Improper Relationship

Chapter 22: painting


This sex lasted intermittently until the night. The two never left each other during the period, and they kept the state of not ejaculating, and they didn't feel urgent or uncomfortable.

After finally orgasm, the two fell asleep hugging each other again.

Yan Haian woke up in the early hours of the morning. He slept too much today, and he has no sleepiness at this time. The quilt slipped off his body, and he subconsciously pulled it, bringing the other side of the quilt along.

Sun Yan was pulled and moved, then turned over.

Yan Haian stopped, he didn't want to wake up Sun Yan.

However, Sun Yan was already muttering, "What time is it?"

Yan Hai'an glanced out of Weixi's window: "Five or six o'clock."

Sun Yan sat up and grabbed the alarm clock on the bedside table, five fifty-six. He breathed a long sigh of relief, bent one leg, put his elbow on it, looked at Yan Hai'an with the little light and shadow on his side.

He asked, "Is it better?"

Yan Hai'an was stunned: "What?"

Sun Yan's hair was messy, and he even stretched out his hand to rub it. After yawning, he stretched out his hand to stroke Yan Hai'an's head again: "I'm so tired and sleep well, will I feel good?"

Yan Hai'an: "...what's the matter, you still want me to thank you?"

Although he really felt as if he had had a thorough massage physically and mentally, and his mind was extremely clear and relaxed, but Sun Yan's tone of treating the bed like a horse killing chickens is really unreasonable.

"You're welcome." Sun Yan looked at the window again, "Sleep a little longer?"

"No, I can't sleep anymore." Yan Hai'an opened the sheets and looked for underwear everywhere, but he couldn't find his own, but found Sun Yan's. He shoved it to Sun Yan: "Get up, you're pressing my panties."

Sun Yan raised his thigh and asked him to pull off his underwear and put it on: "Then you're leaving now?"

He stretched on the bed, and the obvious muscles on his body were pulled out of smooth lines. It was really a beautiful male body. Yan Haian glanced over it a few times without paying attention.

Sun Yan got out of bed and walked to the window, pulled up the curtains a little, and it was a little brighter again: "The weather looks good today, let's go outside for a run."

After finishing speaking, Sun Yan remembered that Yan Hai'an also seemed to have the habit of running in the morning: "Why don't we go together? Have breakfast before leaving."

Yan Hai'an got out of bed and turned to Sun Yan with a tall and straight figure, as straight as a sky-breaking bamboo. It's hard not to be loved: "No clothes, no shoes, running naked?"

"Put on mine. I remember..." Sun Yan sniffled, wrapped himself in pajamas casually, and went out to wake Xu Hong up.

"Don't bother!" Yan Hai'an didn't even have time to stop him, even if he was naked, he couldn't chase him out. After waiting for half an hour, Sun Yan came back with his things: "Hey, the size was too small for the store to put on."

There are a few brand stores that regularly send the brothers wearing things, some of which are not suitable, Sun Yan and Sun Ling are too lazy to return them, and they don't care. Can come in handy for this.

Having said that, Yan Hai'an also changed into it. Sun Yanren has tall legs and long legs, so even if the size is small, it still looks a bit long on Yan Hai. Sun Yan went into the cloakroom and changed his clothes, came out, swept him from head to toe, walked up to him and knelt down, and rolled up his trousers: "It's about right, let's go."

Fortunately, the shoes fit well, and the two started jogging when they went out. Sun Yan didn't deliberately hold back his pace, he always felt that Yan Hai'an could keep up. Sure enough, the two of them ran around the neighborhood for more than half an hour, maintaining the same speed.

There are occasional dog walkers and runners on the road. Generally speaking, it is very quiet. You can run quietly in the fresh air full of vitality in the morning. What's even better is that there is someone beside you, even if you don't talk, that kind of company is very Have a sense of presence.

Did Sun Yan take a look at Yan Hai'an? He was wearing a light gray sports suit, and his eyes were fixed on the front without wavering at all. He felt that Mo Yisheng was clean at the first glance, but in fact Yan Haian was also clean, with clear eyebrows and bright eyes, unlike Mo Yisheng's glass-like inner and outer transparency, but a cold and unapproachable feeling.

Sun Yan knew that his interest in Yan Hai'an was a bit too much. This realization made him a little tight in his chest. He needed friends to play with, a decent bed partner, stimulation, and venting.

But he doesn't need to know.

But the reality is that he is getting to know Yan Hai'an, and he is also intentionally letting Yan Hai'an get to know himself. It was a premonition that was difficult to explain clearly, as if there was an irresistible force pulling the lives of the two of them, trying to knead them into a ball.

The fear deep in Sun Yan's heart flashed away, so light and fast that he couldn't even admit it.

Because they woke up too early, and it was not yet seven o'clock when the two of them returned from their run, Xu Hong prepared white porridge for them, with a few dishes of side dishes and some homemade buns. A plate of truffle omelette per person, with black crumbs sprinkled on the golden sun eggs, it tastes very strong.

Sun Yan remembered one thing: "Can you mend paintings there?"

"Repair? What kind of painting?" Yan Haian shook his head without waiting for his answer, "This requires a specialized restorer, and ordinary painters are not competent."

"It's not an antique." Sun Yan finished his last mouthful of porridge, "It's just a painting I bought on the street before. I haven't touched it much, why did it crack?"

"Bought it on the street? Are you sure it's an oil painting?" Seeing Sun Yan nodding, thinking that he had bought oil paintings in a serious way anyway, so that he couldn't tell the difference, Yan Haian said, "Actually, oil painting is an art. The product itself will decay by itself, if the primer is not applied properly, or the varnish is not applied well, the storage time will be greatly shortened. How long have you bought it?"

Sun Yan made a rough calculation: "9 years? Or 10 years? I can't remember."

Yan Hai'an understood and said: "Then it's no wonder, it's been so long."

Sun Yan said: "In short, you should take a look first. If it doesn't work, you can help me find a professional."

Presumably the small paintings on the street are not good things. They have been preserved to this day, and now they have to spend a lot of time looking for someone to restore them. It seems that this person likes this painting very much.

Yan Hai'an couldn't help feeling a little bit interested, and after breakfast, he went upstairs to Sun Yan's room.

"It was hung there before." Sun Yan pointed to the wall beside the bed, "It's put away now. I didn't realize it before."

He laughed at himself, and took out a drawing board wrapped in several layers from the closet. Yan Haian knew at a glance that it was a standard size, either 33*22 or 35*24.

The painting was unraveled. This is a less distinctive landscape painting. Probably everyone who learns to paint has painted such a painting. The only difference is that this painting has taken the path of impressionism. , the main body is a tree, and the sun-dappled appearance completely complies with what the author saw at the time. The day of sketching must be a good day, because the whole painting is filled with a layer of gold, which matches with the thriving tree to create a vibrant scene. world.

Yan Haian frowned, feeling that the painting looked very familiar.

Sun Yan carefully handed him the painting: "Look, it's all cracked here."

Yan Haian held it in his hand, and a mallet fell from his head. He couldn't even control his face, his eyes and mouth opened wide.

Sun Yan felt that something was wrong, seeing that he was stiff as if the pause button was being pressed, he snapped his fingers in front of him strangely: "What's wrong?"

"... This is what I drew..." Yan Hai'an's finger caressed across the screen, and turned to look carefully at the lower right corner. The thin lines cut by many small cracks really traced a freehand word "An".

In the third year of high school, the training camp, the picture frame, the classroom full of paint and turpentine smell, he can even think of the mood when he was thinking about the person he was going to give to when he was painting, and the regret and remorse when the painting was stolen.

Time flies, that boy was already ten years ago.

Yan Hai'an raised his head almost in a daze, and asked, "Why is this painting here with you?"

He seemed unable to believe the coincidences, and couldn't help repeating: "Why is this painting here with you?"

"I bought it..." Sun Yan was also stunned after finishing speaking.

He asked back with the same disbelief: "How could this painting be drawn by you?"

Sun Yan's heart was shaken, and there was an indescribable feeling and sudden surprise. He encountered this painting when he blamed himself the most, and he also looked at this painting to calm down when he was shaken. He had wondered countless times what kind of person would draw this picture full of happiness and hope, but he also knew that he would never know who that person was.

But today, he saw it.

The two of them stared at each other incredulously. They didn't know each other at that time, but they already had a connection in such an extreme coincidence.

In an instant, the fate that suddenly reigns in ordinary life is shocking. The overwhelming emotions washed over the soul, it was too complicated and huge, it seemed that there was no time to taste it. But it does take something away and bring something back.

Then, everything was a little bit different.

"This painting..." Prompted by the subtle atmosphere hidden in the air, Sun Yan coughed twice, thinking that he should say something, but realized that he had already revealed his liking for this painting to Yan Hai'an. Jing, the man who never twitched even when he slept with someone suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "Hey, the painting is not bad. When you drew this painting, you must be in a good mood, right?"

It's not just good, it's really good.

Yan Hai'an lowered his head to look at the painting, and slowly said: "I was in a hurry to catch up with this painting, and applied varnish before the paint was dry. So you see, the painting is a bit foggy."

He would not deny Sun Yan's evaluation. In all fairness, among all his works, this painting is definitely the best one. It's not like a person who is not talented like him.

All because I want to give it to that person.

With the sweetness and longing of his first love in his arms, he fully integrated his feelings into this canvas.

It is the innocent love of youth that endows this painting with unparalleled spirituality.