
Chapter 22: Jiang Yi...I'm in so much pain


It is a very dense and mellow sweet soft taste. It is difficult to define it with a specific thing. It is the first ice cream or the first piece of fresh cream cake that I remember when I was a child. The unparalleled sweetness makes people miss it for a long time. Looking for comparison again and again, but the taste in the memory can't be perfectly restored.

Jiang Yi stood up abruptly, his whole body was hot within a few breaths, he had a very bad premonition, the excess pheromone seemed to be overdrawn at one time, and soon filled the whole room, Jiang Yi was gradually soaked in the package, the information of Omega Su drowned out his breath little by little, giving him the illusion that he was about to drown. The pheromone drilled into the body along every pore, and Jiang Yi's temples were sweating. He came to the door, twisted the handle without any hope, and then began to knock on the door vigorously.

"Shen Han! Open the door! Shen Han! Open the door and let me in, Shen Han!"

There was no movement inside, and Jiang Yi suddenly remembered that this room was specially sound-proofed, the sound inside could not come out, and the sound outside naturally couldn't come in either. He began to feel panic. The little pervert was holding something just now. in? Jiang Yi went to the cabinet to look through it. It was neatly arranged, a small box of inhibitors.

Jiang Yi hammered the wall. He was too worried about Shen Han's situation. He wanted to get out of this room as much as he wanted to get in now. This was never a room that Shen Han built to imprison him, but a cage that Shen Han painstakingly built for himself.

Under the influence of pheromones, Jiang Yi's brain almost melted away. He couldn't wake up and think. He paced around the office a few times to mobilize his pheromones to absorb the pheromones that comforted Shen Han. It was effective, but The degree of influence is limited, he can't cover the entire space, let alone seep into the house through the crack of the door.

Jiang Yi's mouth was dry, maybe the Omega's pheromone was too strong, he felt a little flustered, he clenched his fists and forced himself to take a deep breath to stay rational. His heart tightened accordingly.

He saw Shen Han curled up on the ground with used syringes scattered all over the place, Shen Han was crying, Jiang Yi had never seen him collapse so helplessly, the monitoring screen was silent by default, Jiang Yi didn't even have the courage With the sound turned on, the simple picture is already tragic enough.

He wants to go in, he has to go in.

With this level of noise reduction, the door must not be easily damaged. Jiang Yi studied the door lock. Although it is fingerprint recognition, the principle is still based on electromagnetic, as long as the power motherboard is destroyed. Jiang Yi dismantled a needle, used his own saber to remove a screw on the lock plate, inserted the needle vertically, pushed it hard again when encountering resistance, and as a small electric spark exploded, the lock finally broken.

As soon as the door was opened, Omega pheromones with higher purity rushed towards the face, ruthlessly provoking Alpha's eager instinct, Jiang Yi's breathing became hotter and hotter, his legs became limp from being stimulated, and he almost slid and knelt beside Shen Han , Jiang Yi hesitated before touching Shen Han, he was not sure whether he could maintain his sanity soaked in this pheromone, but after all, he couldn't resist this mutual attraction, and gently pushed the crazy Omega exuding sweet pheromone into my arms.

Shen Han's whole body was drenched with sweat, his face was stained with tears, and he was unconscious for a long time. He was still holding a syringe in his right hand. The inside of the elbow joint of his left arm was densely packed with pinholes, and many of them were not new. It's small dots with scabs one by one, so many in number, it's shocking to see together.

Jiang Yi snatched the syringe in his hand, but Shen Han didn't respond, just kept trembling, with despair and death in his unfocused eyes, and muttered, "It's useless... no matter how much, it's useless... why... no useā€¦ "

Jiang Yi patted his face lightly, trying to awaken his consciousness, Shen Han turned his gaze to him, and suddenly more tears welled up, "Jiang... Yi... It hurts... I hurt..."

Jiang Yi's heart jerked violently, and he lost his composure for a moment. He squeezed his hand tightly and asked eagerly, "Where does it hurt?"

This question made Shen Han even more broken, and he suddenly started to scratch his arm, "All... all of them hurt... Woo... Jiang Yi... I'm in so much pain..."

Gouging out the heart with a knife is probably nothing more than that. Jiang Yi helplessly held down Shen Han's self-harming hand, tried his best to comfort Shen Han with his own pheromones, and his voice trembled, "How... how can I help you? What can I do? Let you not hurt? Shen Han... Shen Han, can you hear me? How can I help you? "

Shen Han obviously didn't listen to it, he just felt that the hallucination in front of him this time was very real, even the temperature and touch were so clear, and there was also pheromone, which was spicy, sweet and sour, Shen Han seemed to have caught some life-saving straw, struggling Attached to the past, "Jiang, Yi... Jiang Yi... Jiang... Yi..."