
Chapter 19: Anyway, I've used it


On the way to the mission site the next day, Jiang Yi was in a good mood, and he couldn't wait to see Shen Han's wonderful reaction when he saw him. However, Shen Han is such a powerful person. Jiang Yi really didn't expect that his guess was wrong from the beginning. Jiang Yi didn't have much contact with drug-related things, so he didn't think about it at all. Now Jiang Yi has really experienced what it means to walk through iron shoes without finding a place, and it takes no effort at all.

The car gradually drove towards a military and political confidential area. During the period, it stopped twice to check and verify its identity. This made Jiang Yi slightly frowned. How could such a place be at risk of being assassinated? Unless the inside of the system has been severely infiltrated, this is almost impossible, so protection is secondary, and surveillance is the most important thing.

Shen Han is a bit dangerous, he has too many secrets.

But for a moment, Jiang Yi's brows relaxed again. From this point of view, the little pervert really suits his taste.

Jiang Yi's work has already started when he arrived at the research institute. While following his superiors, he looked around calmly, keeping the environment and terrain firmly in mind. He entered the elevator and came to the third floor. When the door opened, there was a big In the central office area, there were many staff members in white coats. They came all the way to the innermost office. After seeing the person in charge, they were told that Shen Han had a separate office on the fourth floor.

Coincidentally, on the way back to the elevator, Shen Han ran into him head-on. Shen Han was wearing goggles, holding a piece of paper in his hand, and was talking to one of the workers. He didn't care that there were two more people in the office until Jiang Yi stood in front of him.

Shen Han was as calm as ever, as if he didn't know Jiang Yi, and there was obvious impatience in the alienation and indifference, "What's the matter?"

The superior explained the reason and introduced Jiang Yi to him, Shen Han frowned slightly, Jiang Yi stretched out his hand, but Shen Han stood still, in a stalemate for a while.

Seeing that he didn't intend to shake hands, Jiang Yi wasn't embarrassed. He withdrew his hand and smiled relaxedly, "Nice meeting, Dr. Shen."

Shen Han's eyelids twitched, just at that moment the staff found all the things he wanted, so he picked up the small cardboard box, turned around and left without a word of greeting.

Jiang Yi followed step by step, as soon as the elevator door closed, he turned around and took a step towards Shen Han, Shen Han subconsciously retreated to the corner, but Jiang Yi just reached out to help him get the box. Shen Han didn't look at him, and put on a posture of refusing to communicate. Jiang Yi was not in a hurry, and kindly gave him some time to accept the reality. He stopped in front of the very high-tech door.

This time it was Jiang Yi's turn to twitch his eyelids, why did he look so familiar

Shen Han stood at the door for a while, and the door opened automatically. Jiang Yi saw it clearly this time, this is a fucking high technology that can only be unlocked by scanning the iris! Follow up the room and take a look, isn't it the room he didn't go out before!

After the door was closed, Shen Han let out a long breath and lit a cigarette, "Why are you?" It was more like talking to himself than questioning, Shen Han continued, "If this place makes you uncomfortable , sorry... I will report the situation now, it is not necessary, even if it is really necessary, I will apply for another person."

This was far beyond Jiang Yi's expectations, he thought that the little pervert would panic, and that kind of forced composure, but flustered look must be very cute, who would have thought that Shen Han would react like this? With 24-hour close protection, he still wants to change? Jiang Yi found a place to put the things in his hand, "I was questioned about my ability to work during the S-level task, and was even returned by the task target. How do you think it will affect me?"

Shen Han was silent for a moment, took a long puff of cigarette, and revealed imperceptible ridicule and disgust in his words, "What danger is there in this kind of place?"

Jiang Yi didn't mind disclosing some information to him, anyway, Shen Han would guess sooner or later, "Protection is a secondary task."

Hearing that Shen Han didn't mention the report again, but he was still very irritable, he still had half a cigarette in his hand, and he was about to press it into the ashtray, but was snatched away by Jiang Yi, Shen Han didn't know until later Afterwards, when did the distance get so close? He was trapped between the table and his body by Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi took a puff of the half cigarette he had smoked, lightly blew the smoke on his face, and said with a smile, "Compared to these, we shouldn't talk about it first." Reminiscing about the old days? Little pervert."

Shen Han's attitude was still indifferent, he turned his face away, and didn't say a word, but he was still nervous after holding onto Zhuoyan's hand and betraying him. Jiang Yi moved closer, almost touching Shen Han's ear, "What if another Omega gets married successfully? Are you going to tie me up again?"

Shen Han couldn't calm down, pushed him away to look at the petri dish on the metal table, "Anyway, I've already used it."

He used the kind of tone that stated the facts without emotion, which just made Jiang Yi hear the sour emotions in the show off. Jiang Yi looked at his red neck, stepped forward and hugged him from behind At the same time, she buried her head and kissed him lightly on the back of his neck.

Shen Han exploded in an instant, struggling to jump out of his embrace, his usual cold voice was filled with heat, "Please be professional! Second Lieutenant Jiang!"