
Chapter 8: If he fucks again he's a dog!


deep cold.

People live up to their name.

Jiang Yi has been talking about this name for two days. He has met very few people with the surname of Shen, let alone a doctor with the surname of Shen. There seems to be no big family with the surname Shen in his memory, which made Jiang Yi more and more curious about Shen Han's identity, thinking that he should try to collect more information when he will do it later.

But today Shen Han came later than usual, and as soon as he entered the room Jiang Yi felt something was wrong, Shen Han's breathing was unsteady, his temples were sweaty, he was not as calm and calm as before, he looked a little anxious. Shen Han usually tries to restrain his pheromone as much as possible, and his pheromone is tasteless, if he is not carefully discerned, he may be regarded as a Beta. But now, Jiang Yi moved his nose, and the white water-like pheromone was faintly boiling, as if it was not under the control of Shen Han, it was continuously overflowing.

This is, estrus

Shen Han routinely searched the house carefully, and made sure that Jiang Yi hadn't made any tricks or hid anything, so he tied the collar around Jiang Yi's neck with a chain.

The length of the chain is enough for Jiang Yi to move around the bed and the table in the bathroom, but not enough to reach the door. Jiang Yi was imprisoned for almost 10 days, and went to the toilet three times a day at a fixed time like a dog. He has never been allowed to move freely like this. This shows that something happened to Shen Han... Jiang Yi glanced at the two bags of nutrient solution on the table, Shen Han probably won't come for the next two days.

Jiang Yi felt that he had the right to intervene. Being imprisoned was really boring, and now he was deprived of the only pleasure he had every day. How could he live this day? So when Shen Han untied the last restraint belt, Jiang Yi grabbed his arm, "It's just the estrus period, who else do you want to go to if you don't need the ready-made one?"

Shen Han was obviously startled, the pen-like needle tube hidden in his sleeve fell into the palm of his hand, and the conditioned reflex was about to stab Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi could see clearly this time, and his limbs were free, so he squeezed Shen Han's wrist firmly, "Come again? Are you addicted to piercing?! Do you know what it feels like to be injected with messy things every day! I You said I would not run away, so you can't give me some trust?"

Of course, the strength of Omega can't compete with Alpha. Jiang Yi didn't use any special force. Shen Han's pinched hand couldn't be pushed forward, and he couldn't pull it back. Jiang Yi was a little embarrassed, no matter how hard he was An Omega, wouldn't it be a kitten without the medicine? Although it is a kitten with sharp claws.

Jiang Yi wanted to run away, but not now. He remembered that Shen Han said last time that he would not be able to get out even if he died, which meant that it was not an ordinary living room. He hadn't obtained the surrounding information yet, and there was only one chance to escape. Now You can't scare the snake away.

So after a stalemate for a while, Jiang Yi raised Shen Han's hand holding the needle high, and the other hand forcefully brought him into his arms, "I can mark you, what you want, right?"

Shen Han's reaction was different from Jiang Yi's imagination. He thought that this Omega who obviously liked him would be overwhelmed with joy, but Shen Han's body trembled slightly, but Jiang Yi could not understand the shock and pain in his eyes. ? Was it terrified of joy to hear that someone was willing to label him an inferior O? can't...

Facts have proved that Jiang Yi did not learn a lot of wisdom. He treated Shen Han as an ordinary Omega, and the result was that his lower body, the deadliest place between his legs, was pushed hard by Shen Han with his knee up!

It's so sour, whoever has been kicked knows!

Jiang Yi was so angry that he slid on the bed with his hands on his crotch. It took a lot of willpower to silence the screams, and he tried his best not to roll all over the bed, but he was still out of control Bowing down, gnashing teeth, "Why the hell are you so vile?! Fuck!! If you kick it badly, can you still use it?! Ah?!"

Shen Han didn't answer him, the pen injection in his hand still stuck into Jiang Yi's neck, Jiang Yi fought for the last bit of clarity, and tugged at Shen Han's sleeve, "Shen are a pheromone inferior , mentally distorted... a pervert!"

After waking up again, he seemed to have lost consciousness below his shoulders and knees. Jiang Yi turned over and sat up. After a while, his arms began to feel numb like needle pricks. Shen Han didn't even put him on the bed. hurry. Jiang Yi was very upset, his lower body didn't hurt anymore but the shadow was still there, this perverted O was simply crazy, too hard to please, obviously coquettish and cheap, but he was in estrus and pretended to be chaste. If he fucks again he's a dog! Barking dog!