen Xiangxiang would not say it, but she ignored Shen Qinghe.

Shen Qinghe, who was in front of him, had already put down the tray in his hand, and he came to help her to the table, put a bowl of black medicine in front of A Jiu, and then sat beside A Jiu by himself, there was not a single sentence in it. talk.

Ah Jiu felt inexplicable fear, and kept shaking while holding the bowl, "Qinghe..."

"Yeah! Your Majesty still remembers my minister! I thought that Your Majesty would not recognize me after calling me into the palace!"

These words shocked Ah Jiu who was holding the medicine. Shen Qinghe really wasn't easy to provoke the winner, but Ah Jiu insisted on calling her into the palace to be a female official. Now, she always leaves Shen Qinghe very unhappy.

She carefully looked at Shen Qinghe's angry face, and didn't know how to speak, only to see that Shen Qinghe's originally fair right cheek was inexplicably red and swollen, and she didn't dare to ask when she looked at Shen Qinghe's angry expression.

Ah Jiu paused and put down the bowl, sighed, and said softly, "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to drag you down."

"Drag?" Shen Qinghe got angry when he heard it, "You dare to pull me up to the courtroom, what else is there to be afraid of dragging, if I hadn't thought Wen Xiangxiang's face was abnormal, I still don't know that you sneaked out of the palace ."

As he said that, Shen Qinghe stretched out his finger and poked A Jiu's forehead, "If the entire court and the entire emperor are gone until you are gone, I don't know how messy it will be!"

Ah Jiu smiled shyly, "I was afraid of this happening, so I kept it secret."

"Hiding it? You don't know what kind of scaring Wen Xiangxiang? He quickly locked the little Dezi who couldn't keep the news in the dormitory. When Fu Yan came, he didn't dare to face Fu Yan. If you asked me to say it, Fu Yan didn't have any doubts!"

"So Wen Xiangxiang also told you my identity?"

"Wen Xiangxiang doesn't know much about himself, and how can he tell me clearly, so he sent me over quickly, and he must protect you no matter what."

Ah Jiuyi felt that something was wrong, "Protect me? So I just went to Xijun City to find my identity, why should I protect it? Or does he know something?"

Since Shen Qinghe was here, he was ready to say everything, "Wen Xiangxiang said that Old Man Li might be bad for you."

Ah Jiu nodded, I'm afraid Wen Xiangxiang should have known about the conversation between Elder Li and the uncle, "Elder Li has already sent someone to test it."

"What?" Shen Qinghe was shocked, "Could it be that you did this because Old Li's people hurt you?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but patted the table, "Why didn't the wilderness protect you well! How dare you do it after I follow me!"

Ah Jiu frowned, "Old Li's people have met me, but I see that you have a wound on your face. Could it be that he hit you?"

Shen Qinghe waved his hand again, "That's not true! He shouldn't hit women either, but I watched him carry you to the inn, I thought he would be bad for you, so I rushed in, but I didn't expect him to be there He was waiting for me in the room, and pressed me hard against the door, my hand was restrained, and I was not able to fight back, so I was injured."

"Wen Xiangxiang still dares to let you protect me? If there is no wilderness, I'm afraid there will be another set of corpses!" After speaking, regardless of Shen Qinghe's ugly face, he pushed away the medicine bowl in front of him, "I don't even bother to drink it. Medicine, I don’t know how many medicines I drank when I contracted the epidemic.”

"Okay! It's okay if you taunt me, the medicine must be drunk! Otherwise, how can you have the strength to go to Xijun City. I will find him and settle the account myself over the wilderness."

Ah Jiu was angry and funny, but in the end she couldn't hold back Shen Qinghe, she was forced to drink the bowl of medicine, and then Shen Qinghe went out to see the wilderness after finishing her clothes.