Improper Relationship

Chapter 25: curious


Probably because the cold medicine before going to bed worked, Yan Hai'an slept well at night. However, his wrist really hurt, so he didn't pay attention to it at first, and put the ointment Sun Ling gave him in the drawer. As a result, when he got up the next day, he found a circle of black on his wrist. This thing was so conspicuous that Yan Hai'an had to choose a broadband watch and wear it on his right hand to cover it up.

He knew that his state was very serious, and this seriousness came from his bad mood. Yan Haian wanted to control it, so he tried hard to work.

Contact the exhibition financial statement business situation news media...

"Good morning."

Li Jinjing, the girl at the front desk, looked at the big boss with a paralyzed face in fear. Why is the boss's face so tense? Why do you seem to be spraying people at any time

She kept recalling whether she had made any mistakes at work, and carefully said: "Good morning."

In order to ease the atmosphere, Yan Hai'an smiled at her.

Li Jinjing: "..."

It's completely like "I know what you did yourself, hehe, I just see if you are conscious or not, so you can confess it quickly so you can avoid being scolded", but I really haven't done anything wrong lately? ! Is it too long to eat breakfast in the morning? Or is it too early for lunch? Or was it found playing on the phone? Which one is it

Yan Haian entered the office at the back. Li Jinjing held his heart, thought for a long time, and began to wipe the table. My colleague Wu Fang came late and said in surprise, "Why are you working so hard today? Why are you cleaning the table early in the morning?"

Jin Xiaomei pointed upstairs: "I feel that the big boss is in a bad mood today."

"Why, I think he's in a good mood recently." Wu Fang put the bag under the table, "Have you had a fight with the little boss?"

Li Jinjing wondered: "No way, I have quarreled before, but every time the little boss is upset, when is it the big boss' turn to be angry?"

The two bosses who are equally handsome and young and have a good relationship are the favorite content of gossip among colleagues. The two babbled for a while, reviewing the past to learn the new, and added new content. When the teacher who led the guests and the first guest arrived, they returned to their respective positions and worked hard. After all, the superiors are upset for some reason, and it is always right for migrant workers to be careful.


Li Jinjing immediately put down the phone, raised her head and looked straight ahead with a smile.

Wu Fang touched her again: "Look outside."

The studio is on the second floor of a commercial building, and outside the door is the passage of the shopping mall. Li Jinjing followed her words and looked out, but saw nothing except people.

She said: "You startled me, I thought the boss came out."

"Did you see that man outside? What's he doing standing at our door?" Wu Fang asked suspiciously, "Why does he look familiar?"

After her pointing, Li Jinjing realized that she was facing the door of their studio, leaning on the railing against that person, smoking with her head down, and looked up at them from time to time.

Doesn't look like a nice guy.

"Wow, when did you stand there?" Li Jinjing poked her head out, fearing that she would be discovered, so she quickly shrank back.

Wu Fang said: "It's been a long time, I took a look at it before."

It's almost time for dinner, what is the person at the door trying to do

Yan Hai'an sat in the office for a long time, did nothing because of the pain in his hands, and only answered a phone call halfway. His elder brother Yan Haijian called because he was determined to bring his son to City B to see the world during the summer vacation. Originally, he also wanted to ask the distant relative who was a teacher in city B to send his child to city B to study in high school like Yan Haian did back then. It's just that Yan Hai'an's expulsion did not affect well, and now their family has no contact with others.

After confirming the itinerary with Yan Haijian, Yan Haian was idle again. Mo Yisheng went out to ride his bike early in the morning today, and he probably won't be back all day, which made him seem to have nothing to do.

Even if this is the case, he doesn't want to apply the medicine, because the medicine will have a smell, and he will know where his body is uncomfortable as soon as he smells it. Regardless of any aspect, he is very unaccustomed to showing weakness in front of others.

Yan Hai'an knew that he couldn't go on like this, he had been decadent all morning, and it was time to do something. But he felt as if a big stone was pressed in his heart, he was so dull that he couldn't breathe, and the premonition of losing something was like a sharp needle constantly poking his brain, which was painful and annoying.

In the past, when he had nothing to think about, he had to think about Mo Yisheng, whether the child had eaten or not, whether he had gotten up or not, and whether he would draw and paint until he forgot to sleep and eat. Sometimes he feels like a helpless single mother, focusing on his only son, and nothing else matters.

"well… "

Yan Hai'an sighed, the emotions from last night were lightened by the night, allowing him to return to the rational thinking he was used to. Although Sun Yan's words yesterday were extreme, his own reaction didn't need to be that big.

After all, they are only bed partners in name, and they have no responsibilities to each other other than maintaining physical hygiene. He thought to himself mockingly, asking for more than this, but not giving the same thing, it is only natural that he got such a result.

Maybe if he really allocated half of the energy on Mo Yisheng to Sun Yan, things would be completely different.

This matter is a mess, Yan Hai'an is going to postpone thinking about it. He stood up and walked out of the office, intending to watch the students' paintings. As soon as he walked out, Wu Fang came up to meet him: "Boss, there is a man who has been standing at our door for a long time, and I don't know what he is going to do."

Yan Haian frowned and looked out the glass door.

Occasionally, pedestrians passed by, but the person Wu Fang mentioned was not there.

Wu Fang was also surprised: "The one who was still there just now..."

"If you find something is wrong, call the police directly." Yan Hai'an explained it neatly, then turned around and went to greet the teacher in class.

Good-looking people always want to be popular. He and Mo Yisheng are very popular among students, and many female members apply for these two people. As soon as Yan Hai'an passed by, a girl asked, "Teacher, why can't I look like a picture here?"

The copy she chose was Van Gogh's sunflowers, probably because the real hand was damaged, and the painted flowers were very damaged. Yan Haian leaned down, took the paintbrush and helped her make adjustments: "It's better to draw the lines here..."

There was a very natural light fragrance on his body, at this time he approached, and he could smell it faintly. The girl's face was a little red. In fact, she had no other intentions, but it was quite pleasant to be close to such a pleasing person.

"I'm here for class."

A faint voice came from the front desk, and the movements of Yan Haian's brushes stopped. He froze for a moment before continuing to draw as if nothing had happened.

Simple copying is very simple for people like them who have learned it, but a few strokes can save the painting so that it can be seen. He returned the paintbrush to the girl and straightened up, longing to go back to his office and sit a little longer.

"You gold card members here want one-on-one guidance, right?"

The voice came behind him, obviously speaking to him.

Yan Haian turned around, flustered for a while, and put on a business-like smile on his face urgently: "Mr. Sun..."

Sun Yan didn't look at him, but stared coldly at the girl who was painting just now. His gaze was so prescient that the girl noticed it, and couldn't help turning her head to look at the two of them suspiciously. When she saw Sun Yan's black face facing her, she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Mr. Sun." Yan Hai'an couldn't let him scare his students casually, so he had to take the initiative to say hello, "What's the matter with you?"

Sun Yan withdrew his gaze, but he didn't look at Yan Hai'an either. He lowered his eyes, which made him completely lose the arrogance of the past. Instead, he looked like a big cat that fell into the water, with all its fur drooping.

He didn't speak for a long time, and just stood there with Yan Hai'an. The two men who were not low in altitude stood behind her, and the female student was very uncomfortable and couldn't draw anymore.

Yan Hai'an tentatively asked again: "Mr. Sun, what can you do?"

The trace of expectation in his words was so small that he didn't even notice it.

Sun Yan maintained a posture of not looking at him, and said, "I got a card before, and I come to class today."

His voice was a little hoarse, and combined with the almost smoky smell of tobacco on his body, he probably smoked too much.

This card was given by Sun Yan when he fell in love with Mo Yisheng. Yan Hai'an thought he had forgotten it, but he didn't expect to come to class today.

In any case, after spending with them, that is the customer, Yan Haian was a little nervous, rubbed his fingers together, nodded and said: "No problem, you have signed up for the full course, I will ask them to arrange a seat for you, in a while The teacher will come to guide you specially."

Most of the courses they offer are interest classes. Even if you copy a painting you like, the fee for the test size is only a few hundred yuan. At the beginning, Sun Yan signed up for the most expensive one. The most expensive thing they have here is the complete course, starting from the most basic lines, and training people as painters.

Sun Yan didn't know anything about it, and he didn't care about the content: "Who is the instructor?"

Yan Hai'an dutifully said: "Our best teacher Wang Ruo here. He happened to be here today."

Wang Ruo is different from other migrant students. Although he also works part-time, his job is to be a teacher in the college. The only problem is that his time is not fixed and he needs to make an appointment in advance.

Sun Yan was originally reckless, but a few words revealed his true nature, and he looked up at Yan Hai'an very dissatisfied: "I spent tens of thousands of dollars and you just find such a thing to teach me?"

The female student has completely entered the state of listening to gossip. Yan Hai'an grabbed Sun Yan, took two steps to the side, let go and said in a low voice: "Mr. Sun, I hope you can learn to respect others."

When Yan Hai'an said this, he was a little accusatory, which reminded Sun Yan of the quarrel between the two last night, and he suddenly stopped. But his personality is destined that he will not be the one who will obediently admit his mistakes: "I just want to say why it is so expensive, why don't you choose a teacher?"

Why is it so expensive? Even a painting worth 700,000 yuan is not willing to hang on the wall. Do you think the tuition fee of 35,000 yuan is too expensive? You seem to be making me laugh.

Yan Hai'an seriously doubted whether Sun Yan knew how much he had paid, and he helped to swipe the card, and this guy didn't even look at it.

But at any rate, this guy is now a client, Yan Haian asked: "Then who are you going to choose? Mo Yisheng can't, he is very busy and doesn't have that much time."

He said this without any other meaning, just presenting the facts. However, when it comes to Mo Yisheng, especially when Yan Hai'an pops out of his mouth, Sun Yan not only wants to explode, but also wants to explode on the spot.

He said: "Yan Hai'an, I solemnly tell you that if you mention these three words in front of me again..."

Yan Hai'an looked at him, a little curious about what harsh words he was going to say.

Seeing Yan Haian staring at him without blinking, Sun Yan swallowed back the threat involuntarily.

Really depressed as hell.

He always felt that if he chased this person around again, sooner or later he would be unable to stop the car. But in this world, there is always parting between life and death. It doesn't matter if people who are casual acquaintances come and go, but once those who value them leave, it will be too painful.

Maybe Sun Ling is right, he is a coward.

Of course, these are not important. The important thing is that Sun Yan feels that he can no longer stop the car.

When the hell did this start? Is it because I am too superficial, and I started to pay attention when I found out that this person is much better-looking than I thought? Is it the beginning of discovering his gracious character under the polite surface? Or did you discover that the painting that accompanied you for many years came from his hands

He was too curious about Yan Hai'an.

And curiosity can lead to too many things.